Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. ADVOCACY & POLICY INFLUENCING ACTIONPLAN METHODOLOGY CONTEXT ANALYSIS 1. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Describe the background and events that led to the choice of solutions envisaged by you and/or your organisation/alliance – both practical as well as policy and political solutions. 2. POLICY ISSUE Describe the policy issue. Describe political dimension of your problem solution. (What has to change in the enabling environment) 3. FACTS & FIGURES. Describe the facts and figures related to this policy issue, which explain the policy issue. PREPARATION Describe the consultation process with the beneficiaries and the results of these discussions. Most important is to describe how the beneficiaries experience the problem. MDF copyright 2016 4. CONSULTATIONS WITH BENEFICIARIES ref:612935786 mdf Page 1 (6) Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. 5. DEFINE THE POLICY ISSUE using either PROBLEM TREE, OBJECTIVE TREE, VISION, MISSION. Describe your final analysis of the problem situation (what causes what/cause-effect analysis), Describe your vision on the solution to resolve your problems – both practical and polititcal Describe your mission regarding the role you or your organisation will play to bring about the behavioral change. 6. EARLY MESSAGE Formulate your position on the policy issue. Describe your message in a concise way so that can be easily understood by a large audience. (political position) MDF copyright 2016 7. STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS Take the EARLY MESSAGE / policy position as a starting point. List all stakeholders that have a stake in the policy issue, and score them according to their attitude, importance and influence against your position / message. ref:612935786 mdf Present the results of the stakeholder analysis in: a. audience prioritisation matrix, b. allies & opponents matrix c. the audience targeting table. Page 2 (6) Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. 8. MAPPING POLICY PROCESSES Describe the major policy processes, events and opportunities for influencing policy decisions relevant to your policy issue. Put these on a timeline. What structure Which Planning phases of the policy (brainstorm, pre-design, design, pre-decision, formal decision, implementation, monitoring, evaluation) Timeline per phase STRATEGIZING Based on your message, the stakeholder analysis and the mapping of the policy process a. SELECT the your main allies b. IDENTIFY your opponents c. CHOOSE your MAIN POLITICAL TARGETS d. Choose the most important policy events and moments that you will to focus on 9. ALLIANCE BUILDING MDF copyright 2016 Based on the stakeholder analysis, describe with which partners you will be seeking to form an alliance. Describe also how you intend to manage the alliance and network dynamics. ref:612935786 mdf Page 3 (6) Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. 10. CLASP PRINCIPLES – ASSESS YOURSELF and YOUR NETWORK PARTNERS Describe how your organisation, and your network score on the principles of Credibility, Legitimacy, Accountability, Service orientedness and Power. Since these princples determine the opinion of others about your organisation, please also describe how you would like to strengthen these principles. 10. FINAL ACTION PLANNING – and APPLY CLASP on ALLIANCE ACTION PLAN Describe your final action plan, based on the attached template, indicating: * action steps * division of tasks and responsibilities in your alliance members * timeline * resources (Financial, human resources, materials) * potential barriers * communications plan. Short term: early encouraging response to programme – initial engagement Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 …… MDF copyright 2016 Mid term: actively engaged – learning – commitment Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 …… ref:612935786 mdf Long term: closest to outcome challenge – expanding influence Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 …… Page 4 (6) Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office This project is funded by the European Union. Policy Influencing Action Plan Template Purpose: To create a “script” for your improvement effort and support implementation. Directions: 1. Using this form as a template, develop a work plan for each goal identified.. Modify the form as needed to fit your unique context. 2. Distribute copies of each work plan to the members of the collaboration. 3. Keep copies handy to bring to meetings to review and update regularly. You may decide to develop new work plans for new phases of your policy influencing effort. Goal: Results/Accomplishments: Action Steps What Will Be Done? Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: ref:612935786 mdf Responsibilities Who Will Do It? Timeline By When? (Day/Month) Resources A. Resources Available B. Resources Needed (financial, human, political & other) A. Potential Barriers A. What individuals or organizations might resist? B. How? B. B. A. A. B. B. A. A. B. B. A. A. B. B. A. Page 5 (6) Communications Plan Who is involved? What methods? How often? Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Bosnia and Herzegovina Office Step 5: This project is funded by the European Union. A. A. B. B. Evidence Of Success (How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?) Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?) ref:612935786 mdf Page 6 (6)