2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Prerequisites and corequisites are indicated for specific courses where required. Under exceptional
conditions the prerequisite or corequisite requirement may be waived with the consent of the
instructor and the Department Chair. The following courses (or equivalents) are prerequisites for
all 3000-level or higher Civil Engineering courses: CE1023, ENGG1001, ENGG1003, ENGG1015,
CS1003, MATH1013, MATH1503.
The availability of elective courses should be verified with the Department of Civil Engineering
before selection.
1. See beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
2. * indicates laboratory periods are scheduled for alternate weeks.
3. [W] indicates courses with a significant amount of writing in English.( HIST 3925 or SOCI
2534 in the CE CORE program also have a [W] designation.)
CE 1023
Statics for Engineers
4 ch (3C 2T)
Forces and moments are introduced with vector algebra, followed by the application of
equilibrium conditions for particles and rigid bodies. Free body diagrams (FBD’s) are used to
analyze trusses, frames and machines, as well as internal member forces (bending moment and
shear force diagrams). Additional topics include friction, centroids, and moments of inertia.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1081, Corequisite MATH 1003
CE 2023
Mechanics of Materials
5 ch (3C 3L)
Elastic and plastic stress, strain; behaviour of beams and columns; torsion; material strength.
Prerequisite: CE 1023. Co-requisite: MATH 1013.
CE 2033
Structural Analysis
5 ch (3C 3L)
Influence lines, calculation of deflections, flexibility analysis, stiffness analysis and approximate
analysis. Prerequisite: CE 2023.
CE 2113
Soil Mechanics I
4 ch (3C 3L*)
Consolidation, shear strength, stresses under loaded areas, effects of water on soil behaviour.
Prerequisite: ESCI 1001, ESCI 1026, CE 2023. Co-requisite: CE 2703 or CHE 2703.
CE 2512
Materials for Civil Engineers
4 ch (3C 2L)
The manufacture and use of Portland cement, concrete, and concrete products. Structure,
production, physical properties, and use of ferrous and nonferrous metals, bituminous materials,
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
wood, and plastics. Preservation of materials. Prerequisite CHE 2501.
CE 2703
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
4 ch (3C 1T)
Physical properties of liquids and gases, fluid statics, kinematics of fluid flow, energy
considerations in steady flow, momentum and dynamic forces in fluid flow, fluid measurements,
introduction to forces on immersed bodies. Prerequisites: CE 1023, MATH 1013
CE 2973
Civil Engineering Design I
3 ch (2C 2L) [W]
Continued development of communication skills used by engineers through the application of
the design process to meet a well-defined set of requirements and constraints. Communication
aspects emphasized include graphical representations of designs, formalized design calculations,
and the development of project schedules and estimates. Design aspects emphasize the
generation, iteration and analyses of alternatives. Credit will not be given for both this course
and CE3973. Prerequisites: ENGG1003, ENGG 1015
CE 3053
Reinforced Concrete Design I
4 ch (3C 2L)
Introduction to design of reinforced concrete structural elements by limit states design. Design
of beams and one way slabs for flexure and shear, bond and development of reinforcement,
serviceability limits, columns, and footing design. Prerequisite: CE 2033. Corequisite CE 2512.
CE 3063
Structural Steel Design I
4 ch (3C 2L)
Introduction to the National Building Code followed by design of tension and compression members,
trusses and beams, plate girders and connections in steel. Prerequisite: CE 2033.
CE 3123
Foundation Engineering I
4 ch (3C 1T)
Lateral earth pressures, shallow and deep foundations, stability of cuts and slopes. Prerequisite:
CE 2113.
CE 3201
Transportation Engineering
5 ch (3C 3L)
Principles of transportation engineering: modal characteristics, travel demand functions, traffic
flow theories and models, and vehicle-track principles. Highway transportation classification,
elements and design principles. Laboratory work is field-oriented and involves elementary traffic
studies. Prerequisite: STAT 2593
CE 3403
Environmental Engineering
4 ch (3C 3L)
Introduces the problems and principles of control or modification of the environment. Considers
an environmental dimension to all planning, design and analysis functions carried out by
engineers. Restricted to students with at least 60 ch completed. Prerequisite: CE 2703 or CHE
CE 3603
Construction Engineering I
3 ch (2C 1T)
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
The management of on-site construction processes for various project objectives (e.g., time, cost,
safety, quality, environment), contracting processes and common construction work processes.
