Frustrated total internal reflection Frustrated total internal reflection FTIR How does it show up in the theory? waves at a single boundary Snell’s law, R, T Frustrated TIR Analogy to reflection, transmission, tunneling in QM Frustrated total internal reflection for multi-touch displays Why do we see vivid colors in reflection and not much in transmission? Double boundary Air-Water (n=1.3)-Air film (soap film) r10 r12 1.3 1 0.13 1.3 1 T tot T max 1 F sin 2 2 T F Dd/lvac 4 R10 R12 1 10 R 12 R F = 0.60 F: one kind of “finesse” 2 Air-Water (n=1.3)-Air film (soap film) Normal incidence Can we make a device with greater contrast in transmission? T Dd/lvac Air-Diamond (n=2.4)-Air film r 10 r 2.4 1 2.4 1 T F = 0.88 Dd/lvac 1 2 Air- Kryptonite? (n=10) -Air r 10 r 1 2 10 1 10 1 T F = 18 Dd/lvac Interference ideas for why increasing r makes these peaks so sharp? Multiple reflection view of r,t r r’ t’ t Eo 1 x x x ... x 2 3 n n 0 ik z d i 2kz d tt e r r e ik z d tt e 1 1 x Simple notation assume n0 = n2 so only have r,r’, t,t’ P. Derive t, the sum of all the terms on the right of the system a) got it right b) tried r r’ t’ t Eo 1 x x x ... x 2 3 n n 0 ik z d i 2kz d tt e r r e ik z d tt e 1 1 x ttotal tt e ikd 1 i 2 kd 1 r ' r e Calculation of r r r’ t’ t Eo 1 x x x ... x 2 3 n n 0 ik z d i 2kz d tt e r r e ik z d tt e 1 1 x P. Derive r, the sum of all the reflected terms on the left of the system a) got it right b) tried