SYLLABUS GM 105 Section 6- Strategic Management Spring 2013 (Tuesday/Thursday 1:30PM-2:45PM) Amador Hall 314 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: PHONE/FAX: E-MAIL: CONFERENCE HOURS: Dr. Jeff Niu TAH 2023 (916) 278-6939 T/TH 10:30AM to 12:00PM or by appointment INTRODUCTION Strategic Management (GM 105) is a capstone course that focuses on the integration of functional areas of a business and requires students to determine strategies/policies at the general-management level. Students address problems and issues faced by companies seeking to manage the relationships between different elements within the organizational boundaries, and to integrate functional areas in order to optimize performance. Prerequisites: 1. Completion of all other business foundation courses and senior standing. This course is meant to be taken in the last semester of your course work. 2. Minimum knowledge of the industries and companies such as 3M, Toyota, Honda, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Coach, Calaway, Taylormade, Nike, GM, GE, Dell, Microsoft, Intel, Google, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, HTC and Apple...etc. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course has been structured to help you achieve four major objectives. At the end of the course you will, 1. Appreciate the value of taking a general managers view of the firm 2. Learn to synthesize your thinking around a strategic framework which includes the following elements: - Strategy and Organization - Environment - Resources - Strategic Leadership and Reward 3. Understand how functional areas interact to influence firm performance 4. Problem solving skills 5. Learn to make decisions that create better integration between functional areas so as to 1 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento improve firm performance REQUIRED TEXT Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases, Carpenter, by Frank Rothaermel, McGraw Hill Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-07-760286-4 (Additional readings, cases, and/or exercises will be distributed in class). This textbook is required for this class so make sure you have it. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND GRADING Your grade in this course will be determined by your performance on assignments, multiple choice exams, team projects, a comprehensive final exam, your participation in classroom and team-specific activities. The points-distribution will be as follows: Participation/Quiz: Assignments 1 & 2 (@50 each): Assignments #3 (@ 100 points) Case Analysis #1 (Written Report) Case Analysis #2 (Presentation + Written Report) Multiple Choices Exams (2 @ 100 points each) Comprehensive Final Exam Maximum Points Possible 100 100 100 150 250 200 100 1000 Note: You Earn Your Grades. The points will be assigned Fairly based on your performance. Point Scale 2 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento NOTE: Your individual grade on each case will be computed based on the team grade and the peer evaluation grade that you receive. It means if you did not do your job and contribute fully, your teammates have the authority to lower your grade. Thus, please make sure that you are prepared and willing for team works. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Classes in the course will be conducted using discussions, exercises, articles and cases. PowerPoint slides and whiteboard will be used in this class. Discussions will be used to elaborate on and extend the content of the readings, developing conceptual ideas and applying them to business situations. Articles and cases will deal with issues related to the strategic management framework and business integration. Recognize that each article/case is simply a record of an issue faced by business executives. It is not to be construed as portraying either correct or incorrect behaviours. Instead, these articles/cases contain the facts, opinions and prejudices upon which executive decisions have been made. As such, they will provide the basis for in-depth examination of particular issues and concepts. For this method of instruction to work effectively, you must have read and analysed all assigned material before coming to class. A good rule of thumb is to spend as much time analysing and preparing the material as you do reading it. Another good rule of thumb is to commit to spend about six hours per week (outside class) preparing for this course. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Various discussion techniques will be used in class. For these techniques to be effective, you must do the following: ATTEND every class, arriving on time so that it can start promptly. Quiz will be giving randomly and it will be for participation purpose. There will be no make up quiz if you miss the class. PREPARE for every class so that you can contribute to the discussion and also appreciate what is being said. Adequate preparation requires more than simply reading the assigned material. Rather, you should have analyzed all the important issues, taken a position on them, and be prepared to support them. If you have been unable to prepare adequately let me know before the class. This will help you avoid being embarrassed inadvertently. PARTICIPATE in every class. You are responsible for making sure that you do. Participation can take many forms, including making a comment, questioning what has been said, and synthesizing what has been said. If a fellow student makes a point you disagree with, do not let it go unchallenged. Otherwise I will assume you concur, possibly to your peril. In order to successfully complete the course, the followings