Physics 430 – Reading Quiz for Lab 5 – 4... Dr. Colton, Winter 2010 Each question is worth 5 points

Physics 430 – Reading Quiz for Lab 5 – 4 Feb 2010
Dr. Colton, Winter 2010
Name: _________________________________
Each question is worth 5 points
1. Are you physically present in the lab right now? (Circle one)
2. Did you do the reading assignment for today?
(Circle one) Yes No
(Typically this means at least 20 minutes looking over the assigned laboratory.)
3. Boundary conditions where the derivative of the function is specified on the boundary are
a. Euler type
b. Gauss type
c. Lagrange type
d. Neumann type
e. Seidel type
f. Wendroff type
4. The lab manual gives this equation (derived from the wave equation) to help you find the grid
points at the next time step:
y nj 1  2 y nj  y nj 1 
c 2 2 n
y j 1  2 y nj  y nj 1
Eqn (5.7)
(h is the grid spacing, c is the wave speed, and  is the time step)
What problem does this equation have at the initial time? Just give a brief (one-sentence) answer.