COMMITTEE FOR MULTICULTURAL CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION Notes from Meeting of 16 March 2010 The Sixth meeting of the committee for multicultural curriculum transformation was held on Tuesday, 16 March 2010, at 10:00 a.m. in Altgeld 203. Attendance Michael Gonzales, Liping Guo, Robin Moremen, Judy Santacaterina, Sally Conklin, Diana Swanson Announcements Women’s History Month Events: March 29, Alumni panelist, March 31: noon: "The Cultural Politics of Salsa Dancing in Chicago: A Gender Perspective." With speaker Frances Aparicio. Minutes February 16, 2010 Minutes approved unanimously. Assessment A review of the assessment questions and goals were reviewed. Suggestions Include: do not use compounded questions, splitting the assessment into three broad categories including the influence on curriculum, personal transformation, and effectiveness of teaching in a diverse class. A survey should be made that can be given to every class that is applicable both before and after. Assessment should include both open ended and self-directed questions. It can be both quantitative and qualitative. The goals need to be converted into measurable objectives. Goals are targets, objectives are measurable outcomes, and assessment is questions. Goals and the assessment will be a good resource to give to potential keynote and plenary speakers. It was agreed upon to split the assessment into three groups as follows: 1) Curriculum transformation (content) 2) Pedagogy (How you teach, strategies, methods) 3) Awareness & Transformation (personal awareness, commitment, enactment) Individual pairs were assigned to each sub-assessment as follows: Curriculum transformation – Liping and Sally Pedagogy- Robin and Diana Awareness and transformation- Judy Judy will be assigned to work with a partner at a later date. Each group is to come up with goals and measurable objects for their sections and have them to Katy Smith by Thursday, April 8th. Keynote Speaker Keynote speaker discussion was tabled for the next meeting. It was discussed to keep Fay Atkindes in mind as a leading candidate. She is also presenting at 2010 NCORE on June 1 & 2. Discussion about sending a representative to NCORE was discussed, and plans for correspondence with Virginia Cassidy was made. Guidelines for Panelists Guidelines for future panelists were briefly discussed. It was noted that guidelines will grow out of our goals, and that this will be useful to determine panelists and tell people what we would like them to do. Closing remarks Each sub-group is to come up with goals and measurable objects for their sections and have them to Katy Smith by Thursday, April 8th. These will be compiled and discussed next meeting. Arrangements have been made for Carolinda Douglass to attend our next meeting to assist in assessment protocols. The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 20 April, 2010 from 10:00-11:30 in Altgeld 203.