Considering Correlation For each of the pairs of variables listed below, indicate what you to expect in the way of an overall direction of correlation (positive, negative, or no correlation) and what you expect the strength of the correlation to be (weak, strong, or perfect). Then write a sentence or two justifying your choices: 1. Height in centimeters and height in inches. Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 2. Levels of income and amount of spending on consumer goods; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 3. The age of a car and its value; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 4. Two scores thrown on two dice simultaneously; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 5. Snowstorms and attendance at college classes; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 6. Ability to see in the dark and the amount of carrots eaten; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 7. Daily cigarette consumption and cardiovascular health; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 8. Heights and weights of elementary school children; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 9. Weekly consumption of calories in food and drink and body weight; Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: 10. Age and physical strength in senior citizens. Direction: ________ Strength: _______ Justification: