2013-2014 Calendar Proof
This section contains course descriptions for students entering the program after September
2001. For students who entered the program prior to September 2001, please contact the
Faculty of Business Administration or see the 2001-2002 Web version of the Undergraduate
Calendar for BA course descriptions.
Course Numbering System
The Faculty of Business Administration uses the following numbering system for courses
offered by the Faculty.
a. The first digit
1 designates an introductory level course.
designates an intermediate level course which normally has a prerequisite specified in
the course description.
designates an advanced level course which has one or more prerequisites specified in
the course description.
designates an advanced level course with several prerequisites and which normally is
taken during the final year of studies.
b. The second digit identifies the nature of the course, as follows:
1 general
6 quantitative analysis
2 accounting 7 information technology
3 marketing 8 employment relations
4 finance
9 independent study
5 organizational behaviour and management
c. The third and fourth digits differentiate courses in the same field.
Introduction to Business
3 ch (3C)
Introduces business topics to students from other disciplines who do not intend to
major in business. Topics include business history, forms of organizations, sources and
use of business information. Introduces the functional areas of business including:
accounting, financial management, marketing, production control, human resources
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
management, and special topics. Not available for BBA degree credit. Credit will not
be given for both this course and ADM 1113.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Introduces the process of administration and the functional components of profit and
nonprofit organizations. Considers the environmental framework of management,
including societal issues and the distinctive features of Canadian business. This course
is restricted to students registered in the Faculty of Business Administration or
Bachelor of Information Systems. BBA students normally take this course during the
first term of study. Credit will not be given for both this course and ADM 1015.
Business Communications I
3 ch (3C)
Examines the “real” world of business communications from writing effective e-mail
and business letters to planning and delivering informative presentations. Focus is on
acquiring business writing and presentation skills. Other communication variables
such as non-verbal messages, group dynamics, and interpersonal skills also covered.
Prerequisite: Open only to BBA students. BBA students normally take this course
during the first term of study. Credit will not be given for both this course and
Business Communications II
3 ch (3C)
Examines contemporary strategies for successful written and oral communications in
business. Theories of written and oral communication and their application to the
real-world context covered with a focus on the practical applications of business
contexts including: conducting interviews and surveys, writing formal business reports
and proposals, and delivering persuasive arguments. Prerequisite: ADM 1165 or 2165.
BBA students must complete this course during the first 75 ch.
Financial Accounting
3 ch (3C)
Examines the identification, measurement, recording, and communication of financial
information for managerial decision-making. Reviews basic principles and concepts to
convey the conceptual framework of the accounting discipline. BBA students normally
take this course in the second term of study. Credit will not be given for both this
course and ADM2213
Managerial Accounting
3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Emphasizes the role of the accounting function in managerial decision-making.
Traditional job costing and activity-based costing stressed. Appraises the use of
standard costing and variance analysis as tools for management control. Examines
flexible budgets, break-even analysis and contribution costing in decision-making.
Prerequisite: ADM 1213 or 2213.
Principles of Marketing
3 ch (3C)
Provides a foundation of marketing theory and analysis necessary to approach the
decision-making process and issues related to the marketing function. BBA students
normally take this course in the second term of study. Credit will not be given for both
this course and ADM2313.
Principles of Finance
3 ch (3C)
Analyses the basic tools and concepts of finance and illustrates their application to
practical problems faced by managers. Topics include: the time value of money, term
structure of interest rates, valuation of financial securities, financial statement
analysis, financial planning, working capital management and short-term and longterm sources of financing. Provides an introduction to the techniques of capital
budgeting and the concepts of risk and return on options. Prerequisites: ADM 1213 or
Organizational Behaviour
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the contributions of the applied behavioral sciences to the study of work in
organizations. Covers the fundamentals of individual and group behaviour, as well as
selected topics in motivation, leadership, communication, conflict and organizational
change. Prerequisites: 30 ch.
Business Statistics (Cross-Listed: ECON 3601)
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the methods of data presentation and analysis, and their applications to
business problems, including measures of data description, probability concepts and
distributions, and statistical decision theory. Also considers sampling theorem,
hypothesis testing using different techniques. Prerequisites: 30 ch, MATH 1823 and
1833 or equivalents.
