Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
TACSO by VESTA, Danijela Ozme 1/I • 71 000 Sarajevo • t: +387 (0)33 269 315; 269 316 • e-mail:
TACSO Bosnia and Herzegovina Office, Danijela Ozme 1/I • 71 000 Sarajevo • t: +387 (0)33 269 315; 269 316 • e-mail:
TACSO Project implemented by Consortium led by FCG SIPU International AB Sweden.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Introduction ........................................................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Coruse of the Conference ................................................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Results of the Conference ................................................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Report on media coverage ............................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Annexes to the Report ....................................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
EU Project for Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations in BIH (TACSO BH) on 28 October
2015, organized a one day Conference„EU Guidelines for civil society 2014-2020, Introduction to monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina“.
The conference contributed to:
Establishing a platform for unique harmonized message about the importance of the process and validation of sources to be used by 2020.
Estimation of changes in environment in next two years period of what can be measured and how.
Providing unique learning opportunity for key stakeholders and CSO environment related to EU
Guidelines framework.
Key expectations of the Conference were focused on:
Recognising and understanding of the document “Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020“ at all administrative levels in BIH in terms of objectives, results, indicators, ways of gathering and systematization of data and the
Introduction to all key stakeholders, civil society organizations and governmental institutions of the monitoring process of the EU Guidelines for support to civil society 2014 - 2020.
The European Union, in the document „Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020 “, established the framework for monitoring the development of civil society in the six key areas, as indicated in the following table.
Key areas Group areas
An enabling legal and policy environment for the exercise of rights of freedom, expression, assembly and association
An enabling financial environment would support sustainability of CSOs
Civil society and public institutions work in partnership through dialogue and cooperation, based
on the willingness, trust and mutual acknowledgment around common interest
Capable, transparent and accountable CSOs
Effective CSOs
Financially sustainable CSOs
Enabling environment for the development of civil society
The relationship of civil society and government
Capacities of civil society organisations
Pic. 1. Key areas for monitoring of
„Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020“
Within the support of TACSO program it is ensured the definition of benchmarks in enlargement countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey, while the targets for each country are determined individually according to the degree of development of civil society and the context in which it operates.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
The intention of the European Commission is to provide support in order to achieve the set priorities, by using an approach that is strategically oriented, effective and results-oriented.
Pic. 2. Opening the Conference
The conference “Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020 -
Introduction to monitoring in BIH“was attended by 67 participants:
officials of the European Union (6%),
representatives of state and entity governments, Brcko District Government, relevant government institutions and agencies in BiH (36%)
civil society organizations (CSOs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (42%)
representatives of international organizations and projects (10%)
4 representatives of the media (6%)
The Conference was preceded by activities at regional and national level in the course of which the key needs and actors for quality positioning of monitoring process in BH since 2014 were identified.
Regional conference of TACSO Project, Promotion of the CSF Guidelines: Current situation and way forward in monitoring, programming and progress reporting for the 2014-2020 period 1 .
Broaden forum of TACSO BH Local Advisory Group (LAG) called an broaden Forum for dialogue with key stakeholders for development of civil society in BiH, 30-31 October, 2014 2 ,
Workshop for national consultations TACSO BH, 10 March 2015,
The preparatory thematic meeting LAG for a regional conference „EU Monitoring Guidelines -
Year 1“, 24 April 2015,
Regional conference "Monitoring of the EU Guidelines for the Support to CS in the Enlargement
Countries, 2014-2020 – Year 1” which was held in Belgrade on 28-30 April, 2015.
Information about the document “Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries,
2014-2020 “ were provided within the opening panel by the representatives of the institutions of the
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
European Union (DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Office of Regional
Cooperation and the Western Balkans and Programmes and EUD BIH, Subdivision III, Social development, Civil Society and Cross-Border Cooperation, Ministry of Justice of BH, BH Directorate for
European Integrations Council of Ministers and the Regional Office of the TACSO project. The speakers were addressing the audiences from the perspective of the institution which they represent in accordance with the role anticipated in the promotion of the EU Guidelines. In this manner, the participants have been introduced to regional and national importance of the Guidelines, as well as the basic preconditions needed for the start of monitoring in BIH.
Second part of the Conference was workshop which gave insight to participants into the defined targets and benchmarks as well as the assessment of the posibility of monitoring in the next two years in BIH.
