Bachelor of Business Administration

Faculty of Business Administration
General Office:
Singer Hall, Room 255
Mailing Address: Faculty of Business Administration
University of New Brunswick,
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N. B.,
Canada, E3B 5A3
(506) 453-4869
(506) 453-3561
Robert D. Austin, BS, BA, MS, PhD
Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies): TBA
Associate Dean (External Programs):
Joseph Y. Abekah, BScAdmin, MSc, MAc, PhD
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs):
Joanne I. Hinton, BSc, CMA
Abekah, Joseph Y., BScAdmin (Ghana), MSc (Boston), MAc (BGSU), PhD (Neb.-Lincoln), Prof
and Assoc Dean (External) - 1991
Angeles, Rebecca, BA (Philippines), MBA (South Dakota), PhD (Memphis), Prof - 2003
Austin, Robert, D., BS, BA (Swarthmore Col.), MS (Northwestern), PhD (Carnegie Mellon) 2011
Betts, Norman M., BBA (UNB), PhD (Qu),FCA, Assoc Prof - 1992
Coleman, Daniel F., BA, PhD (SUNY-Buffalo), Prof - 1986
Cuddihy, Kelly L., BSc, MBA (UNB), Instructor 2009
Drira, Mohamed, BSc (Inst. of Higher Com. Studies, Tunisia), MSc (Sherbrooke), PhD (HEC
Montreal), Asst Prof-2009
Du, Donglei, BSc (Fudan), MSc (Shandong), PhD (Chinese Acad of Sci) PhD (Texas),Prof 2003
Dunnett, Jane A., BSc, MBA (UNB), PhD (Qu.), Assoc Prof - 2000
DuPlessis, Dorothy R., BComm, LLB, MBA (Dal), LLM (Lond), Prof - 1982
Eiselt, H. A., BA (Hannover), MBA, PhD (Georgia Augusta), Prof - 1986
Flint, Douglas H., BA (S. Fraser), MSc (McM.), MASc (Wat.), PhD (Tor), Assoc Prof - 2001
Frooman, Jeffrey, BS, BA (Ill-Urbana), MBA (Mich), MA, PhD (Pitts), Assoc Prof (Cross-Appt,
Arts) - 2007
Gaudes, Andrew J., BES (ARCH), MFM, PhD, (Manit), CFM, Assoc Prof - 2003
Grant, E. Stephen, BBA (UNB), MBA (Maine-Orono), PhD (Memphis), Prof - 1993
Haley, Lynn M., BSc, MBA (UNB), Sr Instructor - 2005
Hinton, Joanne I., BSc (Guelph), CMA, Sr Teaching Assoc and Assoc Dean (Undergraduate
Programs) - 1999
Leonard, R. Glenn, BBA, MA, PhD (UNB), CA, Asst Prof – 2006
Lynch, Eamonn, BComm (Victoria), MSc (Leth), MBA (McG),DipUT (UNB), Instructor - 2005
Maher, Elin E., BBA (UWO), MBA (Maine-Orono), CA, Prof - 1988
Maher, Robert C., BSc (UNB), MBA (McG), CA, FCA, Prof - 1988
McNally, Jeffery J.,BA (Mt.A), MA (UWO), Asst Prof-2010
Mitra, Devashis, BA (Delhi), PhD (Mass-Amherst), CA, FCA Prof - 1991
Nasierowski, Wojciech, MScEng (Ind Eng), BAEngME (Warsaw Univ. of Tech), PhD (Warsaw Mgmt. Inst. for Organization Develop), DSc (Poland), Prof - 1991
Otuteye, Eben, BA (Ghana), MA (UNB), PhD (Qu), Prof - 1987
Post, Patricia, BA, MEd, PhD (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc - 2003
Rahim, Abdur M., BSc, MSc (Dacca), DS (Rome), MSc (Ott), PhD (Windsor), Prof - 1983
Rashid, Muhammad, MA (York), PhD (Qu), Prof - 1985
Roy, Judy A., BPR (Mt.St.Vin.), MBA, DipUT, PhD (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc - 1993
Sharma, Basu D., BA, MA (Tribhuvan) AM, PhD (Ill-Urbana), Prof - 1985
Sheppard, Reginald G., BEd, BSc, BA (MUN), MEd, MBA (UNB), PhD (Bath, UK), Assoc. Prof 1999
Shiller, Ilona, BA, MS (Kyiv National), MA, PhD (Manit), Asst. Prof - 2005
Srinivasan, Gopalan, BComm (Madurai), MComm (S Venkat), Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad), CGA,
Prof - 1987
Whalen, Hugh J., BSc, BBA (UNB), PhD (Minn), CA, Sr. Teaching Assoc - 1992
Wielemaker, Martin, MSc (Tech. Univ. Delft), PhD (Erasmus), Assoc Prof. - 2002
Zuluaga, Luis, BS, MS (U. of Los Andes (Colombia)), MS, PhD (Carnegie Mellon), Assoc. Prof. 2004
General Information
Through the cooperation of New Brunswick business firms and professional associations, the
Department of Business Administration was created in the Faculty of Arts during 1951 to service the
needs of Canadian business for men and women with specialized training in the field of management.
A School of Administration superseded the Department in 1975 and the Faculty of Administration was
established during 1980. The Faculty's operations since 1987 have been based in Ethel Francis Singer
Hall, a building named in memory of the first Jewish woman (BA’35, MA ‘38) to graduate from the
University of New Brunswick.
The four-year program leads to the degrees of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or Honours
BBA. The course of studies is designed to ensure that students receive a broad-based education, by
requiring a variety of courses from across the University, as well as courses from the functional areas
within the Faculty of Business Administration. Students will be made aware of the economic and
environmental context within which modern business operates, as well as learning about
administrative principles and practices.
