Spring 2013 Dr. Karagozoglu CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO College of Business Administration GM 105 - Strategic Management COURSE OUTLINE INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Necmi Karagozoglu OFFICE: TAH-2024 OFFICE PHONE: 278-7389 OFFICE HOURS: MW 3:00-4:30 REQUIRED TEXT Stephen J. Porth, Strategic Management, Custom Edition for GM 105/Professor Karagozoglu (New Chapter added and the Cases compiled by Professor Karagozoglu, 2012) COURSE OBJECTIVES/CONTENT 1. To develop students' capacity to think strategically about a company, its competitive position, how it can gain competitive advantage, and how its strategy can be implemented. 2. To develop students' skills in analyzing a company's external and internal environments in making effective strategic decisions, and in understanding and managing problems associated with strategy implementation. 3. To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier core courses. COURSE OBJECTIVES/PROCESS 1. To perform competent analysis and to make effective decisions in strategic business situations which often embody varying degrees of uncertainty and ambiguity. 2. To tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity while embracing persistence (luck favors the persistent) and striving to formulate creative solutions (Aha! Feeling). 3. To work on complex business problems in a team setting. GM 105 2 Dr. Karagozoglu 4. To view and utilize the potentially frustrating occurrences in team dynamics as opportunities to build and reinforce your team management skills. In this connection, learn to build your own approach based on positive, creative, and productive criteria. 5. To contribute to a cooperative, synergistic, and productive team culture. Learn to support and cooperate with your team members in all aspects of the course including preparation for the three exams. 6. To orally present team reports adhering to a persuasive approach (using logos, ethos/source credibility, and pathos appeals) to “sell” the report to your audience. 7. To defend your report firmly but not dogmatically. Learn to listen, to keep an open mind, and to learn from others. CASE METHOD The structure of this class will be somewhat different from most of the other classes you have taken. We will employ “case method” and engage in discussion. Briefly, “The philosophical approach taken in discussion is one of inductive, autonomous, active, cooperative learning for the student. Students spend most of their class time in interactive discussion of cases that they read and prepare for discussion before class” (Corner & Corner, 2000). One theory of learning posits that learning is a process or cycle with four steps: abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, concrete experience, and reflective observation (see below). Traditional teaching that is focused on lecturing generally helps a student with abstract conceptualization. Discussion teaching attempts to bring all four steps into the classroom. “By structuring, presenting, and sustaining arguments, students introduce ideas from which other students draw by relating them to their own ideas thus further enhancing their own learning. Collective and personal observation is then forthcoming. This advances the learning cycle in class” (Corner and Corner, 2000). Concrete Experience Active Experimentation Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization Given this method, the following principles are fundamental to this class: A discussion class is a partnership in which students and the instructor share the responsibilities and power of teaching and the privilege of learning together. A discussion team must evolve from a collection of individuals into a learning community with shared values and common goals. GM 105 3 Dr. Karagozoglu This means that we are all in this together. The success of the class will depend on the level of involvement, preparedness, and enthusiasm each of us brings to class. A variety of classroom discussion techniques will be used during the class to facilitate discussion. Sometimes you will contribute as an individual and sometimes as part of a team. Regular attendance is required in order to achieve the course objectives. Each student is expected to participate extensively in all class discussions. Merely coming to class is not sufficient; attendance is not participation. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Conceptual Material/Text Chapters should be read and digested prior to the sessions for which they are assigned. Since much of managerial work involves sharing ideas and team problem solving, your class participation will be considered an integral part of the course. Most of the reading materials will be covered in class through class discussions, questions from the students and questions from the professor. In other words, the material studied will not simply be rehashed in class. It will be assumed that you learned the assigned chapter contents well unless you ask questions. That is why it is extremely important that you read and digest the assigned chapters adequately prior to our class meetings each week. As you will notice on the course syllabus, reading materials will be covered during the first half of the course while the second half will be devoted to case studies and oral presentations. The course is structured as such because you must have the proper background prior to performing complex case studies. 