September 17, 2013 [Word]

Notes from Meeting of
17 September 2013
The first meeting of the Committee on Multicultural Curriculum Transformation was held on
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 10:05 a.m. in Altgeld 225.
Gary Chen (Engineering & Engineering Technology), Carolinda Douglass (Vice Provost for
Academic Planning & Development), Teresa Fisher (Education), Bill Goldenberg (Visual &
Performing Arts), Kristin Huffine (Director, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies),
Murali Krishnamurthi (Director, Faculty Development & Instructional Design Center), Anita
Maddali (Law), Robin Moremen (Liberal Arts & Sciences), Kristen Myers (CMCT Chair;
Director, Women’s Studies), Jane Rose Njue (Health & Human Sciences), Mark Rosenbaum
(Business), Donna Smith (Supportive Professional Staff, Catalog Editor/Curriculum
Coordinator), and Carly Seibel (CMCT Graduate Assistant).
Myers introduced the new graduate assistant, Carly Seibel, the new Director of the Center for
Latino and Latin American Studies, Kristin Huffine, and the new representative of the College of
Law, Anita Maddali.
Douglass announced that the HLC Self-Study Report has been posted on the NIU website under
HLC (A-Z) and will be available until September 30. She advised the committee members to
view the report and provide feedback.
The minutes from the meeting of April 16, 2013 were approved without any changes.
Fall 2013 Small Group Presentations
Conference Format: Myers explained that small group presentations were spread out throughout
the entire month of October in the previous non-institute year. She added that there had been
discussions of compressing the presentations into a shorter number of days allowing for more of
a “conference feel.” She noted that this could increase the likelihood that presenters interact with
one another and are able to see as many presentations as possible.
Advertising for presentations: Myers suggested that small group presentations be advertised to
the public. Moremen noted that department chairs, deans, colleagues, friends, family members,
etc. have attended presentations in previous years. Douglass asked how these presentations
would be advertised. Myers suggested creating a “conference program” that would consist of a
schedule of presenters, presentation titles, and descriptions of presentations.
Food/Refreshments possibility: Myers asked Douglass if refreshments would be an option for the
conference. Douglass stated that she and Seibel would look into the budget to see if it would be a
possibility. Krishnamurthi noted that it would helpful to have a head count in order to plan how
many refreshments to order. Douglass added that the Holmes Student Center would provide the
refreshments if presentations were held there, but we could bring our own food and refreshments
if held in another building.
Video Record Presentations: Chen wondered if the small group presentations could be video
recorded and posted for others to view. Chen and Myers agreed that this would be great for
advertising. Myers suggested video-typing the highlights of each session and creating a Youtube
style presentation. Myers said that she would try and find someone to film the presentations.
Review availabilities: A decision was made to have 20 minute time slots for each presenter
which would allow for a 15 minute presentation and 5 minutes for further discussion or
additional questions. Myers suggested having a two to five minute transition time between
presenters. Myers noted that Sally Conklin’s group members have been redistributed to the four
remaining small group leaders as Conklin will no longer be able to serve as a group leader.
Proposed conference dates: Based on current availabilities, Myers proposed that we aim for
Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2 for the small group presentations. The afternoon
on Thursday, October 31 will be added if necessary for those who cannot present November 1 or
2. Moremen noted that having these presentations at a later date also allows more time for the
small group leaders to meet with their group members to guide them on their presentations.
Rosenbaum confirmed that he would be the chair at the presentations if Myers were to be absent.
Alternative plan for small group presentations: Moremen noted the importance of having an
alternative plan in place if the conference format is unsuccessful. Myers confirmed that the
alternative plan would be keeping the presentations condensed into one week (possibly the week
of October 28 – November 2).
Debrief from 2013 Institute year and reviewing Post-Institute Surveys
Committee members reviewed and discussed the Post-Institute Surveys. Myers noted that she
would put all of the evaluations into a data set in SPSS.
Committee Feedback on the institution: Douglass mentioned the issue of redundancy during
presentations. Douglass said that a possible solution to this issue would be to guide the speakers
on what to discuss during their presentations.
Myers mentioned that the previous presentations were more “content-based” rather than teaching
participants about curriculum modifications or teaching methods. Krishnamurthi added that
previous presentations were not discipline specific.
Moremen wondered if there was an assessment component that small group members are to
incorporate in their teaching this semester or next. Myers answered that small group members
need to do a post-test that is available on Blackboard that they should distribute at the end of the
semester. The link on Blackboard is under “Course Documents”  “Assessment”  “Post-Test
Survey for Students.” Participants can mail Post-Test Surveys to Myers.
Fisher reported that her small group wished there was more on the topic of intersections of
cultural identity. Krishnamurthi announced that he is a arranging for a speaker on
intersectionality of cultural identity and cultural competence in May 2014. He added that more
information on this topic will be given at a later date.
Myers discussed that a new approach for future institutes to in order to transform the university
as a whole. She explained that “instead of having people self-select and come to the institute, we
should go unit to unit.” Douglass stated that Janice Hamlet, Katrina Caudwell, Karen Baker are
working on plans for incorporating diversity throughout the university. It was discussed that they
be invited to a future committee meeting to discuss their plans.
Rosenbaum suggested that divorced families could be a possible topic to be discussed at the next
institute. Myers added that a session on counseling students could be a another topic to discuss.
Vacant College of Law position
Myers announced that the vacant College of Law position has been filled by Anita Maddali.
MCTI Blackboard Site
Seibel will add Kristin Huffine and Anita Maddali to the MCTI Blackboard site.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
October 15, 2013 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in Altgeld 203.