Founders Grant Letter of Intent Instructions

Founders Grant Letter of Intent Instructions
This website works best with Google Chrome. If other browsers are used, it will affect speed and format.
Go to
Click the FBISD Employee box.
 Login with Username and Password.
Read the Grant Application Process.
Click Application/Intent to Apply for Founders Grant on the top menu bar.
Click okay on message from webpage after reading (first time users only)
Create your Letter of Intent.
See criteria on website.
Save as a Word Document or PDF.
Type in the Title of the intended Founders Grant
Upload your letter of intent, budget plan and any other documents you deem necessary to explain your
Click Submit or Save Changes.
You will receive an email stating that your Letter of Intent was received.
In December, you will receive an email notification whether or not you have been approved to
apply for your Founders Grant, along with the necessary instructions to apply.