10. Secondary instability of streamwise vortices in a 3D flow.ppt

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Secondary instability
of streamwise vortices
in a 3D flow
1. Test model
2. Basic flow
3. Isolated vortices, mean flow
4. Isolated vortices, secondary oscillations
5. Interacting vortices, mean flow and secondary oscillations
6. Relevant publications
1. Test model
Experimental model: plane view (a), elongated and circular roughness elements
used for generation of the controlled stationary vortices (b)
(see page of notes)
2. Basic flow
Mean-velocity distributions of the unperturbed boundary layer: velocity profiles
measured in the upstream part of the model at x/c = 0.3 (left) and in the downstream
sections of the wing (right); solid lines are Falkner–Skan–Cooke similarity solutions
(see page of notes)
3. Isolated vortices, mean flow (I)
Stationary boundary-layer disturbances generated by the elongated roughness
element, amplitude levels are -6% (green) and +6% (yellow) of U0;
Vortex 1 (left) and Vortex 2 (right)
(see page of notes)
3. Isolated vortices, mean flow (II)
Isosurfaces of the stationary
disturbance of streamwise
velocity U induced by Vortex 1
(bottom) and its cross section
at x/c = 0.64 (top)
4. Isolated vortices, secondary oscillations (I)
Secondary disturbances behind the elongated roughness element, amplitude levels are
± 0.5% (green and yellow) of U0: high-frequency perturbations with their maximum
amplitudes u'/U0 in the reference section x/c = 0.58 as high as 0.8 and 1.5% riding on
Vortex 1 (left) and Vortex 2 (right)
(see page of notes)
4. Isolated vortices, secondary oscillations (II)
Isosurfaces of the secondary
oscillations riding on Vortex 1
behind of the elongated
roughness element (bottom)
and their cross section
at x/c = 0.66 (top)
4. Isolated vortices, secondary oscillations (III)
Click to play
A video clip by Chernoray V.G., Dovgal A.V., Kozlov V.V., Löfdahl L. (2005)
5. Interacting vortices, mean flow and secondary oscillations
Boundary layer perturbed by the circular roughness element: stationary disturbance (left)
and secondary oscillations (right) with u'/U0 = 0.4% at x/c = 0.58, amplitude levels are
+1.2% and ± 0.1% of U0, respectively
(see page of notes)
6. Relevant publications (I)
Boiko A.V., Kozlov V.V., Sova V.A., Scherbakov V.A. (2000) Generation of streamwise structures in a boundary
layer of a swept wing and their secondary instability. Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 7, 25-35.
Carpenter A.L., Saric W.S., Reed H.L. (2009) Roughness receptivity studies in a 3-D boundary layer—flight tests and
computations. In Seventh IUTAM Symp. on Laminar–Turbulent Transition, Book of abstracts. Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm, pp. 120–121.
Chernoray V.G., Dovgal A.V., Kozlov V.V., Löfdahl L. (2005) Experiments on secondary instability of streamwise
vortices in a swept-wing boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 534, 295-325.
Chernoray V.G., Dovgal A.V., Kozlov V.V., Löfdahl L. (2010) Secondary instability of a swept-wing boundary layer
disturbed by controlled roughness elements. J. Visualization, 13(3), 251-256.
Deyhle H., Bippes H. (1996) Disturbance growth in an unstable three-dimensional boundary layer and its dependence
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Fluid Dyn., 14, 167-194.
Kawakami M., Kohama Y., Okutsu M. (1999) Stability characteristics of stationary crossflow vortices in threedimensional boundary layer. AIAA Paper 99-0811.
Koch W. (2002) On the spatio-temporal stability of primary and secondary crossflow vortices in a three-dimensional
boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 456, 85-111.
Koch W., Bertolotti F., Stolte A., Hein S. (2000) Nonlinear equilibrium solutions in a three-dimensional boundary layer
and their secondary instability. J. Fluid Mech., 406, 131-174.
6. Relevant publications (II)
Koch W., Bertolotti F., Stolte A., Hein S. (2000) Nonlinear equilibrium solutions in a three-dimensional boundary layer
and their secondary instability. J. Fluid Mech., 406, 131-174.
Kohama Y., Saric W., Hoos W. (1991) A high-frequency, secondary instability of crossflow vortices, that leads to
transition. In Proc. RAS Conf. on Boundary-Layer and Control, Cambridge, 4.1-4.13.
Kohama Y., Onodera T., Egami Y. (1996) Design and control of crossflow instability field. In Duck P, Hall P (eds)
IUTAM Symp. on Nonlinear Instability and Transition in Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers. Kluwer,
Manchester, 147-156.
Kozlov V., Sova V., Scherbakov V. (2001) Experimental investigation of the development of secondary perturbations
on a swept wing. Fluid Dyn., 36, 909-914.
Litvinenko Yu.A., Grek G.R., Kozlov V.V., Löfdahl L., Chernoray V.G. (2004) Experimental investigations of a
streaky structure varicose instability in a swept wing boundary layer. Thermophisics and Aeromechanics, 11(1),
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boundary-layer transition. J. Fluid Mech., 399, 85-115.
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Nitschke-Kowsky P., Bippes H. (1988) Instability and transition of a three-dimensional boundary layer on a swept flat
plate. Phys. Fluids, 31, 786-795.
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Saric W., Reed H., White E. (2003) Stability and transition of three-dimensional boundary layers. Annu. Rev. Fluid
Mech., 35, 413–440.
Wassermann P., Kloker M. (2002) Mechanisms and passive control of crossflow-vortex-induced transition in a threedimensional boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 456, 49-84.
White E., Saric W. (2005) Secondary instability of crossflow vortices. J. Fluid Mech., 525, 275-308.
White E., Saric W., Gladden R., Gabet P. (2001) Stages of swept-wing transition. AIAA Paper 2001-0271.