Management Science (Cross-Listed: ECON 3602)
3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Presents a variety of applications of optimization models to business problems such
as allocation, blending, and scheduling. Introduces concepts of production planning,
inventory control, network models and sequencing. Prerequisite: ADM 2623. BBA
students must complete this course during the first 75 ch.
Human Resources Management
3 ch (3C) [W]
Introduces human resource management and its role in corporate strategy. Topics
include: human resource planning; recruitment and selection; employee training and
development; performance appraisal; and compensation. Prerequisite: ADM 2513.
Note: Credit will not be given for both ADM2815 and 3815
ADM 3123
Business Law I
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines the impact of law on business decisions and activities. Includes an
introduction to the Canadian legal system, the law of contract and the law of torts.
Emphasis given to the identification, evaluation, and management of legal risks in a
business context. Prerequisite: 33 ch.
Aboriginal Business Law
3 ch (3C)
Examines the unique aspects of business law as it applies to Aboriginals. Topics
include constitutional framework; self-government; bands, band councils and
reserves; commercial relations; taxation; and employment relations.
International Business
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines issues and problems which arise when business operations transcend
national boundaries. Topics include the dimensions of the contemporary international
economy, theories of trade and foreign direct investment, the strategic and
operational character of international firms and the controls adopted to achieve these
goals. Prerequisites: ADM 1313 or 2313, 2413, and 2513.
Intermediate Accounting I
3 ch (3C)
Presents in-depth coverage of selected topics in financial accounting. Commences
with a review of the theoretical foundation for financial reporting, providing the
conceptual background necessary to understand generally accepted accounting
principles and alternatives to these principles. Specific emphasis given to the major
asset categories found on corporate balance sheets through extensive coverage of
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
cash, receivables, inventories, and capital assets. Prerequisite: ADM 1213 or 2213.
Intermediate Accounting II
3 ch (3C)
Continues the examination of the balance sheet commenced in ADM 3215 with
extensive coverage of liabilities and shareholders' equity. Specific emphasis directed
to several current and controversial topics in accounting - corporate income taxes,
earnings per share, and leases. Concludes with an overall look at financial statements
and disclosure issues. Prerequisite: ADM 3215.
Cost Accounting
3 ch (3C)
Examines cost accounting information and its use in managerial control. Deals in
detail with cost accumulation, job and process costing, standard costing, and variance
analysis. Supplements the material covered in ADM 2223. Reviews the use of costing
techniques in other than manufacturing situations. Prerequisites: ADM 2223, 2623.
Marketing Management
3 ch (3C) [W]
Covers the application of theory and analytical tools from the marketing management
perspective. Focuses upon the analysis and solution of complex marketing problems
in the contemporary environment. Prerequisite: ADM 1313 or 2313.
Services Marketing and Management
3 ch (3C)
Building on basic marketing elements, introduces the unique opportunities and
challenges associated with the marketing of services. Topics include service and
experience design and management; service delivery and capacity management; the
service encounter; service failure and recovery; customer participation in service
processes; satisfaction and loyalty; and customer relationship management.
Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Marketing Research
3 ch (3C)
Examines the design and conduct of research for marketing decision-making. Includes
problem formulation, obtaining and organizing data, advanced analytical techniques,
questionnaire design, market testing, and analysis of results. Prerequisites: ADM
Marketing of Technological Services and Products (Cross
3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Listed: TME 3346)
Provides an in-depth approach to the marketing of technology focused on industrial
products and services. Includes essentials of marketing, along with aspects of product
development, promotional design, distribution, pricing/budgeting determination,
strategic analysis, communication skills, client/customer relations, and considerations
for the small business environment. Not available for BBA degree credit.
Corporate Finance
3 ch (3C)
Examines portfolio theory and valuation capital, capital expenditure decisions, longterm financing decisions, cost of capital, financial structure, dividend policy, and
external expansion. Prerequisites: ADM 2413, 2623.
