Workshop Proposal Form (.doc)

Office of Research & Sponsored Projects
Workshop or Conference Proposal Form
Workshop or Conference Name:
Building and Room Number/s:
Date/s of Workshop or Conference:
Approval Signature:
Department Chair:
College Dean:
Associate VP,
Financial Services:
Deborah Wallace
Director, Research &
Sponsored Projects:
Scott Pérez
Description of Program. What it is; who it's for; why it will be presented; what are anticipated
results. If repeat program, include results of prior presentation.
Statement explaining the relevance of the proposed workshop to the mission of the Department or
College involved.
For new workshop, include here (or attach hereto) a statement from an appropriate faculty
advisory group representative of and elected from the area (Department or College), from which the
proposal emanates, attesting that the workshop is feasible and would provide a worthwhile service. The
faculty advisory group should include faculty members from the Department or College concerned with
the subject of the workshop and shall not include a majority of individuals receiving funds from the
workshop. An already existing elected committee may serve in this capacity if the Department or College
For new workshop, clearly explain why the workshop would not be appropriate as either a regular
course or as an Extended Learning offering. If academic courses of similar content already exist, the
statement should indicate what effect the proposed workshop would have on enrollment in existing
For continuing workshop, include a written review of the earlier offering/s from a faculty
advisory group and their recommendation for its continuation. Identify the members of the advisory
It is expected that expenditures will not exceed income. A flexible schedule of expenditures should be
forecast in the event that income is less than anticipated. Gains or losses will be distributed to the
originating department account or trust account guaranteeing losses.
A minimum and maximum registration should be projected showing:
a. the point at which the program could not be carried;
b. the point at which a maximum program could be conducted.
Show the source and basis of calculations of income and costs shown on Budget page 1.
a) All faculty instructors, consultants, and sponsoring agencies involved in the workshop should be
identified in the proposal and their specific contributions described. The academic or professional
qualifications required of all paid instructors and consultants, whether from the faculty or off-campus,
should be summarized.
b) Salaries associated with workshop preparation should be clearly justified as appropriate and
commensurate with work actually performed.
c) Salaries for actual participation will normally be consistent with Summer Session's unit pay according
to rank. Exceptions to this rate of compensation should be thoroughly explained and justified.
d) If a given workshop is presented in a series of repeated sessions, the application should make clear the
staffing and salary payments for each individual presentation.
Director (Show calculation based on Summer Session unit pay according to rank.)
Class & Rank
Time to be Spent
Cost Factor
Cost Factor
Cost Factor
Staff and Consultants
Class & Rank
Clerical Assistants
Class & Rank
Time to be Spent
Other Budget Explanations: Provide basis for calculating other budget items needing explanation, such
as mileage, equipment, etc.
Describe how workshop information will be disseminated to the public.
Scholarships: Describe criteria for awarding scholarships; number of scholarships to be awarded; number
of scholarships awarded in previous year.
How do potential applicants learn of scholarships availability?