Administration courses include accounting, electronic business, finance, general management, human
resource management, law, management information systems, marketing, operations management,
organizational behaviour, and quantitative analysis. Lectures, class discussions, laboratory work,
essays, and case studies are used depending upon the requirements of the subject.
1. Business Administration and Accounting
A number of professional accounting organizations award certificates in accounting to students who
fulfill the required terms of service in the profession and who pass the required examinations. Most
organizations also provide courses of study to enable students to prepare for the examinations.
Candidates who are considering entering the accounting profession are invited to discuss the matter
with members of the Faculty. Calendars and other information from the accounting organizations are
Holders of the BBA degree from UNBF will normally be exempt from part of the course of study, and
some of the examinations prescribed by the organizations. Since education is a provincial
responsibility, the requirements for accounting certificates and the exemption policies often differ
somewhat among the provinces. A student therefore should consult the provincial organization in the
province in which he or she plans to pursue studies. For New Brunswick a student should write to:
The accreditation of the University of New Brunswick’s Bachelor of Business Administration, Honours
Accounting Program by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada allows students who
complete the courses prescribed for the Certified Management Accounting Stream to be exempted
from the CMA entrance exam. See Section 12 for the courses listed under the Certified Management
Accounting Stream.
Certified General Accountant--CGA
CGA Association of New Brunswick 403-236 St. George St., Moncton, N.B. E1C 8R2
Chartered Accountant--CA
Atlantic School of Chartered Accountancy, P.O. Box 489, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2R7
Certified Management Accountant-CMA
CMA Canada, 570 Queen St., Suite 101, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 6Z6
2. Business Administration and Law
BBA students who have completed three years of the BBA program maybe admitted to the Faculty of
Law and may qualify for the BBA degree by successfully completing the first year of the Law program.
In order to qualify for the BBA, the students must have credit for all of the REQUIRED courses
specified for the BBA degree, with the exception of ADM 3123 . Students must apply to and be
accepted by the Faculty of Law.
3. Graduate Study in Business Administration
The Faculty of Business Administration offers an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree
program. Information regarding the program may be obtained from the School of Graduate Studies.
Most universities in Canada and in the United States which offer graduate programs in Business
Administration (MBA, MPA, etc.) require applicants to submit the results of the Graduate Management
Admission Test. Students who think they might wish to enter a graduate program in Business
Administration should arrange to write this test in their senior year. Application forms (which must be
sent to Princeton, N.J.) are available from the Faculty and should be mailed at least a month in
advance of the test date. Educational Testing Service charges a fee for this test.
An undergraduate degree in business administration is not required for admission into the MBA
4. Graduates of a Community College or Equivalent System
Graduates of the New Brunswick Community College in a two year Business Technology program with
a 75% average or equivalent standing over the normal two years (or equivalent standing from
comparable institutions), will be granted 30 ch toward the BBA degree and will be required to
successfully complete at least another 96 ch in order to qualify for the BBA. Students who have
partially completed such programs may be granted credits toward the BBA. Entering students will be
advised of their status, as provided for in the General Regulations of the University.
5. University Regulations
Any point covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University Regulations
in Section B of this Calendar. Questions concerning the regulations should be directed to the Registrar
in writing.
Conditions Regarding Admission to the BBA Program
All admissions are on a competitive basis and are subject to availability of space. Satisfaction of
minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
A student who is not registered in the BBA program may not take more than 24 ch of ADM courses
without approval from the Faculty of Business Administration.
Transfer Students
1. A student's scholastic record normally must satisfy the general admission requirements of the
Faculty of Business Administration specified in Section B.1.
2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 normally is required for a student to be considered for
transfer into one of the Faculty's programs.
3. A student normally will not be allowed to transfer into the Faculty mid-way through the
academic year.
4. Application is by special form available from the Registrar's Office and must be submitted to
the Registrar’s Office by 31 March.
5. Upon admission, transfer students must take ADM 1113 during their first term of studies.
6. BBA for Students with Another Bachelor's Degree
Students who obtained a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better in their undergraduate degree program should
consider applying for the MBA program (see Section 3).
A. Graduates of UNB and of Other Universities
Graduates of UNB are required to complete successfully a minimum of 30 additional ch and to
have credit for all the required courses (or their equivalent) in the BBA program. In addition,
students must maintain a session grade point average of at least 2.0 (see Section 8 on Degree
Standing on Graduation below).
Graduates of other recognized universities must also have credit for all of the courses
specifically required for the BBA but must, in addition, have successfully completed a
minimum of 60 ch for the BBA degree or 63 ch for the Honours BBA degree at UNB. In
addition, students must maintain a session grade point average of at least 2.0 (see BBA
Regulations 7D, 7E and 8.)
B. Degree Standing on Graduation
Students taking the BBA program as a second degree may graduate with First, Second, or
Third Division standing but not with Distinction.
Students who have a UNB undergraduate degree and are thus required to take a
minimum of 30 additional ch (and to have credit for all the required courses in the BBA
program) will have their division standing calculated on the basis of all the courses
they take while registered for the BBA degree, plus all of the required courses for the
BBA for which they received grades from UNB in their other undergraduate degree at
Students whose first undergraduate degree is from another university are required to
complete at least 60 additional ch and to have credit for all required courses in the
BBA program. Their division standing will be calculated on all of the courses they have
taken while registered at UNB.
7. BBA Regulations
A student who had been registered in the BBA program and who withdrew while on probation or who
was required to withdraw from the program will not be eligible to re-enter the program without the
approval of the Faculty of Business Administration.
The regulations in respect to the BBA degree are expressed in terms of letter grades, credit hours and
grade point averages. These are referred to below.
A. Letter Grades
A candidate's final standing in a course is indicated by one of the letter grades stated in
Section B (Grading System and Classification) of this Calendar. A grade of C or better meets
the prerequisite standards for Business Administration courses.
B. Credit Hours
The number of credit hours assigned each course is stated in Section F of this Calendar. Due
to differences in the methods used by the various Faculties in the calculation of credit hours,
students who elect to register for courses taught outside of the Faculty of Business
Administration should note the following:
For purposes of the BBA degree, any course taught outside of the Faculty of Business
Administration, which has a course number ending in zero and which is taught over
the full academic year, will receive the number of credit hours normally assigned by
the Faculty in which the course is taught, up to a maximum of 6.
For purposes of the BBA degree, any course taught outside of the Faculty of Business
Administration, which has a course number ending in other than zero and which is
offered in one term of the academic year, will receive the number of credit hours
normally assigned by the Faculty in which the course is taught up to a maximum of 3.
C. Grade Point Averages
The method of calculating grade point averages is explained in Section B (Grading
System and Classification) of this Calendar.
Students registered in the BBA program must maintain an assessment grade point
average of at least 2.0 throughout the program. (See Section B of this Calendar for
further details of G.P.A., standing and promotion requirements).
To earn a degree, a student must have successfully completed at least 120 ch (see
Section 10) in approved courses. A grade of at least C must be attained in all the
courses specifically required for the degree.
Laboratory courses normally will not be counted in the ch total or in the calculation of
the grade point average.
D. Credits Required at UNB
At least 60 ch for the BBA degree must be taken at UNB and must normally include all the
required courses in the BBA degree program. (Under extraordinary conditions, a student may
be permitted to take some of those courses elsewhere with the prior consent of the Faculty of
Business Administration and the Registrar.)
Changes in Degree Requirements
Improvements in the BBA program may lead to changes in the requirements for the degree.
The University reserves the right to require candidates already enrolled to meet the revised
requirements where practicable.
Majors and Concentrations
A student qualifying for the BBA degree who has met the requirements for a Single or
Double Major in the Bachelor of Arts program may apply to the Registrar to have
noted on the student's transcript that the Major requirement in the external discipline
has been met.
Students are advised that Major programs must be approved by the relevant
Department in the Faculty of Arts. Many Business Administration students choose to
do a Major in Economics. Please see the Courses - Economics section of the Calendar
for requirements.
BBA students may concentrate in a particular area of Business Administration
(Accounting, Aviation and Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human
Resource Management, International Business, or Marketing) by selecting appropriate
optional courses, and meeting additional credit hour requirements. See Section 11.
Students may select a Joint Honours in Finance and Economics by selecting
appropriate optional courses. See Section 12.
Students who elect to seek the Honours BBA degree must complete a major in an area
of Business Administration. A Major requires the successful completion of at least 24
ch of advanced level courses designated by the Faculty of Business Administration.
See Sections 9, 10, and 12.
8. Degree Standing on Graduation
In order to qualify for a degree, a student in the regular degree program must have successfully
completed at least 120 ch of approved course work including a grade of at least C in all the courses
required for the BBA degree in accord with Sections 9B and 10. A student must complete at least 126
ch of approved course work including a grade of C in all the courses required for the Honours BBA
degree and must meet the conditions specified in Sections 9, 10 and 12.
At graduation all successful candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration shall be
listed in alphabetical order within the appropriate degree category as stated below:
A. Distinction
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.8 over the final 60 ch of
course work and no grade less than C over the final 90 ch of course work shall graduate with
B. First Division
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 over all courses
attempted in the program at the University shall graduate in First Division.
C. Second Division
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 but less than 3.5 over
all courses attempted in the program at the University shall graduate in Second Division.
D. Third Division
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.5 over all courses
attempted in the program at the University shall graduate in the Third Division.
At graduation all successful candidates for the degree of Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
shall be listed in alphabetical order within the appropriate degree category as stated below:
A. First Class Honours
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.6 over the courses of a
major subject (see Section 12).
B. Honours
A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 over the courses of a
major subject (see Section 12).
Averages in an Honours subject are calculated on the basis of the minimum number of credit hours
required for the major subject and credit hours successfully completed above this minimum are
treated as ‘non-required’ courses.
9. Business Administration Curriculum
A. General Information
1. Choice of program: For Upper level students, two program paths are available: BBA
and Honours BBA. Upon the successful completion of 60 ch, students must declare
their intent to follow one or the other of these two paths. Their decisions must be
made in consultation with the academic advisors of the Faculty of Business
Administration. The Honours degree is designed for candidates with a high level of
ability who wish to undertake intensive study of an area within business
administration. Students who satisfy the requirements for an Honours degree will have
that designation included on their final transcript.
2. Approval of courses: Students are expected to consult with the academic advisors of
the Faculty of Business Administration in the development of their program of study.
Students must follow the course sequence outlined in this Calendar and complete
prerequisites prior to enrolment in intermediate-or upper-level courses. Approvals for
any exceptions to this policy will occur only under extraordinary conditions.
3. The normal course load for all BBA students is 30 ch in each of the first two years of
the program. Students who take the BBA degree complete 30 ch in each of the last
two years. Students who take the Honours BBA degree must complete a further 6 ch
in the last two years.
4. A full-time student is one whose work load consists of a minimum of 12 ch in each
term (or 24 ch for two terms in the regular session). Students may enroll for a
maximum of 36 ch in any year of the program provided they obtained at last a 2.5
grade point average on at least 30 ch in the immediate preceding year at university.
