ED EDUCATION 2014-2015 Calendar Proof

2014-2015 Calendar Proof
ED courses are normally not available to non-education students. Exceptions are ED 4791, ED 3021, ED 3031, ED 3043, ED 3063.
ED Professional Ethics for Practitioners of Adult
3 ch
3011 Education
Introduction to ethical theory and philosophical approaches to reflective practice emphasizing
self-examination, decision making, and ethical standards in the field of adult education.
Participants use field experience to support readings and case studies.
Practicum in Adult Education
3 ch
Practical, field-based learning-based on an individualized learning contact and completed in
teaching, learning or other appropriate adult education settings such as training, literacy,
tutoring, curriculum development, etc. The intent of the practicum is to help learners develop
observational, critical and reflective skills as well as skills appropriate to their work with adults.
ED Human Development and Learning: An
3021 Overview
Developmental perspectives on human growth and learning.
First Nations Epistemology (Ways of
(Cross list with ABRG 4686)
Development of personal and social identity among children in First Nations communities.
Implications for classroom practice.
3 ch
3 ch
Understanding the Adult Learner
3 ch
Explores the characteristics of learners in formal and non-formal education settings and identifies
learning processes and conditions as they influence adult learning.
The Education of Exceptional Learners
3 ch
Provides the student with an introduction to the field of knowledge associated with exceptional
Teaching in a Cultural Context
3 ch
How teachers respond effectively to the culture of children as individuals and to the culture of
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their people, with regard to a variety of cultural contexts, including Canadian aboriginal cultures.
The Theory and Practice of Education
3 ch
Introduces the dominant theories which influence and shape current thinking and practices in
school environments today. Key ideas, their origins, teaching responsibilities, and the components
of professional practice are discussed. The course is intended to orient education students to
teaching as a profession.
History of Educational Ideas
3 ch
A course designed to inform beginning teachers about the most significant ideas (and the people
who originated them) that have influenced the development of contemporary education.
First Nations Education
3 ch
Traditional First Nations pedagogy and concepts of education in comparison with those which
have shaped formal schooling. Roles and responsibilities of schools, teachers, and communities in
educating First Nations students.
History of Childhood
3 ch
A course that follows the changing public perception and treatment of children in western society
from the Seventeenth Century to the present. Children in Maritime Canada are featured
School Law and Organization
3 ch
An overview of the legal, organizational, financial and professional aspects of schools and school
Students, Schools, Equity and Social Justice
3 ch
Explores the social, economic, cultural, and political contexts of learners’ lives, discourses of social
difference, equity and social justice. Topics include: sexism, gender bias, racism, class oppression,
homophobia, and heterosexism, harassment and violence, and the questions these issues raise
for schools, curricula and classroom practice.
Health Promotion in Schools
Examines concepts and inter-relationships among nutrition, exercise, and well-being within
3 ch
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educational contexts.
ED Methods and Strategies in Adult Education:
6 ch
3110 An Introduction
Examines key topics in applied terms to prepare new instructors for the first year of teaching.
Topics include: planning instructional segments; writing objectives; evaluating students, programs
and teaching; using and assessing teaching strategies, audio-visual aids and learning resources.
Students will participate in micro-teaching activities.
Communication Practices for Adult Education
3 ch
Identifies general theories of and strategies for oral, written and visual communications. Students
will be expected to assess their skill levels in all three areas.
Introduction to Workplace Learning
3 ch
Designed to provide learners with an appreciation of the origins and trends in workplace learning.
The course will examine the workplace as a learning environment. Various approaches to adult
learning within the changing context of work will be examined.
ED Methods and Strategies in Adult Education
3 ch
3115 (online version)
This course examines methods and strategies to facilitate effective adult education programs.
Topics include: planning instructional segments; writing objectives; evaluating student work,
programs and teaching; using and assessing teaching strategies, and learning resources.
Access to Literacy
3 ch
Although the teaching of reading is regarded as one of the fundamental tasks of the school
system, there is relatively little attention paid to what is being read. In this course students will
learn: how to find out about books; how to recognize a genuine work of imaginative literature
when they encounter one; and how to talk about books among themselves and with children.
Developing Numeracy
3 ch
The study of number relationships and approaches to developing number sense in children and
Developing Geometrical Concepts
3 ch
The study of geometric relationships and approaches to developing spatial sense in children and
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ED Movement Education for the Elementary
3 ch
3475 Teacher
Overview of physical education programs in elementary schools. Program planning, practical
ED The Nature(s) of Science: Implications for
3 ch
3512 Teaching Science
Provides an opportunity for participants to explore their models of the nature of science and
consider the implications these models have on teaching and learning science.
Science Education Policy and Practice
An introduction to current policies and practices in science education.
3 ch
Introduction to Second Language Education*
3 ch
Examines the principles of learning and teaching a second language (SL). Emphasizes the
development of communicative SL activities and the creation of learner-centred lesson plans. *
Required course for CTESL candidates. Students may receive credit for ED3561 or ED3562 but not
Français langue seconde I – Secondaire
3 ch
Examen des principes de base de la didactique du français langue seconde (FLS) au secondaire
ainsi que l’exploration des pratiques de l’enseignement du FLS au secondaire. *Required course
for secondary French second language specialists. Pre-requisite: A French oral proficiency
certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post
Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
Introduction to the Social Studies
3 ch
Consideration of the history of social studies, debates about the content of social studies and the
current state of social studies in Canada.
