Announcements 1/13/12 Prayer 

Announcements 1/13/12
Reading Quiz
Write down the fundamental (microscopic)
Maxwell equation for   E
About that HW
Did you get
it right? P1.4…
a. Yes
b. No
HW Quiz
Write down the fundamental (microscopic)
Maxwell equation for   B
Did you get it right?
a. Yes
b. No
HW Quiz
Write down the fundamental (microscopic)
Maxwell equation for   E
Did you get it right?
a. Yes
b. No
HW Quiz
Write down the fundamental (microscopic)
Maxwell equation for   B
Did you get it right?
a. Yes
b. No
HW Quiz
Write down the equation for the two
contributions to J, as given in the book for
non-magnetic materials
Did you get it right?
a. Yes
b. No
HW Quiz
Write down the equation for the only
contribution to r, as given in the book for
materials without added (“free”) charges.
Did you get it right?
a. Yes
b. No
Reading Quiz
Euler’s formula for complex numbers is:
…and now, on to
a. eix  cos x  i sin x
b. eix  cos numbers!
x  i sin x
c. eix  sin x  i cos x
d. eix  sin x  i cos x
Reading Quiz
Which of these notations were not
mentioned in my complex number handout?
a. 3  4i
b. 3  4
c. (5, 53.13 )
d. 5ei 53.13
e. 553.13
Complex number handout
…and example: adding cosine waves
Reading Quiz
The magnetic field part of the E-M wave can
be ignored in most optics problems.
a. True
b. False
E and B waves: a few quick notes