Application of the NB Occupational Health and Safety Commission Act and Regulations to
construction is covered. Relationships of participants in the construction industry. Standard
contract documents. Restricted to students with at least 60 ch successfully completed.
CE 3713
Hydraulics and Hydrology
5 ch (3C 3L)
Water flow in pipes; computer-based analysis of pipe networks; characteristics of pumps; open
channel flow; similitude and dimensional analysis. The hydrological cycle; precipitation, runoff
and hydrograph analysis; the rational method; flood and drought frequency analysis;
groundwater flow. Prerequisites: CE 2703 or CHE 2703.
CE 3933
Numerical Methods for Civil Engineers
3 ch (3C)
Numerical methods appropriate to the solution of deterministic problems in civil engineering.
Considers root finding, interpolation, integration, solution of systems of algebraic equations,
ordinary and partial differential equations. Prerequisites: CS 1003 or equivalent, MATH 1013,
MATH 1503, MATH 2513
CE 3963
Engineering Economy
3 ch (3C)
Basic methods of engineering economy including time value of money, compound interest
models, interest and discount rates, and depreciation; critical path methods. Emphasis is placed
on commonly used computational procedures. Restricted to students with at least 60 ch
completed. Prerequisite: CS 1003 or equivalent.
CE 3973
Technical Communications
3 ch (2C, 2T) [W]
Written, oral and visual communications are covered. Written communication skills are
enhanced through the preparation of engineering documents. Oral communications topics
include public speaking and rules of order for conducting a meeting. Visual communications
include the uses of videotape equipment, preparation of transparencies and slides for
projection, and preparation and projection of computer generated images. Students are
responsible for organizing a technical conference. Restricted to students with at least 60 ch
completed. Prerequisite: ENGG 1003.
CE 3983
Civil Engineering Design II
3 ch (1C 4L) [W]
Design of a system or process to meet desired needs within identified constraints and
communication of the result to a broader audience. Design topics covered include the
identification and application of standards, codes and regulations, and approaches for managing
a broad set of design constraints such as health and safety, sustainability, economic,
environmental, social, constructability, operability, and ethical. Communication skills developed
in this course emphasize interaction with clients and the public. Credit will not be given for both
this course and CE4613. Prerequisite: CE 2973.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
CE 4613
Construction Engineering II
3 ch (3C)
Construction of temporary works and construction methods. Includes excavations, trenches,
stabilization, sheet piling, cofferdams, formwork, falsework, scaffolding, failure and accident
statistics, costs and liability. Emphasis on application of the NB Occupational Health and Safety
Commission Act and Regulations to construction. Restricted to students with at least 110 ch
completed. Credit will not be given for both this course and CE3983. Prerequisite: CE 3603 and
CE 4923
Systems Design
3 ch (3C)
Techniques such as multiple linear regression, stepwise regression, time series analysis,
forecasting, nonparametric tests, and optimization are applied to the design and operation of
civil engineering systems. Prerequisite: STAT 2593.
CE 4973
Team Design Project
4 ch ( 1C 6L) [W]
Working in teams, students will complete an engineering design project that draws on their
knowledge and skills obtained in previous courses. Student teams will design a structure,
system, or process to meet a broad range of specified constraints. Students will manage their
projects professionally, prepare a comprehensive written report, and present their design work
orally. Restricted to students with at least 120 ch completed. Prerequisite: CE 3973 or both CE
2973 and CE3983.
CE 5013 Earthquake Engineering
3 ch (3C)
Historic and analytic evaluation of the effect of earthquakes on structures. The analytic
evaluation will be based on an analysis of the dynamic response of the structural
system when modelled as a single or multidegree of freedom system. Structural design
concepts which minimize the effects of earthquakes will also be covered. Prerequisite:
CE 2033.
CE 5043 Structural Engineering
4 ch (3C 2L)
Advanced methods of structural analysis and design, including matrix stiffness analysis
of plane structures (trusses, beams and frames). Fundamental concepts related to the
stiffness method are introduced during the development of a simple computer
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
program for plane frame analysis, and approximate methods of analysis are used to
check computer solutions. Prerequisites: CE 2033 and either CE 3053 or CE 3063.