Geography in Education
3 ch
Scope and purpose of geography in education. Trends and source materials, including the use of
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maps, air photos, satellite images. Two laboratory sessions.
ED Information and Communication Technology
3 ch
3862 I
This course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts and practices in the integration of
application software within curriculum-based topics. Emphasis is placed on the development of
electronic portfolios of technology- enhanced teaching materials for the classroom.
Introduction to Technology Education
3 ch
Examines the development of technology education as a field of study and explores the context in
which technology is taught in schools, applied in industry and its impact on society. Current
technology applications are examined in areas such as: transportation, construction,
communication, manufacturing and bio-technologies.
Student Teaching for BEd (4 year) Program1
18 ch
Fifteen weeks of school and classroom experience. Additional regulations are included in the
Education General Regulations under Field Experiences Practicum (Student Teaching)in Section G
of the Calendar. Prerequisite: Only students who have been officially admitted to the BEd (4 year)
program may register for ED4000. For further information contact the Chair of the Student
Teaching Department.
Diversity and Inclusion in Adult Learning
3 ch
Examines culturally-defined values, beliefs, and assumptions; how cross-cultural communication
plays out in formal and informal situations, work environments, and the wider community; and
how to create quality international and cross-cultural learning experiences. Develops practical
strategies for ensuring meaningful inclusion and for creating safe climates that model the
principle of valuing differently acquired wisdom.
Towards Diversity in the Classroom
3 ch
Examines how schooling reproduces and produces social inequality and explores liberatory
pedagogical practices, particularly in relation to dimensions such as class, "race", gender, and
Adult Learners with Exceptionalities
3 ch
This course examines the nature of ‘special needs’ in relation to sensory, cognitive, physical,
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emotional and/or learning capabilities in adults, and considers various approaches and strategies
for meeting the unique needs of these adult learners.
3 ch
Introduction to Adult Education
Examines the development of adult education as a field of practice and explores the
characteristics of adult education in a variety of contexts with specific emphasis on national and
provincial contexts.
Issues in Training and Development
3 ch
Explores theoretical and practical components of workplace training designed to improve
organizational effectiveness and individual performance. Learners examine emergent training
topics in a variety of workplace contexts. Prerequisite: ED 3024.
Advising and Mentoring Adult Learners
3 ch
Examines the characteristics of helping relationships in educational and work settings. Focus will
be on the development of skills and strategies conducive to effective advising, coaching and
mentoring through collaborative learning, reflection and practice. Prerequisite ED 3024.
ED Reflection on Second Language Theory and
3 ch
4075 Practice
Examination of fundamental issues in second language education such as definitions and
assessment of bilingualism, early and later acquisition of a second language, cognitive effects of
bilingualism, evaluation of second language education programs, literacy and multi-literacy.
Gifted Education: Introduction
3 ch
The identification, development and approach to the gifted and talented are examined in terms of
their intellectual, social and emotional characteristics.
Transition to Adulthood
3 ch
Explores the principles of adult learning and their application to teaching, planning, problem
solving, and motivating learners who are in transition from full-time attendance in educational
programs to adult work and life roles.
ED Methods and Strategies in Adult Education:
6 ch
4110 Theory and Practice
Based on learners' needs, interests and experience, theoretical and practical components of
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instructional strategies are explored in-depth. Particular attention is paid to the integration of
instructional methods and strategies with adult learning models.
ED Introduction to Distance Learning in Adult
3 ch
4113 Education
Provides an opportunity to explore and become familiar with currently available learning
technologies to deliver distance education programs and courses. Use of these technologies will
be required throughout the course.
Issues in Adult Literacy
3 ch
This course provides and introduction to adult literacy education as well as critically examining
the research and theory about adult literacies. Adult learning priniciples, instructional strategies
and techniques that are used to develop adult literacy skills will be examined. Course topics
include, but are not limited to, digital literacy, barriers to literacy, the development of language
and literacy skills in groups, as well as literacy coaching.
Techniques of Teaching
3 ch
Students will learn to design lessons following lecture, Socratic discussion, or combination
formats and learn the appropriateness of each. Classroom skills of positioning, elocution,
questioning, listening, eye contact, and so on will be learned and practised in mini-teaching
sessions in front of small peer groups. Causes of student behavior problems will be analyzed and
strategies for dealing with disruptive students developed.
Independent Studies
3 ch
Students will normally be limited to 6 ch of independent study. Prerequisite: Permission of an
instructor is required before registration.
Health Education
3 ch
Examines curriculum and pedagogy in a range of elementary, middle and secondary school
programs that come under the rubric of health education. Includes analyses of underlying
assumptions, the organization of knowledge, and pedagogical approaches to this subject area.
Assessing French Language Proficiency
Advanced Studies in ESL Education
3 ch
Examines communicative language teaching in the context of ESL classrooms. Emphasizes varied
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teaching methods, curriculum development and evaluation of second language learning.
Prerequisite: ED 3561 or ED 3562 or equivalent.
