Announcements 8/29/11 Prayer Close to Home: Introductions This section: Physics majors and minors only! a. For others, section 1 is in 445 MARB, right now Signup sheet to be passed around a. Willing to offer prayers in class b. Willing to have phone number and/or email on a class directory Syllabus Objectives. Five units: a. Fluids b. Thermodynamics c. Waves/sound d. Optics e. Relativity Syllabus, cont. Schedule a. Reading assignments, lecture topics b. HW/Lab/Term project due dates c. Exams Syllabus, cont. Grading a. Guaranteed levels: b. Categories Syllabus, cont. Clicker quizzes a. Two types of questions – Reading quizzes, 2 points if right, 1 point if attempted – Thought questions, 1 point if attempted b. All questions from a day = 1 quiz c. 4 free quizzes, no make-up quizzes d. Register your clicker via class website ASAP! – Quizzes start next class period Syllabus, cont. Exams, final, term project a. More details later Labs a. Assignments at back of packet b. First lab begins this Saturday c. Typically 1 week to complete labs d. Don’t count on being able to do it the last Saturday! Extra credit a. In syllabus, read about on your own Syllabus, cont. Class website a. b. → Courses → Class Web Pages → Physics 123 (Colton J) On website: a. Study aids – – – – b. c. d. e. Lecture notes Demo videos Old exams Exam solutions Obtain class ID number (“CID”) Register clicker HW submission Check grade f. g. h. i. j. Labs 3, 6 details Term project details Math review handout Mathematica handout Etc. Syllabus, cont. Where to get help on homework a. Other students b. Dr. Colton’s office hours – MWF 2-3 pm (for now), Underground Lab study area under the skylight – If you don’t know where that is, there are directions in the syllabus c. Chris Mackprang’s office hours – MW 5:30-7 pm, F 3:30-5 pm; same location as mine d. The Tutorial Lab, 3rd floor of ESC (info on class webpage) Syllabus, cont. Homework: paper-only vs computer-graded The computer-graded HW system Syllabus packet contains problems: Get your missing numbers (“data”) from class website → Put in the [xx]______ spaces before you work the problem set 1. [01] 3.43 [02] 8.20 [03] 22.2 [04] 30.2 [05] 39.8 [06] 4.0 etc. Syllabus, cont. Computer-graded HW system, cont. Answer range in packet, at end of list of problems: Indicates units, range and decimal places of answer Type into website form: 63.8 Submit all answers at once Partial credit, aka “retries” Points for each successive try: 5, 5, 3, 0 If you miss, correct answer is given to you Use new data each time No retries on multiple choice problems Syllabus, cont. Final general HW comments: a. Late HW – – 4 free late ones, chosen to give you most pts All other late HW is 50% b. All work must be turned in, even for computergraded problems – TA has 5 pts for each assignment at his discretion, for legibility/completeness/etc c. Where to turn in work – – Slot labeled “Phys 123, section 2” in boxes near room N375 ESC Don’t put name on work, just your CID d. First HW due Wednesday night! e. My HW solutions – posted in hallway by CSR office And now, for the Physics… Serway chapters 1-13, 15: Newtonian Mechanics a. Covered in Physics 121 Serway chapter 14: Fluids (static & moving) a. Starting right now! Then Thermodynamics (chapters 19-22) Then other stuff 1 Pascal = ?? 1 atm = ?? a. 1.013105 Pa b. 14.70 psi Pressure Force P Area Demos Pressure vs. force Collapsing can Magdeburg hemispheres a. von Guericke and the first vacuum pump, 1654 demo for Ferdinand III Density Units? mass density volume Density of water: a. 1000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3 “Specific gravity” Air, standard conds 0.0013 Wood (oak) 0.6 – 0.9 Liquid nitrogen 0.81 Ice 0.92 Water 1.00 Bricks 1.84 Aluminum 2.70 Steel 7.80 Silver 10.50 Lead 11.30 Gold 19.30 Platinum 21.40 Pressure vs. Depth Weight of water above area A? (depth h) Pressure at h: (include weight of air) Fluid pushes in all directions Summary “How to get started” Work hard!! (More Strange Quark comics at Dr. Durfee’s website, )