Students who do not obtain at least a 2.5 grade point average on at least 30 ch in the
immediate preceding year at university are advised to take no more than 30 ch of
course work. Students should take no more than 12 ch per term of course work in a
year following placement on academic probation, or upon re-entering university after
being required to withdraw. Part-time students are subject to the maximum course
loads permitted in Extension, Intersession, or Summer Session.
5. Candidates must obtain a grade of at least C in the courses required for the BBA
degree. This includes all required Business Administration courses, all first or second
year electives from Groups A, B, and C (see Section 10). As outlined below, students
who seek to complete a concentration or Major within Business Administration must
also obtain a minimum cumulative GPA on the courses designated for the
concentration or major (see Section 11).
6. At least 39 ch of electives must be chosen from courses beyond the introductory level.
These normally include courses for which there are prerequisites. Prerequisites include
both specific courses and/or specific credit hour specifications.
7. At least 12 of the 39 ch in 9.A.7 must be courses beyond the introductory level from
within a single faculty other than the Faculty of Business Administration. Students
should select those electives in consultation with the academic advisors of the Faculty
of Business Administration. The courses should constitute a logical and coherent set of
8. 1. It is the responsibility of a student to ascertain that elective courses are acceptable
for BBA or Honours BBA degree credit. Service courses offered by other faculties are
not acceptable for degree credit. In addition, various courses (such as those in
statistical methods) duplicate some of the material in required Business Administration
courses and will not be accepted for credit. The following courses are not allowed for
BBA or Honours BBA credit: CE 3933 , CE 3963 ,CE 3973 , CE 5623 , ED 3113 , ENGG
4013 , FE 3233 , FE 3603 , FE 5252 , FOR 3006 , ME 3232 , PSYC 2113 , PSYC
2123 , SOCI 3123 , and the following STAT
courses: 2043 , 2253 , 2263 , 2264 , 2283 , 2293 , 2593 .
B. BBA Degree
1. Students taking a BBA must complete at least 120 credit hours (ch) of approved
course work and maintain an assessment year grade point average of at least 2.0 in
order to qualify for the BBA degree.
2. Not more than 15 ch of electives in a specific area of Business Administration
(Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc.) may be counted for degree credit.
3. Not more than 30 ch of Business Administration electives may be counted for degree
4. Concentrations are offered in Accounting, Aviation and Operations Management,
Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, and
Marketing. (See Section 11).
C. Honours Degree
1. Students must apply for Honours after the completion of 60 ch. Students subsequently
will be permitted to enter the Honours BBA only under exceptional circumstances.
Entrance into the Honours BBA requires that a student shall have demonstrated a high
level of ability in first- and second-level courses. The Faculty of Business
Administration will normally refuse to admit to Honours students whose cumulative
GPA is below 3.0 at the completion of 60 credit hours or whose grades in relevant
courses are below B. Students should note that admission is competitive and meeting
minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
2. Students taking the Honours BBA path must complete at least 126 ch of approved
course work, including at least 24 ch in courses for a designated major within Business
Administration. (See Section 12).
3. Students must maintain an assessment year grade point average of at least 3.0 in
order to qualify for the Honours BBA. Students also must achieve a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or above on the courses designated for a major.
4. Honours candidates who are able to fulfill the requirements laid down for a Major, in a
discipline outside the Faculty of Business Administration, may, if they choose, register
for a supplementary Major. Their transcripts will record that they have fulfilled the
requirement for a Major in that subject. Registration for the supplementary Major shall
normally be completed no later than the completion of 90 ch.
5. Not more than 36 ch of Business Administration electives may be counted for degree
6. Concentrations Students completing an Honours BBA may also take a concentration in
another area of Business Administration but may need additional Administration
electives in order to complete the concentration (See Sections 11 and 12 below.)
10. Curriculum Requirements
Students are responsible for ensuring that they meet all the requirements specified for the degree.
These include the minimum credit hour requirements, grades of at least C in the required courses and
all first year elective requirements from Groups A, B, and C (see below). A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
above must be achieved on the courses designated for a concentration or a major. Students are
advised to consult Section F of this calendar for detailed course descriptions including the number of
credit hours assigned to each course.
Students will normally take their courses in the following sequence:
0 - 30 Credit Hours
A. 24 ch of required courses
o ECON 1013 (first term)
o ECON 1023 (second term)
o MATH 1833 (first term; see Note (2) below)
o MATH 1823 (second term; see Note (2) below)
o ADM 1113 (first term; see Note (3) below)
o ADM 1165 (first term)
o ADM1213 (second term)
o ADM 1313 (second term)
B. 6 ch of electives from the Breadth Group (see Note (1) below)
31- 60 Credit Hours
A. 30 credit hours of required courses
o ADM 2166 (either term; see Note (3) below)
o ADM 2223 (either term)
o ADM 2413 (either term)
o ADM 2513 (either term)
o ADM 2623 (first term; see Note (3) below)
o ADM 2624 (second term; see Note (3) below)
o ADM 2815 (either term)
o PHIL 2203 (either term); see Note (3) below)
B. 6 ch of electives from the Breadth Group (see Note (1) below)
61 - 90 Credit Hours (BBA)
61 - 90 Credit Hours (Honours BBA)
A. 9 ch of required courses
o ADM 3123 (either term)
o ADM 3573 (either term)
o ADM 3713 (first term)
B. 3 ch of electives from the Breadth Group (see Note (1) below)
C. 18 ch of electives from Business Administration or other faculties (see 10.A.2 above).
91 - 120 Credit Hours (BBA)
91 - 126 Credit Hours (Honours BBA)
A. 3 ch of required courses
o ADM 4143 (either term)
B. Candidates for a BBA must take 27 elective credits from Business Administration or from other
faculties (see 9.A.7, 9.A.8, 9.B.2, 9.B.3). Students completing an Honours BBA must complete
an additional 6 ch of Business Administration electives during their final year of studies (see
9.A.7, 9.A.8, 9.C.2, 9.C.5).