are needed: Hard work Strong responsibilities for team work 3 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento Creative and innovative ways of thinking Positive attitude toward class participants Courtesy: respect for others Keep in mind that the amount of knowledge you gain from this course depends directly on your level of preparation and participation: you cannot participate if you do not attend class, and you cannot participate effectively if you have not prepared. Furthermore, the skills you develop through participation are as valuable as the techniques you learn in the course. Participation is evaluated on the basis of your readiness to become involved, the usefulness of your contribution, and the depth/effectiveness of your argument. In addition, the consistency of relevant contributions and degree of improvement over the semester will be noted. Please note that I will utilize the entire scale in grading participation. As such, minimal participation will be reflected in a minimal grade. SEPCIAL NOTE ABOUT LAPTOP AND CELL PHONE REGULATION: No electronic equipments of any kind are allowed in class. Using electronic devices will result in the deduction of your overall points or being thrown out of the classroom. If you have special need, you need to request the permission from Dr. Niu. ASSIGMNMENTS AND CASES: During the semester, there will be three team assignments. Assignments must be typed using MS Word or equivalent software. Late submission will not be accepted. The three assignments are based on Case Analysis #1, Dr.Niu will lead you to complete Case Analysis #1. In the end, once you finished the three assignments, you literally completed 2/3 of Case Analysis #1. The second case is Case Analysis #2. As part of each case, your team will be required to make a presentation and submit a written report detailing its analysis and findings and recommendations. Check the course outline for specific due dates. The grading criteria for your cases include but not limited to the following: Relevance -- does the comment bear on the subject at hand? Comments that do not link up with what the discussion is focusing on can actually detract from the learning experience. Causal Linkage -- are the logical antecedents or consequences of a particular argument traced out? Comments that push the implications of a fact or idea as far as possible are generally superior. Responsiveness -- does the comment react in an important way to what someone else has said? Analysis -- is the reasoning employed consistent and logical? Evidence -- have data from the case, from personal experience, from general knowledge been employed to support the assertions made? 4 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento Importance -- does the contribution further our understanding of the issues at hand? Is a connection made with other cases we have analyzed? Clarity -- is the comment succinct and understandable? Does it stick to the subject or does it wander? The two case analyses will be completed on team base. Dr. Niu will assign teams for you. Team peer evaluation will be in effect when assigning individual points of the three cases. The following is an example of the calculation used for determining an individual’s grade: 1. First, the team’s case is graded 2. Next, the individuals’ participation (peer evaluation) grade is computed 3. The individual’s grade is then computed as follows: Individual’s project grade = Team’s Grade X Individual’s Participation Grade Sample Computations for an individual’s grade from Case #1: 1. The overall team’s project grade = 115 points (out of 150 points) 2. The individual’s participation grade given by other teammates = 80 %, 3. The individual’s project grade = 115 x 80 % = 92 points (out of 150 points) The written report should be twelve point fonts, double-spaced, utilize the American Psychological Association (APA) citation format, and generally should be 25 - 40 pages in length (excluding exhibits, tables and appendices). A professional report that (a) demonstrates a command and understanding of the issues involved in the case and their interrelationships, (b) uses sound presentation logic and well thought through justifications, and (c) displays a liberal use of appropriate and required graphs, charts and tables, is expected. The written assignments must be submitted in class on the day they are due. Late submissions will not be accepted. The class presentation must be of the highest professional standards. Use of appropriate presentation mediums and captivating presentation style is essential. Your team’s presentation will be graded based on the quality of (a) the content of the presentation, (b) the presentation style and skill, and (c) the ability of the team to justify its position in the Q&A. Presentations must be limited to 15 minutes. Presentations will be followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. When presentation is required, please dress accordingly to show your professionalism. MULTIPLE CHOICES EXAMS: 5 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento The two Exams (exams) are “knowledge-acquisition” oriented. That is they are designed to test your knowledge of basic strategic-management concepts and theories, certain key concepts or analytical tools – in particular, those associated with the core concept of this class. The objective is to ensure that all students “are on board” and are “staying up-to-date” with the instructor and the rest of the class. COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMINATION: The comprehensive exam will be based on multiple choices, essay, short answer, diagram, and matching type questions. It is a comprehensive exam and designed to test your understanding of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the course as well as your ability to apply the conceptual material to real-world situations. ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR: Your individual grade on two applications and the integrated project will be based on the team score and peer evaluations. Therefore, contributions must be useful and timely. Individuals will engage in pro-social behaviors, and attendance at team meetings is strongly encouraged. See attached grading explanation. As to teamwork, you have to respect each other. ADA COMPLIANCE THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COMPLIES WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IN MAKING REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR QUALIFIED STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY. IF YOU HAVE AN ESTABLISHED DISABILITY AS DEFINED IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ACCOMMODATION, PLEASE SEE ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. MY OFFICE HOURS AND OFFICE NUMBER ARE SHOWN ON THIS SYLLABUS. NOTE: UNIVERSITY POLICY REQUIRES THAT STUDENTS NOTIFY THEIR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS THAT AN ACCOMMODATION WILL BE NEEDED. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY POLICY The CSUS Code of Student Conduct and Discipline provides penalties for misconduct by students, including academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism. 6 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento The term “cheating” includes, but is not limited to, (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (2) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty member or staff of the university. The term “Plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paragraph or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. (Source: Code of Conduct and Discipline at the Sac State University.) If you engage in academic dishonesty and any behavioural misconduct related to this class, you will receive a failing grade on the test or assignment, and a failing grade in the course. In addition, the case will be referred to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Program, Dr. Seung Bach for appropriate disciplinary action. This policy is intended to protect the honest students from unfair competition with unscrupulous individuals who might attempt to gain an advantage through cheating. 7 GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento GM105 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS* Date Topic Reading/Activity/Assignment Jan 29 & 31 Course Introduction and Orientation Exercise: Alaskan Gold Miner Feb 5 & 7 Introduction of Strategic Management Text: Chapters 1 Feb 12 & 14 The Strategic Management Process Text: Chapter 2 & Financial Analysis Feb 19 & 21 External Analysis Feb 26 & 28 Internal Analysis Text: Chapter 4 Assignment 1 Due on 26th March 5 & 7 Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance Text: Chapters 5 Assignment 2 Due on 5th Text: Chapter 3 Case #1 Orientation March 12 & 14 Business Strategy Exam 1 (30mins) on 12th Text: Chapters 6 & 7 Case #2 Orientation on 14th March 19 & 21 Corporate Strategy Text: Chapters 8 March 26 & 28 Spring Break Apr 2 & 4 Corporate Strategy Text: Chapters 9 Apr 9 & 11 Implementation Text: Chapter 11 Assignment 3 due on 9th Apr 16 & 18 Work on Case #1 Case #1 Report due on 18th Apr 23 & 25 Case #2 Q&A session on 23rd , participation is required! Exam 2 (30mins) on 25th Apr 30 & May 2 Work on Case #2 In Class Student Group Meeting! May 7 & 9 Work on Case #2 Final Exam on 16th May 14 & 16 Case #2 presentation May 21 Case Competition Case #2 Report and Documents Due * Schedule is subject to change. ** It will be 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Total is 15 minutes for each team. GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento 8 Date: Please rate your fellow team members (excluding yourself) with respect to the five listed attributes. Please be honest, reasonable, and fair. Each student can receive a maximum of 100%. Team members’ names (excluding yourself). Total (100%) Group # / Name Overall value to team (20%) Section: Met deadlines (20%) Course: Quality of work (20%) Signature: Attendance at team meetings (20%) Your name: Carried fair share of team assignments (20%) Peer Evaluation Form (Case #1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento 9 Date: Please rate your fellow team members (excluding yourself) with respect to the five listed attributes. Please be honest, reasonable, and fair. Each student can receive a maximum of 100%. Team members’ names (excluding yourself). Total (100%) Group # / Name Overall value to team (20%) Section: Met deadlines (20%) Course: Quality of work (20%) Signature: Attendance at team meetings (20%) Your name: Carried fair share of team assignments (20%) Peer Evaluation Form (Case #2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento 10 Date: Please rate your fellow team members (excluding yourself) with respect to the five listed attributes. Please be honest, reasonable, and fair. Each student can receive a maximum of 100%. Team members’ names (excluding yourself). Total (100%) Group # / Name Overall value to team (20%) Section: Met deadlines (20%) Course: Quality of work (20%) Signature: Attendance at team meetings (20%) Your name: Carried fair share of team assignments (20%) Peer Evaluation Form (Case # ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GM 105 Strategic Management, Section 06 Dr. Niu Spring 2013 California State University, Sacramento 11