Canyon Tree Frog Canyon tree frogs don’t often climb trees. They spend most of their time near small canyon ponds and streams. This is where they lay their eggs. Canyon tree frogs eat insects and spiders. They are active in the summer, but become much less active during cold weather. The frog’s skin is dry and smooth. It has a long, sticky tongue to help it catch insects. Green Frog The Green Frog lives near water, especially ponds and lakes. This is where they lay their eggs. The tadpoles eat algae and small bits of plant material. As an adult, the frogs eat insects, worms, and other small land creatures. Green frogs are not native to Utah. They were brought here by people. They can be green, brown, or bronze and may have spots or stripes. Their skin is moist and smooth. Northern Leopard Frog The Northern Leopard Frog is the most common frog found in Utah. It can be yellow or green with black spots. It lives in and around water. This is where it lays its eggs. The tadpoles eat algae and plant material. The adult frogs eat mostly many different invertebrates, including insects, spiders, slugs, and worms. The frog’s skin is smooth and moist. It has very long back legs that help it avoid danger. The number of Northern Leopard Frogs in Utah is getting smaller as people take over their habitat. Great Basin Spadefoot The Great Basin Spadefoot is a toad. It lives all over Utah. It lays its eggs in small pools or puddles of water during rainy weather. The eggs hatch in only three days. This allows the toad to live in dry places. The toad has smooth, dry skin. It is usually grayish green with a spade marking on its hind legs. Adult Great Basin Spadefoot toads eat mostly insects. Tiger Salamander The Tiger Salamander is found all over Utah. It can live anywhere water is found nearby. The salamanders lay their eggs in water. They are the only kind of salamander that lives in Utah. They have smooth skin. While they are usually black with whitish markings, they can be many colors. Some are all black, some are bright yellow or even greenish. Both the adults and young eat insects and other small animals. Salamanders are food for many fish. Woodhouse’s Toad Woodhouse’s toads love to burrow in soft soil. They are found all over Utah. The toads lay their eggs in standing water. They lay more than 20,000 eggs at a time. The young tadpoles eat algae and plants. The adults eat insects. They are usually dark gray or brown with darker spots. Their skin is bumpy and dry. Woodhouse’s toads are nocturnal, which means they are most active at night.