ATI Instructional Materials Report AY 09/10 Campus Name: Sacramento State Please refer to the report instructions before completing this form. The instructions were sent as a separate attachment and they are also posted on the ATI Moodle Website. 1.0Timely Adoption Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. Goal Status Defined Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 Our campus has established a procedure to track the percentage of timely textbook adoptions per semester but this does not cover the tracking of all accessible instructional materials. Our priority at the moment is to push for timely adoption of materials for students with disabilities and it is a more viable focus. Successfully establishing timely adoption of materials for students with disabilities will facilitate the process to ensure timely adoption of all instructional materials on campus. Present at Dept. Chair’s meeting and other communications to enhance timely instructional materials access; this is also in line with the new federal HEOA requirement to put textbook information & ISBN in course schedule by time of registration. A goal is to improve upon 30% timely textbook adoption rate for Spring registration, assess implementation & plan improvements. Campus also needs to clarify a process to identify materials not purchased from the Bookstore. IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status 1.1 Established Campus has formally documented (e.g. Policy, Resolution or Procedure) a process to ensure the timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. [Commitment] Year Started Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 2008 Comments Message from the Provost sent out to faculty regarding the implementation of accessible instructional materials beginning Spring 2008 and ongoing. As of Fall 2009 the New Course Proposal Form A incorporates accessibility requirements: Following course approval, and prior to the start of the semester in which the new or revised course will be taught for the first time, an accessibility checklist [available at] shall be completed and submitted to the appropriate Dean’s office. An accessible syllabus shall also be made available online, preferably prior to the start of that semester’s open registration period. In addition, the Accessible Technology policy includes language about providing equal access to instructional materials. Procedures and guides about how to ensure timely adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials are present through the Accessibility at Sacramento State website, Accessibility and Instructors webpage, Instructional Materials Accessibility Checklist, Timely Textbook Adoption website and Video, communications from Provost, Chairs’ workgroup, and Department Chairs’ meetings. 1 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status Year Started Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes ongoing Comments 2008 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes 1.2 Established 1.3 Campus has developed milestones or specific measures of success for timely adoption compliance (e.g. percentage of timely adoptions) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Initiated 2008 Yes Yes Focus has been on textbook adoption. Other materials e.g. Syllabus can be tracked based on number of SacCT courses and syllabus posted. Campus needs to define a process for other instructional materials and text books not purchased from the Hornet bookstore. Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Timely Adoption Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 1.3 and 1.1 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Campus has developed capacity (e.g. established practices, specified staff time, educational/training resources, and/or technology) to achieve compliance with timely adoption. [Ability] Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. The Faculty Staff Resource Center will continue to offer Instructional Materials Accessibility services and resources like accessibility training workshops, one-on-one consultation with Instructional Materials Specialist, and software/tools to assist in creating accessible materials. Professional Development for Accessible Technology website is a resource that is shared during workshops. Continued support from ATI captioning student assistants (1-2) in the area of captioning of inaccessible media. Beginning Fall 2010 pilot testing student assistant support in the area of accessibility for low-level instructional materials accessibility tasks and full implementation in Fall 2011. Comments Our campus would benefit from guidelines about how to effectively and efficiently track the accessibility of all instructional materials in conjunction with these guidelines could be of use. A tool that is integrated into the Campus Portal that allows for students to request alternate media needs and automatically alerts faculty and SSWD about these needs would aid in getting instructors to be aware early of student needs, enable them submit book requests on time and to author materials in a more accessible manner or at least have these available for the student in a timely manner. If another campus has a tool like this in place or a similar process, we would like to learn about it and collaborate with that campus (es). See above. 2.0Identification of IM for Late-Hire Faculty Goal Goal Status Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 2 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure that textbooks have been identified for courses with late-hire faculty. Goal Status Initiated Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 We have established clear recommendations about how to help identify instructional materials for late hire faculty (e.g. Chairs serve as point of contact for SSWD to manage the identification of materials for course, select materials from previous semesters, use textbooks available in electronic formats, plan equal alternative form of access, etc.). The process to identify instructional materials early (goal 1.0) falls in line with identification of late hire faculty. Because materials that are adopted late often are for courses where a late hire faculty is assigned, strategies to identify materials early will impact strategies for late hire faculty as well. Planning and Strategies by May 2011. IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Initiated Year Starte d 2009? 