Spring 2010 Professor Blake CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO College of Business Administration OPM 160 – Principles of Quality Management INSTRUCTOR: Herbert Blake, Jr., Ph.D., CPIM OFFICE: TAH-2120 OFFICE HOURS: appointment. Monday/Wednesday: 10:30 – 11:00am, 3:00 – 4:00pm; or by MESSAGES: 278-7106 (voice); 278-5437 (fax); blakeh@csus.edu (e-mail) WEBSITE: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/b/blakeh TEXT: Foster, S. Thomas, Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain, 4th edition, 2010. OBJECTIVES: OPM160 is a study of the major principles of quality management: customer focus, continuous improvement, employee involvement, and process improvement. Case studies and projects are used to gain knowledge of how to implement quality management principles. GRADING: Grades are assigned based on the total points that you accumulate during the term; possible points are as follows: First Exam Second (Final) Exam Term Project Homework Assignments TOTAL 100 points 100 points 100 points 150 points 450 points OPM 160 Professor Blake COURSE REQUIREMENTS This course is presented as a seminar. I will set and maintain the class schedule, conduct in-class discussions, and monitor your progress by providing numerous feedback opportunities. Please try to attend and participate in all classes. Outside of class, you are to prepare for upcoming class assignments and to choose and complete an appropriate term project. Assignments/in-class activities: Assignments will sometimes require individual research. Please provide your answers to the question, case, or problem the next day after we finish that chapter. For outside of the book assignments (MBNQA and Six Sigma), you are to find an article that discusses how an organization is using the stated quality management topic and submit a one-page summary. The summary outline: Briefly identify the organization (location, products/services, etc). Describe how it implements and uses the quality management concept. List the results/benefits that the organization has realized by using the concept. Cite the reference(s) used. The summary format: Word-processed, block format: single-spaced paragraphs, double-spacing between paragraphs. Name, course, due date in header. In-class activities will include group participation in the term project. Term project: The group project proposals are due Wednesday, 7 April 2010. We will form groups earlier in the semester with a maximum of 5 members. The project is to focus on the main theme of the course, which is how to use quality management to improve a firm’s competitive position vis-à-vis other firms in its industry. Oral presentations will be made to the class as scheduled at the end of the term. [Plan to make a ~20 minute presentation using PowerPoint slides.] The final written reports are due on Wednesday, 12 May 2010. Your paper’s text should be 6-10 pages using the block format above. Appendices, pictures, and similar material may supplement the text. Please document all information sources! You are encouraged to discuss project ideas with me in advance of the proposal due date. Options for the group projects include field studies of a local firm; e.g., discussing the quality management strategies that it is using for competitive advantage or writing a case study of a problem that can be solved by adopting particular quality management strategies. A second option is secondary research on a national firm—describing quality management strategies that it is using to achieve competitive advantage. When grading group projects, I expect to see evidence of effort proportional to the group size; and I will give extra credit points to projects that are field studies of a local firm. If the option is available, I will encourage authors of the best papers to submit their work to the APICS Donald W. Fogarty International Student Paper Competition. 2 OPM 160 Professor Blake CLASS SCHEDULE: Wk Day Date Mon Wed Mon Wed 25 January 27 January 1 February 3 February Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon 8 February 10 February 15 February 17 February 22 February Wed Mon Wed Mon 24 February 1 March 3 March 8 March Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed 10 March 15 March 17 March 22 March 24 March Mon 5 April Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed Mon Wed 7 April 12 April 14 April 19 April 21 April 26 April 28 April 3 May 5 May 10 May 12 May Fin. Mon 17 May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Topic Chap H.W. OPM160 Introduction Differing Perspectives on Quality Quality Theory Global Supply Chain Quality and International Quality Standards Strategic Quality Planning The Voice of the Customer FURLOUGH DAY The Voice of the Market Quality and Innovation in Product and Process Design -1 2 -DQ #13 DQ # 19 3 DQ #9 4 5 DQ #3 DQ #6 6 DQ #5 7 DQ #11 Designing Quality Services 8 DQ #4 9 DQ #15 10 DQ #12 Mid-Term Examination Managing Supplier Quality in the Supply Chain The Tools of Quality Statistically Based Quality Improvement for Variables Statistical Based Quality Improvement for Attributes SPRING BREAK Statistical Based Quality Improvement for Attributes Six Sigma Management and Lean Tools Managing Quality Improvement Teams and Projects Implementing and Validating the Quality System Group Project Presentations FINAL EXAM (12:45 – 2:45pm) DQ: Discussion Question (end of chapter) PROB: Problem (end of chapter) 3 11 12 PROB #10 PROB #16 12 PROB #16 13 DQ #7 14 DQ #3 15 DQ #4