Dear ASE Families,

Dear ASE Families,
The formation and planning of the ASE PTA Executive Board has begun. We
have elected our officers, selected committees for the upcoming school year, and
we are now taking applications for PTA Committee Chairpersons. The Committee
Chairperson is a member of the PTA Executive Board. As a board member, you are
expected to attend monthly board meetings and quarterly evening PTA Member
Meetings. ASE PTA Board Meetings will be on the 3rd Wednesday of the month
from 9:00 – 11:00am. Attached you will find a list of brief Committee Chair
Descriptions and Responsibilities, and the Volunteer Interest Form.
If you are interested in being a Committee Chairperson please email the
completed form to by May 15. You may also direct
any questions about the board positions to
If you are interested in volunteering, but NOT as a PTA Board member,
General Volunteer Interest Forms will be distributed during the first few weeks of
school along with the flyer for the VIPS/Volunteer Registration Coffee. At this
event you will have the opportunity to meet the various Committee Chairpersons
and find your Best Fit as an ASE Volunteer.
I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you how volunteers and
community partners will make ASE a Great Place to Be!
Kerry Dannecker
Anne Sullivan PTA
Committee Chairperson Description and Responsibilities
Each Chairperson is required to:
 Attend monthly board meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:00am
 Attend available training for the position
 Present a Plan of Work to the executive board for approval, and prepare monthly reports
 Maintain a procedure book which includes information on activities, programs, contacts,
communications, statistics and budget information
VIPS/Volunteer Coordinator
The Volunteer Coordinator oversees all volunteer activities in the school in cooperation with school
staff. The chairman encourages the participation of parents and interested citizens in the school
program through volunteerism.
Major Duties:
- Attend monthly FBISD VIPS Coordinator meetings
- Collaborate with Principal to identify ASE volunteer needs
- Recruit and train volunteers
- Inform volunteers of ongoing opportunities
- Track and report monthly volunteer hours to FBISD
- Volunteer Appreciation – identify and recognize a Volunteer of the Month
- Organize VIPS events: first day of school Boo Hoo Breakfast for Kindergarten parents, VIPS
Coffee/Volunteer Registration, and the Volunteer Appreciation Celebration
- Coordinate Shared Dreams (FBISD program) Projects
Parent Education Chairperson
The Parent Education Chairman promotes parent education by bringing community educators to
the school. The chairman makes information available on the PTA website and promotes programs
and projects dealing with issues affecting children and youth. Parent Education Program topics
will be determined in collaboration with the principal and counselors. The Parent Education
Chairperson is responsible for presenting the Parent Education portion of the quarterly PTA
meetings. The chairman promotes parent education study courses and participates in the Texas
PTA Parent Education Programming Award. The Parent Education Chairperson will report to the
First Vice President.
Directory Chairperson
The Directory Chairperson compiles and arranges for electronic and paper publication of the
Directory for all students and faculty. The Directory Chairperson will decide on the directory
format, establish a budget, work with the Community Partners Chairperson to fill advertising
space, work with ASE Staff to obtain parent and student information, and distribute published
directory to Local PTA membership. The Directory Chairperson will report to the First Vice
Room Representative Coordinator (Grades K-2, Grades 3-5)
The Room Representative Coordinators serve as a spokesperson for elected room representatives
from each classroom and acts as a liaison between school administration, PTA, teachers and
parents. ASE will have 2 Room Rep Coordinators (K-2 and 3-5). The Room Representative
Coordinators will report to the First Vice President.
Major Duties:
- Coordinate all room representatives and responsibilities
- Identify grade level lead rep
- Plan Room Rep meetings
- Assist with Recruiting volunteers to be Room Rep ensuring every class has a volunteer
- Give instructions to all Room Reps on what is needed for that classroom & grade level
- Send out a letter to every child in the school asking for a monetary donation for the
classroom parties/field day, and announce the name of their room rep to the parents.
Room representatives promote the fourth Purpose of the PTA: “To bring into closer relation the
home and the school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of
children and youth.” The Room Representative will oversee the parent support of the
homeroom teacher and lead a team of parent volunteers. The homeroom teacher will
communicate specific classroom needs and assist with generating parent volunteer support.