2. Case Studies A. Team Written Case Studies: Six cases from the text will be assigned. Each team will write approximately 15 to 25 double-spaced, typewritten pages of report; bibliography, graphs, charts, or tables may be added as appendixes on one of the six cases to be assigned to submit the reports on the scheduled date and make an oral presentation of it. Team sizes can range from three to seven students. Please review the Format for Case Study (provided in this course outline) for more specific instructions. B. Case Presentations: Each team will present one case study to the class. Teams are expected to present, discuss and debate their case study. There will be a 40-minute time limit on all presentations. Team members are expected to share equal responsibility in oral presentations and will be graded individually based on the effective use of visual aids, professional appearance and attitude, attentiveness and enthusiasm, and the ability to defend his/her analysis/solutions in calm, cooperative, and constructive manner. A high level of professionalism is expected in these endeavors. I GM 105 4 Dr. Karagozoglu encourage you to utilize all the presentation skills you have acquired and to make use of the available technology and to provide your classmates a persuasive, interesting and enthusiastic delivery. C. Class Participation: Individuals should be prepared to critique the assigned case presented in class. After each case presentation, the class will point out any mistakes, inaccuracies and/or gaps in the analyses presented; comment on the feasibility and thoroughness of recommendations given, and offer counter recommendations with supporting analyses or information. You will write your critique on the “case critique” form. Please review the “Guidelines for oral presentation critiques”. Teams are expected to present, discuss, and debate their work. Team members are expected to share equal responsibility in oral presentations and demonstrate effective use of visual aids, professional appearance and conduct, attentiveness and enthusiasm, and defend his/her analysis/synthesis in a calm, cooperative and constructive manner. Deficiencies in fulfilling this requirement will cost you up to 10 points for each presentation. D. Consulting Case: Student teams will be assigned to do a consulting work for local companies that have applied to the School of Business for advice. This assignment will help students gain "real-world" experience in strategy formulation and implementation and will improve their skill in analysis of complex, unstructured problems and in synthesis of plans for action and implementation. Each student team is required to prepare a report in the length of approximately 25 to 50 typewritten pages (excluding appendices) and submit one copy of it to the client upon completing their work and another copy to the instructor on the date shown in the Course Outline. More specific instructions are attached in the syllabus packet. E. Peer/Performance Ratings: Each member of the team will turn in a “peer evaluation” of his/her team members at the end of the semester. These evaluations will be held in strictest confidence and results will not be disclosed to any individual until the close of the semester. At that point a student will have the prerogative to inquire about his/her total score as rated by his/her team. There will no individual scores available for any reason. The obvious purpose of these evaluations is to assist the professor in determining an individual’s contribution to the case analyses. F. Sign-Offs Submission of all team projects must accompany a signed certificate that states all of the team members have seen, reviewed, and approved the final report. Do not divide the work among team members and produce the final report as the sum of separate efforts. GM 105 G. 5 Dr. Karagozoglu Examinations: Three examinations will be given. Each exam will include 25 multiple-choice questions. COURSE POLICIES Team work is intended for all members to interact and synthesize all of the cases from start to finish. Cases turned in after the scheduled class period is eligible for a grade no higher than a “C” (and only if the report is otherwise an “A”). No late reports will be accepted if submitted more than one class day past the schedule due date. There are NO MAKE UP EXAMS with the exception of health related absences, and funeral attendance. Instructor must be notified for legitimate absences prior to the exam. Instructor will use his/her judgment if documentation is necessary for absences. This policy will be strictly implemented! Fifteen-page report on a topic chosen by the instructor is required for missing an oral presentation. There is no make-up opportunity for a failure to perform adequately in oral presentations. Academic Dishonesty: Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating or plagiarism) will be grounds for receiving a grade of “F” for the course. GRADING One Case Analysis Report Consulting Case Report Examination I (Chapters 1, 2, 3) Examination II (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7) Examination