Date Sent_____________ Dear Parent/Guardian of ______________________________ , This letter is to inform you that your student has received a failing grade in Secondary Mathematics I, a course that is required for high school graduation. We encourage you and your student to take steps to earn this credit as soon as possible. This letter is to provide support and information on how to make up this credit. We recommended that your student do one of the following: Option 1: After School Packet Class This option is free to 9th, 10th and 11th graders, and available now, Tuesday and Thursday after school at Highland. Students will work on concepts with assistance from textbooks and a packet of relevant material. Students will receive the credit once they have completed the packet and shown mastery on topics from the quarter they did not pass by earning C or higher on an exam. To enroll, students must see their counselor. Option 2: Summer School Students may be able to recover some credit by signing up for summer school. While this may be an option, it is not recommended that a student wait until summer school to make up this credit. * If you are interested in other options such as online classes, please speak to your student’s counselor.* Our goal is to have every student be successful in mathematics. Please sign below and return to your student’s counselor with the option chosen for your student to earn this credit. Please note that these options are available now. To help increase your student’s grade in the future, here are some tips: 1. Talk to your student about their grades on a regular basis. Log onto PowerSchool and discuss your student’s scores. Contact your student’s math teacher if you have questions about their performance. 2. Have your student attend the after school tutoring program in the library. 3. Encourage your student and let them know they can be successful in mathematics. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s math teacher: ____________________________________________________ Thank you, Highland High School Mathematics Department Secondary I Credit Recovery Student Name: _________________________ We would like to enroll in option _____. Parent Name _________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________