Financial Markets and Institutions (O)
3 ch (3C)
Examines the role of financial markets and institutions in the transfer of funds in
Canada. Reviews the nature of assets and liabilities of financial institutions in the
current regulatory framework. Considers the management of assets and liabilities of
key depository and non-depository organizations, illiquidity risk, funding risk, default
risk, and regulatory risk. Prerequisite: ADM 2413.
Personal Financial Planning
3 ch (3C)
Based upon the theory of financial decision-making applied to personal finance,
covers the financial planning techniques used in professional practice. Topics include:
financial goal setting, the life cycle model of financial planning, budgeting, tax
planning, cash management, personal credit, investment choices, risk management,
and retirement planning.
Organization Design
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines the factors considered in the structural design of an organization. Special
attention is given to the organization's external environment and internal decision
structures and processes. Prerequisites: ADM 2513, 2623.
Managerial Decision Analysis
3 ch (3C)
Deals with the analysis of decision problems under uncertainty, partial information,
risk and competition. Considers the analytic hierarchy process, outranking
procedures, and multi-attribute utility theory. Examines the construction and use of
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
indifference curves for the solution of multi-stage decision problems, and the
numerical determination of stable solutions for problems with two competitors.
Prerequisite: ADM 2623.
Advanced Statistics for Finance (Cross-Listed: ECON 3628)
3 ch
Examines theory behind statistical techniques such as analysis of variance, simple and
multiple regression, non parametric methods of estimation and hypothesis testing,
and time series analysis. Examines the application of these techniques to problems in
finance and other areas of business administration. Prerequisite: ADM 2623.
Total Quality Management
3 ch (3C)
Provides a fundamental coverage of total quality management. Includes the basic
principles and practices of TQM, the tools and techniques of TQM, and case studies of
the implementation of TQM in the manufacturing and service industries. Prerequisite:
ADM 2623.
Management Information Systems
3 ch (3C)
Covers the dynamics of change in computer technology and design of systems as well
as the organizational and social consequences of automated decision systems.
Prerequisites: Computer literacy requirement, 60 ch.
Labour Relations
3 ch (3C) [W]
Introduces industrial relations with particular reference to unionized workplaces.
Topics include: industrial relations theory; the development, structure and functions
of organized labour in Canada; collective bargaining; strikes and industrial conflict; the
grievance and arbitration process.
Management of Innovation and Technology
3 ch (3C)
Examines the strategic management of high technology and other organizations.
Emphasizes innovation and the development or commercialization of intangible
assets. Introduces tools and techniques for the implementation of appropriate
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
strategies. Prerequisites: ADM 1313 or 2313, ADM 3573.
Business Law II
3 ch (3C) [W]
Introduces the law that affects various functional aspects of a business. Topics
include: law of business associations including partnerships and corporations;
property including real, personal and intellectual; employment including hiring and
termination; finance including debtor/creditor, banking and bankruptcy; and
marketing including advertising and sales. Emphasis given to the management of legal
risks. Prerequisite: ADM 3123.
Competitive Strategy
3 ch (3C)
Examines the process of strategy formation for the business enterprise as an
integrated organization. Emphasizes the problems of defining organizational mission,
analyzing the dynamics of competitive rivalry, and the determinants of success or
failure for alternate types of business strategies based upon a thorough
company/industry analysis. Prerequisites: 96 ch, ADM 1313 or 2313, 2413, 3573.
Corporate Communications
3 ch (3C)
Appraises how an organization communicates with internal and external audiences.
Introduces principles, theories, and practices used to generate and maintain positive
relationships with non-consumer audiences and to handle the diverse communication
challenges found in the workplace. Prerequisite: ADM 2513.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Venture Start-up & Entrepreneurship
Considers the problems associated with starting and operating a small enterprise.
Focuses upon actual small business successes and failures. Prerequisite: 60 ch.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Management of New Enterprise
Focuses upon the development of a project proposal for starting a new business or a
case study of an existing enterprise. Prerequisite: 96 ch.