2.1 All academic units have implemented specific procedures for late hire or adjunct faculty members for the timely adoption of curricular materials. [Ability] 2.2 Campus has developed specific measures of success for late-hire faculty (e.g. percentage of late-hire adoptions completed by campus deadline) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Initiated 2008 Yes Yes Although the current information issued by the Hornet Bookstore lists textbook requests for courses that use the Bookstore, including courses where a “staff” is assigned (late hires will be teaching most “staff” assigned courses), most of the textbook requests for these are not fulfilled until the beginning of the semester not meeting the campus deadlines. Current process tracks some information but it is not an automatic process. Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Identification of IM for Late-Hire Faculty Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 2.1, 2.2 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Specific recommendations have been issued to department chairs for dealing with late hire course instructional materials, implementation of these is informal. Comments We could benefit from templates or tools that would allow for a streamlined process to gather specific information that would help plan for the semester and enable adoption of accessible materials for courses where late hires are assigned: (e.g. tool that is integrated into the Campus Portal that allows for students to request alternate media needs and automatically alerts faculty and SSWD about these needs). Guidelines that detail main points to cover in a late hire scenario would be helpful for planning. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 3.0Early Identification of Students with Disabilities Goal Goal Status Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 3 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Goal The campus has implemented a comprehensive plan to ensure that students with disabilities are identified and able to request alternate media materials in a timely manner. Goal Status Established Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 Campus has established an online process which allows students to request alternative media services via an online form(s). See “Alternative Media Request Form”: Most students are still requesting alternate media services in person. Students that need support services through SSWD would complete the appropriate application from the “SSWD Application/Documentation Forms” webpage: Continued identification of students by sending alert letters to faculty one month after early registration (Students with disabilities are enabled to register for classes during the early registration) about a student with a disability enrolled in their course. A focus has been on ensuring courses where students with disabilities with alternate media needs are enrolled are accessible or that alternatives are provided for those courses. Early identification is accomplished by sending faculty alerts one month after registration for these courses. Now “new courses” must also meet accessibility requirements by submitting an accessibility checklist to the Dean and posting syllabus in electronic format prior to teaching course (new course proposal Form A implemented starting Sept. ‘10; assess how process went in Spring ‘11. Follow up with faculty who had a student with a disability enrolled in their fall 2010 course, by asking them to complete a 10 question survey regarding the steps they took to ensure their course materials were accessible to the student, the resources they used, and what they will do to continue to implement these changes for future semesters and other courses they may teach. IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Starte d Prior to ATI Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 3.1 Campus has implemented a system to provide early registration for alternate media-eligible students. [Ability] 3.2 Campus has implemented a system to track early registration usage by alternate media-eligible students (intended to provide alternate media programs with sufficient time to produce alternate media as well as to document student conformance with alternate media submissions procedures). [Measurement] 3.3 Campus has implemented a system that allows alternate media requests to be submitted without appearing inperson during regular business hours (e.g. web-based forms, integration with student registration portal). [Ability] Established 3.4 Campus has implemented a system to track the timeliness of alternate media requests. [Measurement] Comments Established Prior to ATI Yes Yes Defined 2008 Yes Yes Online form available for students to submit requests but not used in high volumes. Established manual process of printed form submissions. Campus would benefit from tool integrated in campus portal where students could automatically request alternate media needs and these needs be automatically informed to instructor of course and to Services to Students with Disabilities, SSWD. Defined Prior to ATI Yes Yes ongoing No current automatic system to track (except for alt media requests submitted via online form). Most tracking is a manual process. 