Meeting Minutes (ENG)

Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Albania Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Date: February 17, 2016
Venue: Hotel Tirana International
Main Topic of discussion: Reactivation and increase of performance of LAG in Albania
Present in the meeting:
1. Genci Pasko TACSO Albania Office
2. Stefano Calabretta, EUD to Albania
3. Bardhylka Kospiri, Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth
4. Entela Lako, UNDP Office in Albania
5. Olsi Dekovi, Council of Europe
6. Mihallaq Qirjo, REC Office in Albania
7. Eleni Jajçari, Me the Woman, local CSO
8. Erion Banushi, Government Office for Supporting Civil Society in Albania
9. Ornela Xhera, TACSO Albania Office
Absent in the Meeting:
1. Gentian Elezi, Ministry of European Integration
2. Aleksander Çipa, Union of Journalist’s League
The meeting was open by the resident Advisor of TACSO Albania Office, Mr. Genci Pasko, who
emphasized that much time had lapsed since the last LAG meeting, held in April 2014, where new
financial priorities for IPA/CSF II were discussed with the head of D5 Unit, Mr. Betolini.
The reasons for this situation are linked to objective and subjective factors – underlined Mr. Pasko.
First, the future continuation of services performed by TACSO Albania Office during the last year
has been unclear. The normal selection by tender of the Resource Center that would hand over
TACSO services once that project would terminate, proved to be dysfunctional. After the evaluation
of the consortiums competing for the assignment, the proposal from the Tender Evaluation
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Albania Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Committee was the two consortiums should collaborate together by offering their expertise on their
own strong areas of operations. Unfortunately, this precondition was not accepted by members of
one consortium and two negotiation processes that followed, commissioned by Regional TACSO
Office, failed.
In the meantime, the commitment from LAG members has not been very proactive, as most of them
are working for important developing agencies and have difficulties in finding/sharing their time for
TACSO matters. This has been reflected especially in the regional event of TACSO, where
participation of LAG members from Albania has been almost a “mission impossible”. However,
despite the objective and subjective reasons the performance of LAG should be improved and the
recent notice from our client in Brussels stating that LAG in Albania is underperforming is quite
right. Therefore fast and concrete actions should be taken in order to activate LAG, concluded Mr.
Pasko his opening remarks.
Further on, by referring to the points of the agenda, Mr. Pasko made a presentation to the work
performance by TACSO Albania Office during the year 2015. “Although the human resources of
TACSO Albania has not been backed up by those of RC like in other countries, we have been fully
committed and active in providing TACSO services to a wide range of intervention areas-underlined.
Mr. Pasko presented TACSO activities for 2015, grouped into three areas of operations including:
Enabling environment;
Capacity Building activities
Support to CSF
P2P action
The results of TACSO Work have been quite positive, which is reflected on the huge number of
attendance by CSO representatives of TACSO events and a continuous interactions with CSOs in
Albania, concluded Mr. Pasko the presentation of TACSO performance during the year 2015.
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Albania Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Mr. Stefano Calabretta, the TASK Manager for Civil Society at EU Delegation to Albania
stressed that TACSO is a project and a tool in itself and like this one day it will come to an end.
However the heritage of TACSO has to put a value by transferring TACSO services to a sustainable
base in the future. The challenge is to find the best way and to consolidate the benefits for civil
society as well as to match the good work done by TACSO with a wide ownership. It is true that
TACSO services including information sessions, trainings and capacity building activities have been
commended and have generated a wide attendance, but we need to find the best exit strategy in order
to leave the heritage of TACSO in a safe ground. One of the options would be to reactivate and
strengthen the role of TACSO LAG as a transitional structure that might hand over the technical
assistance services from TACSO to the Resource Center, after 2017 where a new call is expected to
be launched. In setting out to achieve this we might need to find more members in order to introduce
new areas of achievements, at a time where the dialogue with government institutions has become
operational, underlined Mr. Calabretta his points of remarks.
Mr. Olsi Dekovi from the Council of Europe mission in Albania pointed out that civil society
organizations in Albania are facing still with very strong needs therefore it is important to link the
previous with future priorities. In order to do this new opportunities should be open to other
organizations and even individuals that can play and important contribution to civil society
development. “I don’t know the future support to civil society. The situation is that some
organizations are playing with the others on the same approach so the question is how various small
and local CSOs may complement each-other. Maybe we should look at the opportunity of inviting on
our LAG other types of CSOs like trade unions, community based organizations, universities, etc”
concluded Mr. Dekovi his remarks.
