February 23, 2006

___________Faculty Senate Office
(818) 677-3263
February 23, 2006
University Hall, Room 277
Members Present: Born, Hellenbrand, Howes, Krane, Macune, McIntyre (Chair), Schwartz,
Stepanek, Swerkes, Wolfbauer (Recording Secretary), Zvi
Excused: Basta
Guests: Ed Alfano, Jason Gray, Penny Jennings, Bobby Rodgers
President McIntyre called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
MSP to approve the minutes of February 2, 2006.
The next Chief Information Officer candidate, Dr. Wendy Chang, will meet with
the Executive Committee on Monday, February 27 at 3:00 p.m. in UN 277. Mr.
Yao Min is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7th at 3:00 p.m. in UN 250 and two
more candidates will be scheduled for the end of March.
Swerkes reported, by e-mail, that our campus is scheduled to begin offering the
Ed.D. in Fall 2008.
EPC approved a modification of the old GE program Plan C so that students who
satisfy the General Education requirements in one major will not have to complete
additional GE courses if they change their major. This gives students on the GE
Plan C program the same change-of-major rights as the students on the new GE
program. The new General Education program has been named “Plan R.”
McIntyre reported on the status of the Faculty Awards nominations. He will send
an e-mail to faculty, deans and department chairs reminding them of the deadline.
Provost Hellenbrand offered to make an announcement at the Provost’s Council
meeting. McIntyre asked the award committee volunteers to send him the names
of five potential committee members and he will make sure that there is no
overlap or conflict of interest on the committees.
Faculty Representative on USU Board of Directors
Students Jason Gray and Bobby Rodgers presented information about the USU Board of
Directors and the need for a new faculty representative.
MSP (Zvi/Macune) to nominate two faculty members for the position of faculty
representative on the USU Board of Directors. The faculty representative will be selected
by the USU Board of Directors.
Spring 2006 Election Slate
Pending further nominations by petition, the Executive Committee finalized the slate for
Faculty Officers, Statewide Academic Senators, and Senators-at-Large.
Nominations were made to the Senate Standing Committees and members were asked to
check with the nominees to see if they are willing to serve.
Policy Item – Personnel Planning and Review Committee
Ed Alfano, Chair
1st Reading – Policy on Endowed Chairs and Professorships
The revised policy on Endowed Chairs and Professorships was presented and discussed.
The Executive Committee suggested additional changes to the policy statement to read:
The President of the University will consult with the relevant Department(s) or College(s)
prior to acceptance of funds and establishment of an Endowed Chair or Endowed
No Endowed Chair or Professorship will be established without the consent of the faculty
of the relevant Department or relevant College.
Report on 2007-08 Academic Calendar
Penny Jennings, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and
Frank Stranzl, Manager of Faculty Personnel and Compensation Programs
Jennings distributed the 2006-07 revised calendar, the procedures, norms and definitions
for developing the academic calendar and two alternative calendars being proposed for
2007-08. She described the composition of the committee and explained the rationale
for recommending the proposed calendars. She is aware that the major issues causing
controversy concern the length of summer and the length of the winter break.
Swerkes expressed the views of the CSU Statewide Senate on establishing the academic
calendar and distributed related materials. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided
to ask EPC and ERC to review the calendar proposals and to provide the Senate with
arguments for and against the proposed calendars. Additionally, an open forum will take
place after the Senate meeting, on March 16, to discuss and provide feedback for a vote at
the April meeting. The relevant documents will be posted on the Senate website.
Agenda Management – Executive Committee and Senate Meetings
The Executive Committee and Senate meeting agendas have become very long. It was
decided to distribute written reports from the Provost, Statewide Academic Senate, and
the CFA, and if time permits they will answer questions at the Senate Meeting. Three
additional Executive Committee meetings were scheduled for March 23, April 27 and
May 11. The May 4 meeting was cancelled.
WASC Annual Meeting Representative
This item was postponed until the next meeting.
Representation on IT Committees
This item was postponed until the next meeting.
Policy Item - Educational Policies Committee
Diane Schwartz, Chair
1st Reading – Policy on Majors and Minors
The proposed policy will allow departments to offer a major and a minor to the same
student, or more than one minor to the same student only if the major and minor(s) are
associated with different academic degrees.
After discussion, it was MSP (Swerkes/Zvi) to forward to the Senate as a 1st Reading.
New Business
No new business.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Submitted by: Heidi Wolfbauer, Recording Secretary
Diane Schwartz, Secretary-Treasurer of the Faculty