Français langue seconde II – Secondaire
3 ch
Examen en profondeur de l’enseignement du français langue seconde dans divers programmes du
niveau secondaire. * Required course for secondary French second language specialists. Prerequisite: ED 3562 and a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced
from the New Brunswick Department of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
Français langue seconde I – Élémentaire
3 ch
Examen des principes de base de la didactique du français langue seconde (FLS) à l’élémentaire
ainsi que l’exploration des pratiques de l’enseignement du FLS à l’élémentaire. * A required
course for elementary French second language specialists. Pre-requisite: A French oral proficiency
certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post
Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
Français langue seconde II – Élémentaire
3 ch
Examen en profondeur de l’enseignement du français langue seconde dans divers programmes de
l’élémentaire. *A required course for elementary French second language specialists. Prerequisite: ED 4568 and a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced
from the New Brunswick Department of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
ED Learning to Learn about Teaching, Social
4621 Studies and Science
Elementary school prospective teachers will explore the notion of teaching and learning a
discipline through the study of teaching social studies and science.
3 ch
Geography of Canada
3 ch
Investigation of pedagogical approaches to settlement patterns, urbanization, resource
development, land use and economic characteristics of the various regions. Attention given to
applications in the New Brunswick school curriculum.
Teaching First Nations Learner
3 ch
Teaching methods, learning strategies, program planning, with emphasis on a particular learning
Teaching First Nations Children’s Literature
3 ch
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Examines the philosophy and process of teaching First Nations Literature in an integrated
curriculum for primary and elementary children. Includes practical classroom experience.
Nutrition Concepts
3 ch
An examination of nutrients in the human diet, the relationship between diet and health,
nutritional assessment, nutrition education, dietary guidance and current nutrition issues. Note:
Credit will not be given for both ED 4791 and KIN 3481.
ED Information and Communication Technology
3 ch
4862 II
An advanced course in the integration of ICT in the classroom. Students should have previously
taken ED 3862 or be able to demonstrate sufficient background knowledge in application
software. Focus will also include emerging trends in educational technologies.
Computers in the Classroom
3 ch
This course will study current research and practices in the integration of computer technology in
Business Education, ICT, and other subject areas. Students are required to demonstrate best
practices in the areas of using computers as a tool, tutor and tutee in education in the
development and presentation of technology enriched lessons within their area of curriculum.
Educational Software Analysis
This course is designed to examine current trends and research in educational software
evaluation. Students will focus on both curriculum-based software as well as administrative
applications intended for professional use in and out of the classroom.
3 ch
Special Topics in Technology Education
Research of current and emerging trends and development in technology, Technology Education
and educational/instructional technology.
ED Field Studies Practicum for Consecutive and
15 ch
5000 Concurrent BEd Programs
Fifteen weeks of school and classroom experience. Additional regulations are included in
Education General Regulations under Field Experiences Practicum, Section F. Prerequisites: 1)
Admission to the BEd (Consecutive or Concurrent program); 2) 30 ch in B.Ed. courses including: At
the secondary level 9 ch in one area of concentration; At the elementary level 12 ch including ED
5424, a course in Literacy at the elementary level, ED 5511 or ED 3621 and a course in either Art,
Music or Physical Education; 3) at least 90 ch of course work in the other degree for concurrent
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students; 4) CGPA at least 2.0; 5) Students must have been enrolled in the B.Ed. for one year from
the formal date of their admission before they are eligible for an Internship. 6) Completion of ED
4001 and ED 4002 or ED 4003 and ED 4004. 7) Police Background Check (See Note: Section G:
Field Experiences Placements and Practicum.)
Teaching and Learning Theories I
2 ch
This course introduces teaching as a reflective, professional practice focused upon three themes:
Learning and Learners; Establishing a Classroom Context to Support Learning; and Professional
Concerns for Teachers. Field experience is central to the course with students expected to apply
course ideas in classroom and reflect on that experience in seminars.
Teaching and Learning Theories II
2 ch
This course continues the examination of teaching as a reflective, professional practice focused
upon three themes: Learning and Learners; Establishing a Classroom Context to Support Learning;
and Professional Concerns for Teachers. Field experience is central to the course with students
expected to apply course ideas in classroom and reflect on that experience in seminars.
Teaching and Learning Theories III
2 ch
As a culmination of Teaching and Learning Theory I and II, this course will facilitate students
integrating their personal backgrounds, academic and professional education through the
development of a significant project. Projects will be shared with peers as well as the broader
professional and public community in a senior conference
Advanced Practicum in Adult Education
6 ch
A practical, field-based learning experience in which learners will apply and practice previously
acquired adult education principles and practices and will monitor themselves through using
mentoring, collaboration, and peer consultation. Prerequisite: Practicum in Adult Education, or its
Preparing for Prior Learning Assessment
3 ch
Through the use of reflection, self-assessment and personal journals, participants will create an
experience-based dossier which will describe their personal philosophy, current professional
practices, and needs for further learning. Prerequisite: ED 3024 or equivalent.
Special Topics in Education
3 ch
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In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.)
Transformative Learning
3 ch
Explores new concepts for working with adult learners. Investigates critical thinking, critical selfreflection and transformative learning. Prerequisite: ED 3024 or equivalent.
ED Creating Supportive Environments for
3 ch
5031 Learning
Examines theory and practice related to learning environments and strategies for dealing with
behaviour challenges and for children with various types of special needs.
Inclusion from the Early Years
3 ch
An examination of personal, societal and school assumptions about the meaning and importance
of inclusion in life and learning from childhood. Inclusive models of education will be examined.
Special Topics in Education
In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.)