CE 5053 Reinforced Concrete Design II
4 ch (3C 3L)
Continuation of CE 3053. Includes a review of flexure and shear requirements for limit
states design, serviceability limits and deflection calculations, torsion, slender columns,
continuity, two-way slabs, and footing design. Consideration of prestressed concrete,
strut-and-tie modeling, and comparison with ACI design code requirements. Requires a
group design project. Prerequisite(s): CE 2033, CE 3053.
CE 5063 Structural Steel Design II
4 ch (3C 2L)
Materials behaviour, plastic design principles, tension and compression members,
beams and connections. Numerical stability analysis, multistorey building design.
Computer applications. Prerequisite: CE 2033, 3053, 3063.
CE 5073 Structural Masonry Design
4 ch (3C 2L)
Review of structural principles and codes relating to masonry and properties of
masonry components; analysis and design of components; architectural and
construction considerations related to masonry. Prerequisites: CE 2033, CE 3053, CE
CE 5083 Structural Wood Design
3 ch (3C)
Introduction to structural principles and codes relating to wood design. Consideration
will be given to the design of individual elements (beams, columns, etc.) and systems
of elements (shear walls, laminated bridge decks, etc.), as well as available computer
software to assist in wood design. Prerequisite: CE 2033.
CE 5132 Foundation Engineering II
3 ch (3C)
A continuation of earlier soils engineering courses dealing with shallow foundations
(including design of reinforced concrete footings), deep foundations, excavations,
cofferdams and factors relating to foundation design. Prerequisite: CE 3123.
CE 5141 Embankments I
3 ch (3C)
Engineering for earthfill structures such as dams, dykes, causeways and other
embankment structures employed in civil engineering projects. Prerequisite: CE 2113.
CE 5153 Environmental Geotechnics
4 ch (3C 3L*)
Design of sanitary landfills, with emphasis on clay liners and composite liners.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Properties of geosynthetics. Geotechnical properties of municipal solid waste.
Landfilling procedures. Hydrological evaluation of sanitary landfills. Site selection.
Prerequisite: CE2113.
CE 5201 Road Materials and Structures
4 ch (3C 2L)
Soil classification, compaction, and stabilization for optimum use in road construction.
Structural and hydraulic aspects of small scale drainage systems for roads.
Prerequisites: CE 2113, CE 3713.
CE 5212 Pavement Design I
4 ch (3C 3L)
A study of the design and construction of highway pavements. Production and testing
of bituminous materials, design of bituminous mixtures, thickness design for flexible
pavements, design of rigid pavements, and construction methods. Prerequisite: CE
CE 5222 Traffic Engineering
4 ch (3C 3L)
Single vehicle and traffic stream characteristics; traffic studies; surveys, and analysis;
traffic control devices; operations and economics of intersections and interchanges;
traffic accident studies; legal and administrative aspects. Prerequisite: CE 3201.
CE 5232 Transport Facility Design
4 ch (3C 2L) [W]
Topics focus on the analysis and design of highway and rail infrastructure and
incorporate the economic, environmental and operational issues associated with
facility development. Aerodrome planning, airport design standards and capacity
concepts are also discussed. Special lectures will cover topics such as airport
operations, pipeline construction techniques and marine vessel and port design.
Prerequisite: CE 3201.
CE 5241 Introduction to Pavement Management Systems
3 ch (3C)
Basic concepts in pavement management; programming of investments over a
network of roads; optimization of individual level project investment; pavement
evaluation techniques; structure and manipulation of data banks for pavement
management systems. Prerequisite: CE 3201.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
CE 5411 Water Supply and Wastewater Removal
4 ch (3C 2L)
Layout and design of water and sewer systems including analysis of alternatives in
system requirements. Specific topics include water and wastewater volumes,
transportation and distribution of water, collection and conveyance of wastewater,
and pumping stations for water and wastewater systems. Prerequisite: CE 3713.
CE 5421 Water Quality and Treatment
4 ch (3C 2L)
Applied water chemistry, epidemiological analysis, water analysis, water treatment
processes and design, water treatment systems and plant design, public health issues
and case studies. The content is tailored towards drinking water quality and treatment
issues. This will be supplemented by detailed design of unit operations and processes
involved in the treatment of drinking water. Prerequisites: CHEM 1982 (or equivalent)
and CE 3403 or CHE 2004, or permission of course instructor.
