EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES – ___________Faculty Senate Office

___________Faculty Senate Office
(818) 677-3263
May 3, 2007
University Hall, Room 277
Members Present: Alfano, Lien, Macune, Matos (Chair), Reagan, Spector, Stepanek, Swerkes
Wolfbauer (Recording Secretary), Zvi
Excused: Hellenbrand, Schwartz
Guests: C. Bartell, R. Castallo, A. Eaton, A. Hirota, S. Jackson, P. Rusche, N. Souri
President Matos called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
MSP to approve the minutes of April 26, 2007 as corrected.
2. Announcements
a. Cheryl Spector will perform the “Secretary of the Faculty” responsibilities for this
b. Jennifer Matos announced the names of those who accepted the nomination for the
Library Committee. An election will be held at the next Senate meeting.
c. The Faculty Governance Orientation will be on Thursday, May 24, 2007 from 12:00 –
2:00 at the University Club.
d. CIELO’s Freshman Faculty Series presents “Teaching and Discussing The Things They
Carried by Tim O’Brien” on May 8 from 11:00 – 12:00 noon. The program repeats on
May 9.
3. Advisement Bill of Rights
Sarah Jackson, Associated Students; Nadia Souri, Peer Counselor
Sarah Jackson presented a proposed advisement Bill of Rights,“CSUN Academic Advisement
Agreement,” that was written by Associated Students based on survey results from 300
students. She went over the highlights and explained that the intent of the document was to
set up, in writing, an agreement of what students could expect with regard to academic
advisement. Ultimately they would like to see a policy on advising included in the
University Catalog. They requested input from the Executive Committee and received
suggestions about revising some of the language in the document. Executive Committee
members also expressed concern about the statements requiring faculty to respond to
advisement requests within two business days. The importance of all constituents working
together to make the ideal model a reality was conveyed to Sarah Jackson and Nadia Souri.
Cheryl Spector agreed to work with S. Jackson to provide editorial advice on the next
revision of the document.
4. 2007-08 Senate and Executive Committee Calendar
The Executive Committee reviewed the proposed 2007-08 Senate and Senate Executive
Committee Calendar and made changes to the date of the final Senate Meeting and to the
date of the 2008 Honored Faculty Reception.
MSP to approve the calendar dates with changes -- http://www.csun.edu/senate/SEC/200708 Senate Calendar.
5. Reports from Dr. Aki Hirota
Faculty Athletics Representative and Representative to the Academic Council on CSU
International Programs
Aki Hirota distributed two written reports: International Programs Report and Athletics
Report. She summarized both reports and responded to questions.
6. Ed.D Program in Educational Leadership – Program Proposal
Dr. Arlinda Eaton, Associate Dean; Dr. Richard Castallo, Associate Dean; Dr. Carol Bartell,
Educational Leadership and Policies Studies Department
Arlinda Eaton and Richard Castallo gave an overview of the new Ed.D. Program in
Educational Leadership. They explained that the Program was recently approved by the
Graduate Studies Committee, and after approval from the Senate, it will go to the
Chancellor’s Office. Castallo provided additional background and said that there is a dire
need for well-trained professionals to fill the senior leadership positions in public schools and
community colleges. The Ed.D. is a cohort program accepting approximately 20 students
each year and the courses are offered in a fixed sequence. After discussion and questions, it
was requested that some corrections be made to the proposal and that the document be
brought to the next Senate meeting to request approval.
7. Review of Standing Committee Minutes
Personnel Planning and Review Committee (2/14, 2/21, 3/14, 3/22, 3/28, 4/11 – no policies)
8. Set Agenda for Senate Meeting of May 17, 2007
Add/Drop Policy – Extension of Practice (information)
Executive Committee Election
University Library Committee Election
Ad Hoc Calendar Committee Report (possibly)
● Ed.D. New Program Proposal
● Portal and SOLAR Enhancements
● Senate Reports
9. Other Business
a. Faculty Awards Criteria
The Executive Committee reviewed the latest version of the Faculty Awards criteria
revisions, dated May 1, 2007, that included changes made at the last two meetings. One
additional change was made to the Visionary Community Service-Learning Award to
include the acceptance of community members as nominators.
MSP (unanimous) to approve the proposed changes –
http://www.csun.edu/senate/SEC/Faculty Awards Criteria 5-3-07 Final
b. Internal Searches
The Executive Committee had concerns about the process for internal searches. There
seems to be a pattern that when there is a person in an internal interim position, and then
an internal permanent search takes place, the internal interim person is the only applicant.
MSP to request that PP&R review the process of internal searches to ensure a broader
pool of candidates for the permanent position by specifically encouraging others than the
interim appointee to apply so that the searches will comply with the spirit of Section 600.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Heidi Wolfbauer, Recording Secretary
Cheryl Spector, Acting Secretary of the Faculty