California State University’s Methodology for Driving Web Accessibility

California State University’s methodology for driving Web accessibility
Cheryl Pruitt - CSU
Director, Accessible Technology Initiative California State University
Office of the Chancellor
Jeff Singleton - HiSoftware, Inc.
Senior Web Accessibility Consultant
Sue Cullen- CSUN
Program Manager, Universal Design Center
Product Testing Coordinator for the CSU Accessible Technology Network
Alen Davoudian-CSUN
Web Developer / IT Consultant
Universal Design Center
CSU ATI Web Accessibility Goal
• Campus and vendor websites will be as accessible as
possible at time of publishing or purchase
– Two of the objectives necessary for meeting the goal
• Baseline testing requirements that the CSU campuses could easily
• Wide tool deployment to campus user groups
• CSU and HiSoftware created an implementation plan to
achieve these objectives.
• The implementation plan is helping campuses utilize
HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff® to its full potential.
Implementation: Standardized CSU ATI
Accessibility Requirements
• Problem: No clear baseline testing requirements that the CSU
campuses could easily follow. The CSU testing procedure
includes both automated and manual testing requirements
and these requirements were not applied the same on all
• Solution: Create a customized set of testing requirements that
include both automated and manual testing criteria, and
provide repair resources. Deploy the standardized testing
requirements to campuses.
Implementation: Wide User Deployment
• Problem: Narrow deployment to user groups mainly as audit
tool rather than a tool that could be integrated into the web
– The HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff® tool should be available to all
campus user groups so testing can be done and accessibility problems
repaired before or at the time of publishing to the web. Vendor
websites should be tested before purchase and monitored after
• Solution: Work with HiSoftware to create an expanded set of
user roles and permissions that will give campus users more
granular access control; and develop a phased deployment
plan to roll out the tool to all potential users.
CSU HiSoftware Implementation Plan
Wide Tool
Training and
Implementation: Effective Training & Support
• HiSoftware
– Improved customer support, Jeff Singleton, Senior Web Accessibility
Consultant works closely with CSU campuses to ensure that support
issues and user questions are quickly addressed.
• CSU Accessible Technology Network (CSUATN) leverages
accessibility expertise across the CSU system.
– Universal Design Center (UDC) at CSUN provides additional
training and support for the CSU campuses. Sue Cullen and the UDC
staff maintain and enhance the CSU ATI Accessibility Requirements
and provide additional training.
State of the CSU - Today
• 21 Campuses are participating in the HiSoftware Compliance
Sheriff® contract
• Standardized Testing Requirements
– CSU ATI Accessibility Requirements are deployed across the system
– Periodic updates with enhancements have been released
• Wide User Deployment
– HiSoftware released a new version of Compliance Sheriff that included
enhanced Roles and Permissions
– Compliance Deputy
• Effective Training and Support
– CSUN and Jeff are providing excellent training and support
Consider Your Tools
Will it meet your existing needs?
Will it meet your future needs?
Who needs access?
What checkpoints or rule sets are included Out of
• Is the checkpoint logic exposed?
• Can you edit Out of Box checkpoints or create
them from scratch?
• Is the reporting flexible/customizable for various
Benefits of Standardization of Tools
• Tools assess content differently, mixing tools
produce different results
• Standardization brings consistency across
• Lowers cost per page
• Lowers cost of training
• Lowers cost of catching issues early
• Lower cost of confusion
CSU/HS Partnership
• CSU taking an Enterprise Level approach
• HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff updated to address
CSU’s needs
– Group Permissions
– Compliance Deputy (beta)
• Developers
• Content Creators
• Ongoing benefits seen on both sides
– For CSU, a process that works and is showing results
– For HS, a better understanding how customers use
product/better product
Importance of Checkpoint Rules
• Out of Box CS provides checkpoints for Section 508, WCAG
2.0, etc.
