Peer Mentor Application Form _________________________ ____________________

Peer Mentor Application Form
Name: _________________________
Student Number: ____________________
Programme of Study: ______________________
Year: ________________________
1) Please state why you would like to become a peer mentor:
2) In your opinion, what qualities and skills do you have that could be used to support a
3a) Please select, from the list below, areas that you feel confident in offering support to a
mentee. (Please tick any that you feel apply).
Report Writing
Essay Writing
Presentation/Communication skills
Planning/Time Management
Exam/Revision Techniques
Orientation of the university
Helping new students to settle in
(i.e. familiarising students with the university)
English language skills;
assisting with speaking skills
assisting with written skills
(i.e. being a contact and a friendly face)
Numeracy skills
Research skills
IT skills
3b) Please state below any module/s (if applicable) that you are confident with and how
your experience may benefit your mentee:
Module name/s:
3c) Please indicate if you have any preferences regarding your mentee:
(please tick any that apply)
Similar age
Mature student
I have no preferences
4) What consideration have you given to your future career/post graduate education?
5) Supporting Reference (from a University of Bolton member of staff):
6) Further information required from prospective peer mentors:
To ensure that the Peer Mentor Co-ordinators fully support every student involved in the
peer mentoring scheme, and take students’ individual needs into account, we would be
grateful if you could confirm the following: (please tick as appropriate)
1. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
(Any disclosures, as indicated above, would be discussed in confidence and handled
according to the university’s guidelines).
2. Are you registered with the Disability Service? Yes
Peer Mentor Signature: ………………………………………………………….Date: .........................
Please return this form to your Peer Mentor Co-Ordinator, who is also the Student Liaison Officer for your
Faculty, thank you.
Candidate Interview date: ............./...../........................
Outcome: Successful Unsuccessful (please circle)
Referral date if unsuccessful: ....../...../..........................
Referred to: ..................................................................
Co-ordinator Signature: ........................……….............
For CRB: Student is 18yrs or over? Yes/No (please circle)
Student is ‘current’? Yes/No (please circle)
Student is an Alumni member? Yes/No (please circle)