2013-2014 Calendar Proof FRENCH Major and Minor Major A student who wishes to major in French Communication and Culture will normally have completed four term-courses in French( FR 1203 , 1204 and FR 2203 , 2204 ) and have received a grade of C or above. A student who has successfully completed a school French Immersion program may begin a major in French Communication and Culture following completion of FR 1304 and FR 2304 with a grade of C or above. A Single Major in French Communication and Culture will consist of at least ten term-courses in French at the upper level. A Double Major including French Communication and Culture will consist of at least of eight term-courses in French at the upper level. A French Communication and Culture course will count towards the fulfilment of the Major requirement only when it is passed with a grade of C or above. Students will normally apply for admission to the Major Program while completing FR 2204 or FR 2304 . Prospective major students should consult a faculty advisor in French when selecting French Communication and Culture courses. Students may elect to take French courses at other campuses (e.g., in summer school). These credits may be counted for credit in the major program here if prior authorization has been obtained from the Department and the Registrar. This can be done by completing a form available from the Registrar's Office. The student is responsible for providing a detailed description of the course and any other information the Department may require in order to assess it. Only in special cases will students currently enrolled in the program be given retroactive approval for courses taken at other institutions. In exceptional circumstances, one or more required courses may be replaced by other upper-level courses in French. A Single Major would normally comprise FR 3203 , 3204 , 4204 and one of 3704 , 3714 , 3724 and six term courses chosen among upper level courses. A Double Major including French Communication and Culture would normally comprise FR 3203 , 3204 , 4204 and one of 3704 , 3714 3724 , and four term courses chosen among upper level courses. There is also a French Major as part of the Business Administration program. See relevant section under Business Administration. Minor Students completing a French Minor are required to complete four term-courses in French at the upper-level. FR 3203 and FR 3204 will be required. A minimum grade of C or above is required. The Minor must be declared at the same time as the Major. There is also a French Minor as part of the Business Administration program. See relevantsection under Business Administration. BBA With a Major/Minor in French Communication and Culture BBA With a Major in French Communication and Culture 1|Page 2013-2014 Calendar Proof In addition to complying with the existing curriculum requirements and regulations governing the award of a BBA degree, BBA students wishing to Major in French Communication and Culture must also comply with the following regulations and requirements of the Faculty of Business and the French discipline: a. Students electing to major in French Communication and Culture should declare the major by the beginning of their third year. All courses taken to comply with the major requirement must be approved by the Department of Humanities and Languages and by the Faculty of Business. b. (i.) A BBA student who wishes to major in French Communication and Culture will normally have completed four term courses in French ( FR 1203 , 1204 and FR 2203, 2204 ) and have received a grade of B or above. A student who has successfully completed a school French Immersion program may begin a major in French Communication and Culture following completion of FR 1304 and FR 2304 with a grade of B or above. Students receiving a grade between C and B in FR 2304 would normally proceed to FR 2203 and FR 2204. A BBA with a major including French Communication and Culture will consist of at least eight term-courses in French at the upper level. (ii.) All students must earn a minimum grade of C in FR 3203 , FR 3204 , and FR 4204 ; and one of FR 3704 , FR 3714 , or FR 3724 and four term courses of approved French Communication and Culture upper level electives. BBA With a Major in French (Honours) Communication and Culture In addition to the above requirements for the major, students must obtain a GPA of 3.3 on compulsory and elective termcourses required for the major. BBA With a Minor in French Communication and Culture Students completing a French Minor are required to complete at least four term-courses at the upper level in French Communication and Culture, with a maximum of four term-courses at the lower level ( FR 1203 , 1204 and FR 2203 , 2204 ). FR 3203 and 3204 will be required; the remaining two-term courses will be chosen from advanced courses. A minimum grade of C, in lower level courses, and C, in upper level courses, is required. The Minor must be declared at the same time as the Major. Students who have completed FR 1304 and FR 2304 and are admitted into FR 3203 will also do four term-courses in upper level courses. Certificate of Proficiency in French Saint John - Certificate of Proficiency in French Communication and Culture Persons who would like to have official recognition of their competence in the French language may apply for admission to the above-mentioned program, which is administered for the University by the Department of French on the Fredericton campus and the Department of Humanities and Languages on the Saint John campus. The program consists normally of FR 1203/1204 , 2203/2204 , 3203 and 3204 , 4204 and one of 3704 , 3714 , 3724 , in all of which the student is to attain a mark of C or higher, and the Certificate is awarded on the basis of a comprehensive examination upon termination of FR 4204 . Full-time students who are not majoring or honouring in French may take these courses as part of their undergraduate program. Persons not working towards a degree may enrol for the courses as part-time students. Students may apply to enter the Certificate program at any time before their completion of FR 4204 . They are encouraged to apply for entry as soon as they register in a course in the program. 2|Page 2013-2014 Calendar Proof The Certificate of Proficiency in French will be awarded by the University through the Registrar's Office. The student's transcript will bear a separate entry showing that the Certificate has been awarded and recording the grades obtained in the four areas of language competence (speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing). These grades are: A (very good); B (good), and C (satisfactory), and they may be interpreted as follows: Speaking: A. B. C. participate with ease in conversation can participate adequately in conversation albeit with a certain degree of hesitancy can make themselves understood in conversation Listening Comprehension: A. B. C. can understand lectures in a job-related context and radio and TV news and programs which interest them can understand lectures on non-technical subjects and group conversations can understand what is said to them in individual conversation with one other person Reading Conversation: A. B. C. can understand the main ideas in books, magazines and newspapers without the aid of a dictionary can read printed material of personal interest with occasional help from a dictionary can read, with the aid of a dictionary, standard texts written without stylistic difficulties on subjects within their interest Writing: A. B. C. can write papers, essays, etc., which are acceptable in form and format can write résumés, letters, short compositions, which are structurally acceptable but which would need some revision can write sentences and short paragraphs which are grammatically acceptable Diplôme de Bilinguisme (Certificate Level Two) All students who have successfully completed the Certificate of Proficiency in French and students who have completed FR 4204 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or higher (or the equivalent) are eligible for admission. Eight term-coures must be completed, from any of the 3000/4000 level French term-courses. Approval of courses will be required. The requirements for the diploma are: (a) satisfactory completion of the program with a grade of C or higher in each upper level course, and (b) the passing of a comprehensive final examination. 3|Page