1. Breadth Group: Students must take 15 ch of electives from the following list of courses.
1. 6 ch in a group "A" of Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology or Political Science.
2. 3 ch in group "B" of Classics, English, History and Philosophy
3. 6 ch in group "C" of non-English language courses. Includes Chinese, French, German,
Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. Normally a student will be expected to
complete 6 ch in a single language. Excludes cultural awareness courses or courses
from those departments, which are taught in English. Native speakers must choose
courses in an alternate language.
2. Students who plan to do more than the minimum requirements in Mathematics are advised to
take MATH 1003 followed by MATH 1013 in their first year. These students should then
take MATH 2003 to complete the Mathematics requirements for the BBA. (Note: Students
cannot receive credit for both MATH 1833 and MATH 2003 .) Students who wish to continue in
Mathematics must then take MATH 2013 since it is a prerequisite for other Mathematics
3. Course sequencing: BBA students are required to complete ADM 1113 and ADM 1165 during
the first 15 ch. ADM1213 and ADM1313 during the first 30ch, and PHIL 2203 , ADM 2623 ,
and ADM 2166 , must be completed during the first 75 ch.
11. Concentration Courses
Concentrations are offered in Accounting, Aviation and Operations Management, Entrepreneurship,
Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, and Marketing. Concentrations are
completed by achieving a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 for 12 ch of approved electives in the area of
interest. Approved courses for each subject of concentration are as follows:
Students should note that at least half the credits counted towards a concentration must be from
courses taken at the University of New Brunswick. Exceptions may be considered by the Dean of
Business Administration.
Students must take ADM 3215 , ADM 3216 , ADM 3225 , and at least one additional elective to earn a
concentration in Accounting. Available electives in Accounting are:ADM 4215 , ADM 4216 , ADM
4218 , ADM 4245 , ADM 4275 , ECON 3204 , ECON 3205 .
Aviation and Operations Management
Students must take four electives from the following to earn a concentration: ADM 3628 , ADM
3685 , ADM 4615 , ADM 4656 , ADM 4675 , ADM 4677 , ADM 4686 , ADM 4688 . Note: Open to
students pursing the BBA in Aviation and Operations Management (see Section 18 below).
Students must take ADM 4175 , ADM 4435 , and 6 credit hours of electives to earn a concentration in
Entrepreneurship. Available electives in Entrepreneurship are: ADM 4115 , ADM 4336 , ADM
4350 , ADM 4995 , TME 3313 .
Students must take ADM 3415 , 6 ch of approved Finance electives, and 3 ch of either approved
Finance or non-Finance electives to receive a concentration. Available electives for the Finance
concentration are: ADM 3435 , ADM 3445 , ADM 4415 , ADM 4416 , ADM 4421 , ADM 4425 , ADM
4426 , ADM 4435 , ADM 4445 , ADM 4450 (SIF),ADM4455 , ADM 3628 . Note: Only one of either ADM
4495 or ADM 4496 will count towards the Finance concentration. A list of permissible non-Finance
electives is available from the Faculty of Business Administration.
Human Resources Management
Students must take four HRM electives to receive a concentration. Available electives in HRM are: ADM
3875 , ADM 4815 , ADM 4825 , ADM 4827 , ADM 4835 , ADM 4845 ,ADM 4856 , ADM 4857 , ADM
4878 .
International Business
Students must take ADM 3155 and three electives to earn a concentration. Available electives
are: ADM 4355 , ADM 4455 , ADM 4856 , ECON 3401 .
Students must take ADM 3315 , ADM 3345 , ADM 4325 , and a Marketing elective to receive a
concentration. Available electives are: ADM 4315 , ADM 4316 , ADM 4326 ,ADM 4335 , ADM
4336 , ADM 4345 , ADM 4350 , ADM 4355 , ADM 4396 .
12. Major Courses
Honours BBA students must complete a major in a designated subject. A major is completed by
achieving a cumulative average GPA of 3.0 for at least 24 ch of approved courses in the area of
interest, with a minimum grade of 2.0 for any individual course. Students wishing to undertake a
major must consult with advisers in the Faculty of Business Administration and should note that some
electives may not be available in a session. Courses entailing internship or independent study require
prior approval and are subject to faculty and placement availability.
Students should note that at least half the credits counted towards a BBA Honours program must be
from courses taken at the University of New Brunswick. Exceptions may be considered by the Dean of
Business Administration.
Approved courses for each major subject are as follows:
18 ch comprised of: ADM 3215 , ADM 3216 , ADM 3225 , ADM 4215 , ADM 4216 , and ADM 4275 .
At least 6 ch from: : ADM 3415 , ADM 3435 , ADM 3445 , ADM 4218 , ADM 4245 , ADM 4295 , ADM
4296 , ADM 4415 , ADM 4416 , ADM 4425 , ADM 4426 , ADM 4445 , ADM 4455 , ADM 4475 , ECON
3204 , ECON 3205 .
21 ch comprised of: ECON 3013 , ECON 3023 , ECON 3665 , ECON 4013 , and ECON 4023 , ECON
4625 , and ECON 4665 .
An additional 3 ch of other Economics electives beyond the introductory-level.
