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General Information
KIN 1001 is considered to be a prerequisite or co requisite to all other Kinesiology (KIN) and Recreation (RSS) courses
for students enrolled in one of the degree programs offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology.
Recreation and Sports Studies (RSS) courses are grouped together and listed in their own section of this calendar.
Unless otherwise stated, prerequisite shall mean a D or better in the prerequisite course.
Note: See beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
Due to the extensive number of KIN and RSS courses full with a waitlist, and to the highly competitive nature of
upper-year admissions, the number of KIN and RSS credit hours that a student not registered in a degree program
offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology may register for is limited. Students not registered in a degree program offered
by the Faculty of Kinesiology, and wishing to register for KIN and/or RSS courses shall be governed by the following:
A student not registered in a degree program offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology must have permission of
the course instructor to register in any KIN and RSS course.
Normally, all students must have successfully completed all required pre-requisites to a KIN or RSS course
prior to admission to KIN and RSS courses. Waiver of prerequisites is permissible only with consent of the
In all KIN and RSS courses students registered in a degree program offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology will
be given priority.
Normally, KIN 1001 shall be restricted to students in the degree programs offered by the Faculty of
Normally, KIN 1001 is the pre-requisite to all 2000, 3000 and 4000 level KIN and RSS courses.
Normally, students not registered in a degree program offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology shall be limited
to twelve (12) credit hours of KIN/RSS courses.
Basic Activity Labs (1 ch):
KIN 2603 Swimming (must pass entry level test) (A)
KIN 2623 Basketball
KIN 2693 Basic Fitness Theory and Aerobic Dance Leadership (A)
KIN 2701 Golf (A)
KIN 2723 Ice Hockey
KIN 2733 Badminton (A)
KIN 2751 Soccer (A)
KIN 2783 Volleyball (A)
KIN 2793 Weight Training (A)
KIN 2802 Wrestling (A)
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KIN 2831 Special Activity Project
KIN 2832 Special Activity Project
KIN 2851 Special Activity Project (Determined by Faculty)
KIN 2852 Special Activity Project (Determined by Faculty)
KIN 2861 Leadership Activity*
KIN 2862 Leadership Activity*
KIN 2883 Wall Climbing (A)
Advanced Activity Labs (2 ch) (Prerequisite: the 2000 level activity):
KIN 3523 Communications Skills
KIN 3623 Basketball (A)
KIN 3723 Ice Hockey (A)
KIN 3783 Volleyball (A)
KIN 3831 Special Activity Project
KIN 3832 Special Activity Project
KIN 3851 Special Activity Project (Determined by Faculty)
KIN 3852 Special Activity Project (Determined by Faculty)
KIN 3861 Leadership Activity*
KIN 3862 Leadership Activity*
* KIN 2861/2, 3861/2. Leadership activity credits provide students with an opportunity to gain leadership skills
training and experience. These projects are designed to provide new learning opportunities through directing,
leading, coaching, and managing groups or individuals in physical activity, recreation, sport, and wellness. Only open
to Kinesiology students who have completed at least 48 ch, have the most recent term GPA of at least 2.5.
* KIN 2831/2, 3831/2. Special activity credits provide students with an opportunity to learn new skills in areas related
to sport, recreation, leisure, physical activity, and wellness that are not currently being offered within the university’s
standard curriculum, for example: SCUBA, wilderness first aid, canoeing, etc. These learning experiences are designed
to offer course credit for new skill learning in an area specific to one’s individual interests. Only open to Kinesiology
students who have completed at least 48 ch, have the most recent term GPA of at least 2.5.
The Faculty reserves the right to cancel classes for insufficient enrollment.
Any special activity and leadership project (KIN 2831, KIN 2832,KIN 2861,KIN 2862, KIN 3831, KIN 3832, KIN 3861, KIN
3862) must represent an opportunity for significant physical or recreational skill attainment and/or improvement by
the student.
To participate in any Special Activity or Leadership Project (KIN 2831, KIN 2832, KIN 2861, KIN 2862, KIN 3831, KIN
3832, KIN 3861, KIN 3862) a student must:
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Have completed 48 ch or more towards the degree.