Some of the assistance and events to support are: Helping to find parent readers, making
copies/die cuts, help with classroom projects, coordinating 2 holiday parties, recruiting help for
field trips, musical, and field day.
Website/Social Media Chairperson
The Website Chairperson compiles and updates data on the Local PTA Website and oversees the
PTA Facebook page. The purpose of the Website/Social Media position is keep the PTA
Website/Facebook page up to date so that the parents, faculty and the community are informed
about PTA activities. The Chairperson may elect to have a committee to assist with duties. In the
first year of the ASE PTA Website, the Chairperson will research other websites maintained by
other Local PTAs, decide on the theme, format and content of the Website (Use Texas PTA Web
site Award criteria as a guideline), get cost of domain name approved and include in the budget,
Update Website and Facebook page on a regular basis, making sure that the PTA roster,
meeting schedule, calendar and other information are current and apply for the Texas PTA Web
site Award. The Website/Social Media Chairperson will report to the Second Vice President.
Newsletter Chairperson
The Newsletter Chairperson will oversee the newsletter committee to develop and distribute
monthly PTA/VIPS Newsletter. During the first year of ASE, the Newsletter Chairperson will
develop the format and distribution methods of the newsletter. Collect monthly newsletter
submissions from the PTA board members and the VIPS Coordinator to keep parents up to date
on current PTA and volunteer events and programs. The Newsletter Chairperson will report to
the Second Vice President.
Yearbook Chairperson
The Yearbook Chairperson will coordinate all activities relating to the design, photos,
production, sales (online and on campus), budget, and distribution of the ASE yearbook. The
Yearbook Chairperson will recruit and oversee the Yearbook Committee of parents and ASE
teachers. The Yearbook Chairperson may select to appoint a co-chair. The Yearbook
Chairperson will report to the Second Vice President.
Arts in Education Chairperson
The focus of the Arts in Education Chairperson is to promote the arts in the school and
community to provide a well-rounded education. Additionally, the chairperson will select a
committee to oversee the National PTA Art Reflections program at ASE. The Arts in Education
Committee will also assist the Music and Art Teacher as needed. The Arts In Education
Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
Hospitality Chairperson
The Hospitality Chairperson creates a feeling of friendliness and warmth at each PTA meeting by
providing greeters, nametags, registration sheets, refreshments and other activities as planned.
The Chairperson will organize a welcoming committee to take information about the Local PTA
and school to new families enrolled at the school. The chairperson may provide special activities
during such times as American Education Week, Texas Public Schools Week, National PTA Teacher
Appreciation Week, Host a luncheon for the teachers at the beginning and end of the school year,
and ongoing regularly scheduled teacher/staff appreciation events etc. The Hospitality Chairperson
may appoint a co-chair and will report to the Third Vice President.
Beautification Chairperson
The Beautification Chairperson works to make the ASE campus a beautiful, safe, cheerful and
welcoming place to be. The Beautification Chairperson will educate school personnel, students
and PTA Members about campus beautification and/or environmental issues. The Chairperson
will recruit a Beautification Committee to facilitate and lead projects identified as facility
improvements for ASE including identifying grant funding or gifting request. The Beautification
Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
Field Day Chairperson
The Field Day Chairperson organizes activities and volunteers to produce successful field day
activities. The Field Day Chairperson will recruit a committee of parents and ASE staff to assist
with planning and work with the VIPS Coordinator to assign volunteers for the event. Field day
is a fun-filled day of games and activities that takes place in May to celebrate the end of the
school year. It is one of the most anticipated events by the students. The Field Day Chairperson
will report to the Third Vice President.
Junior Achievement Chairperson
The Junior Achievement Chairperson will organize ASE’s Junior Achievement Program by
ordering and distributing the JA curriculum materials while training and assigning volunteers to
each classroom. The Junior Achievement Program is dedicated to educating students about
workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on
programs. This program allows volunteers from the community to deliver the already formed JA
curriculum while sharing their experiences with students and the key message that inspires and
empowers students to believe in themselves, showing them they can make a difference in the
world. The Junior Achievement Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
Dad’s Club Chairperson
The Dad’s Club Chairperson will recruit ASE Dads to join the club which will meet on a regular
basis to find meaningful ways to incorporate Dads into the ASE community through
volunteerism. The Chairperson will appoint committee chairs to lead the “Watch Dogs”
program, Bedtime Stories and coordinate the Dad’s Picnic. The Dad’s Club Chairperson will
report to the Third Vice President.
Family Event Chairperson
The Family Event Chairperson will develop and organize three parent/child annual events that
take place during school hours: Mom & Me, Dad & Me, and Grandparent’s Day. These events
allow the students to share their school with their family during a fun and social program. The
Chairperson may recruit committee members as needed and lead volunteers for each event.
The Family Event Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
Culture and Diversity Chairperson
The Culture and Diversity Chairperson will help to promote a climate at ASE that encourages
mutual respect, values diversity, and increases sensitivity to the many cultures represented in
the school community. The chairperson will work to ensure that regardless of cultural, ethnic,
racial, religious, educational, or socioeconomic differences, no one is made to feel excluded from
participating in the Local PTA. Men and women, lay and professional, should feel welcome and
needed so that the best interests of children and youth can be served. The Chairperson will
coordinate a welcome program for all new PTA members. The Culture and Diversity Chairperson
will recruit committee members to organize a Community Multicultural Event. The Culture and
Diversity Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
School and Community Events Chairperson
The School and Community Events Chairperson will organize events to bring school, families
and community members together in honor of school spirit. Such events may include a Movie
Night, Bingo Night, Physical Fitness Event etc. The Chairperson will recruit committee members
to assist in planning and organizing such events by surveying the staff, students and family
interest. The School and Community Events Chairperson will report to the Third Vice President.
Dalmatian Nation Drive Chairperson
The Dalmatian Nation Drive Chairperson will coordinate this school-wide fundraising activity at
the beginning of the school year. The Dalmatian Nation Drive is a request for monetary
donations from parents to support PTA programs, events and gifting for that school year. The
Chairperson may appoint a co-chair if needed. The Chairperson will assist with setting budget
goals, development of the parent donation request form, development of the pay system and
advertising the Drive through-out the school community. The Dalmatian Nation Drive
Chairperson will report to the Fourth Vice President.
Free Money Chairperson
The Free Money Chairperson oversees all ASE programs in which the school receives “free
money” in return for participation. The Chairperson will work with the principal to determine
which programs will be launched. There are several program possibilities including Box Tops,
Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor program, Amazon Smiles, Shutterfly etc. The Chairperson will also
be responsible for organizing Family Dinner Spirit Nights. The Free Money Chairperson will
report to the Fourth Vice President.
Spirit Merchandise Chairperson
The Spirit Merchandise Chairperson is responsible for the design, purchasing and coordination
of sales of school logo spirit wear such as ASE t-shirts and hoodies. The Chairperson will develop
the ordering process, complete order forms, collect payment, and distribute purchased items
typically in the beginning of the school year. The Spirit Merchandise Chairperson will report to
the Fourth Vice President.
Community Partnerships Chairperson
The Community Partnerships Chairperson will secure local business partners to support the
school through monetary and in-kind donations. The Chairperson will collaborate with the
Principal to develop the sponsor packet by determining sponsorship levels. The Community
Partnerships Chairperson will report to the Fourth Vice President.
Auction Chairperson
The Auction Chairperson is responsible organizing the ASE auction to be held during the Spring
Semester of each school year to provide funds for the promotion of PTA purposes and planned
activities. The Auction Chairperson will recruit a committee to ensure compliance with local,
state and federal laws, along with school district policy and procedures, solicit for auction
items, and planning of an auction event (live, silent or online auction). The Auction Chairperson
will report to the Fourth Vice President.
Fun Run Chairperson
The Fun Run Chairperson will coordinate with ASE PE Coaches to organize the ASE Annual Anne
Sullivan Memorial Fun Run. The Chairperson will work with school staff to plan event volunteer
opportunities to ensure event success. The Fun Run Chairperson will report to the Fourth Vice
Gifting Chairperson
The focus of the Gifting Chairperson is to work with the principal to determine the needs of the
school that are not funded by the district and to present to the board suggestions for the PTA
to contribute. The Chairperson will determine the annual gifting budget and develop the
necessary Gifting Request Forms for use by school teachers and Principal. The Gifting
Chairperson will report to the Fourth Vice President.