6 ch comprised of ADM 3415 and ADM 4445 . 3 ch comprised of ADM 3628 or approved equivalent.
At least 15 ch from the following Groups A and B, with a minimum of 9 ch from Group A.
Group A: ADM 3435 , ADM 4416 , ADM 4421 , ADM 4425 , ADM 4426 , ADM 4455 , ADM 4450 ,
and ADM 4475 (or MATH 4853 ).
Group B: ADM 3445 , ADM 3626 , ADM 4218 , ADM 4415 , ADM 4435 , ADM 4437 , ADM 4495 , ADM
4496 , ECON 3013 , ECON 3023 , ECON 3401 , ECON 3665 , and MATH 3813 . Note: Group B may
include another 3 ch advanced-level university course, subject to the prior approval of the Faculty of
Business Administration.
Finance and Economics
6 ch comprised of ADM 3415 and ADM 4445.
3 ch comprised of ADM 3628 or approved equivalent.
9 ch from: ADM 3435 , ADM 4416 , ADM 4425 , ADM 4426 , ADM 4421 , ADM 4450 , ADM 4455 ,
and ADM 4475 (or MATH 4853 ).
18 ch comprised of: ECON 3013 , ECON 3023 , ECON 3665 , ECON 4013 , ECON 4023 , and ECON
4625 .
Human Resources Management
3 ch comprised of ADM 3875 .
At least 21 ch of additional electives from: ADM 4525 , ADM 4526 , ADM 4815 , ADM 4825 , ADM
4826 , ADM 4827 , ADM 4835 , ADM 4845 , ADM 4856 , ADM 4857 , ADM 4878 , ADM 4895 , ADM
4896 , ADM 4990 , ECON 3724 .
9 ch comprised of: ADM 3315 , ADM 3345 , ADM 4325 .
At least 15 ch. of electives from: ADM 3155 , ADM 3316 , ADM 4315 , ADM 4316 , ADM 4317 , ADM
4326 , ADM 4335 , ADM 4336 , ADM 4345 , ADM 4350 , ADM 4355 , ADM 4395 , ADM 4396 , ADM
4615 , ADM 4990 , RSS 4081 , SOCI 3252 , SOCI 3253 .
Certified Management Accounting Stream
1213 , 2223 , 1313 , 2413 , 2513 , 2623 , 2624 , 2815 , 3123 , 3215 , 3216 , 3225 , 3415 , 3628 , 37
13 , 4143 , 4215 , 4216 , 4275 , 4455 , 4615 , ECON 1013 , 1023, 3204 , 3205 . This stream is
described for information purposes. Completion of the CMA stream will not be noted on the degree or
the transcript.
13. Co-operative Education Option
The Faculty of Business Administration offers a Co-operative Education (Co-op) program that is
available to academically qualified BBA students who have completed one year of study. Co-op is
“practical” education which extends the learning process beyond the classroom into the workplace by
alternating academic study terms with paid periods of career related work experience. The Co-op
Program in Business Administration consists of eight study terms and three work terms of four months
each. This program is normally completed in four calendar years, compared to four academic years for
the regular BBA degree. The Co-op Program allows students to complete concentrations or majors per
degree requirements (see Sections 9B, 9C, 11, 12), in addition to Co-op. Students normally apply for
entry to the Co-op program during their second term of study. Later application and entry into the
program may be possible.
Admission to the Co-op program is competitive. Students must achieve a GPA of at least 3.0 in
the study term preceding their application for employment. Students are advised to contact
the Faculty of Business Administration Co-op Coordinator for additional acceptance criteria.
Students must register for each work term in order that they be considered full-time students
while working.
A work term fee will be charged for each 4 month work term registered.
A student's progress on work terms will normally be jointly monitored by the employer and
through on-site visits by the Co-op Coordinator. As well, the employer will complete an
evaluation of the student. The student must discuss these evaluations with the Coordinator
upon returning to UNBF from the work term.
Students must have a minimum of 3 work terms, alternating with study terms, with
satisfactory employer evaluations and work term reports to meet the requirements of the Coop option. Upon graduation with the BBA degree, Co-op students meeting these requirements
will have the designation “Co-operative Education” following the degree designation on their
Students will normally have at least one study term after their last work term.
Each successful work term will be noted on the student’s transcript
Upon successful completion of three work terms, students will be registered in ADM 4195 ,
Management Internship.
14. Minor in Business
The Minor in Business is designed for students from outside the Faculty of Business Administration
interested in a coherent package of Business Administration courses.
The Minor in Business will consist of 24 credit hours of approved Business Administration courses.
Students planning to minor in Business will be required to take ADM 1015 and 21 additional credit
hours chosen in consultation, and in advance, with the Faculty of Business Administration. At least 12
of the 24 credit hours must be from the 3000 and 4000 level courses. A grade of C or better is
required in each course used towards the Minor in Business.
Students should note that at least half the credits counted towards a Minor in Business must be from
courses taken at the University of New Brunswick. Exceptions may be considered by the Dean of
Business Administration.
15. ROYTEC Option
The UNB Faculty of Business Administration offers a BBA in participation with : the Royal Bank
Institute of Business and Technology (ROYTEC) in Trinidad. Further information is available from the
Faculty of Business Administration.
16. BBA in Aviation and Operations Management Option
The Faculty of Business Administration offers a BBA in Aviation and Operations Management. This
degree option integrates commercial flight training with essential business and management skills.