Participants marked their observations on prepared worksheets.
At the end of the Conference, the participants reported about the results of interactive work in the small groups. After the presentation, the feedback was also provided by the organizers and representatives of the European Commission, the General Administration of the neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations (DG NEAR) and the Office of regional cooperation of the Western Balkans and programming.
The key messages expressed in the evaluation of the conference are:
Conference is rated as exceptional and above-average (72%) in terms of understanding of the
“Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020“, recognizing the importance of the process of monitoring benchmarks as well as identifying potential challenges in the process of monitoring,
84% of participants said that they will use materials from the conference in their future work,
government representatives stated they will collect and provide data relating to the indicators in the monitoring process of the EU guidelines for the development of civil society for the purpose of contributing to Progres report of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and CSOs will provide information relating to the assessment of the capacity of CSO,
75% of participants believe that the Conference can initiate changes of policies and procedures in collecting data for creating an enabling environment for the development of civil society in
The content of the Conference was covered by the media with a total of 17 media releases (4 TV and 13 web portals).
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Course of the Conference
Conference is organized in two parts: the first two introductory panels and other workshop-type which methodologically have enabled participation and contribution of all participants.
After the introductory words of the organizers, Mrs. Slavica Drašković, TACSO BH Resident Advisor and
Mrs. Amra Selesković, directress of TASCO VESTA, participants were addressed by speakers.
Pic. 3 First part of the Conference – first introductory panel
Mr. Željko Bogut, Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of BH in his opening speech stressed out the importance of institutional mechanisms of cooperation with civil society in the process of joining BH to the European Union: „Civil society has an important role in developing and implementing policies regarding the European integration process, as it's confirmed by the Article 11 of the Lisbon Treaty which states the importance of cooperation with civil society and the establishment of civil dialogue.
With the adoption of the Reform Agenda, all levels of government have clearly confirmed the path of
Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the European Union. In this process civil society has a very important role to play, particularly through the promotion of EU values. Civil society as a constructive participant in civil dialogue in BiH, can and should play a significant role in addressing the challenges we face on the path to the European Union.''
Mr. Karl Giacinti, Program Manager Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
Negotiations, Western Balkans Regional Cooperation and Programmes, has addressed the importance of the monitoring of EU guidelines to support development of civil society in the enlargement countries in 2014 – 2020. „The purpose of the Guidelines is to strengthen dialogue and strategic cooperation between the European Union, public administration and civil society organizations. Guidelines are focused on the enabling environment for the development of civil society and strengthening its capacities. They enhance monitoring implementation and results where policy objectives are transformed into concrete „results-oriented“ framework. Also, Guidelines serve to identify needs and priorities for assistance under the IPA II program“.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Also, the importance of monitoring the Guidelines of EU support to civil society in BH in the process of preparation of the Progress Report, was highlighted by Massimo Mina, Head of Operations Section
III (Social Development, Civil Society and Cross Border Co-operation) of the EU Delegation in BH:
„The Commission will also develop a set of objectives, results and indicators for EU support to civil society which will allow for the measurement of progress at country level as well across the enlargement region, including also from a gender perspective The monitoring and evaluation system will include a yearly regional meeting with the involvement of CSOs to analyse the state of play and advancement towards targets. As this may serve as input into the annual progress reports, the political desks will be associated.”
Pic. 4 First part of the Conference – second introductory panel
Mrs. Jasenka Perović, team leader of TACSO team explained the role and activities of the TACSO
Project in the process of promotion and monitoring of the EU Guidelines for civil Society 2014 - 2020.
The importance and its participatory character of the Guidelines was emphasized as well as the fact that they are originated from the base. „The Guidelines provide a framework under which funds can be programed for assistance to civil society, for monitoring of the process of change and the effect on investment. Most importantly, they help those who are gathered around the EU Guidelines, especially representatives of the government and the CSO, but also to the citizens and the private sector, to approach to this topic on focused and harmonized manner.“
Mr. Goran Kučera, Senior Advisor for civil society, Ministry of Justice of BH has rated EU
Guidelines for support to Civil Society 2014-2020 as a prelude to a new approach to cooperation between the government and the civil society sector, as they represent significant component of the incentive for the development of CSOs and at the same time contribute programming of IPA assistance through the Civil Society Facility. Added value and importance of this document, according to Mr.
