January 15, 2013 [Word]

Notes from Meeting of
15 January 2013
The fourth meeting of the Committee on Multicultural Curriculum Transformation was held on
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in Altgeld 225.
Carolinda Douglass (Vice Provost for Academic Planning & Development), Teresa Fisher
(Education), Bill Goldenberg (Visual & Performing Arts), Michael Gonzales (CMCT Chair;
Director, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies), Laverne Gyant (Director, Center for
Black Studies), Janice Hamlet (Coordinator, Academic Diversity Programs), Murali
Krishnamurthi (Director, Faculty Development & Instructional Design Center), Robin Moremen
(Liberal Arts & Sciences), Kristen Myers (Director, Women’s Studies), Jane Rose Njue (Health
& Human Sciences), Mark Rosenbaum (Business), Beth Towell (Curricular Dean), and Kayla
Schnacky (CMCT Graduate Assistant).
Gonzales informed the committee that Chen will be unable to attend the meetings this semester,
due to a teaching conflict. Douglass will ask the Dean of the College of Engineering to
recommend a replacement for Chen for the spring term. Gonzales welcomed Gyant, who was
unable to attend last semester’s meetings, back to the committee.
The minutes from the meeting of November 20, 2012, were approved without any changes.
Recruitment Efforts
Schnacky reported that a total of nine Institute applications have been submitted. Towell asked
if nine applications would meet the minimum participant requirement. Douglass reminded the
committee that the Provost had in mind a minimum of 15 applications, but would consult with
him. Gonzales asked if 12 applications might be sufficient. Various committee members shared
that they have urged their colleagues to apply. Gonzales added that he had sent a memo to all
new faculty members at NIU and to junior faculty in the History Department. He had earlier
written two pieces for NIU Today promoting the MCTI and notifying faculty of the deadline
extension. Schnacky also stated that she had notified several individuals who had expressed
interest in the Institute about the extended deadline.
Gonzales asked for suggestions about recruitment strategies. Krishnamurthi noted that in the
past, committee members invited and encouraged colleagues to apply. Several committee
members indicated that they had already done so. Moremen said she would be willing to contact
Simon Weffer, from Sociology and Latino and Latin American Studies, and encourage his
application. Gonzales asked if the Provost’s Office would accept applications from those who
teach the university introductory course, whose job classification varies. Goldenberg mentioned
that the committee has extended invitations to individuals outside of NIU in the past. Moremen
said she would be willing to reach out to Will Ashford at Rock Valley College. Towell noted
that while these individuals would not receive the stipend. Douglass added that participation of
non-NIU faculty would spread the initiative. Gonzales proposed that we incorporate information
about the experiences of community college transfer students, perhaps on the Student Panel. The
suggestion was made for individuals outside of NIU to be given a new application deadline.
Myers asked if they would be required to give a presentation in the fall based on their
experiences, and the sense of the committee was that they would not. Moremen noted that these
individuals have “contributed wonderfully and they got a lot out of it.” Once the committee has
decided who to contact, Gonzales said that he would write an invitation letter. If committee
members already had a contact at a community college, Gonzales asked that they offer a personal
invitation. Douglass stated that she would like to discuss this with the Provost before proceeding.
She added that we need to ensure there are more applicants from NIU before inviting individuals
from outside of NIU.
Fisher asked if participants from the education department would be permitted to leave the
Institute early to teach interim session classes. Moremen noted that those individuals would miss
the syllabi feedback discussions, which are vital to the Institute. Gonzales asked if the
committee would like to shuffle the schedule a bit to accommodate these individuals. The
general consensus was to maintain the historical schedule.
Plenary Speakers: Gonzales said that he would be willing to contact the plenary speakers and to
provide them with more information about the MCTI. He thought that it would be useful to give
them a list of participants and their field of study. He would suggest that the speakers tailor their
presentations, as much as possible, to fit the objections of our Institute.
Krishnamurthi shared that he has heard the speakers give talks about pedagogical transformation
and do an outstanding job. He also noted that one plenary speaker, Mathew Ouellett, specializes
in LGBT issues.
Schedule: Gonzales read through the list of proposed panel topics discussed at the November
committee meeting. The topics were as follows:
Race and Ethnicity (2 panels)
Gender and Sexuality
Student Panel (including community college transfer students)
Social Class (Economic Inequalities)
Student Issues, featuring Katrina Caldwell. She could discuss managing difficult
dialogues, trends and diverse student populations, and negotiating power and
privilege among students in the classroom
VII. Video
Gonzales asked the committee if they are satisfied with the list of topics. He noted that perhaps
Katrina Caldwell’s topics could be defined more precisely. Hamlet noted that Dr. Caldwell
would likely be willing to discuss her proposed topics with Gonzales. Moremen noted that there
are ten slots to fill in the schedule. Towell asked the committee who they would like to see
return as a speaker. She said that this should be noted in past meeting minutes. Myers said
perhaps we could have one gender and one sexuality panel. Moremen noted that we could open
another timeslot by distributing a handout for demographics, rather than having a scheduled
session. Towell suggested that the committee begin filling in the schedule timeslots. Schnacky
will distribute a blank schedule template and the 2011 schedule to the committee.
Panelists: Gonzales noted the need to assemble excellent panelists. Moremen suggested Simon
Weffer for the panel on race and ethnicity. Rosenbaum said he will ask Robert Brookey, from
the LGBT Studies Program, about partnering for an LGBT panel. Moremen inquired if the
movie she proposed, Cracking the Codes: the System of Racial Inequity, is available at the NIU
library. Schnacky informed the committee that she spoke with a library representative who
indicated the film is not available. Schnacky will follow up with Robert Ridinger, of University
Libraries, to confirm. Returning to the discussion of panelists, Gonzales tasked the committee
with thinking of “the very best people we would like to present,” encouraging committee
members to look within their programs. Towell suggested NIU ombudsperson, Sarah Klaper, as
a potential panelist. Gonzales asked Douglass about Anna Stevens, who Douglass had
previously recommended as a speaker on student issues, particularly those involving veterans.
Myers suggested Amanda Littauer, of History and Women's Studies, as someone who could
present on gender or sexuality. Gyant proposed that we ask Katrina Caldwell, Asst. VP for
Diversity & Equity, to speak to economics in her presentation. Gonzales shared that his
colleague, Beatrix Hoffman, is interested in inequalities in healthcare. Moremen noted that there
are a number of individuals in the Sociology department that approach the issue of economic
inequality. Towell added that Dennis Barsema would be a powerful speaker. Gonzales noted the
importance of finding students with diverse experiences and backgrounds for the student panel.
Myers indicated that she has someone in mind for one topic.
Towell asked if the committee should generate a list of speakers at the present meeting; Gonzales
stated that it will be an agenda point for the February committee meeting. He encouraged
committee members to come to the February meeting with an idea of who they would like to
have as panelists.
Gonzales reiterated that the committee members should not reach out to community college
contacts until after Douglass has spoken with the Provost.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
February 19, 2013 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in Altgeld 203.