New Product Development
3 ch (3C)
Examines concepts related to the management of new product development (NPD)
and the role of NPD in the strategy of contemporary companies. Reviews concepts for
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
development of winning solutions, approaches useful in organization of design
process, and methods for selection/evaluation of projects. Considers concepts related
to development of new services, as well as the refinement of innovative ideas and
their implementation. Prerequisite: ADM 3345.
Outsourcing (O)
3 ch (3C)
Examines situations where outsourcing major portions of a firm’s activities makes
sense and appraises how to manage the resulting contract. Topics include: measuring
outsourcing relationships, measuring performance, and driving value. Prerequisite:
ADM 2513.
Management Internship
3 ch
Provides extensive practical experience in the professional world through the
successful completion of 3 co-op work terms. For each work term, a report must be
completed and receive a minimum grade of C. The Faculty will register the student for
this course at the start of the final year. A student will be awarded CR (credit) for this
course. Prerequisites: 2 previous successful work terms with passing work term
3 ch (3C) [W]
Advanced Financial Accounting I
Examines the accounting and financial reporting for inter-corporate investments and
business combinations, including the preparation of consolidated financial statements
for parent and subsidiary entities. Also covers segmented reporting. Prerequisites:
ADM 2223 and 3216.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Advanced Financial Accounting II
Examines the accounting and financial reporting issues for the translation of foreign
currency transactions and statements, non-business organizations, partnerships and
businesses in financial difficulty. Also covers the conceptual framework for accounting
and alternative accounting measurement models. Discusses current financial
reporting issues. Prerequisites: ADM 2223 and 3216.
Financial Statement Analysis
3 ch (3C)
Appraises the role of financial reporting in operating, financing, and investing
decisions. Develops appropriate skills in the area of financial statement analysis.
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Reviews generally accepted accounting principles in Canada and elsewhere, as well as
financial statement analysis of companies in different industries or geographic areas.
Prerequisites: ADM 2223 and ADM 3415.
Accounting Theory
3 ch (3C) [W]
Focuses on accounting literature, especially with respect to financial reporting, and
accounting standard setting. Prerequisites: ADM 2223 and ADM 3216.
3 ch (3C)
Introduction to the concepts and procedures underlying contemporary auditing.
Topics include ethics, legal liability, internal control, audit evidence, audit reports.
Prerequisites: ADM 2223 and ADM 3216.
Internship in Accounting
3 ch [W]
Involves approved work for 80 hours in a term for an accounting department of an
organization and under the supervision of a faculty member. Requires work on a
project that is evaluated for academic assessment. Note: Open to Honours BBA
candidates with a major in accounting. Subject to faculty and placement availability.
Independent Study in Accounting
3 ch [W]
Preparation of an empirical or theoretical study in accounting under the supervision
of a faculty member. Application required at least 30 days prior to the term in which
work will be undertaken. Note: Applicants must have completed 96 ch and have
attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Salesforce Management
Applies theory relating to salesforce management from a manager’s point of view.
Requires reading and discussion of articles, which present research in the area. Entails
the completion of several assignments designed to facilitate interaction with the
business community. Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Professional Selling
3 ch (3C)
Provides an introduction to and application of the principles of personal selling for
persons pursuing any vocation, as well as those aspiring to careers in Marketing.
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Introduces basic concepts of professional selling including: customer analysis,
communication skills, effective openings and closings, and customer relations.
Emphasizes the development of selling skills via sales exercises, role-plays and
presentations. Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Customer Relationship Management
3 ch (3C)
Examines customer relationship management (CRM) as a key strategic process for
organizations. Addresses benefits and problems of CRM strategy and implementation,
culminating in the completion of a CRM strategic plan. Includes case analysis, student
“expert” presentations, online discussions and applied appraisals. Prerequisite: ADM
Consumer Behaviour
3 ch (3C)
Appraises concepts and their interrelationships in order to develop an understanding
of consumer decision-making processes. Includes basic individual determinants of
consumer behaviour, environmental influences on consumers, purchase processes,
post-purchase processes, market segmentation, brand loyalty, fear appeals.