4 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status 3.5 Campus has developed specific measures of success for early identification of students with disabilities (e.g., percentage of eligible students who utilize early registration) and implemented a system to track these measures. [Measurement] Defined Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Early Identification of Students with Disabilities Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff 3.3 to 3.5 Year Starte d Prior to ATI Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments Comments Any other tools available to enable students to request alt media services on time would help as well as guidelines about criteria information to include covering all bases. The tool mentioned in timely adoption and later hire sections above (tool in campus portal that allows for students to request alternate media needs and that alerts faculty and SSWD automatically of needs) would help us to effectively identify students that require alternative media services. We would like to learn about the methods that other campuses are currently using to promote the benefits that students with disabilities obtain when they register early for their courses as well as the benefits for requesting alternate media services early. Have other campuses integrated the request of these services via a campus portal, if so how was this accomplished and what specific guidelines did they follow? Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff 4.0Faculty Use of LMS (or non-LMS) Course Websites * Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to promote the posting of all required curricular and instructional resources (including print-based and multimedia materials) in a central, accessible electronic location. *While it is anticipated that most campuses will use the LMS to meet this goal, other structures (e.g. Web Content Management Systems or other online delivery methods) that provide similar functionality and are accessible, may Goal Status Initiated Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 Self service features available to faculty such as course set up, enrolling students, and adding course content make it easier for existing faculty users of SacCT (our LMS) to post materials online. For faculty that do not currently use SacCT, self service features could enable faculty to create an online course for the purpose of posting all instructional materials in electronic format. As part of the new course proposal requirements faculty are required to post their Syllabus online, and this could be done in the LMS. Initiated the Usability Testing for SacCT and My Sac State project to determine challenges and strategies for addressing usability/accessibility challenges. eLearning Accessibility Strategies: This Fall 2010 semester, over 2,100 courses use SacCT, a 600 course increase over the previous fall. Although materials may not be fully accessible, this does increase access to electronic materials. It is anticipated that the eAcademy course development work (Fall 2010) by ATCS and collaboration with the ATI staff will result in additional accessible courses/materials. Start to discuss strategies to fully apply accessibility to the materials posted to SacCT courses. Assess data of Usability Testing of SacCT and identify improvements. IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. 5 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Goal Goal Status Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 serve as appropriate equivalents to the LMS. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Starte d 2008 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 4.1 Campus has formally documented (e.g., Policy, Resolution or Procedure) a process to promote or require the posting of IM to the campus LMS. [Commitment] Initiated 4.2 Campus has screened its LMS to determine whether it conforms to Section 508 accessibility standards and established a plan to address (or work-around) identified gaps. [Ability] 4.3 Campus has established specific guidelines and procedures for submitting course and curricular materials hosted in campus LMS. [Commitment] 4.4 Campus has implemented procedures to accelerate the delivery of alternate media materials to improve timeliness (e.g. electronic delivery via campus LMS or FTP). [Ability] Comments Defined Prior to ATI Yes Yes Established Prior to ATI Yes Yes Guidelines and procedures in place to inform faculty about how to effectively build an online course and post materials. Current guidelines are in the form of training tutorials, manuals, in person workshops and website content. However more guidelines tied to accessibility are needed. Accessibility is somewhat weaved into some of the documentation e.g. manuals, syllabus templates and SacCT course templates but these could be promoted more to faculty. Faculty events/projects such as the eAcademy (Fall 2010) and EnACT ~ PTD Faculty Learning Community (May 2009 –Spring 2011) are potential enablers for faculty to begin moving their materials into the LMS. Initiated Prior to ATI Yes Yes The process for delivering alternate formats to students is mainly a manual process. Students are provided with alternate formats in person, on a media, via email, and if the faculty member grants access to course, we may be able to obtain electronic versions (e.g. syllabus) or post alternate formats (e.g. captioned lecture video) to a course directly. However, faculty should be responsible for posting in SacCT any alternate formats provided to him/her. We have a initiated a process for the area of multimedia where staff should complete the process of captioning the videos, and faculty are responsible to post the links to captioned multimedia or other electronic based materials into the SacCT course. New Courses/Courses where a student with a disability is enrolled only - new course proposal incorporates accessibility language and requires faculty to use the Instructional Materials Accessibility Checklist to review their course and ensure accessibility and to post syllabus in electronic format to the campus LMS or other web server. It could be recommended that faculty post the syllabus directly into SacCT. If would help if we can use the Syllabus Tool in SacCT to create an accessible syllabus template that faculty can import into their course(es) and plug in their syllabus information. Aware of certain accessibility issues. Usability testing for SacCT (campus LMS) and My Sac State project initiated Sep 2009 is currently in the testing phase (Fall 2010). Data collected will aid in identifying access problems and potential workarounds. 