Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Macedonian Office

Technical Assistance for
Civil Society Organisations
Macedonian Office
This project is funded
by the European Union.
Technical Assistance Service Contract for the implementation of the project
“Capacity Building of Civil Society in the IPA countries and Territories (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1249/99,
Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).
Junior Short Term Expert for implementation of Public relations training
within the TACSO project
Background of the assignment
The general objectives of the TACSO project is to strengthen the overall capacities and
accountability of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the IPA countries and to guarantee
the quality of services of CSOs and a sustainable role of the CSOs in the democratic processes.
The main purposes of the project are to:
Increase and improve the capacity and actions of CSOs and to
Improve the democratic role of CSOs.
An important activity under this heading is the implementation of national trainings for selected
group of CSOs aiming to increase the capacity of CSOs representatives from the country in a
number of key areas, including public relations.
The main purpose of this assignment is to contribute to the TACSO project component: Capacity
development of CSOs by designing and implementing national training in “Public relations for CSO
and cooperation with media” for selected CSOs participants. Beneficiary CSOs are selected
organisations having a profile of new or young associations existing not more than 3 years. List of
CSOs participants in the training is attached.
Specific objectives of the assignment are:
 To enhance knowledge and skills of selected CSOs representatives on how to increase
image of their CSO and improve public relations.
 To equip participants with methods, techniques and tools to successfully plan and
implement public relations of their organisation.
Scope of the assignment
Under the overall guidance of the Macedonian TACSO office, the duties and responsibilities of the Junior
Short Term Expert/ Trainer for “Public relations for CSOs and cooperation with media” are as follows:
Proposing the content and design of one training in Public relations for CSOs and cooperation
with media. Training should be implemented in two phases: first (2 days) and a follow up (1 day)
with practical assignment in-between;
Delivering the training for selected CSOs representatives from the country;
Preparation of training materials to be used by participants during and after the training;
Support to the training participants during their practical assignments;
Preparing final report for the assignment implementation.
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Activities to be carried out
 Developing the training agenda and concept for practical assignments
 Selecting and adapting training materials and hand-outs to be used by participants during and
after the trainings
 Delivering one (2 days) training with follow up (1 day) training for total of 18 participants (9
CSOs; each CSO will be represented by two participants). Following main topics should be
PR and communication strategies design
Tools and skills for Public relations
Press-conferences and other public events
Presentation skills
TV and radio interviews
 Reviewing and commenting practical assignments of the selected participants in the period
between the two phases of the training
 Preparing report for the assignment implementation (including information on training delivery
process, results achieved, participants’ evaluation, main conclusions and recommendations for
future work).
By the end of the assignment, the Short term expert should have finalized or delivered:
 Training agenda for training in Public relations for CSOs and cooperation with media
together with concept for practical assignments
 Training sessions outline for both phases of the training
 Power point presentations to support training sessions
 Comments to the practical assignments of the selected participants of the trainings
 Final report for the assignment together with mission report
Location, duration and timing of the assignment
 The assignment is planned to take place from 1 October 2012 and conclude on 15
December 2012.
 First two days training is planned for 15 and 16 October and the follow up one day training is
planned for 4 December 2012.
Developing agenda for the trainings, preparation for
trainings and adapting training materials
Delivering Public relations for CSO and cooperation
with media (2+1 days) training
Comments and revision of the practical
assignments of the selected CSOs
Preparation of training report
Junior STE days
Location of assignment
 Countrywide and in the Macedonian TACSO office based in Skopje.
Profile of the STE:
Junior STE:
 University degree in Communication or Public relations;
 A minimum 5 years of experience in the field of public relations.
 Strong communication, facilitation and analytical skills;
 Practical experience in development and implementation of training programs
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Computer literacy
Fluent in written and spoken Macedonian & English
Applicants must be independent and free from any conflict of interest. Note that civil servants and
other staff of a beneficiary public administration may not be recruited as STE unless to prior written
approval has been obtained from Contracting Authority.
Monitoring and evaluation of the STE
The activity will be monitored by the Resident Advisor.
The STE will deliver a mission report to the TACSO National Office before remuneration.
Applications must be in English and entail the following:
 Letter of intent and availability, including draft of training design and information on financial
requirements. Note that all costs including travel costs and accommodation costs should be
included in the offer.
 CV in EU format
 3 references from similar assignments
The application should be sent not later than 7th of September 2012 by email to
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania
Annex 1
List of CSOs participants in the training
1 Здружение на преведувачи на Република Македонија (ЗПРМ)
2 Институт за човекови права
3 Мелагро Здружение за органско производство и екологија
Култ Дам - Здружение за истражување, развој и промоција на
вредности и туризмот
СОЛЕМ -Здружение на граѓани за поддршка на лица со посебни
Центар за економски и социјален развој ЦЕСОР
Здружение за заштита, промоција и едукација за храна Слоу фуд
Здружение на граѓани Gaia
Институт за европска политика (ЕПИ) - Скопје
TACSO Macedonian Office • 11 Oktomvri 6/1-3 • 1000 Skopje • t: +389 2 3225 340 • f: +389 2 3290 684 • e-mail:
SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • Human Resources Development Foundation Turkey
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania