Minutes of the STUDENT ASSOCIATION SENATE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY 27 January 2012 CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order by Speaker James Zanayed at 6:06 p.m. in the Clara Sperling Skyroom of the Holmes Student Center. Elyse Heimann conducted a roll call of Senators. All members were present except; Senator Goldman, Senator Fullilove, Senator Troutman. With a quorum present, the meeting proceeded. Senators led in the Pledge of Allegiance. MEETING AND AGENDA APPROVAL Speaker Zanayed motions to suspend rules and move items A, B, C to old business. And to pass the items as consent agenda. SPEAKER’S REPORT Speaker thanks senators for braving the weather Next week there will be no meeting due to the super bowl Speaker would like to recognize Senator Brandon Phillips for his involvement in collecting data on issues of election apathy; still waiting for other senators to get the ball rolling as he has Nomination for 5 senators to be on board of elections Meeting with athletic director to discuss plan to host all senators and execs at the next basketball game; a tour of the center, Wednesday at time? and Saturday the 2nd at 3:00. We hope to see everyone there, and emails will be sent out regarding the details. Speaker Zanayed yields time to Don Henderson of Legal Services to discuss a study abroad scholarship Erickson Doherty endowment scholarship; multiple students awarded. All information has been emailed and hard copies will be available in the Senate office. COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Chairman Domke-Athletics and Student Involvement First meeting for athletics and student involvement committee. James Alford vice chair, Kaliah Smith the Secretary. Meeting at 1:30 in room 103 in the HSC on Monday. Chairmen Tinberg-Campus Life and Greek Affairs Set goals for the semester, elected senator Pooler as secretary EXECUTIVE BRANCH REPORT(S) President LeFlore Welcomes everyone back to spring semester. Discusses the transition that will be coming up as new executive branch is elected. Encourages everyone to be more involved with helping students and identifying goals regarding student issues. Emphasizes the importance of improving Campus Recreation, renovating the Holmes Student Center for future students, and continue to change NIU for the better. Encourages everyone to write down ideas and contact him with their ideas. OLD BUSINESS SAR 44031: A Resolution to Confirm Susie Richard Speaker Zanayed Comments Senator Theodore Inquires Senator Beltran Inquires Resolution passes at 6:33pm SAR 44041: A Resolution to Appoint Michael Theodore Senator Beltran Inquires Resolution passes at 6:36 SAR 44042: A Resolution to Appoint Philip Nanni Senator Beltran Inquires Senator Alford Inquires Resolution passes at 6:40 SAR 44043: A Resolution to Appoint the Board of Elections Senator Wellington nominated. Senator Phillips nominated. Senator Sarna nominated. Senator Theodore nominated. Senator Birk nominated. Resolution passes at 6:51pm