Regional Campus’ Course Proposal & Preference Form Please enter the semester and year: Spring Summer Fall ______ For Online Development ONLY, please list: Semester of Development ________ Semester of Delivery ________ Instructor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Department(s), please list all, if joint appointment(s): ________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: Office: _____________________________ Home: ____________________________ Cell: Address _____________________________ Office: _________________________________________________________________________________ Home: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please send course-related communications to: **Required** Office Home Proposed course designation(s): Department: Course Number(s): Course Title(s): __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ If you are proposing a topics course, please attach course description. Please Note: While we make every attempt to honor preferences, we are not able to fulfill every request for curricula and/or logistical reasons. Day(s)/Time(s) ranked in order of preference (please circle: 1 = highest preference): Mon Eve Tues Eve Wed Eve Thurs Eve Sat 9 am-12 pm Sat 1-4 pm 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid _____ Blended online class with preferred start & face-to-face meeting dates: _______________________________________ Mark face-to-face meetings as mandatory? Yes No _____ Fully Online Course Preferred Start Date: _________________ Mark face-to-face meetings as mandatory? Yes No Location ranked in order of preference (please circle: 1 = highest preference): **Mark at least 2** NIU-Naperville 1 2 3 NIU-Rockford 1 2 3 NIU-Hoffman Estates 1 2 3 Other: ___________________________________________ Avoid Avoid Avoid In order to reduce competition, off-campus courses will be scheduled subject to on-campus offerings. If submitting multiple courses within a single department, please rank this course proposal’s priority: High Medium Approved Low Denied ________________________________________________________ Department Chair Signature Date Please return form to Anne Petty Johnson, CLAS External Programming - William Monat Building - 148 N. 3rd St. – DeKalb, IL