6 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status Year Starte d Prior to ATI Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments 4.5 Campus has implemented mechanisms to provide alternate media production staff with access to instructional materials on LMS course sites for purposes of evaluating and converting materials. [Ability] Initiated 4.6 Campus has established specific measures of success (e.g., number of course sites with posted syllabi) for faculty posting of curricular materials in the campus LMS. [Measurement] Not Started N/A No Yes Currently, the campus has the capacity to publish a public preview page that lists all the available SacCT courses. If a faculty member has a syllabus posted by use of the syllabus tool in SacCT, this information could be on the public preview page as well. Preview page is not in use at the moment. It would be helpful to define how to capture the posting of electronic based syllabus to other non-LMS websites e.g. faculty website hosted on Web Content Management System or other and how these can potentially be moved to campus LMS? Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Faculty Use of LMS (or non-LMS) Course Websites Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 4.1-4.6 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Currently, SSWD staff contacts faculty via email/phone to request access to course materials when needed. This is not an automatic process and is dealt with on a case by case basis. It would be helpful to have a process where SSWD staff works directly with ATCS online course developers for purposes of obtaining access to SacCT courses where a student with a disability is enrolled, or a simple process provided for faculty. Comments We would like to learn about specific guidelines that other campuses are using to promote the use of their LMS and how they weave in accessibility and improved learning for students. In addition, we would like to know how other campuses are capturing information about the LMS courses that have a syllabus posted. Have other campuses streamlined the process for providing alternate media production staff access to campus LMS to view/download materials for conversion? Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 5.0Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility requirements have been incorporated into the adoption process for all multimedia-based instructional resources. Goal Status Initiated Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 Priority is placed for captioning videos that are used in a course where a student with a disability is enrolled and for videos that are high profile. Campus has a limited captioning fund that covers captioning costs through a captioning vendor “Automatic Sync Technologies” for priority videos. Requests that do not fall under priority are charged back if using captioning vendor services or provided free of cost through in-house captioning via audio mining tool “DocSoft”. Limited fund also covers captioning support costs (student assistants). Captioning is a time intensive process and it would be facilitated at our Streamline Captioning: For instructional materials, the captioning process is very time consuming. Current short staffing in Video Services has also increased challenges. Attend Automatic Sync webinar in Sept. ‘10 to learn streamlining techniques from other campuses; review the campus captioning workflow to identify ways to simplify the process (by March ‘11 come up with some recommendations to simplify the process). Implement Docsoft (or free recommended captioning tool), our in-house audio mining tool, as one of the resources available through the Faculty Staff Resource Center. 7 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Goal Goal Status Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 campus if we were provided with a tool that helped us streamline the request process and for faculty to automatically upload their own media into Automatic Sync for captioning. We have an online captioning request form which is used by faculty but we are doing the uploading of videos to caption in AST. Some key accomplishments include implementation of an online form for faculty/staff to request captioning service and the captioning and transcription service feedback survey that was completed by faculty/staff that used our captioning service 2009/2010 academic year. Survey provided insights as to how to better market the service, what information to include and resources that are most valuable to faculty. This resource would enable faculty to upload and edit video transcripts at the FSRC and produce their videos in closed captioned format. ATI Student Assistants would be first in line to provide Docsoft support to faculty. Free captioning tools like MAGpie and CapScribe can be alternatives for faculty that would like to work independently on their video closed captioning. Begin to plan implementation of DocSoft or Free tool and review free captioning tools to determine which tool we may possibly support (by Spring ’11). Possibility of integrating media server with captioning vendor server to automate the process of uploading video that needs to be captioned. This could be a good plan for potential captioning of all videos (archived lectures) stored on media servers and used in courses to meet accessibility requirements. (Begin to Plan March 2011). How to address cost for captioning these videos? IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status Defined Year Starte d 2008 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 5.1 Campus has developed and implemented accessibility requirements for selecting and adopting multimedia curricular materials (e.g. requirements for captions, transcripts, audio description, accessible web players). [Commitment] 5.2 Campus