Kučera is also the fact that the results of monitoring will be used for preparation of the part of the
Progress report of BH's to the European Union. Mr. Kučera has reminded participants about changes within Rules on public consultation in 2014 and stressed out the operability of the e-platform for public consultation in the coming period as a result of CBGI project funded by the European Union.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Mr. Midhat Džemić, Head of Unit, BH Directorate for European Integrations, EU Assistance
Coordination Division spoke about participation of civil society organizations in the sectoral approach to programming EU support to Bosnia and Herzegovina: „Those of us who come from the NAC/NIPAC, which is the „main partner of the European Commission in the process of strategic planning, coordination
of programming, monitoring, implementation, evaluation and reporting of IPA assistance“, and at the same time part of the local administration at the highest administrative level, we are definitely aware of obligations to constantly work on creating the preconditions and opening space for civil society participation in policy-making processes in general, especially in the use of IPA assistance granted to us.
In this regard, we can say that in the case of our institution, civil society for some time now has been recognized as one of the partners in the preparation of IPA II assistance, while we are still left with work related to the implementation and monitoring, which largely depends on other institutions as well.“ With regard of the future activities of the NAC/NIPAC, Mr. Džemić stressed out the importance of e-platform for the implementation of the consultation process which does not exclude the possibility of direct participation of civil society in the direct consultations.
An introduction of all participants followed after these opening statements.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Results of the Conference
At the beginning of the second part of the Conference, TACSO BH Resident Advisor Mrs. Slavica
Drašković explained to participants the task by focusing on the worksheet that vividly captures the state of national indicators („traffic light“) and working materials with an overview of targets and benchmarks. It was explained to the participants that:
Government institutions have at their disposal a handout with an overview of the benchmarks for the first two components a) Enabling environment and b) Change in relations with CSOs and that their task is determine the national target (last column in material), which refers to the institution/the agency from which the participants come and estimate the status of national target according to the table in 2015 and the ability to measure it in 2017.
Civil society organizations have at their disposal a handout with an overview of the benchmark for the third component c) The capacity of civil society organizations, and that their task is to estimate the value of percentage for two national targets (the last column in the material) which is considered as a realistic value for 2017.
For the work in groups, the numbering of the benchmarks as well as set out indicators defined in the framework of the Guidelines for the Western Balkans and Turkey were used. Document given in
Pic. 5. Interactive work in groups
The following is an overview of results of the interactive work in groups of representatives of governmental institutions and agencies, and civil society organizations in accordance with the individual tasks.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
National target that relates to the institution/agency/CSO which you represent
Number of the national target (last column in material) 4
Clearly defined, measurable
; There are sources of verification
Insufficientl y defined;
Questionabl e sources of verification
The objective is not measurable;
No sources of verification
Clearly defined, measurable
; There are sources of verification
Insufficientl y defined;
Questionabl e sources of verification
The objective is not measurable;
No sources of verification
Note –
The value of the national target for
2017 could be:
Ministry of Public Administration and Local
Self-Governance of Republic of Srpska
Ministry of Justice and Administration of
Tuzla Canton
Ministry of Justice, Administration and Labour
Relations Bosnian of Canton Podrinje, Office for EU Integration of the Government of
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.1.b x x x x x x x x
Statistical institutes and the Agency
Agency for Intermediary, IT and financial services APIF
1.2.a x x
1.2.a x x
4 For the work in groups, the numeration of the indicators was used which are defined in the framework of the Guidlines, as well as benchmarks fortified for the Western Balkans and Turkey, which are given in the Annex 1 of this Report.
Define cleary profile of CSOs.
( Associations and non-profit institutions, foundations,interna tional non-profit institutions, sports associations ...)
Brčko District Government
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Agency for Intermediary, IT and financial services APIF 2.2.a
3.1.a Directorate for European Integration
Ministry of Justice and Administration of Tuzla Canton
Ministry of Public Administration and
Local Self-Governance of Republic of
Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Civil
Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brčko District Government
Directorate for European Integration
Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Civil
Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.1.b x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
2015 2017
National target that relates to the institution/agency/CSO which you represent
Number of the national target (last column in material)
Clearly defined, measurable;
There are sources of verification
Insufficiently defined;
Questionable sources of verification
The objective is not measurable;
No sources of verification
Clearly defined, measurable;
There are sources of verification
Insufficiently defined;
Questionable sources of verification
The objective is not measurable;
No sources of verification
Note –
The value of the national target for 2017 could be:
Group CSO 2.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 2.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 1.
