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The prerequisite for upper-level courses in English is 3 term-courses of English at the lower level, or
unless special permission is obtained from the instructor.
Note: See the beginning of the Saint John Courses Section of this calendar for abbreviations, course
numbers and coding.
ENGL 1001
Introduction to the Study of Literature
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to the principles of literary analysis.
ENGL 2001
Introduction to Poetry
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to poetic forms, language and theme within an historical context. Students
will be encouraged to participate in the critical analysis of the poems in the course. There
will be a special emphasis on written assignments.
ENGL 2002
Introduction to Drama
3 ch (3C)
Introduces dramatic genres, language, theoretical approaches and staging within an
historical context. Note: This is a course in reading drama and not in acting. There will be a
special emphasis on written assignments.
ENGL 2003
Introduction to Prose
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to the critical analysis of prose - short stories, novellas, novels – within an
historical context. There will be a special emphasis on written assignments.
ENGL 2101
Literature in English I
3 ch (3C)
A survey of literature to the end of the 18th Century. Exclusion ENGL 1200 .
ENGL 2102
Literature in English II
3 ch (3C)
A survey of literature in English from 1800 to the present. Exclusion ENGL 1200 .
ENGL 3004
Malory’s Morte D’Arthur
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the Arthuriad of Sir Thomas Malory and some of Malory’s source material.
ENGL 3007
Chaucer and his Contemporaries
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the major themes and literary forms of the English Middle Ages, with particular
emphasis on the lyric, the Breton Lay, the Romance, and the dream vision.
ENGL 3008
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
3 ch (3C)
A study of Chaucer’s major literary achievement and its relevance to the concerns of the
21st century.
ENGL 3105
Shakespeare’s Earlier Plays
3 ch [W]
This course is a study of a selection of Shakespeare's earlier plays (pre-1600) in context.
This course will also examine early theatres, genre, and possible dramatizations.
ENGL 3106
Shakespeare’s Later Plays
3 ch [W]
This course is a study of a selection of Shakespeare's later plays (post-1600) in context.
This course will also examine early theatres, genre, and possible dramatizations. .
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ENGL 3107
Renaissance Drama (Non-Shakespearian)
3 ch [W]
This course is an introduction of Elizabethan and Jacobean plays in context. This course will
also examine early theatres, genre, and possible dramatizations.
ENGL 3108
Studies in Early Renaissance Literature
3 ch [W]
This course is an introduction to prose and poetry of the early Renaissance (1510-1640),
studied in the context of the period’s wide-ranging literary, political, religious and social
ENGL 3109
Studies in Later Renaissance Literature
3 ch [W]
This course is an introduction to prose and poetry of the later Renaissance (1590-1670),
studied in the context of the period’s wide-ranging literary, political, religious and social
ENGL 3203
Restoration and 18th Century Drama
3 ch (3C) [W]
Traces British Drama from its bawdy rebirth in 1660, through the sentimental domesticity of
the early eighteenth century, to the “laughing comedy” at the century’s end. Also considers
the history of the London theatre.
ENGL 3204
18th Century Prose and Poetry
3 ch [W]
Examines the literature of the 18th century, excluding the drama.
ENGL 3205
Prose Narrative Before 1800
3 ch (3S/C) [W]
Examines genres of prose narrative through to 1800 with emphasis on the novel.
ENGL 3301
Romantic Poetry
3 ch (3C) [W]
Studies the major poets of the British Romantic period.
ENGL 3302
Romantic Novel
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the development of the novel in Romantic Britain. Topics studied may include the
novel of sensibility, the Gothic novel, the English Jacobin novel, the historical novel, and the
national tale.
ENGL 3303
Romantic and Victorian Drama
3 ch [W]
Explores both the literary and theatrical dimensions of the nineteenth century. Studies
closet drama, melodrama, comedy, farce, pantomime, burlesque, extravaganza, and
spectacular entertainment.
ENGL 3304
Studies in the Romantic Age
3ch (3C) [W]
This course will study a selection of texts from the period 1789 to 1832.
ENGL 3311
Victorian Poetry
3 ch (3C) [W]
Studies the major poets of Victorian Britain.
ENGL 3312
Victorian Novel
3 ch (3C)
A study of a selection of Victorian novels from the period 1832 to the end of the nineteenth
ENGL 3313
The Earlier Victorian Age
3 ch (3C) [W]
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This course will study a selection of texts from the period 1832 to 1870.
ENGL 3314
The Later Victorian Age
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will study a selection of texts from the period 1870 to 1901.
ENGL 3401
Modern British Poetry
3 ch [W]
A study of selected modern poetry.
ENGL 3402
Modern British Novel
3 ch [W]
A study of selected novels.
ENGL 3403
Modern English and Irish Drama
3 ch [W]
Deals with the major dramatic developments of this century, beginning with the pioneering
efforts of such figures as Galsworthy, Shaw and Yeats, and concluding with the trends of the
present day.
ENGL 3404
Irish Literature
3 ch [W]
A study of the literature of Ireland, excluding drama.
ENGL 3405
Studies in Modern British Literature
3 ch [W]
A study of selected British short fiction, poetry, essays, and novels of the 20th century.