has established a strategic process, based on available resources, for prioritizing the remediation of inaccessible multimedia materials. [Commitment] Defined 2008 Yes Yes 5.3 Campus has gathered survey information from media libraries regarding multimedia usage and format types (e.g. most frequently utilized titles and formats) to aid in tool selection and prioritization decisions. [Measurement] Not Started N/A No Begin to Brainstorm Comments Focus on priority courses such as new courses and courses where student with a disability is enrolled. Accessibility requirements for media are clearly stated in the instructional materials accessibility checklist that will be completed by all faculty teaching a new course and/or who have a student with a disability enrolled in course. Guidelines to follow when choosing videos, and what to do if videos are not closed captioned are available through the campus’ captioning services webpage: Campus is currently prioritizing remediation of inaccessible multimedia for courses where a student with a disability is enrolled and high profile/impact videos. Videos for courses that do not fall under these categories are remediated subject to available resources (DocSoft tool, Staff time) since captioning is a time intensive process, or departments must pay for the vendor captioning service. The Campus Library Media Center LMC provides information on their website about whether a Video/DVD has closed captions available. However, no survey has been developed to gather information about titles or formats (VHS/DVD) that are used most often. Many faculty requests for captioning deal with LMC titles. Collection of information regarding captioning requests for LMC materials is in place but at an elemental level and is mostly manual. No automatic compilation of this data is currently implemented. 8 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Established Year Starte d 2008 5.4 Campus has built capacity (e.g. established practices, specified staff time, budget, tools, and/or work space) necessary to address the accessibility of existing and planned multimedia content and its delivery. [Ability] 5.5 Campus has established measures of success related to multimedia accessibility (e.g. percent of new materials that are accessible, percent of existing materials that have been remediated). [Measurement] Not Started NA No Yes – Brainstorm strategies Although instructional materials specialist keeps track of captioning requests, this process is not automatic (AST captioning request form generates a ticket or “work order” and is maintained in the Heat System but not all faculty are submitting requests via form, most requests are done via email or phone. It involves manual work and pertains mostly to courses where a student with a disability is enrolled so current tracking does not encompass all existing materials. A survey can be developed to ask faculty about their use of existing captioned content after the semester. A consistent tool would be helpful for us and other campuses who have remediated content for faculty Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 5.1-5.5 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Campus has a limited captioning fund for use to caption priority videos e.g. video for courses where a student with a disability is enrolled and high profile videos. Captioning for priority videos is most often completed through a captioning vendor (Automatic Sync Technologies). Captioning fund is used in part to pay two student assistant captioning positions. These student assistants are dedicated to transcribing video content by use of audio-mining tool Docsoft and uploading high priority video projects to AST captioning vendor. Captioning process is intensive and time consuming. Would benefit from automatic online process where captioning requests would enable faculty to upload their own videos to be captioned upon submitting request. Currently request form asks faculty to list location of media files (e.g. media server, SacCT) for us to access or they will need to drop them off in person. Comments Has another campus achieved an automatic process for faculty to request captioning services and have them submit their media directly to AST online? Is there a tool you used to accomplish this and how are you keeping track/statistics for how many requests are done? In addition, if any other campus is using the audio/mining tool “DocSoft” for fulfilling captioning requests, have you been able to streamline the process and have faculty submit their own media to online DocSoft account and how have you accomplished this? Any guidelines or templates campuses have used to have faculty upload their own media for captioning? How are other campuses dealing with copyrighted media that faculty request to be captioned for a course if faculty cannot obtain copyright release in time for student needing captioned format? How are other campuses dealing with requests to caption Library owned media which are copyrighted? How are other campuses dealing with requests for captioning content posted to the web such as YouTube and other sites? 9 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Multimedia Indicator Number Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 6.0Accessibility Requirements for Curricular Review and Approval Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility requirements have been incorporated into the curricular review process. Goal Status Established Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 As of Fall 2009 the New Course Proposal Form A incorporates accessibility requirements: Following course approval, and prior to the start of the semester in which the new or revised course will be taught for the first time, an accessibility checklist [available at] shall be completed and submitted to the appropriate Dean’s office. An accessible syllabus shall also be made available online, preferably prior to the start of that semester’s open registration period. The next step could be to have the accessibility requirement include for faculty to use SacCT self service to create an accessible syllabus or upload their existing accessible syllabus and other instructional materials. Begin brainstorming for this? IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Established Year Starte d 2008 6.1 Accessibility requirements have been developed and integrated into the academic curriculum review process for new course adoptions and existing course reviews. [Commitment] 6.2 Campus has established accessibility standards or guidelines for selecting and authoring curricular materials. [Commitment] Established 2008 Yes Yes New Course Proposal form, Instructional Materials Checklist, ATI Recommended Training via the Professional Development for Accessible Technology website, Accessibility Training manuals and workshops, Accessibility for Instructors web pages. 