Have a GPA (most recent assessment year GPA) of at least 2.5.
Normally start and complete the project in the term in which the project was registered.
A one-credit hour course (i.e., KIN 2831, KIN 2832, KIN 2861, KIN 2862) normally must include at least 40
hours of learning (instruction, practice, study, etc.).
A two-credit hour course (i.e., KIN 3831, KIN 3832, KIN 3861, KIN 3862) normally must include at least 80
hours of learning (instruction, practice, study, etc.).
All projects must be approved by the course coordinator before the student may register for the course.
A student shall be allowed to register for a maximum of six (6) credit hours of special project and leadership
courses, i.e., KIN 2831, KIN 2832, KIN 2861, KIN 2862, KIN 3831, KIN 3832, KIN 3861, KIN 3862.
KIN 1001
Introduction to Kinesiology
3 ch (3C 1T) [W]
This course is designed as a thematic introduction to the academic discipline of Kinesiology. The course surveys the
basic concepts, theories and analytical methods of Kinesiology and their application to the study of human movement
in recreation, sport, exercise and physical activity. Weekly sessions include three lectures and one tutorial. KIN 1001 is
restricted to students registered in the Faculty of Kinesiology.
KIN 2032
Introduction to Sport and Leisure
3 ch (3C) [W]
Provides an introduction into the psychological influence of sport, physical activity, and leisure on the individual.
Current social psychological theory about sport, physical activity and leisure behaviour will be examined through a
wide variety of sport, leisure, and exercise psychology topics.
KIN 2051
Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
4 ch (3C 1.5L)
Covers principles and procedures for the recognition and management of injuries and disorders in physical activity,
athletics and sport programs. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BIOL 1711.
KIN 2062
Introductory Biomechanics
3 ch (3C)
This is an introductory course covering the anatomical factors and physical laws that govern human movement. The
course focuses on quantitative techniques for analysis of full-body and multi-segment human motions, and the force
systems that cause and resist these motions. Students will gain the necessary background and skills for understanding
and applying biomechanical concepts in practice, by developing the skills required to translate problems in human
movement into a biomechanical framework for quantitative analysis, and applying biomechanical concepts to solve
problems in the rehabilitation and sport sciences. Prerequisite: BIOL 1711, and MATH 1003 or MATH 1503
KIN 2072
Introduction to Motor Control and Learning
3 ch (3C)
Introduces the student to the principles of motor skill acquisition and performance as well as the conditions that
influence these processes. Topics include information processing, attention, perception, decision-making, motor
programs, and feedback. The role of motivation, anxiety, concentration, observational learning and mental practice in
motor performance and learning will be examined. Practical applications for sport, physical activity, industry, and the
performing arts will be discussed. Lectures only.
KIN 2093
Introduction to Philosophy of Sport,
Exercise and Recreation
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will conduct a philosophical analysis in to the nature of sport, exercise, and recreation by asking questions
about the fundamental value and purpose of these activities. Prerequisite: KIN 1001 or consent of the instructor.
KIN 2160
Laboratory Methods in Kinesiology
3 ch (3L)
This laboratory based course introduces the student to the basic laboratory techniques and methods for the
collection of kinesiological data. Experienced will be gained through a series of laboratory sessions in each of the
exercise science disciplines (motor control, exercise physiology and biomechanics, sport psychology). Instruction
pertaining to the application of the introduced techniques will accompany each laboratory session.
KIN 3001
Introduction to Research Methods in
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3 ch (3C)
Introduces basic concepts in research methods and experimental design relevant to the area of kinesiology including
recreation and leisure studies. It is also designed to create a better understanding of the principles, concepts,
terminology, and instruments used in measurement and analysis in the various sub-domains of kinesiology. The
course will focus on the scientific method, with both quantitative and qualitative research being discussed. Topics
include: different methods of knowledge, strategies of discovery, ethical issues, observation (systematic and selfreport observational methods), measurement (reliability, validity, objectivity), experimental design (randomized and
non-randomized designs, survey design and subject selection), and data analysis (descriptive and inferential
statistics). Finally, research reporting and the A.P.A. format will also be examined. Prerequisites: STATS 2043 and
STATS 3043 or equivalent (STATS 3043 may be a co-requisite).
