* indicate where programme is delivered at an Off-Campus partner
PSRBs and the Programmes to which they apply
Author(s): _____________________________________________
Considered at (School Board name/s and date/s):
This SASER is a reflection on the strengths of and challenges faced by a Subject and its programmes. It provides a snap shot of the health of the subject now and developments/actions since the previous SASER was written.
Please be specific about the evidence underpinning the good practice and areas for development so that an audit trail is clearly identifiable.
1. Overview:
- Programme developments since the previous SASER
- Key aims and priorities at Subject/Academic Group level.
- Key developments and challenges currently facing the Subject.
- Implications of developments, challenges and strategic aims for safeguarding academic standards and the quality of students' learning opportunities.
2. Managing Quality and Standards & Programme Monitoring and Review (UKQC B8)
- Consider how well you carry out programme monitoring and review and how you have responded to any actions identified in previous quality monitoring documentation .
- Typical Evidence: SASER 2014, Programme Plans, School Board minutes.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
3: Setting and Maintaining Academic Standards (Part A) /Programme Development
- Consider how well academic standards are being set and maintained in relation to programme/s design and approval, learning outcomes, benchmark statements, PSRB requirements and FHEQ (HE levels).
- Typical Evidence : External Examiner reports, PSRB reports, any new Benchmarks
Statements, programme development reports etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
4: Recruitment, Selection and Admission (UKQC B2)
- Consider your recruitment, selection and admission policies and procedures and how transparent, reliable, valid, inclusive and appropriate they are.
- Typical Evidence : Marketing material, admissions data, student progression and achievement data (Assessment Board statistics), School Retention Action Plan.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
5: Learning and Teaching (UKQC B3)
- Consider how you review and enhance the provision of learning opportunities and teaching practices. How well are students enabled to develop as independent learners and how well is their analytical, critical and creative thinking developed? Also consider enhancements such as employability & digital literacy and the TIRI developments.
- Typical Evidence : Programme Plans. Module Reports, Peer Review outcomes, student feedback, etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
6: Enabling Student Development and Achievement (UKQC B4)
- Consider how effectively your arrangements and resources enable students to develop their academic, personal and professional potential .
- Typical Evidence: Programme Plans. Module Reports, student feedback, resource statement, student progression and achievement data (Assessment Board statistics),
School Retention Action Plan, additional support activities, personal tutoring engagement etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
7: Student Engagement (UKQC B5)
- Consider how well you take deliberate steps to engage all students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience
- Typical Evidence: Student questionnaire feedback (include NSS/PTES and Module
Questionnaires), student attendance on committees, SSLC, other activities which involv e the student “voice”.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
8: Assessment of Students and the Recognition of Prior Learning (UKQC B6)
- Consider the reliability and fairness of assessments and the extent to which they allow students to demonstrate intended learning outcomes. Consider the quality and appropriateness of assessment feedback.
- Typical Evidence: External Examiner comments/reports, internal moderator feedback, Student questionnaire feedback (include NSS/PTES and Module
Questionnaires), Assessment Board outcomes etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
9: External Examining (UKQC B7)
- Consider the effectiveness of External Examining – in relation to appointments, roles, communication, participation and responses to EE concerns.
- Typical Evidence: External Examiner comments and reports, staff feedback, SEO feedback etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
10: Academic Appeals and Student Complaints (UKQC B9)
- Consider how effectively complaints and appeals in relation to the Subject were dealt with.
- Typical Evidence: Staff feedback, student feedback, SEO feedback etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
11: Managing Higher Education Provision with Others (B10)
- Consider how effectively you deal with collaborative arrangements including placements, internships, delivery at/with partner institutions.
- Typical Evidence: Module Reports, Placement Tutor reports, OfCD Programme
Plans, Link Tutor feedback, partner feedback, student feedback, External Examiner reports.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
12: Research Degrees (B11)
- Consider how effectively you deliver research degrees within the subject area.
- Typical Evidence: Board of Studies for Research Degrees minutes, School Standing
Panel minutes, supervisor feedback, student feedback, appeals and complaint reports, annual progress report etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
13: Quality of Information (Part C)
- Consider how accurate, fit for purpose and accessible the information you publish is.
- Typical Evidence: Programme Handbooks, Module Guides, Marketing Material,
Website etc.
Good Practice
Areas for Development
Evidence Response/Action
Required Indicate who is responsible and time frame
Once completed please forward this document to your School management and/or the Head of Off-Campus Division (if collaborative provision is involved)
SASERs should be stored on the relevant Programme Quality Portals and considered at School Boards and Division Board(s) if collaborative provision is involved.
If you have any queries please contact Lisa Cove-Burrell
– Head of Standards and Enhancement (Taught Provision).