6.3 Campus has established specific measures of success (e.g., number of courses that have undergone accessibility review) for incorporating accessibility into the curricular review and approval process. [Measurement] Not Started NA No Yes Once New Course Proposal accessibility is officially implemented, we should be able to track the number of new courses available each semester that went through the process as stated in accessibility language on course proposal form. Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Curricular Review and Approval Indicator Number Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) See Key accomplishments 09/10 above. Comments 10 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Accessibility Requirements for Curricular Review and Approval Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 6.1-6.3 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments What are other campuses doing for measures of success? Will the Chancellors Office come up with standard metrics for campuses to share best practices? 7.0Supporting Faculty Creation of Accessible IM Goal The campus has implemented policies and procedures to support faculty in selecting, authoring, and delivering accessible instructional materials. Goal Status Established Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 The Instructional Materials Checklist included as a requirement for faculty to review new courses and courses where a student with a disability is enrolled, provides procedures and guidelines to meet in order to ensure accessibility in their instructional materials. Updated accessible syllabus templates are available to faculty as well. The Faculty Learning Community which is part of the EnACT~PTD project at our campus provides faculty guidelines and resources for implementation of UDL and accessibility in their courses. Review outcomes of Faculty Learning Community and student success in courses that implemented UDL and accessibility. Review outcomes of eAcademy courses (pre and post survey); eAcademy course rubric weaves in accessibility recommendations and guidelines for courses taking part in this project. How many new course proposals were submitted and accessible materials checklist completed? IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status 7.1 Campus has formally documented (through Policy, Resolution or Procedure) the nature of faculty responsibility for selecting and authoring accessible curricular materials. [Commitment] 7.2 Campus has established specific mechanisms to encourage faculty authoring and adoption of accessible instructional materials (e.g. recognition in article or letter of appreciation). [Ability] Defined Established Year Starte d Januar y 2010 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments 2008 Yes Yes Teaching using Technology Institutes 07/08, 08/09, provide faculty with stipend/technology at the same time they learn how to incorporate accessibility and universal design into their course, EnACT Faculty Learning Community provides participants professional development in the areas of Universal Design for teaching and learning and they earn a stipend as well, spotlight for faculty who has gone above and beyond to incorporate accessibility into their course are featured through CSU Professional Development for Accessible Technology website, notion that if faculty incorporate accessibility into their course from the beginning this will save them time for future semesters because content may be reused, faculty that take part in training can serve as faculty mentors at their respective colleges. Clear recommendations and guidelines regarding the use and development of accessible content for courses is made available through Accessible Technology Policy and New Course Proposal Form A. Focus is on courses where students with disability are enrolled. 11 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Defined Year Starte d 2008 7.3 Campus has developed and disseminated examples of accessible curricular materials and practices (e.g. accessible syllabus template, faculty exemplars). [Ability] 7.4 Campus has specified technology (e.g. workstations, software, scanners) and personnel resources (e.g. student assistants, lab technicians) necessary to support faculty creation of accessible instructional materials. [Ability] Established 2008 Yes Yes Faculty Staff Resource Center serves as a technology resource hub for faculty seeking to use on campus resources to create accessible content. Microsoft Office programs, Adobe Acrobat, scanners, digitization equipment for multimedia and other software/equipment are readily available to faculty. Incoming FSRC Student Assistants will be trained to assist faculty at the basic level of accessible materials creation. Center for Teaching and Learning also provides equipment available to faculty to work on their course. Student assistants are available to assist faculty with equipment at both locations however more support may be needed 7.5 Campus has implemented mechanisms to provide content distributors with access to tools or practices that allow accessibility testing of curricular materials (e.g. text-tospeech, voice recognition, keyboard-only navigation, Document Map view). [Ability] Initiated 2008 Yes Yes Several tools/software such as JAWS, Kurzweil, ZoomText, are readily available to faculty for accessibility testing of materials. However, these tools need to be promoted and training/quick reference cards need to be made available to facilitate process for faculty. Tools built into commonly used applications like Read Out Loud feature in Adobe Acrobat are presented at accessibility workshops for faculty to use. The Accessible Publishing Wizard is a tool that has been recently installed (Fall 2010) at the FSRC that faculty can use to check Word and PowerPoint content for accessibility and publish accessible html formats of these. Guides and Documentation planning for this tool will begin this semester. 