– These checkpoints designed to meet most common needs
– Focus is on sticking closely to written standard
• Most organizations use a mix of standards and guidelines
• CSU needed to map Section 508 to meet specific program
• CSU also desired to use a robust set of guidelines to meet
the needs of users, not to just “check a box” (WCAG 2.0)
• CS allows checkpoint creation/customization to empower
Training and Support
• System-wide solution needs system-wide training &
• CSU & HS work together to:
– Train users
– Resolve issues
– Applying/understanding of standards & guidelines
• Remember, for most accessibility:
– Is only one of their many job duties
– Can’t be learned/fully understood overnight
– Needs to be introduced over time
• Training and Support is critical to success
CSU Compliance Sheriff Feedback Form
System Wide Support and Collaboration
Data gathering
Collaborate Conference Sessions
Shared Trainings
Agreed upon requirements
Customize for differences
Deployment @ CSUN
• Naming Convention
– Check Points
– Reports for each area and type of report
• Define Web Environment
– Domains
– Departments
– Programs
• ID Contacts for each area
Training Basics
• Develop skills over time and need
– View Reports
– Customize Views
– Run Scan
– Run Scan with Log Ins
• At CSUN only UDC creates Check Points
Cultural Change for Web Design
Integrate compliance standard skills into everyday work habits & expectation of employees.
Protocols for Compliance & Usability Testing
Level I
Level II
Level III
• Review VPAT information
for confusing or unclear
remarks and explanation
resulting in significant
• Consider Campus or
System Wide Impact of
the product.
• If egregious issues found,
conduct manual testing to
validate claims or lack of
accuracy based on Impact
• Share VPAT back to the
vendor with additional
UDC comments.
• Limited criteria validation
based on application type
• Examples:
• Web form applications
(form fields labels, input
mask, error handling)
• Basic web page (link &
semantic requirements,
tab order and images)
• Complex web navigation
pages (all previously listed
criteria plus keyboard
accessibility, tables, CSS,
navigation, scripting and
Assistive Technology
testing ).
• Concurrently: Run
Compliance Sheriff (C.S.)
level IV scan based on
appropriate check points.
Use as a guide for manual
• Recommendations and
resources provided.
• Criteria validation based
on CSU ATI Check Points
and full UDC Testing
Guide implementation.
• Comprehensive testing
(all previously listed
criteria plus usability
testing )
• Applications have coding
that requires additional
research and reiterative
testing of coding solutions
• Detailed
recommendations and
resources provided.
• Concurrently: Run C.S.
level IV scan with manual
• As needed provide actual
coding or work around for
end user.
Shared Training Resources
UDC Mission
• Assist the campus community in creating pathways for
individuals to learn, communicate, and share via
information technology.
• Help the campus community design-in
interoperability, usability, and accessibility into
information technology so that individual learning
and processing styles, or differences in physical
characteristics are not barriers to accessing
UDC Services:
• Consultation/Training of Instructional Materials compliance and
• Web application developers training to design-in web
compliance and usability evaluation
• Consultation regarding accessibility and usability policy
• Compliance and usability testing for purchased, promoted, or
supported (PPS) campus software. (based on campus impact)
• Maintaining a vetted, centralized repository of ATI training
• Research, identify or create compliance standard application
coding techniques.
• Compliance testing of websites, software and electronic devices.
Custom CSU.Scripting
• Identifies Script and Google Analytics
• The use of Script will be identified. Attempt to provide
accessible Script. If this is not possible provide an equally
effective <noscript> element.
Error Identification:
• If Google Analytics code is present, webpages are not
flagged for having any other JavaScript code.
• Checkpoint script was modified to exclude Google Analytics
and report the presence of any other scripting.
Custom CSU.Scripting
Custom CSU.1.0
• Validates all links.
• Checks anchors (hyperlinks and bookmarks) in web sites to find
broken links. Checkpoint filters out the Google Analytics script.
Error Identification:
• Checkpoint reports “https://ssl/” and “http://www/” expressions,
included in the Google Analytics, as broken links. This prevents
cluttering reports with unnecessary entries pointing to links within
the Google Analytics code.
• Checkpoint was modified to exclude the Google Analytics links from
the broken links.
Custom CSU.1.0
Custom CSU.H37a
• Use alt attributes on image elements.
• When using the <img> element, specify a short text alternative with
the “alt” attribute. The value of this attribute is referred to as "alt
text". Alt text is a text replacement for an image which is used to
explain what the image is and what it is trying to convey to the user.
Error Identification:
• Checkpoint passes empty ALT attribute for image element inside an
anchor with no text. In other words, images without link text and
without alt attribute would not be flagged in the report.
• Checkpoint was modified to report error on images inside anchors
with no link text and empty ALT attribute.
Custom CSU.H37a
Resources that can provide in-house guidance
based on internal requirements