KIN 3031
Exercise Psychology
3 ch (3C) [W]
An introduction to the study of behaviour in the exercise environment. The course will focus on how psychological
factors effect physical performance, how exercise effects psychological development, and on the development of
strategies to encourage exercise participation. Prerequisite: KIN 2032 or consent of instructor.
KIN 3032
Sports Psychology
3 ch (3C) [W]
Examines how the principles of psychology are applied in the sport setting to enhance performance. Involves an
analysis of the current findings in psychological research into sport with special attention to personality theory,
imagery, goal setting, cohesiveness, and spectator behaviour. The course will be based on theoretical considerations
and will involve a practical component. Prerequisite: KIN 2032 or consent of the instructor.
KIN 3041
Disability Awareness
3 ch (3C)
This course aims to introduce students to the issues and challenges faced by persons with disabilities by exploring:
disability concepts from a social, medical and political perspective; the impacts of disability on the person, family unit
and labor force; disability issues in movement activities, from daily living to sport and recreation skills. Disability
awareness training includes an introduction to appropriate terminology, knowledge of specific disorders that cause
disability, and experience working with disabled individuals in the community.
KIN 3061
Advanced Biomechanics
4 ch (3C 2T) [W]
Examines, through lecture and laboratory experiences, the theoretical and applied aspects of the biomechanics of
human performance. Prerequisite: C grade or better in KIN 2062.
KIN 3081
The Physiologic Basis for Physical Activity
3 ch (3C)
This is a course in applied human physiology that focuses on developing a conceptual model to explain how the
nervous, muscular, metabolic and cardiorespiratory systems function together to allow human movement. In this
course the student will examine the cellular and systemic changes that take place within the body during the
performance of physical work in a variety of modalities, intensities and durations. Prerequisite: C grade or better in
BIOL 2721 Human Physiology II
KIN 3093
Ethics and Kinesiology
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course examines the fundamental principles of ethics, and their application to selected ethical issues in sport,
recreation, exercise and other dimensions within kinesiology. Through intensive reading, open dialogue, critical
reflection, and writing, students will be challenged to develop their philosophic ability, knowledge, and skills in
evaluating an ethical dimension of relevant issues. Prerequisite: Students must have completed at least 27 credit
hours of their degree program.
KIN 3131
Psychological Intervention in Sport
and Exercise (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
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Introduction to psychological consulting in the areas of sport and exercise. The course will provide the student with
the basic knowledge needed to develop mental skills training programs and will introduce practitioner-athlete
consulting process. Prerequisites: KIN 2032, KIN 3032, or KIN 3031, or consent of instructor.
KIN 3161
Human Factors in Ergonomic Design
3ch (3C) [W]
This course introduces the physical, biomechanical psycho-social and cognitive demands on workers in both office
and industrial settings. Through lectures, student projects and review of current research, the role of proper human
factors as a component of the improvement of health and well-being of the worker are explored. The understanding
of human physical and psychological capabilities and limitations are incorporated in proper ergonomic design of the
workplace environment.
KIN 3202
Movement Awareness
3 ch (3C) [W]
The aim of this course is for the student to develop greater awareness of the movement experience. Three
approaches are utilized to examine movement: 1) Review of selected literature related to body, mind, and
movement; 2) Production of a movement autobiography that details the affects of movement experiences; 3)
Participation in movement activities including Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, Zen meditation and Somatic exercises.
KIN 3252
Functional Human Anatomy
4 ch (3C 1L)
Deals with structural and functional anatomy of the human skeletal, articular muscular and peripheral nervous
systems and their relationship to movement. Prerequisite: C grade or better in BIOL 2721 and BIOL 1782
KIN 3282
Physical Activity, Health and Wellness
3 ch (3C)
Provides an introduction to holistic health through integrating the concepts of physical activity, fitness, and wellness.
The focus will be on the impact that physical activity and physical inactivity have upon the major diseases and
disabilities which affect overall health and wellness in industrial and technological based societies. This will be
accomplished through summarizing and critically assessing the epidemiological and physiological research evidence.
Prerequisite: C grade or better in KIN 3001 and KIN 3081.