Prerequisite: ADM 3345.
Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Examines issues relevant to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Topics covered include
the marketing concept, continuous improvement, quality, complaint behaviour,
expectations, measurement, and relationship marketing. Prerequisite: ADM 3315 or
consent of the instructor.
Contemporary Marketing Issues
3 ch (3C) [W]
Considers contemporary issues in marketing. Taught as a seminar-based course and
requires readings and detailed discussions of articles relevant to the selected topics of
enquiry. Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Market Orientation
3 ch (3C)
Examines theory and practice of market orientation for the creation and generation of
enterprise growth or sustainability. Reviews variables that shape market orientation
and appraises the value and role of the entrepreneur in development initiatives.
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Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Integrated Marketing Communications
3 ch (3C)
Examines forms of marketing communications, emphasizing their role in the Canadian
environment. Includes basic communications theory related to basic consumer
behaviour theory, media availability and selection, promotion channels, personal
selling, industry self-regulation, role of government regulation. Prerequisite: ADM
Export Market Entry
6 ch (3C) (LE)
Appraises how to plan and implement export tactics and strategy. In addition to the
study of global marketing concepts, theories, and analytical tools, students will be
expected to prepare a market entry plan. Atlantic-based organizations will participate
in the course as case studies. On a competitive basis students will be selected to
attend a trade mission. Prerequisites: ADM 3315.
Global Marketing
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Examines marketing decision-making in an international environment. Identifies and
explores marketing problems facing enterprises undertaking expansion beyond
domestic market boundaries. Prerequisite: ADM 3315.
Internship in Marketing
3 ch [W]
Involves approved work for 80 hours in a term for a marketing department of an
organization and under the supervision of a faculty member. Requires work on a
project that is evaluated for academic assessment. Note: Open to Honours BBA
candidates with a major in marketing Subject to faculty and placement availability.
Independent Study in Marketing
3 ch [W]
Preparation of an empirical or theoretical study in marketing under the supervision of
a faculty member. Application required at least 30 days prior to the term in which
work will be undertaken. Note: Students must have completed 96 ch and have
attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
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Working Capital Management
3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Considers areas relating to various components of working capital. Examines practical
issues and analytical models for the efficient management of cash, accounts
receivable, and inventories, along with the critical appraisal of various sources of
short-term funds. Prerequisite: ADM 2413.
Applied Financial Management
3 ch (LE)
Employs actual and simulated corporate financial cases related to financial planning
and control, working capital management and capital budgeting, cost of capital and
optimal capital structure, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, and international
financial management. Prerequisite: ADM 3415.
Mergers and Acquisitions
3ch (3C)
Covers the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions. Topics include: valuation
techniques and their applications; Economic forces and timing of merger activity;
motives for mergers and acquisitions; market for corporate control; valuing synergies;
valuing (target) firms for takeover; accounting for mergers; practical issues in mergers
and acquisitions; hostile takeovers; forms of payment; M&A strategies; the role of the
board of directors; best practices; empirical tests and stock market evidence of the
benefits of mergers and acquisitions. Prerequisite: ADM 3415.
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Covers the investment environment, basic investment concepts, analysis and strategy.
Considers investors’ attitudes toward risk; the Markowitz portfolio theory; capital
market theory and its application; the efficient markets hypothesis; expected inflation
and yields on securities; options markets; securities markets, technical and
fundamental analysis. Entails simulated trading using the Internet. Prerequisites: ADM
2624 and ADM 3415.
Introduction to Financial Derivatives
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Covers forward contracts, futures, options and swaps. Introduces the markets for
each of these financial derivatives and explains their market valuations. Illustrates the
application of market valuations of derivative products through numerical problems.
Also covers the use of financial derivatives in hedging risk. Prerequisites: ADM 2624
and ADM 3415.
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Entrepreneurial Finance
3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Examines the theory and practice of financing entrepreneurial firms. Topics include:
financial planning and option analysis, firm valuation at different stages of
development, financial fundraising with asymmetric information, fundraising
alternatives and venture organization. Prerequisites: ADM 2413 and ADM 3415.