7.6 Campus has established specific measures of success for faculty creation of accessible instructional materials (e.g. improving quality of course reader and/or e-reserve material submissions). [Measurement] Initiated 2008 Yes Yes Currently we do not collect information about how many faculty have successfully implemented accessible elements into their course materials. A survey was issued to accessibility training participants and Teaching Using Technology participants asking them key questions about the implementation of accessible content into their courses. A new survey or tool to gather data is needed. We will also be gathering data from our Faculty Learning Community project to see how effective the implementation of universal design concepts into course curriculum is and also gather faculty impressions about process to implement changes. EnACT Syllabus Rubric, eAcademy Course Rubric, Instructional Materials Checklist all serve to provide measures of success to aim for in materials. Accessible Syllabus Template available to faculty, accessible course templates for building a course in SacCT, Universal Design for Learning Brown Bag workshop, Faculty Learning Community participants and members of IMAP workgroup can potentially share knowledge and examples with colleagues, Teaching Using Technology attendees disseminating knowledge with colleagues and promoting accessibility of course materials. 12 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Supporting Faculty Creation of Accessible IM Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 7.1-7.6 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments Faculty support is time consuming and intensive, so what templates, tools, or guidelines can be used to enable faculty to be effective learners and do the remediation and authoring with minimal support? Other campuses who have established mentoring programs or faculty communities, were these faculty able to support colleagues campuswide and has it been successful? How have other campuses achieved buy-in from faculty and managed to build accessibility as a standard piece of the curriculum process so that it is not seen as “something extra” to complete? Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 8.0Communication Process and Training Plan Goal The campus has implemented a broad-based ATI awareness campaign, supported by a comprehensive training infrastructure to increase technological accessibility across the campus. Goal Status Established Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 IRT Project Database – ATI Projects shared through this database to the campus community EnACT Faculty Learning Commmunity Ongoing Training through IRT/ATCS Professional Development for Accessible Technology Website completed and disseminated as an ATI recommended resource Training and communication: One focus last year was to increase marketing of training and communication for instructional materials. We can continue to use the Faculty Staff Resource Center (FSRC) as a strategy and integrate ATI communications with the FSRC project. The FSRC has integrated as one of its services to provide support to faculty in the area of accessibility. The Faculty Staff Resource Center is the central location where faculty can receive instructional materials support in the area of accessibility and e-learning. Our goal is to increase the number of staff who can work with faculty by training the student assistants who work at the FSRC. FSRC Student Assistants would provide basic accessibility support to faculty and refer faculty to the Instructional Materials Specialist if more specialized support is needed. (by February ’11 have accessibility training tools for student assistants integrated to current FSRC training course). Also work with CTL, EnACT faculty learning community to mentor other faculty and spread word about accessibility and universal design (by March ‘11, complete EnACT implementation). IM implementation plan in this area will be revised in the coming year based on the ATI coded memo. Comments Success Indicator Status Year Starte d Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Comments 13 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Comments Defined Year Starte d 2008 8.1 Campus has developed a formal awareness campaign to increase knowledge of accessibility issues and responsibilities. [Commitment] 8.2 Campus has built capacity (e.g. specified staff time, technology, and/or materials) in support of this awareness campaign. [Ability] Established 2008 Yes Yes Accessibility Training available each semester to faculty as well as an open lab for faculty to attend and remediate their materials as needed, equipment and software available at Faculty Staff Resource Center, Accessibility for Instructors informational website, training manuals, Professional Development for Accessible Technology website which provides ATI recommended methods to implement accessibility in the three areas: Web, Instructional Materials, E&IT. 8.3 Campus has developed and disseminated a variety of training materials, both in content and modality (e.g. quick use guides, workshops, FAQ), for selecting, authoring, and distributing accessible materials. [Ability] Established 2008 Yes Yes Training manuals, workshops, quick guides, FAQ’s are all readily available and updated as needed. In addition campus collaborated in the development of ATI Recommended Training available through the Professional Development for Accessible Technology website, materials shared at different ATI related events, New faculty orientation, Teaching institute. 