Minutes of the STUDENT ASSOCIATION SENATE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 20 January 2013 CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order by Speaker James Zanayed at 6:00 p.m. in the Clara Sperling Skyroom of the Holmes Student Center. Senate Clerk Chad Harris conducted a roll call of Senators. All members were present except; Senator Goldman, Senator Fullilove, Senator Beltran, Senator Churney, Senator Frank. With a quorum present, the meeting proceeded. Senator Troutman led in the Pledge of Allegiance. MEETING AND AGENDA APPROVAL Speaker Quick motions to suspend rules and move items A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I to old business. And to pass the items as consent agenda. SPEAKER’S REPORT None. COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Pending recording. EXECUTIVE BRANCH REPORT(S) None. OLD BUSINESS SAB 44029: A Bill to Recognize NIU Huskie Hunks Bill passes at 6:15pm SAB 44030: A Bill to appoint an ad-hoc Committee Bill passes at 6:20 SAR 44035: A Resolution to appoint members to a committee. Resolution passes at 6:21 SAR 44036: A Resolution to honor the NIU football team Resolution passes at 6:23 pm SAR 44008: A Resolution to appoint Brandon Grosz to the Supreme Court Resolution passes at 6:25 pm SAB 44031: A Bill to Confirm the second semester schedule. Bill passes at 6:26pm SAB 44032: A Bill to Amend the Bylaws and add Deputy Speaker. Bill passes at 6:27pm SAR 44038: A Resolution to thank the Administration. Resolution passes 6:29pm SAR 44039: A Resolution to Appoint Dalton Johnson. Resolution passes 6:30pm PUBLIC COMMENTS None. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pending recording. ADJOURNMENT Speaker Zanayed requested a motion to adjourn. Motion is made by Senator Johnson. Seconded by Senator Theodore. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:33 p.m. MINUTES SUBMITTED BY Chad A. Harris, Clerk of the Senate & Special Assistant to the Speaker. EXECUTIVE ALLOCATION INFORMATION