ENGL 3501
Canadian Poetry
3 ch [W]
A study of Canadian poetry.
ENGL 3502
Canadian Novel
3 ch [W]
A study of selected novels.
ENGL 3504
Canadian Short Fiction
3 ch [W]
A study of selected short fiction.
ENGL 3505
Maritime Poetry
3 ch [W]
A study of Maritime poetry from its beginnings, with an emphasis on 20th century
ENGL 3506
Maritime Fiction
3 ch (3C) [W]
An overview of the variety of genres in Maritime fiction.
ENGL 3508
Canadian Literature to WWII
3 ch [W]
A study of Canadian poetry, short fiction, criticism, and novels written before the Second
World War.
ENGL 3509
Canadian Literature after WWII
3 ch [W]
A study of Canadian short fiction, poetry, novels, and criticism written after World War II.
ENGL 3511
American Poetry
3 ch (3C) [W]
An overview of modern American poetry.
ENGL 3512
American Short Fiction
3 ch (3S) [W]
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A study of 19th and 20th Century American short fiction.
ENGL 3513
American Drama
3 ch (3S) [W]
A study of the work of major American playwrights of the 20th Century.
ENGL 3514
The 19th Century American Novel
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the 19th Century American novel.
ENGL 3515
20th Century American Novel
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of 20th Century American novels.
ENGL 3601
Introduction to Literary Theory
3 ch (3C) [W]
A historical survey of literary theory.
ENGL 3621
Writing by Women I
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of texts by women in a variety of genres to the mid-eighteenth century.
ENGL 3622
Writing by Women II
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of texts by women in a variety of genres since the mid-eighteenth century.
ENGL 3631
Studies in Gender and Genre
3 ch [W]
Examines the development of masculinities and/or femininities in the context of a particular
or several literary genre(s).
ENGL 3705
Literature of the West Indies, Africa and India
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of selected literature written in English in the West Indies , Africa and India.
ENGL 3706
Experimental Modern Theatre
3 ch (3C) [W]
A study of the development of modern and postmodern drama as a series of reactions
against realism.
ENGL 3709
Children's Literature
3 ch (3C) [W]
An overview of children's literature.
ENGL 3713
Special Topics
3 ch [W]
This course focuses on specialized areas of interest. Pre-requisite: Three term-courses of
lower level English.
ENGL 3721
Literature of the Fantastic Before the 20th
3 ch (3S/C) [W]
This course examines the development of fantastic literature from the early modern period
to the beginning of the 20th Century.
ENGL 3722
Topics in Speculative Fiction
3 ch (3S) [W]
This course examines specific themes, movements, and/or authors of science fiction and/or
fantasy from the early 20th century.
ENGL 3801
From Script to Performance
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course integrates the study of drama as literature with the practical elements of
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theatrical production.
ENGL 3802
Reading Film
3 ch [W]
This course will explore various ways of analyzing a variety of films.
ENGL 3803
American Film
3 ch [W]
A study of major trends in American film.
ENGL 3812
Postmodern Literature
3 ch [W]
Postmodern Literature is a study of the theory behind, and the practise of, postmodern
literature. Works from several genres including poetry, prose, drama, and film will be
ENGL 3902
Drama Production
3 ch
This course runs in cooperation with a local professional theatre company. It will offer
students practical experience in a number of “back stage” elements of theatre production,
such as set design and construction, costumes, publicity and program design. Enrollment is
limited. Prerequisite: Three lower level term-courses in English and permission of the
ENGL 3903
The Development of Western Drama
3 ch [W]
Studies a range of plays to illustrate the development of the dramatic tradition in the
western world.
ENGL 3913
Writing Poetry I
3 ch [W]
A workshop seminar in which a variety of poetic styles and forms are studied and practised:
weekly assignments.
ENGL 3914
Writing Poetry II (A)
3 ch (WS S)
A workshop seminar that provides students with the opportunity to work in traditional poetic
forms. This course is an extension of ENGL 3913 Writing Poetry I which will allow students
to continue to work in genre of poetry. Prerequisite: ENGL 3913 .
ENGL 3915
Writing Short Fiction (O)
3 ch (3WS/S) [W]
A workshop-seminar in which notable examples of short fiction are studied and the writing
of short stories is practised in weekly assignments.
ENGL 3916
Writing for the Stage or Screen (O)
3 ch (WS/S)
A workshop seminar in which either playwriting or screenwriting will be studied and
practised. This course will involve prescribed readings, exercises, workshops and
ENGL 4801
Honours Essay: Reading and Research
3 ch [W]
This course is devoted to the research portion of the honours project.
ENGL 4802
Honours Essay
3 ch [W]
An honours essay to be attempted upon completion of ENGL 4801 . Prerequisite: ENGL
4801 .
ENGL 4803
Advanced Seminar I
3 ch
2012-2013 Calendar Proof
A senior seminar in selected topics.
ENGL 4804
Advanced Seminar II
3 ch
A senior seminar in selected topics.
HENG 4000
Joint Honours Thesis
6 ch [W]
Honours thesis for Joint Honours Program in English and History. Prerequisites: Acceptance
into the Joint Honours Program in English and History.