Division of Social Work ATTN: Field Education Program 6000 J Street, MRP 4010 Sacramento, CA 95819-6090 Phone: (916) 278-6943 Fax: (916) 278-7167 www.csus.edu/hhs/sw/index.html Instructions: If your agency is interested in accepting one or more social work students for purposes of their professional development, please complete this application and scan/email to ryan.jones@csus.edu, fax to the number above, or mail to the address above. Agency Information Today’s Date ______________________________ Formal Agency Name: Program/Site: Physical Address*: City: Website: County: State: Zip: *If your agency has multiply programs/sites, please list your main office here and attach a separate sheet for other locations. Main Contact Person This person will act as the point of contact for the Agency application process. Name: Phone: ( ) Title: Fax: ( ) Email Legal Signatory for the Internship Agreement (MOU) This is the person authorized to enter into Agreements or Contacts on behalf of the Agency – usually a CEO, Director, Manager, Supervisor, etc. If not known, mark “TBD” and provide information when available. Name: Phone: ( ) Title: Fax: ( ) Email Contact Person for Student Interviews This is the person the student will contact to schedule the interview for their Field placement - If not known, mark “TBD” and provide information when available.. Name: Phone: ( ) Title: Best Time to Call: Email BASW & MSW Field Placements The agency will be able to offer field placements to students at the following levels of preparedness: (Check all that apply and indicate # of students for each) ( )Advanced Level (MSW II students) # of students _____ ( )Foundation Level (BASW & MSW I students) # of students with 0-2 years previous experience in human services _____ # of students with 3-5 years previous experience in human services _____ # of students with more than 5 years previous experience in human services _____ Revised Mar 2016 Page 1 of 3 Field Instructor / Task Supervisor Information Please identify the professional social workers (must have an MSW) employed by your agency, regardless of their work site location, who are available, qualified and willing to provide field instruction to the social work students placed in your agency. Please attach an additional sheet if necessary. Note: Field instructors listed on this application must complete the Field Instructor Application Form and attend Field Instructor Training. Date Received Field Instructor Phone Email Address On-site? MSW/LCSW Degree Name ( ) ( )Yes ( )No ( ) ( )Yes ( )No ( ) ( )Yes ( )No If there are no professional social workers available, is your agency willing to A) find and sign an agreement with a professional social worker outside your agency to provide on-site field instruction to a student(s) and B) designate a staff person to act as Task Supervisor who will provide daily on-site task supervision and monitoring to the student(s)? ( )Yes ( )No Task Supervisor Name: Title: Task Supervisor Name: Title: Phone: ( Email: Phone: ( Email: ) ) Agency Profile 1. Sector (Check only one): ( )Non-Profit ( )For-Profit ( )Public/Government ( )Educational Inst. If a K-12 school, is PPS supervision available? ( )Yes ( )No 2. Would your agency be able to offer a stipend for BASW students? MSW students? ( ( )Yes ( )Yes ( )No )No 3. Does the agency require that a student have a vehicle for placement-related duties? ( 4. Does your organization use volunteers? ( ) Yes ( )No If yes, does the organization have a policy covering volunteers? ( 5. Does the agency require fingerprints and/or a background check? ( 6. Does the agency require health checks and/or vaccinations? ( )Yes ( )Yes ( )Yes ( 7. Does the agency bill for 3rd party payments (includes Medi-Cal)? ( )Yes ( )No )No )No )Yes ( )No Note: Agencies that bill for clients seen by students are expected to provide students a stipend in recognition that the work of students is producing monetary resources for the agency. 8. Does the agency prefer bilingual students to perform client services? ( If yes, specify language(s). ____________ )Yes ( 9. Does the agency offer evening and/or weekend hours for field placement? ( )No )Yes ( 10. Does the agency require an early start for training purposes? ( )Yes ( )No Note: Students begin field placement the 2 nd week of the Fall semester. Revised Mar 2016 Page 2 of 3 )No )No Agency Clientele 1. Check the primary ethnic majority of the agency’s client population: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 2. Check the primary population(s) served by the agency: )African American )Asian / Pacific Islander )Caucasian )Latino )Native American )All )Other (specify) _______________________ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )Children )Adolescents )Adult Men )Adult Women )Older Adults )Families )Disabled )Immigrant )Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) )Other (specify) _________________________ Agency Service Areas Check the primary service area(s) of practice in the agency: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )Child Welfare (CPS, foster care, adoptions, etc.) )Mental Health )Health or Medical )School-Based )Disability or Rehabilitation )Criminal Justice, Corrections or Probation )Welfare, Employment Assistance or Social Services ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )Cultural or Immigrant Services )Alcohol, Drug or Substance Abuse )Aging or Gerontology )Homelessness or Poverty )Social Justice )Victim Services )Other (specify) __________________________ Agency Practice Modalities Check the level of practice & modality emphasis in which students get actual experience: Level of Practice Level of Practice Level of Practice ( )Direct (micro) ( )Indirect (meso) ( )Indirect (macro) Modality Emphasis Modality Emphasis Modality Emphasis (Please check all that apply) (Please check all that apply) (Please check all that apply) ( )Case Management ( )Counseling / Therapy ( )Advocacy ( )Group Work ( )Outreach ( )Other (specify) _______________________ ( )Administration ( )Supervision ( )Other (specify) _______________________ ( )Policy Development ( )Community Organizing ( )Planning ( )Evaluation ( )Lobbying ( )Advocacy ( )Other (specify) ________________________ Thank you for completing and returning this form. Sacramento State requires a Field Placement Agreement be signed in order to establish your agency as an approved facility/program for Social Work Field Instruction. Upon receipt of this application, the Field Administrative Assistant will notify the Procurement and Contracts Office to send the Field Placement Agreement directly to the Legal Signatory or main contact person listed on this application unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Director of Field Education, Mimi Lewis at mimi.lewis@csus.edu or Field Administrative Coordinator at ryan.jones@csus.edu. Revised Mar 2016 Page 3 of 3