This ground breaking program has been created to fill a growing demand in the aviation industry,
graduating its students with a four year BBA degree as well as a commercial pilot license with a MultiEngine IFR Rating at an accelerated pace – three years – as schooling and flight training is conducted
year round. Successful applicants must meet the Faculty of Business Administration’s entrance criteria
for the BBA degree and have a Category 1 Medical+ designation from Transport Canada. Candidates
must complete the normal 120 ch of the BBA degree, including a concentration in aviation and
operations management. The flight hours in the aviation component total two hundred over ten noncredit courses – CDIS 5001, CDIS 5002, CDIS 5003, CDIS 5004, CDIS 5005, CDIS 5006, CDIS 5007,
CDIS 5008, CDIS 5009, CDIS 5011. Upon the completion of pilot training, 15 ch in transfer credits will
be given by the Faculty of Business Administration, which may be applied to the non-BBA elective
requirements of the degree. Further information is available from the Faculty of Business
17. Certificate Programs
The Faculty of Business Administration offers degree credit courses leading to Certificates in Business
Administration, Public Administration, Business Administration and Aviation, Applied Human Resources
Management, and First Nations Business Administration. Students may take these programs on a
part-time or full-time basis.
These certificate programs are designed to provide individuals, especially working adults, with an
opportunity to engage in systematic and coordinated study directed towards an academic goal.
Participants enrolled in the certificate programs will have an opportunity to study the basic principles
of administration and management; to improve their analytical skills; to increase their awareness of
the various factors contributing to effective decision-making; and to understand the basic functions of
The certificate programs will be of particular interest to those men and women who are engaged in
administration or are contemplating a career in administration or management and wish to expand
their knowledge in the related subject areas. The courses in the certificate programs are presented at
the undergraduate level of study and provide a framework for theoretical analysis of general principles
of administration through lectures, discussions and individual study. By combining accumulated work
experience and formal class-room learning, participants will be able to relate theory and practice as
part of their continuing development.
All courses for the certificates are degree-credit courses. Individuals who successfully complete
certificate courses and who are subsequently admitted to a degree program normally will receive
credit towards a degree for those courses normally acceptable for credit in the particular degree
program. Individuals admitted to a BBA degree program will normally be able to apply all certificate
courses completed to their degree program.
The following regulations apply to the certificate programs in business administration:
1. Certificate in Business Administration Level I
Certificate in Business Administration Level II
Certificate in Public Administration Level I
Certificate in Public Administration Level II
Certificate in Business Administration and Aviation
Certificate in Applied Human Resources Management
First Nations Business Administration Certificate
2. A maximum of 12 credit hours or the equivalent normally may be transferred from another
degree, certificate or similar program taken elsewhere.
3. Each student seeking admission to a certificate program must receive the prior approval of the
Faculty of Business Administration. The certificate programs are not necessarily designed for
completion in one year. There may be variations with course offerings and prerequisites.
4. A certificate may be awarded to a student enrolled in a UNB degree program other than the
BBA degree. Students who have withdrawn from the BBA degree program may apply for the
appropriate certificate.
5. To earn a certificate, a student must have successfully completed the number of credit hours
in approved courses specified for the certificate, and achieved a cumulative grade point
average of at least 2.0.
6. There is no minimum age and there are no specific prerequisites for entrance into a Level I
Certificate Program in Business Administration or in Public Administration. Successful
completion of a Level I Certificate is the prerequisite for entrance into a Level II Certificate
Program. Although there are no specific entrance requirements for this program, students are
expected to undertake university-level study and assignments demanded in degree-credit
courses. Some courses, such as Finance, Computer Science and Business Statistics, may
require knowledge of high school mathematics.
7. The Certificate Program in Applied Human Resources Management requires approval for
entrance from the Faculty of Business Administration and applicants must meet specific
admission criteria (see below).
8. The normal pre-requisites for ADM 2623 will be waived for candidates in the certificate
Business Administration Certificate Level I
This program is open to all interested individuals but admission requires prior approval from the
Faculty of Business Administration.
A Business Administration Certificate Level I will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 36 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
Fall Term
ADM 1113 Administration
ADM 1213 Financial Accounting
ADM 1313 Principles of Marketing
ADM 2413 Principles of Finance
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
ADM 2623 Business Statistics
PHIL 2203 Ethical Issues in Business
ECON 1013 Introduction to Economics: Micro
ECON 1023 Introduction to Economics: Macro
Six credit hours in total chosen from
Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology
Three credit hours of electives from any faculty
Total Credit Hours
Business Administration Certificate Level II
This program is open to all interested individuals but requires successful completion of the Business
Administration Certificate Level I. Approval for admission must also be received from the Faculty of
Business Administration.
A Business Administration Certificate Level II will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 66 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
Fall Term
ADM 1113 Administration
ADM 1213 Financial Accounting
ADM 2223 Managerial Accounting
ADM 1313 Principles of Marketing
ADM 2413 Principles of Finance
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
ADM 2623 Business Statistics
ADM 3123 Business Law I
ADM 2815 Human Resource Management
PHIL 2203 Ethical Issues in Business
ECON 1013 Introduction to Economics: Micro
ECON 1023 Introduction to Economics: Macro
Six credit hours in the Humanities or Languages
Six credit hours in total chosen from
Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology
Eighteen credit hours of electives from any faculty
including Business Administration
Total Credit Hours
Public Administration Certificate Level I
This program is open to all interested individuals but admission requires prior approval from the
Faculty of Business Administration.
A Public Administration Certificate Level I will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 36 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
Fall Term
ADM 1113 Administration
ADM 1313 Principles of Marketing
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
ADM 3123 Business Law I
ECON 1013 Introduction to Economics: Micro
ECON 1023 Introduction to Economics: Macro
POLS 2200 The Canadian Political Experience
Six credit hours in total chosen from
Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology
Six credit hours of electives from any faculty
Total Credit Hours
Public Administration Certificate Level II
This program is open to all interested individuals but requires successful completion of the Public
Administration Certificate Level I. Approval for admission must also be received from the Faculty of
Business Administration.