Principles and Practice of Value Investing
3 ch (3C)
Covers concepts and principles of fundamental analysis, financial statement analysis
and common stock valuation models; examines the evidence that value investing is a
viable strategy that has consistently produced above average returns. Students apply
the concepts, principles and methodologies used by successful value investors to
select and analyse common stocks and to make value investment decisions; practical
application of value investment strategies is a significant part of this course.
Prerequisite: ADM 3415; or with permission of the instructor.
Theory of Finance
3 ch (3C)
Provides theoretical underpinnings of the concepts and decision-making frameworks
in corporate finance. Covers theories of choice of consumption/saving, portfolio
investment, real investments, and financial structure. Also covers models of pricing
risk, along with the concepts of market efficiency and inefficiency. Prerequisite: ADM
2624, ADM 3415; ADM3628 or equivalent.
Student Investment Fund
6 ch (LE) [W]
Presents experiential learning of the actual financial investment process and portfolio
management. Students, under the guidance of faculty advisors, manage over a
$1,000,000 portion of the pension assets of the New Brunswick Investment
Management Corporation (NBIMC), within the investment policies and procedures of
that enterprise. Requires detailed analysis of macroeconomic, industry, and company
fundamentals. Entails preparation, on a regular basis, of up-to-date reports and
presentations of portfolio analysis, selection, and management. Open only to BBA
students. Eligible candidates are required to complete an application form and go
through an interview. Prerequisites: ECON 1013, ECON 1023, ADM 2223, ADM 2624,
ADM 3415, ADM 4425.
International Financial Management
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Reviews the concept of balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, and
exchange rate systems. Examines exchange rate risk and the economics of currency
exposure and the international arbitrage process. Topics include: international
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portfolio management, capital flows including direct investment, the financial of
international enterprises, taxation and transfer pricing, capital budgeting, and the
cost of capital in an international setting. Prerequisite: ADM 3415.
(MATH 4853) Mathematics of Financial Derivatives
3 ch (3C)
Basics of options, futures, and other derivative securities. Introduction to arbitrage
and partial differential equations. Stochastic calculus and Ito's Lemma. Option pricing
using the Black-Scholes model. Put-Call parity and Hedging. Pricing of European and
American call and put options. Number methods for the Black-Scholes model: binary
trees, moving boundary problems, and linear complementarity. The barrier, and other
exotic options. Prerequisites: MATH 2013 and 2213, STAT 2593, and CS 1003 or
Internship in Finance
3 ch [W]
Involves approved work for 80 hours in a term for a finance department of an
organization and under the supervision of a faculty member. Requires work on a
project that is evaluated for academic assessment. Note: Open to Honours BBA
candidates with a major in finance. Subject to faculty and placement availability.
Independent Study in Finance
3 ch [W]
Preparation of an empirical or theoretical study in finance under the supervision of a
faculty member. Application required at least 30 days prior to the term in which work
will be undertaken. Note: Students must have completed 96 ch and have attained a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
3 ch (3C) [W]
Studies theoretical and practical approaches to directing people in organizations.
Explores the relative effectiveness of various leadership styles in transforming
organizational foci, from a managerial point of view. Prerequisite: ADM 2513.
Motivation and Work Behaviour
3 ch (3C)
Utilizes recent motivation theories as frameworks to analyze the effectiveness of
evaluations and control methods currently found in organizations. Included is the use
of information, pay administration, and participation in the design of effective
organizational control systems. Prerequisites: ADM 2513 and one of ANTH 1001, POLS
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1000, PSYC 1000, or SOCI 1000.
Ideology, Technology and Business (O)
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Examines how ideology and technology have influenced and shaped today's society.
Emphasizes the development and impact of ideology and technology on governmentbusiness relations and the freedom of business to operate. Normally open only to
third and fourth year students.
Operations Management
3 ch (3C)
Presents the concepts of production planning, inventory control, network models,
facility planning, scheduling and sequencing, PERT and CPM, queuing models.
Prerequisites: ADM 2623 and 2624.