3 ch
Inclusionary Practices
3 ch
This course is designed to enhance prospective teachers’ knowledge of diverse student learning
needs and specific strategies for enhancing the learning environment for all students.
Special Topics in Education
In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.)
The School and Society
Study of Interrelationships between community, students and schools.
3 ch
3 ch
Philosophies of Education
3 ch
A study of various contemporary formulations of the meaning, aims, methods, and purposes of
education, as well as the theories of human nature from which they are drawn.
Educating At-Risk Students
3 ch
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Characteristics of the at-risk student. Psychological, social, and economic effects of dropping out.
Remedial strategies involving learning, teaching, counselling, school climate, and school
organization. Exemplary programs for at-risk students and for dropout prevention.
ED 5050
12 ch
The school-based curriculum component of the Bed involved one day per week in one’s assigned
school during the fall and winter terms as well as a two-week, three week and seven-week block
practica at points through the fall and winter terms.
Middle Level Education
3 ch
Of interest to both experienced and student teachers, this course will focus on the physical,
intellectual, psychological and social characteristics of 10- to 14-year-olds and the implications for
effective instruction. Additional topics will include Middle School organization, curriculum
integration, and teaming.
Changing Roles in the Education Workplace
3 ch
Reflection on professional relationships among teachers, administrators and parents. Recent
changes in school law and a study of decision making processes in education will be considered.
Cultural Constructions of Childhood
3 ch
An historical examination of cultural constructions of childhood and family and the implications of
these various constructions upon the education of young children.
Personal Growth and Helping
3 ch
Examines the major theories which explain how people develop and function from a
psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual perspective and how this information may be used
to help others in educational environments.
Cultural Contexts of Education
6 ch
This course examines history, philosophy, social contexts, and law as they relate to education.
Through each of these disciplines we explore the broad concerns and impacts of policy, ethics,
and equity, with connections to curriculum and pedagogy. The format will be a combination of
lectures and seminars.
Teaching Gifted Students
3 ch
An examination of school wide enrichment models, curriculum differentiation, and the social and
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emotional needs of gifted learners. Note: In addition to work on campus, students will be
required to complete a Fall practicum requirement either in their public school setting or
independently. (Course offered in Summer Session only.) Prerequisite: Permission of the
instructor is required before registering.
History of Education
3 ch
Current problems: aims, curriculum, teaching, administration and ideas viewed from an historical
Religion and Spirituality in Education
3 ch
This course will examine the controversial issue of religion and spirituality in education. It will
examine how faith and visions of life impact education, values and the philosophy of education,
religion and the history of education, visions of life in the curriculum, faith expressions in the
classroom, and teaching about religion and spirituality.
Communication Disorders in the Classroom
3 ch
This course will provide an introduction to speech and language development in preschool
children. It will also provide an overview of academic and classroom difficulties that may result
from impairments in speech and/or language.
Special Education Field Experience
3 ch
Provides a school-based experience working with students with special needs under the direction
of faculty and resource teachers. Enrolment is limited. Prerequisite: ED 3031. Permission of the
instructor is required before registering.
Learning Disabilities: Introduction
Concepts, definitions and terminology. A preventive approach.
3 ch
ED Behavioural/Emotional Disorders:
3 ch
5096 Introduction
An overview of various emotional and behavioral disorders of children and young people and the
ways in which coping and management strategies can be applied to develop self-discipline and
control. Prerequisite: ED 3031.
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Differentiating Instruction in the Classroom
3 ch
This course will allow teachers to explore current research on differentiation; familiarize
themselves with many strategies for differentiating content, process and product; develop
differentiation lesson plans including pre-assessment strategies as well as classroom management
strategies intended for classroom application.
Counselling/Special Education Internship I
Prerequisite: BEd or permission of the Chair.
Counselling/Special Education Internship II
Prerequisite: BEd or permission of the Chair.
Curriculum and Evaluation in the Early Years
Examines characteristics of early years learners and the role of the teacher as observer and
curriculum developer in theory and practice.
Connecting Home and Schooled Literacies
This course will examine the theory and practice of connecting home and school for the
development of a literate community.
3 ch
3 ch
3 ch
3 ch
Orientation to Counselling
3 ch
Examines the role of the guidance counsellor at all levels in the public education system. Topics
include: comprehensive school counselling programs, services, individual and group counselling,
consultation, student appraisal, educational and career planning.
Career Guidance
3 ch
Explores the ways to stimulate career development at each level within the public education
system. Topics include: definition of career guidance, theories of vocational development, career
education in the curriculum, and career assessment and counseling.
Group Theory and Skills
3 ch
Explores the theory and experiences necessary to understand group dynamics and effective group
skills with applications to the public education system. Topics include: group dynamics,
leadership, team building, decision-making, communication, effective use of controversy and
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creativity in group decision making.
Power of Images (Cross Listed: FNAT 3703)
3 ch
Explores the visual mode of learning to reveal its subtle and not-so subtle power to communicate
and inform. Images found in fine arts, computer graphics, design, advertising, and journalism
provide the subject matter for analysis. Images will be investigated in terms of their cultural,
social, and historical contexts. To understand how images communicate, methods of analysis and
image-making will be explored. Prerequisite: previous course in visual art, art education, or
Special Topics in Adult Education (0)
Designed to explore areas of special interest or concern in adult education.