A Public Administration Certificate Level II will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 66 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
Fall Term
ADM 1113 Administration
ADM 1213 Financial Accounting
ADM 2223 Managerial Accounting
ADM 1313 Principles of Marketing
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
ADM 2623 Business Statistics
ADM 3123 Business Law I
PHIL 2203 Ethical Issues in Business
POLS 2200 The Canadian Political Experience
ECON 1013 Introduction to Economics: Micro
ECON 1023 Introduction to Economics: Macro
Three credit hours in Business Administration elective
Six credit hours chosen from Economics
Six credit hours chosen from Political Science
Six credit hours chosen from Anthropology, Political Science, 6
or Sociology
Nine credit hours of electives from any Faculty
(The courses offered by the Departments of Economics
and Political Science are most appropriate to the study of
public administration).
Total Credit Hours
Certificate in Business Administration and Aviation
This certificate provides students with an opportunity to earn a certificate in Business Administration
and a Commercial Pilot’s License, including Night Rating, Multi-Engine Instrument and Rating and First
Officer Training. The program consists of 57 credit hours of courses supplied by the University of New
Brunswick and additional flight-training courses (which include a total of 200 flight hours) recognized
as 15 credit hours. Flight training is conducted year round for this particular program.
This program is open to all interested individuals but admission requires prior approval from the
Faculty of Business Administration and a Category 1 Medical+ designation from Transport Canada.
A Certificate in Business Administration and Aviation will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 57 credit hours of UNB
courses required,
successfully complete the following UNB courses (with a C or better)
successfully completes a Commercial Pilot's Lisence, including Night Rating, Multi-Engine
Instrument and Rating and First Officer Training:
Fall Term
ADM 1113 Administration
ECON 1013 Introduction to Economics: Micro
ADM 2623 Business Statistics
ADM 2815 Human Resources Management
Three credit hours of social science courses
Winter Term
ECON 1023 Introduction to Economics: Macro
ADM 1213 Financial Accounting
ADM 1313 Principles of Marketing
ADM 2624 Management Science
Three credit hours of social science courses
Fall Term
ADM 2223 Managerial Accounting
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
PHIL 2203 Ethical Issues in Business
Six credit hours of elective courses in Operations Management 6
Winter Term
ADM 2413 Principles of Finance
ADM 3123 Business Law I
Six credit hours of elective courses in Operations Management 6
Credit Hours From Transport Canada
Total Credit Hours
Operations Management elective courses include any of the ADM 3600 and ADM 4600 level
Students may have to do additional Mathematics courses prior to enrolling in the certificate
Certificate in Applied Human Resources Management
Admission requires prior approval from the Faculty of Business Administration and satisfaction of the
following criteria.
1. 30 credit hours completed at a recognized post-secondary institution with a minimum
cumulative grade point average of 2.7
2. A minimum of two years relevant work experience, in the human resource field, to be
approved on an individual basis by the Dean in consultation with the Human Resources
Management faculty.
A Certificate in Applied Human Resources Management will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 30 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
ADM 1113 Administration
ADM 2513 Organizational Behaviour
ADM 2815 Human Resources Management
ADM 3875 Labour Relations
ADM 4815 Training and Development
ADM 4825 Compensation Management
ADM 4857 Human Resources Selection Systems
Nine credit hours of electives from
ADM 4526 , ADM 4826 , ADM 4827 , ADM 4835 , ADM 4845 ,
ADM 4856 , ADM 4878 , ADM 4895 , ECON 3724
Total Credit Hours
First Nations Business Administration Certificate
This Certificate gives Aboriginal students who are interested in learning about the business world an
opportunity to learn about Business Administration, with the further possibility of earning a BBA
degree. The program will be of interest to those individuals coming directly out of High School, as well
as those who are currently working. Students must satisfy the admission requirements for the
Certificate in Business Administration programs. Students not meeting these requirements may be
eligible for UNB's Bridging Year Program, run by Micmac-Maliseet Institute in the Faculty of Education.
Students successfully completing the First Nations Business Administration Certificate are eligible to
continue in the BBA degree program. All courses successfully completed in the Certificate will count
toward the BBA degree. For further information on the Bridging Year and the Micmac-Maliseet
Institute, see Section D of this Calendar.
Admission requires prior approval from the Faculty of Business Administration
A First Nations Business Administration Certificate will be awarded to individuals who:
achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 over the 66 credit hours required,
successfully complete (with a C or better):
Fall Term
ABRG 1411
Introduction to Finite Mathematics
ABRG 4664
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
ECON 1013
Introduction to Economics: Micro
ADM 1113
ENGL 1103
Fundamentals of Clear Writing
ABRG 1412
Introduction to Calculus
ABRG 3363
Communications: Speaking Practice
ADM 2213
Financial Accounting
ECON 1023
Introduction to Economics: Macro
ENGL 1104
Fundamentals of Effective Writing
SOCI 1503
Sociological Perspectives
ADM 2223
Managerial Accounting
ADM 1313
Principles of Marketing
ADM 2623
Business Statistics
ADM 2815
Human Resources Management
PHIL 2203
Ethical Issues in Business
ADM 2413
Principles of Finance
ADM 2513
Organizational Behaviour
ADM 3123
Business Law I
ADM 3713
6 credit hours in Aboriginal Business or
other appropriate courses, selected in consultation
with the Faculty of Business Administration
Winter Term
Fall Term
Winter Term
Total Credit Hours