15/16 Catalog
Family and Consumer Sciences B.S. Degree
Family and Consumer Sciences Education- Pre-Credential Single Subject Program
Planning Sheet
Patricia Peck Seunghee Wie ppeck@csus.edu wie@csus.edu
Check the department website at www.csus.edu/facs for office hours and other information.
Last Name First Name
Sac State Student ID Number
___________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Address Sac Link User Name
Cell Phone
Catalog Year
___________________________________________________________ __________________________________
E-mail Phase Program signed & dated :
Units required for Major: 49
A. Required Core Courses (22 units)
Prerequisites CSUS Transfer Units Grade Equivalent/Substitution Courses
(course, number, title, units)
FACS 10 Nutrition & Wellness (3)
FACS 30 Fashion and Human
Environment (3)
FACS 50 The Family & Social Issues
SOC 8 Sense and Nonsense in Social
Research (3) OR
STAT 1 Introduction to Statistics (3) Math 9
FACS 100 Research: Methods and
Application in Family and Consumer
Sciences (3)
FACS 140 Family Resource Mgmt.
6 FACS units
Passing score on WPJ
FACS 168 Senior Seminar (3)
FACS 195A Field Study: Selected
Areas in Family and Consumer
Sciences (1)
B. Required Lower Division
Courses (14 units)
FACS 9 Food Safety and Sanitation (2)
Graduating senior with
21 FACS units
Instructor permission
2.5 GPA or above
FACS 11 Principles of Food
Preparation (3)
FACS 32 Fundamentals of Apparel
Production (3)
FACS major
FACS major
FACS 52 The Child in the Family (3)
CHDV 30 Human Development (3)
CHDV 35 Child and Adolescent
Development (3)
INTD 15 Introduction to Interior
Design (3)
C. Required Upper Division
Courses (13 units)
FACS 110 Food Production and
Sustainability (4)
FACS 9, FACS 10, and
FACS 130 History of Fashion (3) spring only OR
FACS 137 Clothing, Society, and
Culture (3) fall only
FACS 141 Family Finance (3)
FACS 154/CHDV 154 Issues in
Parenting (3) OR
FACS 52 or CHDV 30 or
CHDV 35 or instructor permission
FACS 155 Family Life Education (3) fall only
Junior or Senior standing or instructor permission
Requirements for B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences:
120 units minimum with 40 upper division units General Education Requirements including 9 upper division GE units
FACS majors must have a minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses within and outside the department and the required courses for the subject matter competency program.
All students should meet with their faculty advisor at least once per academic year.
The Teacher Preparation (Phase) Program requires two or three semesters of work beyond the Subject Matter
Competency requirements. With timely planning, Phase I may be taken prior to graduation.
___________________Writing Proficiency (for) Juniors _____________________________________________
Advisor’s Signature Date
Teacher Credentials: Single Subject Program
As early as the junior year, students who will graduate with the FACS Education Concentration, should complete the following:
Attend a Teaching Credential Programs Information/Advising Session (information available in Eureka 401)
A list of frequently asked questions and answers is available at: http://www.csus.edu/coe/academics/credentials/faq.html
(NOTE: this does NOT take the place of attendance at the information/advising session but may answer some questions immediately)
Successfully complete the CBEST Test
HLSC 136, School Health Education (2 units)
EDUC 100 A/B, Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings & Lab (3 units)
EDUC 170, Bilingual Education Introduction to Educating English Learners (3 units)
For more information, please visit The College of Education website for Teaching Credentials at: http://www.csus.edu/coe/academics/credentials/index.html
Rev. Jan. 2016