3 ch
ED Adult Education and Community
3 ch
5157 Development
Practitioners in various disciplines can build the capacity of communities to drive socioeconomic
and systemic change necessary for enhanced sustainability. This course explores various adult
education-related principles and strategies and enables participants to work on community
development problems. (Offered every other year.)
Curriculum Theory
Theory, current trends, and the role of the teacher in curriculum development.
3 ch
ED Integrated Curriculum for the First Nations
3 ch
5162 Learner
Culture-based education: design, development, and implementation. Appropriate evaluation and
Learning with Technology in Adult Education
3 ch
Utilization of a range of instructional technologies, application of educational technologies for
teaching and learning. Note: This course may not be taken by Computer Science students.
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Cultural Studies and Critical Pedagogy
3 ch
The study of the entire range of a society's arts, beliefs, institutions, and communicative practices
and its application to education.
ED Interpreting Play for Curriculum
3 ch
5167 Development
An exploration of the literature on play including play as reflective pedagogy. A variety of
theoretical perspectives will be brought to the interpretation of children's play. The teacher's role
in creating physical and social environments that facilitate cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual
and physical growth will be examined.
Assessing Adult Learning
3 ch
Identification of the principles and techniques underlying a variety of assessment methods for
learning and teaching. Students will be expected to construct instruments and apply alternative
assessment strategies.
Educational Statistics
Statistics; descriptive and inferential. Includes central tendency, variability, normal curve,
correlation and regression, probability, hypothesis testing, chi square, "t" test.
ED Introduction to Standardized Testing
5174 Instruments
An examination of selected standardized tests used in the public school system.
3 ch
3 ch
Classroom Assessment
3 ch
An examination of current assessment issues, procedures, and techniques and how these can be
used to improve teaching and student learning.
Feminist Theory and Education
3 ch
Explores how feminist theories have re-thought educational practice, with specific focus on issues
of knowledge, curriculum, classroom pedagogy, research, and educational policy.
ED Problem Solving with Young Children
3 ch
5182 (Subject, Learner Levels)
Examines research and theory of problem solving with young children. Emphasizes teacher's role
as facilitator of problem solving across the curriculum.
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Parental Involvement in Schooling
3 ch
A critical examination of the theory and practice of parental involvement in schooling. A variety of
current practices will be examined to explore how professional and parental knowledge/expertise
are distinguished and how power relations are constructed.
Independent Studies
3 ch
Students will normally be limited to 6 ch of independent study. Prerequisite: Permission of an
instructor is required before registration.
Theories and Practices of
3 ch
Visual Arts Education
Addresses the history, rationales, developmental theories, curriculum planning, and basic artmaking skills essential for teaching art at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Visual
understanding and how it can be increased through school art programs is a key consideration.
ED 5209
Integrated Learning through Art
3 ch
Art education theories and practices as they apply to learning across the curriculum. Prerequisite:
ED 5209 or a previous course in visual art or art education.
Curriculum Development in Art Education
Knowledge, skills, and understanding for developing art curricula at various learning levels.
Prerequisite: ED 5209 or a previous course in visual art or art education.
Issues in Art Education
An examination of local, national, and international issues currently being debated in art
education. Prerequisite: ED 5209 a previous course in visual art or art education.
3 ch
3 ch
Philosophy of Music Education
3 ch
A course rooting methodology in significant, current philosophical trends tailored to students
planning to teach music at any level. Prerequisite: 9 ch in music courses permission of the
Music for the Classroom
3 ch
Examines appropriate methodology, skills and content for the elementary classroom teacher to
use in teaching music in a variety of settings. Students will sing, play an instrument, listen and
ED 5242
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move to music.
ED 5243 Music in the Elementary School
3 ch
Study of methods and materials current in the elementary school. Development of skills and
curriculum. Study of the young learner and music. Prerequisite: 9 ch in music courses or
permission of the instructor.
Changing Teaching Practice
3 ch
Examination of teaching practices in light of current pedagogical theory. Specific attention to
varying learning styles and modalities, developmental issues and student centered learning.
Interdisciplinary Instruction
3 ch
Explores the theory and practice of interdisciplinary teaching with specific reference to each of
the elementary, middle level, and secondary levels of schools.
Literacy Block (O)
12 ch
Addresses the theoretical underpinnings and implementation methods of the six strands in the
teaching of literacy: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and visual representation.
(Offered only in Trinidad and Tobago).
ED Cultural Studies through Theatre
3 ch
5313 (Elementary, Middle, Secondary)
Theatre practices rooted in critical theory and cultural production will engage participants in an
exploration of inclusive practices. No experience necessary.
ED Drama Across the Curriculum (Middle,
5314 Secondary)
Group process drama will be employed to study in any curriculum subject, such as history,
mathematics, science and social studies. No experience necessary.
3 ch
ED Dramatization of Literature (Elementary,
3 ch
5315 Middle)
The interpretation and understanding of literature will be studied through various theatre
practices, including readers' theatre, chamber theatre, monologues, dramatic scripts, and other
media such as film.
Teaching Writing (Middle, Secondary)
3 ch
This course introduces discourses about and approaches to teaching and evaluating writing in
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schools, including traditional approaches, writing process, genre modelling and critical studies.
Teaching Secondary English I
3 ch
Aims, materials, methods of teaching language, literature, and composition. Middle school and
high school.