Group CSO 2.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 4.
Group CSO 2.
4.4.a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
50% of active
(verificiation cgallenges of active CSO)
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Group CSO 1.
Group CSO 2.
Group CSO 5.
Group CSO 1.
Group CSO 2.
Group CSO 1.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 1.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 4.
Group CSO 5.
Group CSO 5.
Group CSO 3.
Group CSO 4.
6.1.a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
6.2.a x x x x x x x x x x
Civil society organizations which participated in groups of 1-5:
Group CSO 1: Independent Development Bureau Gradačac – Modriča, European Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Centre for Environment
Banja Luka, United Women Foundation, Foundation for Social Inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Association of Women for Women
Group CSO 2: Centre for Management, Development and Planning – MDP Initiatives (MDPi), FBiH Association of Municipalities and Cities of
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Group CSO 3: Association "Resource Aarhus center in BH", COOR, Local Advisory Group (LAG)/Association of Citizens Teledom, Association of
Employers of Federation of BH
Group CSO 4: MOZAIK, Sarajevo Open Center, Women of Trnovo, Association of Local Democracy (ALD) Mostar and LAG/Prime Communications
Group CSO 5: My piece of Europe, Ceterum Censeo
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Representatives of government institutions and agencies in working groups mainly addressed these indicators:
1.1.a /b, which refers to the quality of existing legislation and policy framework and on progress in adopting and implementing the relevant legislation concerning the freedom of speech without state interference, freedom of assembly without discrimination and hindering conditions
1.2.a, which refers to the monitoring of number of employees in CSOs as full or part-time employees, and
3.1.a/b, which refers to the percentage of laws and policy reforms effectively consulted with CSOs and the quality of the established structures and mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and public institutions.
Working groups of participants from civil society organizations mainly addressed the following indicators:
4.1.a, which refers on percentage of CSOs publishing their governance structure and internal documents,
4.2.a, which refers on external perception of importance and impact of CSOs activities,
4.3.a, which refers on percentage of CSOs making their (audited) financial accounts and annual reports publicly available,
5.1.a, which refers
on share of CSOs which have developed strategic plans including human resources development activities,
5.3.a, which refers on share of CSOs taking part in local, national, regional and international networks ,
6.1.a, which refers on percentage of CSOs that confirm that they are able to raise funds according to their strategic plans, and
6.2. which refers on diversity in CSO sources of income.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Part of the evaluation of the Conference
Program of the Conference
Extremly important
Not important
...understanding the document "Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-2020"
Above the average
Did not contribute
Initiating the changes
Very likely Likely Maybe Unlikely
Regarding the importance of the conference, 55% of participants rated the program of the conference as important and 31% as very important. In addition,
59% of participants considered important the keynote presentations. Interactive work in groups on the analysis on starting points and the projections for the EU monitoring Guidelines was assesed by
45% of participants as extremely important and the same number of participants assesed it as important.
Achievements of the Conferences are evaluated above-average in terms of understanding of the „Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014 2020“, recognizing the importance of the process of monitoring indicators (38% assessed as above average) as well as identifying potential challenges in the monitoring process (46% assessed as above average).
54% of participants stated that it is likely and 21% that it is extremely likely that the conference initiate changes in policies and procedures in the collection of data for the creation of an enabling environment for the development of civil society in BH.
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Media Coverage
The content of the Conference was covered by the media with a total of 17 media releases (4 TV and 13 web portals).
TV Program: TV FACE, TV Alfa, FTV, RTRS.
Informative web portals:
Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Annexes to the Report
Annex 1: Document „“Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries, 2014-
2020 “ 5
Annex 2: Agenda
Annex 3: Form for interactive work
Annex 4: Evaluation report
Annex 5: List of Participants
Annex 6: Press cliping report
5 Unofficial translation by TASCO by VESTA of the original document called ”Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries,
2014 2020 June 2015 (final)” has been prepared for the purposes of this Conference.