III (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11) Class Participation Contribution to Team Reports Learning Assessment TOTAL POINTS Points 75 75 50 50 50 25 20 24 369 GM 105 6 Dr. Karagozoglu GRADE DISTRIBUTION Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F Class Average Range GPA Equivalent 100-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 82-80 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-65 64-60 59 and Below 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0 CLASS SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC 1/28-2/1 Introduction to the Course and Course Requirements 2/4-2/8 Chapters 1, 2, 3 2/11-2/15 Instructions to Text Case Studies and Consulting Case Chapters 4, 5 2/18-2/22 Chapters 6, 7, 8 2/25-3/1 Review for Exam I and II Preliminary Preliminary Presentations on Consulting Case Work-in-Progress 3/4-3/8 Exam I (Ch. 1, 2, 3) Team Meeting for Case Study 3/11-3/15 Exam II ( Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7) Team Meeting for Case Study 3/18-3/22 Chapters 9, 10, 11 Team Meeting for Case Study 3/25-3/31 Spring Recess 4/1-4/5 Exam III (Ch. 8, 9, 10, 11) Team Meeting for Case Study 4/8-4/12 Cesar Chavez Birthday Observed (Campus Closed) Team Meeting for Case Study 4/15-4/19 CASE STUDY I TEAM REPORT DUE ( TEAM PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE) GM 105 WEEK 7 Dr. Karagozoglu TOPIC 4/22-4/26 CASE STUDY II TEAM REPORT DUE ( TEAM PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE) 4/29-5/3 CASE STUDY III TEAM REPORT DUE (TEAM PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE) 5/6-5/10 CASE STUDY IV TEAM REPORT DUE (TEAM PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE) 5/13-5/17 CASE STUDY V TEAM REPORT DUE (TEAM PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE) 5/20-5/24 CONSULTING CASE REPORTS DUE FORMAT FOR WRITTEN CASE STUDY/CONSULTING CASE REPORT Important: In your Case Study Report, please fully utilize the concepts, approaches, and tools presented in the lectures and in the text. I. Executive Summary: State the purpose of your project and summarize the issues and the strategies you recommend. II. Internal Analysis: (a) Analyze and evaluate how the company has performed so far (be sure to conduct ratio analysis, (b) Value chain analysis, (c) VRIO analysis, (d) list strategically relevant strengths and weakness. III. External Analysis: (a) trend analysis concerning the general environmental factors and Porter’s industry forces, (b) list Opportunities and threats. IV. Strategy Analysis and Choice: using the information from your internal and external audits, and the appropriate tools from the text, identify your strategic objectives, generate strategy alternatives (state pros and cons for each alternative), and choose strategies to be implemented accompanied by a discussion of rationale for choosing them. Please exercise diligence to not mix strategies from implementation plans. Use Tows Matrix. V. Strategy Implementation: Develop plans to foster successful implementation of your recommended strategies. Include thorough consideration of the implementation concepts offered in the text. Provide sufficient details for each implementation plan proposed. GM 105 8 Dr. Karagozoglu VI. Evaluation & Control: For Text Case Study: Develop balanced Score Card For Consulting case: Develop three year PRO FORMA Income Statement, balanced sheet and cash flow statement with remarks column that includes your assumptions. Present most likely, optimistic, and pessimistic scenarios for each statement. GRADING CRITERIA Excellent performance (letter grade of "A"/exceeding requirements) in this project entails a team to carry out all of the above steps accurately, thoroughly, interactively (i.e., logical flow through the steps of this format), substantively, creatively, and to write a business style report which exhibits competent writing proficiency. In the event that information required to meet the criteria of providing substance and completeness in carrying out the above steps could not be obtained, then the information search effort should be fully described in the report where applicable. In the absence of complete and accurate information, reasonable assumptions should be made and these should be fully stated in the report where appropriate. GUIDELINES AND POLICIES ON CASE STUDY TEAMS • Select a team leader for each project. • Team leader, in collaboration with all team members, should formally plan and schedule the team activities. Note that it would be impossible to fully satisfy all the team member's time constraints and schedule requirements. Everyone must cooperate and compromise when necessary. • Advance your own ideas firmly but not dogmatically. Persisting rigidly on your own ideas, without a genuine effort to incorporate others' views to your own, will stifle creativity and block the generation and flow of innovative and fruitful ideas. • Be alerted to the fact that a chronic domination of the team process by one or two members would risk team productivity and become self-defeating. • Team performance should be determined by the majority. Failure of one team member to adequately contribute to team work should not be allowed to affect performance. • Each member should keep a timely record of