Supply Chain Management
3 ch (3C)
Presents state-of-the-art design, control, operation, and management of supply chain
systems. Focuses on the integrated management of material flow, information flow,
and financial flow at three different levels: strategic, tactical, and operational.
Quantitative methods and techniques necessary for the supply chain management
emphasized along with case studies. Prerequisites: ADM 2623, ADM 2624.
Location Theory
3 ch (3C)
Provides an overview of the basic models used in location analysis. Includes median
centre and covering problems. Also covers brand positioning and voting theory.
Considers both discrete and continuous models. Discussion of practical applications of
location models. Prerequisites: ADM 2623 and 2624.
Network Analysis
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the algorithms for optimization related to networks. Emphasizes the
applications in transportation, telecommunications, warehousing, and computing
networks. Prerequisites: ADM 2624 and 4615.
Inventory Management
Provides an overview of inventory systems and their impact on materials
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3 ch (3C)
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
management. Considers the two fundamental inventory questions (when and how
much to order) under a variety of practical considerations. Includes topics such as:
economic order quantity, just-in-time inventory systems, fixed-order size, fixed order
interval, and deterministic and probabilistic systems. Discussion of practical
applications of models. Prerequisites: ADM 2623 and 2624.
Project Management (O)
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the management tools of project selection and evaluation, the setup of a
project team, and the role of a project manager. Discussion includes the quantitative
techniques of managing a project in terms of time/cost estimation, scheduling,
budgeting, and the other control/monitoring measures of the performance of a
project. Prerequisites: ADM 2623 and 2624.
Optimization in Finance
3 ch (3C)
Covers optimization techniques in both linear and non-linear problems with
applications in several areas of finance. Examines how to apply optimization
techniques to solve real world financial problems using a suitable commercial
optimization/finance package. Prerequisite: ADM 2413 and ADM 2624.
ADM 4696 Independent Study in Operations Management 3 ch [W]
Preparation of an empirical or theoretical study in operations management under the
supervision of a faculty member. Application required at least 30 days prior to the
term in which the work will be undertaken. Note: students must have completed 96ch
and have attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
Database Management
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to database management systems. Reviews different types of
database management systems. Additional topics include data modeling, query
languages, database administration, data administration, security, concurrency,
control and distributed databases. Prerequisite: ADM 3713.
Business Networking and Telecommunications
3 ch (3C)
Appraises why telecommunications are important in the value chain of the firm and
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how they are acquired and implemented. Includes discussions of hardware, software,
the process of deciding what to buy and how install , the types of communications
systems, and the application of telecommunications to support the strategy of the
firm. Prerequisite: ADM 3713 or permission of the instructor.
Technology, Security and Risk
3 ch (3C)
Examines security and risk from a broad perspective. Topics covered include
computer security, physical security of premises, shoplifting, corporate intelligence,
corporate espionage, and issues of broad social importance such as airline security
and terrorism. Prerequisite: ADM 3713 or permission of the instructor.
ADM 4719 Current Topics in MIS
3ch (3C)
Examines current issues in Management Information Systems. Prerequisite: ADM
3713 or permission of the instructor.
IT & Supply Chain Management
3 ch (3C)
Appraises the emergence of Internet-based technologies and supply chain
management. Examines the intersection of three areas: introductory supply chain
management, relevant aspects of Management Information Systems (MIS) and
Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business and its Internet-enabled technology
complements. Prerequisite: ADM 3713.
Systems Analysis and Design – User Perspectives
3 ch (3C)
Examines the development of IT systems from a user perspective. Topics include the
Systems Development Life Cycle, role of users and management, critical success
factors and alternative development methodologies. Prerequisite: ADM 3713 or
permission of the instructor.
Training and Development
3 ch (3C)
Examines fundamentals of training and development function in organizations.
Appraises cycle from needs assessment to evaluation and explores the influence of
changes in the workplace and the availability of information technology. Prerequisite:
ADM 2815 or 3815
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Compensation Management
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Introduces the strategic role played by pay and benefits in achieving organizational
goals. Topics include: forms of financial and non-financial compensation; job analysis
and evaluation; pay policy and external competitiveness; pay for performance;
performance appraisal; and administration of the pay system. Prerequisite: ADM 2815
or 3815.