Teaching Secondary English II
3 ch
A sequel to ED 5353. Emphasis on planning course units, evaluation in English, and the integration
of English and other subjects. Prerequisite: ED 5353.
Literacy Learning in Early Years
3 ch
Current theories of the nature of literacy learning and their relationship to instructional practices
in the early years.
Literacy Learning in the Middle School
3 ch
Current theories of the nature of literacy learning and their relationship to instructional practices
in the middle years.
ED 5357 Poetry K-12
3 ch
Poetry is probably the most reluctantly taught subject in the school system. Yet it offers one of
the most potent links with our cultural and linguistic heritage. This course provides access to texts
and to a range of discussion strategies that can be used throughout the school system.
Critical/Cultural Literacy (Middle, Secondary)
3 ch
An examination of literature from different cultural groups using the theories and pedagogical
practices of critical literacy.
Cultivating Proficient Readers
3 ch
This course provides opportunities to learn a range of reading, learning and assessment strategies
that address readers’ strengths, needs and passions across content areas.
Challenging the Authority of Texts
3 ch
English studies are predicated on textual “authority”; something “authored” and “true.” Students
will be introduced to contemporary discourses which teach otherwise. Practical approaches offer
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alternative strategies to formalism structures bogging down English studies in schools.
ED Symbolic Representation in Children's Play,
3 ch
5362 Pictures and Print
Examines theory in practice of young children and symbolic representation as the context of their
emerging literacies.
Teaching High School Mathematics
3 ch
Focus on appropriate methodology for teaching mathematics at the high school level.
Prerequisite: A previous course in mathematics education and 12 ch of mathematics (MATH) or 6
ch of mathematics and 6 ch of chemistry or physics.
Teaching Middle School Mathematics
Focus on appropriate methodology for teaching mathematics at the middle school level.
Prerequisite: ED 3415 or corequisite or permission of instructor.
3 ch
Teaching Mathematics in the
3 ch
Elementary School
Focus on appropriate methodology for teaching mathematics at the elementary school level.
Students must demonstrate an adequate mastery of the mathematics content underlying the
curriculum prior to completion of this course. Prerequisite or co-requisite: ED 3415 or a MATH
ED 5424
Trends in Mathematics Education
3 ch
Current issues in teaching mathematics, Grades K-12. Prerequisite: Teaching experience; at least
one previous course in mathematics education.
Mathematics Across the Curriculum
Explores ways in which mathematics fits into an integrated curriculum, grades K-12.
3 ch
ED The Role of Language in the Teaching of
3 ch
5429 Mathematics
Examines how the language of mathematics affects its acquisition and how appropriate use of
writing and literature can enhance the learning of mathematics. Prerequisite: methods course or
teaching experience in mathematics.
Special Topics in Health Education
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Explores specific areas of current interest and concern in health education, as defined by
students, faculty, and classroom teachers.
Health and Physical Education in the
5478 Elementary School
Examines curriculum and pedagogy in elementary health and physical education programs.
ED Teaching of Games for the Secondary
5488 Physical Education Teacher
Concepts, skills, strategies for games taught in secondary schools. Practical application.
Prerequisite: ED 5492 or permission of the instructor.
3 ch
3 ch
Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary
3 ch
5492 Physical Education
An introductory methods class that examines the meaning of being physically educated, the
nature of the school physical education curriculum and the instructional process.
ED Teaching Methods in Secondary Physical
5493 Education
Teaching process: styles, materials, space, facilities, and equipment. Practical application.
Prerequisite: ED 5492 or permission of the instructor.
3 ch
Teaching Physical Education
3 ch
A post-internship course for secondary physical education majors. Emphasis on contemporary
trends in teaching physical education in public schools. Practical application.
Learning Through Outdoor Experiences
3 ch
This course introduces students to the theory and practice of teaching in an outdoor context.
Students will be exposed to a variety of outdoor experiences and relevant teaching techniques
and skills. It will culminate in an overnight camping trip.
Teaching Science in Elementary
3 ch
5505 School
The course will focus on the mindset and methods for teaching science at the elementary school
level. Students will become familiar with using their content knowledge, pedagogical skills and
their specific context to adapt and teach the elementary science curricula. This course will help
students prepare effective science learning environments that embody an inquiry and
constructivist approach to teaching.
Introduction to Science Education
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
This course provides an introduction to the teaching of science that focuses on preparing to teach
science while challenging their expectations and assumptions regarding science. The Nature of
Science, lesson planning, curricular adaptation, assessment, inquiry-based learning, technology
integration, and the barriers to learning science are some of the topics covered within the course.
Special Topics in Science Education II
3 ch
Designed to explore areas of interest or concern in science education. Prerequisite: ED 5511 or
permission of the instructor.
Advanced Studies in Science Education I
3 ch
Advanced studies in the teaching and learning of science for the early years/middle school/young
adult learners. Prerequisite: Introductory Methods course.
Special Topics in Science Education I
3 ch
Designed to explore areas of interest or concern in science education. Prerequisite: ED 5511 or
permission of the instructor.
Science Education and the Learner
3 ch
In this course, students will be encouraged to develop their instructional intelligence by exploring
a variety of theories and bodies of literature, such as multiple intelligences theory, learning styles,
and brain compatible learning and how these theories can be used to enhance science teaching
and learning. Prerequisite: ED 5511 or permission of the instructor.