team activities and submit these as cumulative evidence to support peer performance ratings. GM 105 9 Dr. Karagozoglu • Majority of the team members may decide to disqualify a team member to receive credit on the team report. Majority is defined to include all of the team members except for the team member who is considered to be excluded to receive credit for the team report. The request by the majority in this regard must accompany a document containing detailed account of all of the team activities and explanation on how the particular team member drastically failed to meet the team's expectations in relation to these activities. This document must bear the signatures of all of the team members who constitute majority as defined above. • The class time allocated to team meetings must be fully utilized by all team members to be devoted to team activities. A team member's failure to comply with this policy must affect his/her peer performance ratings. • Teams should meet and work together on all of the assigned cases. Team effort to prepare a written case study report will involve several meetings. • Each team member is responsible for the entire contents of the written team report. Teams should make every effort to fully and effectively integrate logically consistent and coherent reports. • Peer performance rating less than 15 points must accompany a detailed explanation. GUIDELINES FOR ORAL PRESENTATION CRITIQUES 1. The goals intended with this requirement are: • To sharpen your critical thinking skills • To sharpen your written and oral communication and persuasion skills (especially under time constraints) • To ensure your in-depth and thorough exposure to multiple case studies • To prepare and train you for the competitive realities of the business world 2. Master case facts both qualitative and quantitative in advance. Write notes on what you may potentially use in your critique. 3. Identify the main issues in the case and think critically and creatively about them to arrive at insightful perspectives. Write notes on what you may potentially use in your critique. GM 105 10 Dr. Karagozoglu 4. Avoid incomplete and unsubstantiated critique such as "Your team has not looked into the inventory situation". Add substance such as "900 item product line (up from 800) / high inventory levels (up 33%) / inventory turns down from 5.8 from 1999 to 3.2 - These show company has a lack of manufacturing discipline; new products replaced old, creating obsolete inventory". Or, rather than limiting your critique to "You have not mentioned the reason for the sluggish sales". Offer your perspective on that point such as "90% of the company's products sold through distributors or independent showrooms/sales made through 54 agents that carry other lines - therefore, the company have few levers to use directly in increasing sales". 5. Do not critique the style of the presentation (e.g., oral presentation style, particular approach to use visual aids, your opinion regarding how effective the presentation is etc.). Focus on the contents of the presentation. 6. You must orally share your critique in class to earn check points. The exception to this rule applies if the class runs out of time. Violation of this rule will cost you three negative checks per violation. 7. You can earn maximum three check points for three distinctively different critiques per case study. Please number your critiques on the form provided. INSTRUCTIONS ON CONSULTING CASE • Provide an executive summary and a one-page section on "History of the Company". Organize your report into section headings from the "Format for Written Case Study Report". You should address to the client and his/her company throughout the report except for the “History of the Company” section. • Submit one copy to the client and get his/her signature on the appropriate form to acknowledge receipt. • Submit two additional copies to me on the date shown in the course outline, along with the following: Completed SBI form (You were given these forms attached to the case earlier in the submitted. Completed Student Peer Evaluation Sheets. GM 105 11 Dr. Karagozoglu STUDENT PEER EVALUATION SHEET Your Name:___________________________________ Group #: ________ Section #: _____ DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS: This is your opportunity to rate the contributions made by your group members. Rate each group member on a scale of 0-5 (5 being the highest possible) in each area: 1. Cooperativeness: Was the group member available for meetings? 2. Dependability: Was he or she cooperative in making group decisions? 3. Originality and Creativity: Did this group member play a leadership role in one or more areas of the case? Did this person make contributions in analyzing the case? 4. General Contribution: Did this group member complete his or her "fair share" of the case? This includes analysis, any required trips to the library or anywhere else, preparation of the final report or presentation materials, etc. Total the 4 ratings for each group member in the OVERALL RATING column (20 being the highest possible). Your rating sheet will not be shown to other group members. Name of Your Group Members Cooperativeness Dependability Originality General OVERALL & Contribution RATING Creativity