Environmental Studies Program

2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Environmental Studies Program
General Information
Environmental Studies interdisciplinary programs provide an academic framework for
understanding the growing body of literature and scholarship on environmental problems.
Students will learn about major environmental problems facing contemporary society, and
acquire the interdisciplinary tools required to analyze, critique, and solve them. Both
theoretical and applied approaches will be emphasized to varying degrees within the
Environmental studies courses are open to any student in any facultyas electives contributing
towards a Minor or a Secondary Major. There is no official admission to the Environmental
Studies Minor or Secondary Major programs. Students may take the required credit hours at
any time throughout their program, and will indicate their desire to be considered for either the
Minor or Secondary Major when applying to graduate. It is advised that students contact the
coordinator of the Environmental Studies program early on in their studies to ensure they will
have all necessary credits. With the permission of the Coordinator of Environmental Studies,
students may count the following for credit in the Minor and Secondary Major programs: (i)
UNB course credits not on the list of Environmental Studies elective courses (provided below),
but approved by the relevant Faculty at UNB and deemed relevant by the coordinator of the
Environmental Studies program; and (ii) course credits from other universities which have been
approved by the relevant Faculty at UNB and deemed relevant by the coordinator of the
Environmental Studies program. Note: Any course required by a student's primary major (as a
core course) cannot be used as an Environmental Studies course elective. However, students
can count approved elective courses towards one or more minors. Students should also be
aware that some courses listed above have prerequisites.
Programs of Study
Environmental Studies Minor:
The Environmental Studies Minor consists of 24ch of core and elective courses, selected in
consultation with the Coordinator of Environmental Studies. Students are required to take:
6ch of core Environmental Studies (ENVS) courses.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
18ch of course work chosen from a list of approved elective courses (provided below).
One elective course must be taken under each of three discipline headings specified in the
list of elective courses.
Additional courses may be approved for electives by the Coordinator Environmental
Environmental Studies Secondary Major:
The Environmental Studies Secondary Major consists of 30ch of core and elective courses,
selected in consultation with the Coordinator of Environmental Studies. Students are required
to complete:
6ch of core Environmental Studies (ENVS) courses.
24ch of course work chosen from a list of approved elective courses (provided below). A
minimum of 18ch shall be upper level courses (i.e., 3000 level courses and above), and at
least one course from each of the three discipline headings specified in the list of elective
courses must be taken. A grade of C or better in each course is required for credit in the
Environmental Studies Secondary Major program.
Core Courses:
ENVS 2003 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3ch)
ENVS 4001 Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (3ch)
Elective Courses:
Science Group
BIOL 2113 Ecology
BIOL 3459 Economic Botany
BIOL 4233 Conservation Biology
BIOL 4352 Climate Change and Environmental Response
BIOL 4773 River and Lake Ecosystems
BIOL 4863 Environmental Biology
ENR 2112 Environmental Physiology
ENR 3111 Estuary and Ocean Ecosystems
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
ENR 3532 Ecohydrology
ENR 4111 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Techniques
FOR 3445 Forest Ecology: Populations and Communities
FOR 3456 or FOR 4576 Forest Watershed and Forest Fire Management
FOR 4425 Conservation Genetics
FOR 4576 Forest Hydrology and Aquatic Habitats
ESCI 2602 Principles of Geochemistry
ESCI 3442 Environmental Geology
ESCI 3631 Geochemistry of Natural Waters
PHYS 2803 Physics and Society
PHYS 2902 Environmental Physics
Applied Science Group
BIOL 4191 Wildlife Management
CE 3403 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CE 3713 Hydraulics and Hydrology
CE 5153 Environmental Geotechnics
CE 5402 Environmental Planning for Capital Works
CE 5421 Water Quality and Treatment
CHE 5313 Energy and the Environment
CHE 5314 Chemical Process Industries
CHE 5413 Air Pollution Control
CHE 5933 Bio-refining: Principles, Processes and Products
ENR 2114 Water Sustainability: Practice and Technology
ENR 3201 Urban Hydrology and Water Management
ENR 3112 Water Resources Management
ENVS 2023 Climate Change
FOR 2006 Management of Natural Systems
FOR 4545 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management
FOR 4625 Integrated Management of Insects and Fungi
FOR4656 Wildlife: Scale and Forest Landscapes
GE 5153 Environmental Geotechnics
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
ESCI 4452 Environmental Impact Assessment
Social Sciences and Humanities Group
ANTH 2114 Human Systems of Exchange: Nature and Culture
ANTH 4114 Culture and Environment
ECON 3755 Environmental Economics
ENR 2004 Social and Cultural Systems
ENVS 4002 Stakeholder Approaches to Environmental Problem Solving
FOR 2933 Bioethics in Forestry
FOR 5983 International Forestry Studies
GGE 5543 Marine Policy, Law, and Administration
HIST 3925 Technology and Society*
HIST 5342 Environmental History of North America
HIST 5345 Natural Resources, Industrialization and the Environment in Atlantic Canada
PHIL 2206 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 3221-29 Selected Topics in Ethical Theory
POLS 1603 Politics of Globalization
SOCI 2534 Technology and Social Change*
SOCI 3553 Sociology and the Environment
* Credit granted for only one of : SOCI2534 , HIST3925