Employment Law
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the law relating to the individual employer-employee relationship.
Examines the common law governing the contract of employment from
commencement to termination. Overviews statutory regulation of the employment
relationship, including: employment standards; occupational health and safety;
workers’ compensation; and human rights legislation. Note: Students in the MBA/LLB
program will not be permitted to obtain credit for ADM 4826 and LAW 3683.
Prerequisite: ADM 3123.
Workplace Health and Safety
3 ch (3C)
Based on the premise that occupational health, wellness and safety concerns impacts
an organization’s productivity and profitability. Provides an understanding of health
and safety issues, legislation and programs. Reviews current issues and
methodologies affecting the occupational health and safety standards and practices
of Canadian organizations. Prerequisite: ADM 2815 or 3815.
ADM 4828 Performance Management
3ch (3C)
The main purpose of the course is to help students design effective performance
management systems. To accomplish this, the course is designed to help students
approach performance management issues critically, to familiarize students with
the many components of performance management systems, and to show how the
right configuration of these components can help organizations achieve their
strategic objectives.
Contemporary Issues in Human Resources Management (O) 3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines current issues in human resource management in North America and
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abroad. With latitude given to the selection of topics. Prerequisite: ADM 281 or 3815.
Human Resources Planning
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Examines how different organizational strategies require alternate HRM policies and
practices. Explores the resource allocation issues necessary for the effective
management of people within a given strategy. Prerequisite: ADM 2815 or 3815.
International Human Resource Management
3 ch (3C)
Introduces concepts, theories and issues in international human resource
management. Explores how human resource management systems in other countries
differ from Canada and, secondly, how human resource management of multinational
corporations differ from domestic organizations. Topics include: global staffing, global
pay, performance management in multinational corporations, global human resource
management strategies and global labour relations. Prerequisite: ADM 2815 or 3815.
Human Resources Selection Systems (O)
3 ch (3C)
Explores systems used by organizations to recruit and select employees. Examines
employment law, techniques to screen applicants, interviewing techniques,
assessment centers, biodata, and psychological tests. Prerequisite: ADM 2815 or
Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
3 ch (3C)
Appraises conflict, negotiation and dispute resolution principles. Focuses on the
formulation and implementation of negotiation and dispute resolution. Considers the
causes and consequences of conflict, and applies contrasting approaches to
negotiations and dispute resolution. Note: Students in the MBA/LLB program will not
be permitted to obtain credit for both ADM 4878 and LAW 4103.
Internship in Human Resources
3 ch [W]
Involves approved work for 80 hours in a term for a HRM department of an
organization and under the supervision of a faculty member. Requires work on a
project that is evaluated for academic assessment. Note: Open to Honours BBA
candidates with a major in HRM. Subject to faculty and placement availability.
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Prerequisite: ADM 2815 or 3815.
Independent Study in HRM
3 ch [W]
Preparation of an empirical or theoretical study in HRM under the supervision of a
faculty member. Application required at least 30 days prior to the term in which work
will be undertaken. Note: Students must have completed 96 ch and have attained a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Honours Thesis
6 ch [W]
Individual development and defence before a committee of a written research
endeavour under the guidance of a faculty supervisor. Students are advised to consult
with their intended faculty supervisor prior to the completion of 97 ch. A written
request for admission to this course must be submitted to the Associate Dean,
Programs, Faculty of Business Administration, no later than 1 October of a student’s
final year. Note: Available in designated majors and open only to Honours BBA
candidates who have attained a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Subject to faculty
Independent Study
3 ch
Involves planning and carrying out an empirical or theoretical investigation under
Faculty supervision. Wide latitude given to the selection of topics and methods of
investigation. Application for approval required at least 30 days prior to the term in
which work will be undertaken. May require defence of a report before a committee
of appropriate Faculty members. Note: Applications normally approved only for
senior-year students who have attained a cumulative average GPA of at least 3.0.
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