Protocol #: Confidential SCRIHS Protocol Template for Exempt or Expedited Protocols Instructions to User: 1. Sections and text that are in regular font and that have not been highlighted in grey represent standard language. In general, these sections should be present in your final protocol and the language should not be changed. However, every protocol is unique and changes to standard sections and language may be necessary to meet the needs of your protocol. Please review the language carefully to make sure that it is accurate for your study. 2. Sections that are highlighted in grey, but that have regular font, represent sections or information that needs to be customized as applicable to your study, but the language that is present is generally considered to be standard if that section (or procedure) applies to your protocol. 3. Sections that are highlighted in grey, and where the text is italicized, represent instructions with some example text. All require complete customization for your study. 4. As you customize each section of the protocol, remove the highlighting and restore the font to regular (from italics) to denote that section as having been completed. 5. When your protocol is complete, review it to ensure that all highlighting and italics have been removed. 6. Inclusion of relevant cover letters, data collection forms, questionnaires or any other relevant documentation should be submitted to IRIS in addition to this protocol. 7. Once a document has been uploaded into IRIS any subsequent changes must be completed through the use of revisions. DO NOT upload a revised or modified document as a new document in IRIS. Documents that have been uploaded or submitted incorrectly may cause a delay in study review. 8. Please do not include this instructions page when submitting. 9. Contact the SCRIHS office if you have any questions or problems prior to submitting. Version#: Version date: 6/28/2016 Page 1 Protocol #: Confidential TITLE Principal Investigator: Co-Investigators: Performance Site: BACKGROUND Briefly explain the significance of your study with citations from relevant references. STUDY RATIONALE Describe why it makes sense to conduct this study. Why is this information needed? Describe your plans for the information once collected. STUDY OBJECTIVES State the primary and secondary OBJECTIVES, if applicable. STUDY DESIGN Insert a very short description or outline of the study procedures. Explain how the study will be conducted. SUBJECT SELECTION Please include a description of the population to be studied, number of subjects to be enrolled, charts to be reviewed or samples to be collected. Include inclusion and exclusion criteria, if applicable. If consent is needed, how will it be obtained and by whom? Please include Informed Consent document with submission. RISK / BENEFIT ASSESSMENT Please describe why the risks to the patients are minimal and therefore eligible for expedited review. Indicate if there will be any costs or compensation to the subjects. Version#: Version date: 6/28/2016 Page 2 Protocol #: Confidential STATISTICAL METHODS AND CONSIDERATIONS Describe the statistical methods to be employed for the primary and secondary outcomes, if applicable. Indicate the timing of any planned interim analysis(es), if applicable. Specify the number of subjects planned to be enrolled and describe the reason for choice of sample size including reflections on (or calculations of) the power of the study, if applicable and clinical justification. For example: The sample size for this protocol was determined by xxxx. DATA COLLECTION, RETENTION AND MONITORING Describe procedures for protecting the privacy of the subjects and maintaining confidentiality of the data and/or specimens. How will you be acquiring your data? If retrospective review, from what date to what date (MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYY) will you be collecting data from the patient’s medical record? Does your study require ongoing contact with subjects? Will you be recording any identifying information? How will data and/or specimens be stored? Who will have access to the data and/or specimens? How long will data and/or specimens be stored? What are the plans for disposition of the specimens and/or any identifiable information upon completion of the study? REFERENCES Please include any citations here. Version#: Version date: 6/28/2016 Page 3