May 10, 2013 (.pdf)

Minutes of Meeting: May 10, 2013;
Approved by Committee _September 20, 2013__
Members Present: James Snead, Boris Ricks, Rasmita Dhruv, Que-Lam Huynh, Kelly WinkleblackShea, Mario Giraldo, Gabriela Chavira, , Leta Chow, Tiffany Newton, Michael Carter, Anthony
Ratcliff, Joy Bartley, Christina Brown, Sheila Grant (Chair)
Members Absent: AnnMarie Morlett (excused absence), Henrik Minassians (excused absence), Anita
Simon (excused absence), Miriam Neirick (excused absence), Moshoula Capous-Desyllas (excused
absence), Teresa Madden (new member), Wendy Ashley (excused absence), Michael Gardner
(excused absence), Cynthia Harris
Call to order: 2:02 pm
Unanimous Approval of Minutes from 4/19/13
Announcements (any member may bring pertinent happening to our attention)
Status Report from Subcommittees:
(Including semester plans, e.g., regularity of meetings, review campus climate articles,
contact other campuses re: climate, proposed steps for assessment, etc.; * for chair)
A. Staff-Faculty Communication: Anthony, Michael, Christina, Rasmita, Kelly, Leta
 Members have not met
B. Workload Committee: Tiffany, Kelly, Miriam, Mario
 Waiting to hear from results from Qualitative sub-committee
C. Privilege Committee: Gabriela*, Anthony, Wendy, Anita
1. Met: modified traditional privilege walk activity;
2. Dropped some Qs & added Qs on ability, work environment=>added 8 items;
3. Continue to fine tune the activity
4. Boris suggested we pilot the activity with the CCC members – All members
present concurred
5. Compliment to Gaby & her sub-committee for including ADA / disability issues
6. Sub-committee hopes to conduct activity in Fall 13 semester with those CCC
members that are trained facilitators
D. Mission Statement: Tiffany*, Joy, AnnMarie
 Mission statement completed & approved by CCC; subcommittee disbanded.
CCC Minutes, 5/10/13, p. 1 of 2
E. Assessment-Qualitative: Moshoula*, James, Rasmita, Henrik, Boris
1. James (on behalf and work done by Moshula and himself) presented summary
themes of all faculty and staff focus groups (see hyperlink to summary themes)
a. Next step is to refine these lists even further to get rid of duplicity
b. Data cannot be ranked because it’s qualitative; we do not want to depend on
c. Indicated that summary list is 3rd iteration; subcmte will continue to condense
to create smaller number of cross-cutting themes as most important to feed
into quantitative subcmte’s survey development
F. Assessment-Quantitative: Que-Lam (Q)*, Henrik, Rasmita, Sheila –
Subcommittee met and discussed choices of software/programs/companies to deploy the
quantitative survey (e.g., studentvoice, qualtrics, etc.)
G. CSBS Climate Committee Webpage Project: Joy*
1. Will go online soon
2. Will add photos of CCC members to webpage once staff (and any faculty) have
pictures taken and digital files sent to Joy or Talin
Continue Discussing Need/Feasibility University or College Ombuds Services
 Mention that more than ever, especially considering preliminary finding from focus
groups, there is a definite need for objective and independent ombuds services for
faculty and staff in CSBS, as well as for CSUN campus-wide
Plans for 2013-2014 Academic Year
A. Current CCC members wishing to continue
 All members present indicated that they desired to continue their membership and
participation on the CCC
B. Current CCC members wishing not to continue
 AnnMarie Morlett is leaving committee due to upcoming maternity leave
C. Discussion of replacements for non-responsive members/those leaving
 Those that are NOT committed should be replaced from respective departments
D. Discussion of who ‘should’ be on the CCC
1. Members of the CCC should be faculty and staff members who are committed to
improving college climate; 14 CCC members present (a quorum) agreed
2. Discussion of how to improve transparency
 Postponed until first meeting in Fall 2013
F. Need to set permanent Day/Time for monthly CCC meeting 2013-2014 AY
 New Standing Day/Time approved unanimously:
o 1:30- 3:00 pm on 3rd Friday of month in semester, starting in Fall 2013
o Fall 2013 Dates: 9/20/13, 10/18/13, 11/15/13, 12/20/13-Tentative
o Spring 2014 Dates: 2/21/14, 3/21/14, 4/18/14, 5/16/14
New Business
VIII. Adjournment: 3:05 pm
CCC Minutes, 5/10/13, p. 2 of 2