Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. Technical Assistance Service Contract for the implementation of the project “Capacity Building of Civil Society in the IPA countries and Territories (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey). EuropeAid /127427/C/SER/Multi - additional services Open Call with Terms of Reference for one Senior Short Term Expert (STE) to Assist TACSO BiH office in delivering technical assistance to IPA multi beneficiary (MB) grantees Background of the assignment General objective of TACSO project is to strengthen the overall capacities and accountability of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the IPA beneficiaries and to guarantee the quality of services and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the democratic process. The main objectives of the project are: To increase and improve the capacity and actions of CSOs and To improve the democratic role of CSOs. Within the TACSO Component 2: Research, help desk and guidance we find needed to organize specific and targeted technical assistance - guidance for BiH civil society organizations that are implementing MB projects, both as main applicant or project partner. We also find needed to promote new upcoming EU/ IPA MB calls for proposals and organize informative sessions for interested CSOs. TACSO technical assistance to IPA MB grantees is seen as combination of several forms, such as: Joint TA sessions/workshops for all CSOs – MB grantees. Topics should be selected based on needs identified and frequently asked questions addressing TACSO BH help desk Assistance to individual or group of organizations in their request (meetings, mail or phone communication) Dissemination of best practices and lessons learnt re implementation of MB projects Scope of the assignment The main purpose of this assignment is to assist TACSO BiH team to provide additional help to EU MB project grantees and partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to implement awarded projects successfully. Joint meeting should enable exchange of experiences in projects implementation, identify common challenges and share best practicesworkable solutions. TACSO direct technical assistance and facilitation is also foreseen as needed in some particular cases. Addition to that, the goal is to transfer existing experience to future grantees. In specific, Short Term Expert will provide assistance to the TACSO Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the following: Assisting TACSO team in assessing needs- common MB projects grantees’ issues to be addressed at TA session/workshop and delivering TA workshop(s) for up to 25 participants; Assisting TACSO team in providing direct TA assistance to selected number of organizations (up to 10) on their request and contracting party advice (mail, phone or in person if needed); Identifying best practices and challenges - lessons learnt of MB grantees and putting it together in the form of document to be of the interest and benefit for other organizations. TACSO Bosnia and Herzegovina Office • Kalesijska 14 • 71 000 Sarajevo • t: +387 (0)33 656 877 • e-mail: SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. Deliverables/results TA workshop session design based on grantees needs assessment; Report on TA workshop session delivered (goals, agenda, participants, short summary for web site, findings, recommendation); Short report (note) on each direct / individual assistance delivered; Review of best practices and challenges in implementation of EU/ IPA MB projects – lessons learnt; Note: All reports and deliverables should be written in English. The work will be coordinated by TACSO Bosnia and Herzegovina Project Officer and supervised by Resident Advisor. Location of assignment Sarajevo Duration and Timing of the Assignment February 2012 – March 2013 Short Term Consultant’s working days Maximum of 5 senior experts days are available for the whole assignment. Profile of the STE: Qualifications and skills University degree in social sciences, advanced degree is an asset The expert should have proven minimum 10 years of professional experience in the field of civil society development that includes EU project management, monitoring and evaluation experience Proven professional experience with international organizations providing TA and grant scheme management is required Proven professional experience in training, coaching/consulting/advising Good understanding of CSO sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Proven knowledge of PRAG regulations Experience an knowledge of EU practices and policies Strong computer literacy Fluency in written and spoken both B/H/S and English Applicants must be independent and free from any conflict of interest. Monitoring and evaluation of the STE The activity will be monitored by the TACSO BiH Resident Advisor. The STE will deliver a Final mission report to the TACSO Office before remuneration. Payment procedure Payment of expert’s fee will be done after the assignment is completed. Expert’s fee covers expert’s engagement as well as other costs that might occur during the assignment such as travel, accommodation and communication costs. Application Deadline for application is January 30, 2012, by 3 PM Application set should consist of: CV in EU format, application letter (stating main personal references related to the assignment requirements and expected daily fee should be sent to the following e-mail address: with the subject title: “STE application for IPA MB TA” TACSO Bosnia and Herzegovina Office • Kalesijska 14 • 71 000 Sarajevo • t: +387 (0)33 656 877 • e-mail: SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania