Announcements 1/30/12 Prayer Equation sheet for exam Review Reading Quiz The quantity the book calls Fs (see note below) is the: a. coefficient of Fabry-Perot b. coefficient of finesse c. coefficient of Fresnel d. coefficient of fringes e. coefficient of Fred Note: The “s” label stands for s-polarization. Since an identical equation holds true for ppolarization, I will just call this quantity F) The Fabry-Perot equation (my name for Eqn 4.15) Reading Quiz In the book’s example of frustrated total internal reflection, the books picture involves two: a. mirrors b. rectangular blocks c. triangular prisms Reading Quiz As the separation between the two triangular prisms becomes much smaller than a wavelength, the transmission T will approach: a. 0 b. ½ c. 1 Frustrated T.I.R. example