KIN 3291 Coaching Healthy Behaviours
3ch (3C)
This course will examine individuals' attitudes and behaviours towards healthy and active living, with a focus on
individual health-related behaviour change. Techniques for identifying strategies and overcoming barriers to
changing health behaviours will be examined, developed and practiced within the framework of health education and
behaviour change. Course participants will be challenged and empowered to make their own positive lifestyle
changes in regards to healthy behaviours, and will be prepared to begin working with others in this realm.
Prerequisite: RSS 2081 or permission of the instructor.
KIN 3382
Pediatric Exercise Science (O)
3 ch (3C) [W]
To develop an understanding of the physiological, medical, and physical performance implications associated with
changing activity patterns in today's youth. Examines the influence of physical activity on normal growth and
development, exercise and fitness related secular trends, issues related to pediatric exercise science, and activity
program development. Prerequisite: BIOL 2721 .
KIN 3481
Nutrition for Healthy Living
3 ch (3C)
The science of the nutrients and their role in the body and in health, factors influencing food intake, dietary
assessment and guidance, nutrition and physical activity, and current nutrition issues. Note: Credit will not be given
for both ED4791 and KIN 3481.
KIN 3482
Bioenergetics of Exercise
3 ch (3C)
An in-depth integrative and applied study of the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into biologically
useable forms of energy. Topics include: basic chemistry and biochemistry involved in the process, the biochemical
pathways, the metabolic responses to energies and exercise, and the neuroenodocrine regulation of exercise
metabolism. Prerequisite: KIN 3081 or equivalent.KIN 3913
KIN 3913 Practicum I
3ch (3C/L)
Relates theory to practice through professional career and field experiences. Faculty approval is required prior to any
service commitment or registration procedures. Prerequisites: must have completed 48ch and have an agpa of at
least 2.5.
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KIN 3914
Practicum II
3 ch (3C/L)
Relates theory to practice through professional career and field experiences. Faculty approval is required prior to any
service commitment or registration procedures. Prerequisites: must have completed 48ch and have an agpa of at
least 2.5.
KIN 3950
Athletic Therapy Practicum
6 ch (6C/L) [W]
Involves Athletic Therapy internships only. Relates theory to practice through professional career and field
experiences. Faculty approval is required prior to any service commitment or registration procedures. Prerequisite: B
grade or better in KIN 2051 and permission of the instructor.
KIN 4041
Movement Disorders (A)
3 ch (3C)
This course involves collaboration with physiotherapists to provide insight into movement disorders and introduce
students to state-of-the-art techniques in motion analysis. Topics include: treatment effectiveness, data
interpretation, and gait analysis. Prerequisites or Co-requisites: KIN 3061; Only open to students with 57 ch towards
their degree.
KIN 4063
Biomechanical Instrumentation and
Data Acquisition (A)
3 ch (3C)
Introduces advanced concepts in instrumentation and data acquisition relevant to the area of human motion analysis.
The student will be introduced to motion analysis systems, electromyographs, and force platforms through laboratory
sessions. Emphasis will be placed on accuracy and reliability of equipment. Students will also be introduced to the
Matlab programming language and various data analysis techniques in biomechanics (i.e. filtering, joint angle
computation). Prerequisites: KIN 3061; Only open to students with 57 ch towards their degree.
Kin 4065 Matlab and 3D Math
3ch (1C 2L)
This course introduces students to advanced concepts in 3D mathematics and Matlab programming, specific to the
field of biomechanics. Topics include vector manipulations, joint angle computations, and matrix mathematics. All
lectures are conducted in computer labs using the Matlab software. Matlab is a popular language used in academia
and various industrial applications. Students will learn how to create computer programs that perform mathematical
operations and data analysis (i.e. curve fitting, filtering, etc). Prerequisite: KIN3061, MATH 1503, or permission of
the instructor.
KIN 4072
Neural Control of Human Movement (A)
3 ch (3C)
The aim of this course is to provide the student with a fundamental understanding of the neural processes that
underlie the control of voluntary action. The mechanism, structure and function of the human nervous system will be
presented at various levels of analysis, from the cellular level to the behavioural level. Specific topics to be addressed
include the mechanism of information transmission; the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction; the use of surface
electromyograms; mechanisms of excitatory and inhibitory control, reflexes; pre-programmed reactions; simple brain
anatomy, structures and pathways; postural control, locomotive control and single and multi-joint movements.
Prerequisite: KIN 2072 and KIN 3081.
KIN 4082
Advanced Exercise Physiology (A)
4 ch (3C 1.5L) [W]
Through lecture and laboratory experiences the acute responses and adaptations of the muscular, nervous, and
immune systems to exercise will be studied. The specific topics of neuromuscular fatigue, overtraining, and resistance
training programs will be examined. Prerequisite: KIN 3081 or equivalent.
KIN 4093
Seminar on Health Care Ethics
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will explore the area of health care. Through intensive reading, open dialogue, and critical reflection,
students will be challenged to develop knowledge and skills in analyzing the dimensions of health and health care.
Prerequisite: KIN 3093 or consent of the instructor.
KIN 4161
Occupational Biomechanics
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will examine topics in applied ergonomics and occupational biomechanics. Lectures will be used to
present ergonomic assessment tools and present current research directives in the area of occupational biomechanics
and prevention of workplace musculoskeletal injuries. Development of the skills required to identify occupational
ergonomic concerns, perform biomechanical analyses of musculoskeletal demands and modifications of work tasks to
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reduce musculoskeletal demands will be emphasized through practical experiences. Prerequisite: KIN 2062 and KIN
3161, or consent of the instructor.
KIN 4162 Occupational Health and Safety for Ergonomists
This course will provide an overview of the occupational health and safety field and its relationship to workplace
ergonomics. An introduction to occupational health and safety legislation will be provided and health and safety
hazards in a variety of work environments will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on how to eliminate and reduce
hazards and risks
associated with several work processes, including the physical working environment, adaptation of tools and the
workplace to the worker, and equipment design. The roles and responsibilities of workers and their employers will
also be covered. Prerequisite: KIN 3161. Credit will not be given for KIN 4162 and ME 5283.
KIN 4163
Workplace Ergonomic Design and Analysis
3 ch (3C)
The focus of this course is on the theoretical background and practical knowledge required to create functional
ergonomic designs and provide comprehensive ergonomic analyses of industrial or service workplaces using work
measurement and task analysis methodologies. Industrial and human factors engineering techniques together with
the principles of occupational biomechanics are applied to investigate human / machine interactions, job design, and
workstation layout. Work Measurement and Task Analysis methodologies are used to describe and determine work
standards, physiological task loads and the elements of manual and mental activities in human / machine work
systems. Laboratory exercises provide the opportunity to apply the theory to actual workplace situations.
Prerequisite: Completion of 96 ch in Kinesiology / Engineering, KIN 3161, or consent of instructor.
KIN 4165
Occupational Physiology (A)
3 ch (3C)
This course will investigate issues related to the physical requirements, program design, the measurement of physical
demands, and factors related to fatigue and injury in the workplace from a physiological perspective. It will also
examine issues related to safety and completion of job specific tasks in the workplace. The standards and job
requirements for an occupation will be examined using the "Bona Fide Occupational Requirements (BFOR)".
Prerequisites: Completion of 96 ch in Kinesiology, KIN 3081, or consent of the instructor.
KIN 4281
Measurement and Evaluation in
Exercise Science
4 ch (1C 3L)
An advanced course examining the theory and developing practical skills for measuring body composition and
cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and metabolic function during exercise. Students will learn about the equipment
commonly used in Exercise Science and the principles of using these instruments including the influence of calibration
and signal processing amplification, filtering and sampling. They will also learn computer based data acquisition, the
pros and cons of various measurement approaches, and gain experience in screening subjects for exercise testing,
data analysis and interpretation of test results. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in KIN 3081.
KIN 4282
Exercise Prescription for Health, Well-being
and Performance
4 ch (2C 2L)
An advanced course to examine the principles of physical fitness, activity, and exercise and the application of these
principles for the development and design of exercise programs for the acquisition of health, well-being and
performance in children, adults, persons with a disability, and athletes. This course will be applied in a variety of
settings to include practical experiences in the design and implementation of exercise programs. Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of “C” in KIN 3081, highly recommended KIN 4281.