Science Education Seminar and Project
3 ch
Students who select either of the certificate programs will participate in advanced discussions
concerning science education and develop projects that reflect some area of science education
they would like to explore further and which demonstrate their understanding of science
Field Experience in TESL
A practicum in the area of teaching English as a second language (TESL). This course is a
requirement for students enrolled in the Certificate in TESL.
Specialized Techniques in ESL Teaching
3 ch
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
The custom-designed course will provide participants with a wide range of field-tested ESL
techniques. The process will be active and interactive. Interaction will vary between small and
large-group sessions.
ED Introduction to Teaching Secondary
6 ch ( )
5620 Social Studies
Students will develop initial competence in selected aspects of social studies teaching.
Prerequisite: The equivalent of an academic minor (24 ch) in subjects related to social studies (e.g.
history, geography, political science, classics, economics, sociology, and anthropology). Corequisite or prerequisite: ED 3621. Concurrent students should register for this course in the year
preceding their internship.
Introduction to Social Studies in
Elementary Education
Students will explore the nature of social studies as a school subject and develop initial
competence in select aspects of teaching elementary social studies.
3 ch
Global Education
3 ch
An examination of the global education movement and its implications for curriculum and
instruction. Students will be involved in a cross cultural experience, the examination of global
education materials, and a curriculum development project. Prerequisite: 3 ch in teaching
Teaching Canadian Studies
3 ch
An examination of the ways in which school curricula in social studies and language arts have
dealt with the question of Canadian identity and the exploration of alternative ways to treat that
topic. Various conceptions of Canadian identity will be examined along with the historic,
geographical and cultural forces that have given rise to them.
First Nations Education Seminar
3 ch
Historical trends and contemporary issues in classroom practice and curriculum development.
ED The Anthropology of Literacy and Learning
3 ch
5684 (Cross Listed: ANTH 5684)
Offers an anthropological look at the role of literacy, formal education and informal learning in a
range of settings. The influence and impact of ethnic and cultural identity on systems of learning
is explored through reading and discussing selected ethnographies.
Developing First Nations Languages and
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
5685 Literacies
Identifies and examines the development of Mi’kmaq-Maliseet literacies’ concepts and the
relationships with language that define First Nations literacy in primary and elementary children.
Instructional Design Processes
3 ch
Introduction to instructional systems design (ISD) and alternative new processes, used to develop
e-learning and classroom materials. Students will explore ways these processes may be used and
will have opportunities to implement them.
Multimedia Studies in Education
3 ch
The theoretical and practical applications of multimedia technologies across the curriculum will
be explored.
Cultural Studies through Multimedia
3 ch
Critical analysis of the cultural products and practices surrounding multimedia in education will be
Special Topics in Technology Education
Research of current and emerging trends and development in technology, Technology Education
and educational/instructional technology.
ED Presentation Strategies in Technology
3 ch
5975 Education
Development of presentation competencies: delivery strategies, techniques, learning styles,
management and resources.
ED Instructional Technology Across the
3 ch
5976 Curriculum
A critical examination of the role of instructional technology across the curriculum. Technologies
and strategies for integration to enhance classroom instruction will be developed and evaluated.
ED Program Development in Technology
3 ch
5977 Education
Principles and practices for determining knowledge, skills, and attitudes for teaching/learning.
School Law
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
An overview of the legal, organizational, financial and professional aspects of schools and school
systems. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Assessment in Education
6 ch
This course will deal with the what, why and how of classroom-based assessment. It will examine
exemplary practices related to formative assessment (assessment for and as learning), as well as
summative assessment (assessment of learning). The course will also examine the nature and
purpose of large-scale assessment within education. Topics will include defining clear
learning/assessment targets and standards-based assessment, designing assessment techniques,
matching assessment with learning, and communicating assessment results. (Only offered in
Trinidad and Tobago)
12 ch
Addresses the theoretical underpinnings and implementation methods of the six strands in the
teaching of literacy: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and visual representation. (Only
offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Field Studies Practicum for 4 Year BEd
12 ch
Twelve weeks of school and classroom experience. Pre-requisite: only students admitted to the
BEd (4 year) program in Trinidad and Tobago may register.
6 ch
A practical field based professional growth experience in which learners will apply theory and
monitor their praxis through mentoring and peer consultation. A portfolio will be produced that
outlines best practice and professional growth. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
9 ch
Examines music, visual art, and physical education both separately and based on curricular
integration. Technical skills in each area are presented along with effective ways to implement
these subjects in schools. Teaching resources and issues related to arts and education in different
cultures are also examined. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Teaching and Learning Citizenship &
12 ch
5930 Social Studies
This course has been designed for practicing teaching professionals who have responsibilities
directly related to citizenship and social studies education. The focus is upon the development of
professional knowledge and skills that teachers require in assisting their students to be effective
learners in citizenship and social studies education. The course will emphasize an evidence based
approach to teaching and learning with participants being required to demonstrate a close
knowledge of the related research and to demonstrate its application in their daily planning and
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
The course will require students to become closely acquainted with generally accepted best practice
in citizenship and social studies education based on an analysis of programs in England, Australia,
the United States and Canada in light of current programming priorities in Trinidad and Tobago.
