Fourier theory How does a complicated optical pulse E r , t ) reflect off a surface? We know a lot about waves at a single w: n(w), vp(w), R(w), absorption(w)… Analyze arbitrary E r , t ) in terms of these, because Fourier told us that…. Fourier Series Example cn or c(w) f(t) 4 4 f (t ) sin 2 t ) 3 4 sin 6 t ) 5 4 sin 10 t ) 7 sin 14 t ) ... 2i 2i 2i i 6 t 2i i 6 t 2i i10 t 2i i10 t f (t ) ei 2 t e i 2 t e e e e ... 3 3 5 5 Fourier Theory Summary Fourier Series: (f periodic or defined over (0,T) f (t ) cm e 1 cm T imw0t m f (t ) c(w )e iwt m T f (t )e i mw0t dt 0 with cn c(w) c (w ) 1 and mw0 w T T f (t )e iwt dt 0 Fourier Transforms: (f nonperiodic, all time) f (t ) 1 2 f (w )e iwt d w f (w ) Optic’s choice of sign for f(t): e iwt 1 2 f (t )e iwt dt , to match e i ( kx wt ) Discrete vs continuous f(w) Fourier Transform Example cn or c(w) f(t) c(w ) 1 cos w 2 ) ) w 2 i FTs you should get to know! FTs you should get to know! Gaussian Gaussian doesn’t have “ringing” in the FT! Widths in t, w “Uncertainty principle” in QM: related to time-frequency widths in waves t w O 1) 1 or approx: t w 101 waves Uncertainty principle N functions added, equally spaced in frequency 11 waves E(t) 101 waves: w is much wider Power spectrum f w ) 2 Inverse FT: Does the same power spectrum give the same f(t)? 11 waves f (t ) 1 2 f (w )e Power spectrum of cos, sin iwt 101 waves dw Uncertainty principle t w O 1) 1 or approx: t w Why is it an inequality? 101 waves Importance of phase in f(w) f (t ) from adding closely spaced cos(wi t (wi )) Im[ f (w )] (w ) tan Re[ f (w )] 1 (w ) aw (w ) 0 11 waves 101 waves Try: Linear phase function: g (w ) eiaw g (w ) t is the same. Pulse is shifted Importance of phase f (t ) from adding closely spaced cos(wi t (wi )) (w ) 0 11 waves Try: Quadratic dependence: 2 ( w ) a w iaw 2 g (w ) e g (w ) 101 waves t is much bigger for the same w! Importance of phase Im[ f (w )] (w ) tan Re[ f (w )] 1 11 waves (w ) 0 Random dependence: (w ) rand 101 waves t is infinite (noise) t is much bigger for the same w! Summary: Importance of phase t w O 1) 1 or approx: t w Why is it an inequality? w comes entirely from |f(w)|, which has no phase information. 11 waves 101 waves 1 f(t) changes greatly with phase w). The shortest t w is had only for w) constant or linear. 1 All others will make t w Carrier frequency-envelope principle Optical pulses are often a steady (“carrier”) wave at multiplied by an envelope function f (t ) g (t ) cos(w t ) f (t ) g (t ) sin(w t ) w 11 waves f (t ) g (t )e iw t 101 waves The FT f(w) is the FT of ___ centered at ____. The width w is the width of ____ w Which pulse f(t) will have f(w) centered around the highest frequencies? a) b) c) Which f(t) will have the greatest width w in f(w) around its central frequency? a) b) c) Compare the “ringing” in the FT of rectangular pulse envelope triangular pulse envelope Gaussian pulse envelope sinc pulse envelope Fourier theory f (w ) FT [ f (t )] 1 f (t ) FT [ f (w )] 1 2 1 2 f (t )e iwt dt f (w )e iwt d w Fourier theory and delta functions (t to ) f (w ) FT [ f (t )] 2 (t to )du f (t ) FT 1[ f (w )] 1 f (t ) (t to )du FT (t ) FT (t to ) 1 2 f (t )e iwt dt f (w )e iwt d w Fourier theory and delta functions t to ) FT FT e iwo t -1 FT t t ) o