KIN 4481
Exercise and Sport Nutrition (A)
3 ch (3C)
An in-depth examination of the role which nutrition plays (especially ergogenic aids) in exercise and sport
performance. Approached from an applied biochemistry and physiology perspective through lecture and seminar. Coor Prerequisite: KIN 3081 or equivalent.
KIN 4900
Honours Research Project
6 ch (3C)
BScKin Honours students must complete a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The project
can take the form of a thesis, report, or case study as determined by the faculty member. A presentation is required.
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Prerequisite: Students must be accepted into the BScKin Honours program (see Honours program degree
KIN 4903
Directed Studies in Kinesiology
3 ch
Provides opportunities to explore in detail a number of special areas in Kinesiology. Faculty approval is required prior
to registration. Title of the topic will appear on the student's transcript. Open only to students with at least 57 ch
completed towards their degree.
KIN 4904
Directed Studies in Kinesiology
3 ch
Provides opportunities to explore in detail a number of special areas in Kinesiology. Faculty approval is required prior
to registration. Title of the topic will appear on the student's transcript. Open only to students with at least 57 ch
completed towards their degree.
KIN 4910
Advanced Practicum
6 ch (6C/L)
Continuation of KIN 3913/3914. Prerequisites: must have completed 48ch and have an agpa of at least 2.5.
KIN 4950
Advanced Athletic Therapy Practicum
Prerequisite: RSS 3950.
6 ch (6C/L) [W]
Kin: 4980 - Advanced Exercise Prescription Practicum
6ch (3C 6L)
A combination of advanced theory and practical experience will help the student learn how to develop exercise
prescription advice and training programs that achieve specific outcomes related to health, fitness and high
performance athletics. Completion of this course will provide the student with the relevant theory and practical
experience needed to challenge the CSEP-Certified Exercise Physiologist and NSCA-Certified Strength and
Conditioning Specialist professional certification exams. Prerequisites:
Students must hold current CSEP-CPT certification, KIN 2051, KIN 3081, KIN 3252, KIN 4281, KIN 4282
KIN 4993
Selected Topics in Kinesiology
3 ch
Selected topics of special interest from the area of kinesiology are examined in detail. Special emphasis will be placed
on current issues. Topics will be specified by the Faculty. Title of topic chosen will appear on the student's transcripts.
Open only to students who have completed 57 ch or more.
KIN 4994
Selected Topics in Kinesiology
3 ch
Selected topics of special interest from the area of kinesiology are examined in detail. Special emphasis will be placed
on current issues. Topics will be specified by the Faculty. Title of topic chosen will appear on the student's transcripts.
Open only to students who have completed 57 ch or more.
KIN 5031
Applied Sports Psychology (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
This course will focus on psychological skills and methods in sport and exercise, and how sport psychologists, coaches,
therapists, and athletics use these skills and methods to positively effect sport participation, performance,
motivation, and enjoyment. More specifically, the psychology skills and methods which were presented and discussed
in KIN 2032, 3031, 3032, and 3131 will be applied in the sport setting. This will involve working with a team, teaching
mental skills in group sessions, and being available for individual consultations. Prerequisite: KIN 2032, KIN 3032, KIN
3131, KIN 3031.
KIN 5032
Research in Sport and Exercise
Psychology (A)
3 ch (3C) [W]
Designed to permit analysis and discussion of theoretical developments and recent research findings in the areas of
sport and exercise psychology. The seminar format will allow students to critically appraise research and permit them
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to express their own ideas. Recent research articles will provide the basis for discussion and presentations.
Prerequisites: KIN 2032 and KIN 3131, KIN 3032 or KIN 3031 or consent of instructor.
KIN 5072
Advanced Motor Control and Learning (A)
4 ch (3C 2L)
The aim of this course is to explore concepts of information processing within motor control. Each week specific
attention will be paid to a seminal paper on this topic. Issues that arise for motor control from these papers will be
presented and discussed in seminar format. To gain a practical understanding of these issues, the student will
undertake and write-up a series of laboratory experiments on these aforementioned papers. Prerequisite: KIN 2072,
KIN 3001, STATS 2043 & 3043