Mr. Calabretta underlined that the idea of expanding the LAG with trade unions, universities, and
especially networks is of a paramount importance, because of we are facing now a impressive flow
of activities performed by various networks. The novelty to EU financial support to civil society
through supporting FPAs is a good demonstration of this fact. In this sense the networks might be an
important link as “god intermediaries” in the LAG.
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Mr. Erion Banushi
the Government Agency for Supporting the Civil Society proposed
This project is funded
by the European Union.
inclusion of LAG members from the networks organizations applying as representatives of Civil
Society in the National Council for Cooperation between the Government and Civil Society, which
can be an important convey of TACSO messages to the Council.
Mr. Genci Pasko agreed on the proposal but since the selection of CS representatives to the national
Council might take some time, for the time being this proposal is not effective from the time point of
Following the proposal on the representation of networks on LAG, Mr. Mihallaq Qirjo from REC
Albania, emphasized that this new approach might give a boast to TACSO LAG dynamics, but
within limited space, because TACSO activities are somehow well defined and top-down
enforcement on its directions and operations usually prevails. The role of LAG in managing TACSO
performance is simple consultative and as long as it will remain like this, there might not be a serious
motivation for playing a more proactive role from the LAG. However, the diversification of LAG
structure with outspoken persons from academic institutions who might contribute to civil society
support by looking at things from a different viewpoint could be quite useful. With regard to the
proposal to invite representatives from community based organizations, Mr. Qirjo considered this
option as not an easy due to the fact that this type of organizations operate on add-hoc bases without
a good opportunities for the future sustainability. At the end of his speech Mr. Qirjo proposed to
invite LAG members to TACSO activities as a mean that can increase their activism and a better
support to TACSO project.
Mrs. Bardhylka Konspiri, from the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth underlined that it is
good to think over the issue of LAG extension, although we can still generate new ideas even after
the meeting. She also pointed out that it would be also good to get acquainted with expectations of
civil society in Albania about having the assistance from TACSO and in which cases these
expectations have not been met.
Mr. Pasko reported that such concerns have always been subject of monitoring and evaluation
reports developed by DG ELARGEMENT as well as Needs Assessment Reports that are prepared on
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Albania Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
monthly bases. Even at these moments we are talking about preparations for developing the Needs
Assessment Report for the years 2014-2015 are under ways.
Mrs. Entela Lako from UNDP Office in Albania was of the opinion that expanding the LAG with
too many new members could not be a very effective idea, as the intensive talks from many people
trying to bring in their own diverse ideas could somehow lead to disruptive and time consuming
discussions, as well as difficulties in reaching a consensus. Mrs. Lako also underlined the fact that
except environmental networks it might be difficult to identify consolidated ones. Alternatively, the
invitation to the LAG could be extended to youth organizations, or people with disabilities, not
forgetting ROMA CSOs that could contribute with their own perspectives.
Mr. Eleni Jajçari from “Me the Woman” Association repeated that the formula of extending the
LAG of TACSO Albania Office with network representatives was fine but the sustainability issue of
them could be put in the question mark. However, there are still consolidated networks that under
technical and financial support of donor organizations have been able to develop and ensure
sustainability of their funds and their operations. “In this frame, I could mention the case of Albanian
Women Empowerment Network (AWEN) that functions as a very good model that should be
replicated by other networks, or organizations”, concluded Mrs. Jajçari her discussion.
After discussions it was agreed among LAG members that five new members should join this
structure encompassing
3 Members from 3 networks operating g in the areas of:
a) Human Rights and Democratization
b) Social Inclusion and Youth
c) Economic Development and Culture.
1 member from academic institutions
1 member from media organizations
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
The Resident Advisor
TACSO Albania Office underlined the importance of open and This
project is funded
by the European Union.
process for selecting the new LAG members after publishing the announcement in TACSO webpage.
Mr. Pasko was charged by LAG with the responsibility to prepare the announcement and take
relevant actions accordingly.
TACSO Albania Office • Rr" Donika Kastrioti", Kotoni Business Centre, K-3, Nr.7 • Tirana • Tel.+355 (4) 22 59597 •
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania