FBISD 8th Grade PreAP English Language Arts At-a-Glance 2014 – 2015 Course Description: This course is for students who are highly motivated and interested in a rigorous ELA program. In grade 8, the PreAP students refine and master previously learned knowledge and skills in increasingly complex presentations, classical and contemporary reading selections, research, and writing in all genres. Students identify various literary forms and use different forms of writing for specific purposes. Students learn how to edit their writing based on knowledge of grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and other conventions of written language. Students organize ideas in timed and untimed writing assignments. Students collaborate with other writers to compose, publish, and analyze published examples for writers. Significant blocks of time outside the classroom are required for reading both independent and instructional-level materials for varied purposes. The differentiated curriculum prepares students for the Pre-Advanced Placement program in high school. Summer reading is required before entering 8th grade—check the district website for lists. Grading Periods Grading Period 1 Unit Name Reading Workshop: Blended Genre Focused on Fiction (Short Story, Novel) Writing Workshop: Narrative Genre*—Personal or Imaginative (include poetry) Reading Workshop: Blended Genre Focused on Drama Reading Workshop: Blended Genre Focused on Literary Nonfiction Grading Period 2 Reading Workshop: Blended Genre Focused on Expository Writing Workshop: Expository* (may be research paper) Reading Workshop: Blended Genre Focused on Persuasive/Media Literacy Grading Period 3 Writing Workshop: Persuasive* (may be research paper) Reading Workshop: Literature Circles Grading Period 4 Writing Workshop: Literary Response* Vertical Alignment Textbooks: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Literature, Grade 8 and The Write Source, Grade 8