The course structure will address several major themes including a detailed consideration of
teaching approaches that assist students in learning: detailed information, concepts, skills and
values. . (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Teaching Elementary Mathematics
12 ch
Focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics at the elementary school level. Demonstration
of methods occurs within a framework that develops content knowledge and mathematical
connections underlying curricular topics. Projects and discussion draw upon the individual contexts
within which teachers work. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Curriculum and Administration
12 ch
Enhances professional practice by providing teachers with a research based framework for
evaluating teaching, reflecting on professional experience, and planning in collaboration with
colleagues to improve curriculum and professional practice. Tools are presented to help teachers
assume leadership positions within schools. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Science in Primary Schools
9 ch
An opportunity for participants to examine some of the more important educational theories
directly related to teaching elementary and intermediate school science. The course will provide a
series of interactive opportunities testing various methods and techniques of teaching science.
(Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Inclusive Education
6 ch
This course is designed to enhance teachers’ knowledge of the diverse needs of students with
special needs as well as knowing how to apply evidence based practices to meet their needs in the
classroom. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
EDUC Children’s Literature for Primary School
6 ch
1010 Teachers
This course draws on a rich variety of children’s literature including picture books, poetry, plays,
short story and non-fiction, and some Caribbean post-colonial literature. Throughout the course
students will investigate the ways literature can act as a catalyst for writing and representing in the
early years. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
EDUC History, Philosophy and Sociology of
3 ch
1025 Education
The aim of the course is to introduce students to a comparative/cross-cultural approach to
understanding education and to encourage them to rethink the development of educational ideas,
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
systems and practices by drawing attention to different cultural and historical contexts. In helping
students question and challenge dominant ideas about education and its purposes, the module will
use auto/biography, literary contexts and globalized movements in education. Topics will include:
purposes and processes of a comparative approach to understanding education; the development of
educational ideas, their values and practices; culture and education; globalization and education;
and education and the post-colonial experience. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Mathematics for Primary School Teachers
6 ch
The course will attend to aspects of content knowledge through emphasis on connections between
mathematical ideas and a sense of mathematical process. Core content areas will include: number
systems and properties; operations (including alternate methods of computation); basic number
theory (eg. divisibility tests); a survey of geometry (tessellations, shapes, properties, constructions);
probability and statistics; measurement; algebra and any other topics pertinent to the current
primary mathematical curriculum in Trinidad and Tobago. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Caribbean History
3 ch
This course of study seeks to expose students to those key themes and events that ought to be
familiar to all peoples of the Caribbean. Those who are desirous of becoming teachers ought to
have a strong sense of those precedents that would have shaped and fashioned education and the
contexts in which they are currently working or will eventually be working. History is not a
discrete discipline in the primary curriculum and ideally this course will address Caribbean history
within the context of social studies education. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
EDUC Science Concepts and Processes for Trinidad
1050 and Tobago Primary Teachers
6 ch
This course will delve into the core science strands that underpin the Trinidad & Tobago science
curricula (organisms; ecosystems; matter and materials; structure and mechanism; energy, and earth
and space) and then integrate them across the standard levels and with each other. Particular
emphasis will be placed on the processes of science; gathering objective evidence, analysis,
developing inferences, drawing conclusions and making predictions. Finally, it is a fundamental goal
of this course to provide the willingness and confidence to embrace science as an interesting and
important part of the Caribbean region. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
3 ch
This course of study seeks to expose students to key themes in physical and human geography, thus
helping in the understanding and application of spatial models and concepts to the study of
geography. Those who are desirous of becoming teachers ought to have strong sense of the
geographic phenomena that have shaped and are shaping human existence. Geography is not a
discrete discipline in the primary curriculum and ideally this course will address geography within
the context of social studies education. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
Art Education
Students will explore how Art Education can serve to inspire, motivate and promote the creative
3 ch
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
imagination among students. Teaching and learning strategies will include developing: sensitivity to
the elements of Art and Craft; imaginative and conceptual abilities; manipulative skills; verbal
response skills; and artistic expressions and folkways that represent the multi-ethnic society of
Trinidad and Tobago. (Only offered in Trinidad and Tobago)
First Nations Bachelor of Teacher Education Program (FNTEP)
Teaching Literacy in the Early School Years
12 ch
Addresses the theoretical underpinnings and implementation methods of the six strands of
literacy: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing with particular
emphasis on issues encountered by First Nations learners.
Curriculum and Administration
9 ch
Enhances professional practice by providing teachers with a research-based framework for
evaluating teaching, reflecting on professional experience, and planning in collaboration with
colleagues to improve curriculum and professional practice. Particular emphasis is placed on
successful strategies that enhance learning in public schooling for First Nations learners.
Social Studies Education
9 ch
Focuses on the development of professional knowledge and skills that teachers require in
assisting their students to be effective learners in social studies education. Emphasis is placed
on an evidence based approach to teaching and learning with participants being required to
demonstrate a close knowledge of the related research and to demonstrate its application in
their daily planning and practice. First Nations world-views are the basis from which all
topics are explored.
Teaching Mathematics in the Early School
12 ch
5840 Years
Focuses on a framework that develops content knowledge and mathematical connections
underlying curricular topics. Projects and discussions draw upon the individual context within
which teachers work, especially teachers of First Nations learners.
Science Education
9 ch
Helps teachers develop effective science teaching skills and innovative ways to integrate
science with other disciplines in the curriculum. First Nations world-views and connections
with nature are integrated into the content.
Exceptional Learners
6 ch