CE 5432 Wastewater Treatment and Pollution Control
4 ch (3C 2L)
Applied wastewater microbiology, wastewater analysis (physical, chemical, and
biological), wastewater treatment processes, industrial and municipal wastewater
treatment and management, wastewater treatment systems and plant design. The
course content will focus on treatment and management issues of wastewater from
industrial, municipal, and domestic sources. Pollution control strategies and protocols
are also examined. Prerequisites: CHEM 1982 (or equivalent) and CE 3403 or CHE
2004, or permission of course instructor.
CE 5503 Concrete Technology
4 ch (3C 2L)
In this course the properties of cement and concrete materials are studied. Topics
include (i) materials for concrete, such as portland cements, supplementary cementing
materials, aggregates, and chemical admixtures; (ii) procedures for mix proportioning,
batching, mixing, transporting, handling, placing, consolidating, finishing, and curing
concrete; (iii) precautions necessary during hot- and cold-weather concreting; (iv)
causes and methods of controlling volume changes; (v) commonly used control tests
for quality concrete; (iv) introduction to special types of concrete. Applicable ASTM,
AASHTO, ACI, and CSA standards are discussed. Prerequisite CE 2512.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
CE 5612 Construction: Financial and Industry Issues
3 ch (3C)
The course focuses on the financial aspects of construction including methods and
techniques for: estimating costs of construction; project financing and managing risks;
and monitoring and controlling costs. The course will also introduce current issues
within the industry, primarily from the financial perspective (e.g., infrastructure
management, sustainable construction, quality management, technology adoption).
Restricted to students with at least 100 ch successfully completed. Prerequisite: CE
CE 5623 Project Management
4 ch (3C 1T)
Application of management methods for construction projects. Emphasis on
supervisory management, contracts, and management methods. Application of critical
path methodology for work organization and management control, including planning
and scheduling, resource management, optimization techniques and cost control
methods. Restricted to students with at least 100 ch successfully completed.
Prerequisite: CE 3603.
CE 5702 Open Channel Hydraulics
4 ch (3C 2L)
Fundamental concepts of specific energy, velocity distribution in open channels;
uniform flow in channels; gradually varied steady flow, water surface profiles,
backwater computations, transitions; rapidly varied steady flow, hydraulic jumps, flow
over spillway sections; introduction to unsteady flow. Prerequisite: CE 3713.
CE 5742 Engineering Hydrology
4 ch (3C 2L) [W]
Elements of hydrometeorology, precipitation, storm analysis, stream gauging, ground
water hydraulics, evaporation, runoff, hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph
techniques, stream flow routing, flood frequency analysis, snowmelt, introduction to
flood forecasting. Prerequisite: CE 3713.
CE 5753 Engineering Hydrogeology
4 ch (3C 3L)
Covers important topics in quantitative hydrogeology, including: principles of
saturated and unsaturated groundwater flow, solutions to groundwater flow
problems, well hydraulics and pumping tests, introductory groundwater geochemistry,
and contaminant migration and attenuation processes in groundwater. Prerequisite:
CE 2703 or CHE 2703, ESCI 1001, ESCI 1026.
CE 5913 Special Studies in Civil Engineering I
1 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
(See description for CE 5933.)
CE 5923 Special Studies in Civil Engineering II
(See description for CE 5933.)
2 ch
CE 5933 Special Studies in Civil Engineering III
3 ch
With the approval of the Department Chair and under the guidance of a member of
the faculty, a student may perform special studies and investigations related to the
undergraduate program. The extent of the work will determine the amount of credit.
Students may receive credit(s) for one of CE 5913, CE 5923 and CE 5933 only.
Restricted to students with at least 110 ch.
CE 5963 Research Thesis
The research thesis is an independent project conducted under the supervision of a
faculty member over a period of two sequential semesters. Students are responsible
for finding a supervisor and initiating the project. Suitable projects may include
experimental investigations, field investigations, design projects, computational
projects, software development or feasibility studies. Deliverables include a detailed
proposal, periodic progress reports, a comprehensive dissertation and an oral
Co-requisite: CE 3973.
Restricted to students with 100 ch completed and with a GPA of 3.3 in the previous
assessment year or a CGPA of 3.3.