Fort Bend Independent School District The Department of Digital Learning FBISD Annex Sugar Land, Texas 77479 2016 TECH TANK APPLICATION PACKET Tech Tank 2016 Enclosed Please Find: Tech Tank information Application guidelines Sample scoring sheet Grant evaluation form Tech Tank Application Please review this information as you prepare your application for the 2016 Tech Tank Please feel free to e-mail if you have any questions. Note: Applications must be received by the Department of Digital Learning by May 6, 2016 Proposals generously funded by The Fort Bend Education Foundation 2016 Tech Tank What Is Tech Tank? Tech Tank is an exciting opportunity for Fort Bend Independent School District (FBISD) teachers to receive funds to purchase technological tools and resources for their classrooms. Tech Tank is based on the premise of teachers “pitching” their technology integration ideas to a panel of judges. Judges then utilize a technology integration rubric to score the proposals and ultimately select two winners. Each winner will be awarded up to $3,000 to purchase FBISD approved technology resources. How the Process Will Work Round One Round One consists of FBISD teachers submitting their technology integration proposals. Round One submissions will be evaluated using the Fort Bend Education Foundation’s grant scoring criteria. The Department of Digital Learning will review the submissions and selecting the proposals that will advance to Round Two. Round Two Round Two will consist of the eight finalists conducting brief presentation of their technology integration proposals to the official Tech Tank Panel of Judges. Presentation sessions will be held at The FBISD Administrative Annex after school at the beginning of June. Finalists will be given 8-10 minutes to conduct their presentations and judges will utilize a rubric to score presentations. The two winners with the highest scores will receive grant funding to implement their proposals (up to $3,000) and will be acknowledged during the Closing Session of the 2016 Digital Learning Conference (June 9, 2016 at Ridge Point HS). Purpose The purpose of “Tech Tank” is to enhance, promote, and augment classroom instruction and technology integration in areas not allotted in regular budgetary funds or not eligible for reimbursement from other sources. Amount of Award Up to $3000 to be utilized for technology tools and resources. Funding Periods One funding period will occur in the summer or in the fall semester. Qualifications Complete an Application Form Provide all requested information Demonstrate your ability to innovatively integrate technology Present a creative and/or innovative approach that showcases an idea designed to enhance the quality of education Dissemination of Application Information All applications and information regarding the application process will be distributed to campus principals, teachers, administrators, and staff. It will also be communicated via FBISD’s Technology News and via 2016 Digital Learning Conference communications. Selection of Recipients All applications will be reviewed by The Department of Digital Learning and appropriate content area specialists to ensure they meet FBISD instructional program goals. Distribution of Funds Funds will be distributed and coordinated by the Business and Finance Office of FBISD. 2016 Tech Tank Application Guidelines 1. Recognizing that many of your measurements emphasize standardized test scores such as STAAR, the purpose of this innovative funding opportunity is not to increase performance on a standardized test but rather enhance the educational experience and level of technology integration in the classroom. 2. Proposals that are innovative in their approach to technology integration are sought. 3. The application process involves a live presentation to a panel of judges during Round Two, inability to conduct this presentation will render applications ineligible. Document Preparation Guidelines 1. Correct grammar and spelling are a must. Errors will be counted against the grant score. 2. Pictures and/or other visuals of major items to be purchased must be included. 3. Do not exceed space provided on the proposal application. Type size must be a minimum of 12 pt., black ink 4. Submit the original and one copy of the proposal application to the Department of Digital Learning by 4:30 p.m. on the stated deadline date, staple on the left hand side, no presentation folders. Policies 1. Proposals will not be awarded for costs and items that may be available from other sources such as federal or state funding or district funding. 2. No funds will be awarded for: non-district approved items, field trips, salaries, teacher trips, training, food, or speaker fees. 3. The Department of Digital Learning will not fund grant requests which exceed the stated dollar limit. 4. In the event a recipient of a Tech Tank grant transfers to another school within the district, the teacher may transfer the materials to the transfer school, provided the transfer is to a compatible grade level. Any dispute regarding a grant transfer may be resolved by a special sub-committee. Materials and equipment purchased via Tech Tank funds must remain within the district if the recipient leaves FBISD. In the event that a winner leaves FBISD, the Department of Digital Learning must be notified prior to their departure. Code #__________ Reader #_______ 2016 TECH TANK SCORING RUBRIC (* Subjective *) PROGRAM DESIGN Score _____ Points-3*: Educational Enhancement Identified “Does it improve or add value to the classroom?” Points-2* :Inspires and motivates students to learn X 10 = __________ (100) “Does it include activities that make learning fun, or make students want to learn (especially hard to reach students?)” Points-2*: Innovative and /or Novel, Design in Implementation “How will the materials/program be utilized in a fashion that is creative? Key on innovation isn’t tied to the product/program…rather on how it is used”. Points-1*:Large # of Students Benefited “While important, do not ignore or penalize grants focused on special populations.” Points-1*: Long Term impact on Students/Campus Durable. Reusable items utilized “Can you determine that this grant will make a difference on the campus outside the initial use?” “Are the materials sturdy enough to be re-used multiple times?” Points-1*: Materials and Techniques shared between schools, groups & grades “Does or can this grant include more than one classroom, grade or school?” Question 1, 2 & 3 all parts DESIGN/EVALUATION Points-5*: Goals clearly stated Score _____ “Does the writer communicate specifically what they expect to accomplish with this grant?” Points-5*: Plan to achieve goals clearly communicated “Can you see that the teacher has identified and understands what they need to meet their goals? X5= __________ _ (70) Points-4*:Did the teacher convey how success will be measured exclusive of standardized test scores “How is it going to be measured, outside of standardized testing?” Preference will be given for creative measurements Question 2A & C BUDGET PLAN Score _____ Points-1*: Clear & Concise Plan for use of Money “Does the writer delineate what materials are needed considering the number of students participating/impacted? Can you answer the question, are too little or too many materials being requested?” Points-1*: Detailed Itemization of all Costs & Materials “Is a detailed budget clearly specified (i.e. cost per book, not combining budget lines)? X5= __________ _ (15) Points-1*: Samples, Pictures, Specific Descriptions provided “Does the request have samples? Do these match to the request?” Question 4 COMPOSITIONAL QUALITY Score _____ Points-1*: All requested information provided “Self explanatory?” Points-2*: Correct grammar & spelling “Do grammar and spelling errors detract from the quality of the grant?” SCALE: 186-200 172-185 160-171 Excellent Good Satisfactory X5= __________ _ (15) Total Score __________ _ (200) For Office Use Only CODE #_________ 2016 Tech Tank GRANTS TO TEACHERS Application Cover Sheet The Tech Tank Committee's goal is to select projects for funding which stimulate students' creativity, effectively integrate technology in an innovative way, and expand the existing curriculum. Application Deadline– May 6, 2016 (The original application and one copy must be received in the Department of Digital Learning’s Office located in the FBISD Annex Building, by 4:30 p.m. on May 6, 2016. ATTN: Dr. Allegra McGrew) Date: _______________________________________________________ School:_____________________________________________________ Printed Applicant's Name: _______________________________________ Position: __________________ School Phone: ______________________ Proposal Title: ________________________________________________ Total Dollar Amount of Budget Request:____________________________ (include shipping costs) I understand that if I move within the District, I may take the grant with me to my new school (as long as it is age appropriate for my classes). If I leave FBISD, I will leave the grant and all materials with the school for which I wrote the grant. As a condition of this grant, I will complete the Tech Tank Evaluation Form. I certify that I wrote this proposal. Signature of Applicant(s): _______________________________________ I have read this grant and support this application. Signature of Supervisor/Principal: _________________________________ Please send original and one copy. No faxed/e-mailed applications will be accepted. Forward Proposal to: The Department of Digital Learning 2016 Tech Tank ATTN: Dr. Allegra McGrew FBISD Annex Building 3119 Sweetwater Blvd. Sugar Land, Texas 77479 For Office Use Only CODE #_________ 2016 Tech Tank Subject Area/Project Title: ___________________________________________________ Grade Level(s): _____________________ Date: Description of Proposal 1. Please provide a description of the grant proposal and the need it addresses. Limit your response to the space provided use a minimum of 12pt font 2016 Tech Tank Application 2A.What are the major goals of the proposal? (no more than three) For each goal state the anticipated outcome. 1. Goal Outcome - 2B. Describe how your proposal can be used creatively to motivate students AND how do you consider this proposal to be an innovative use of technology over existing techniques? 2C. If awarded this grant, how do you intend to evaluate whether your stated goals have been achieved? Please check appropriate box (s) or explain. *Do not use standardized test such as STAAR or DACS, Teacher observation is not valid with the exception of Kindergarten and Special Education. ____journal entries ____power-point presentation ____test scores ____book reports ____plotting data ____fine arts project ____other explain 2016 Tech Tank Application 3A. How many students will be directly affected by this project? _________ 3B. Will or can this grant impact more than one classroom, grade, or school. BUDGET PLAN 4. Provide an itemized explanation of your budget request by completing the Excel spreadsheet below in its entirety. No general estimates will be accepted. Include samples, pictures and specific descriptions. Also note the following: FBISD is tax exempt, do not include sales tax. Use only FBISD approved vendors and district approved products (Amazon and Wal-Mart are NOT approved vendors.) o Approved vendors are on the “Master Approved Vendor List” on the Fort Bend Pipeline: http://fortshare/purchasing/Forms/ px o Check the expiration date to confirm the contract is current. All information requested on the spreadsheet must be completed. Samples, pictures and specific descriptions must be included. Missing information will be counted against the grant score. Keep a copy of the Excel spreadsheet for your records. If your grant request is awarded, your school’s Executive Assistant will use the spreadsheet to place your order. In order to guarantee that prices will be the same when the supplies are ordered it is recommended that you obtain a written quote from each vendor (this is not a web quote or a copy of the current pricing). Contact our vendor’s representative listed on the Master Approved Vendor List and ask for a quote guaranteeing the prices until August 31st. Keep this quote to use when ordering. DO NOT include the quote with your request. Create and attach an Excel spreadsheet of your entire grant request. All the following information must be included: Vendor Name PeopleSoft Vendor # Vendor Item # Description Price Ea. Shipping/Handling Discount Grant Total Qty. Total Price 2016 Tech Tank Tech Tank Winner’s PROPOSAL EVALUATION FORM 2016 Due: December 9, 2016 (Please Type) Title of Proposal _________________________________________________________ School: _______________________________ Subject Area: ___________________ Individual Submitting Evaluation: _________________________________ As required by the Department of Digital Learning and Fort Bend Education Foundation by-laws, this process has been implemented to ensure grants that are funded continue to enhance, promote, and augment classroom instruction as well as address unique needs of our school campuses. It would be greatly appreciated if you answer the following question: Was this proposal and awarded grant worthwhile? How did your grant impact the children it served? Did you achieve your stated goal? If not why? Would you recommend these materials/techniques to be requested for other classrooms?