8.4 Campus has disseminated training materials for faculty regarding methods to post curricular materials to the campus LMS course site or equivalent (see Section 4). [Ability] 8.5 Campus is tracking participation in training activities and usage of training materials for accessible authoring, conversion, and delivery of curricular materials (e.g. number of workshop attendees, number of users who download templates, or watch training videos) . [Measurement] 8.6 Campus is tracking the effectiveness of training activities and materials for accessible authoring, conversion, and delivery of curricular materials. (e.g., user satisfaction levels, decreased demand for alternate media conversion). [Measurement] Established Prior to ATI Yes Yes The Academic Technology and Creative Services department at our campus manages and creates resources that provide best practices, how to guides, training manuals, workshops etc for faculty regarding use of campus LMS. Defined Prior to ATI Yes Yes We have a process to gather information regarding Training workshop attendees. However, we currently do not gather information regarding usage of materials that aid in authoring and conversion of materials. Defined Prior to ATI Yes Yes Process to gather feedback from faculty after they have attended an accessibility workshop and any other technology training. No current tracking for accessible authoring, conversion and delivery of materials. Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Communication Process and Training Plan Indicator Number Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) The Accessibility at Sacramento State website along with ongoing presentations to key groups are meant to provide awareness to faculty, staff and students. Comments 14 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Communication Process and Training Plan Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 8.1-8.6 Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments We would like to learn about other campuses communication tools, best practices, and any faculty self service strategies implemented on campuses to get faculty to be more independent in the accessible authoring and development of materials. Has any campus made accessibility training a part of the compliance training that a new employee must complete as part of their employment process (Compliance training such as: sexual harassment prevention training, information security, etc)? What modality (manuals, workshops, drop-in lab, online tutorials/videos etc) of training has been the most effective in terms of usage and faculty learning of accessibility concepts? What tools are other campuses using to track the effectiveness of training at their campus? Are their plans to develop survey tools for campuses to gather specific success indicators for training? Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. 9.0Process Indicators Goal Campus IMAP committee has sufficient breadth, resources, and authority to effectively implement a comprehensive IMAP initiative. Goal Status Established Key Accomplishments 09/10 Key Plans 10/11 Work on updating the 09-10 Annual Report and Instructional Materials Accessibility Implementation Plan in concert with the instructional materials workgroup. (Report due Nov. 30, 2010; revised campus plan due Nov.‘11). Worked on Year 3 report Planned for 09/10 goals and 10/11 goals Comments Success Indicator Status Established Year Starte d 2008 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes 9.1 Campus IMAP committee membership consists of stakeholders from all key units (Student Affairs, Academic Senate, Curriculum Committee, Academic Technology, Library) as well as faculty, staff and student. [Commitment] 9.2 Campus IMAP committee has suitable authority to ensure effectiveness of IMAP effort as well as to resolve issues and challenges. [Ability] 9.3 Campus IMAP committee has established a system to effectively track its task delegations and overall project management. [Measurement] Established 2008 Yes Yes Established 2008 Yes Yes Comments IMAP meets each semester We currently track the progress of the Instructional Materials Accessibility timelines and milestones through an IT Project Management Tool. 15 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State Success Indicator Status 9.4 Campus has established a formal administrative review process by campus executive leadership for all IMAP components. [Verification] Established Area(s) of Requested Collaboration for Process Indicators Indicator Number Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. General Year Starte d 2008 Worked on 09/10? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Requested? (Yes/No) Yes Will work on 10/11? (Yes/No) Yes Assistance Offered? (Yes/No) Comments Campus currently reports tasks and progress of Instructional Materials Accessibility to ATI steering team led by campus Executive sponsor. Our next ATI Steering team meeting is scheduled for October 25th, 2010. Comments We need more guidance about how to revise the Instructional Materials Plan based on changes in the coded memo. Is there a template similar to the yearly report template that campuses can use to revise the plan? Briefly describe the areas in which your campus would like to collaborate with other campuses and the ATI staff. Contributors This information will be used for follow up questions and collaboration. Name Title Email Address Phone Number Cryssel Vera Instructional Materials Specialist 916-278-2847 Melissa Repa Co-Director of Services to Students with Disabilities/Project Director of Student Support Services and ATI Project Coordinator 916-278-6955 16 ATI IM Report AY 09/10 v1.1 Sacramento State