Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Karine Chesnel Quantum mechanics Test 3 Last day Today! Homework • HW 23 Tuesday Dec 4 • HW 24 Thursday Dec 6 Quantum mechanics Periodic table Filling the shells s: “sharp” p: “principal” d: “diffuse” f: “fundamental” 2 2 6 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... Quantum mechanics Periodic table Filling the shells Quantum mechanics Periodic table Spectroscopic symbol 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... 2 S 1 LJ J LS J L S , L S 1,...., L S Quantum mechanics 2 S 1 Periodic table LJ Hund’s rules • First rule: seek the state with highest possible spin S (lowest energy) • Second rule: for given spin S, the state with highest possible angular momentum L has lowest energy • Third rule: If shell no more than half filled, the state with J=IL-SI has lowest energy If shell more than half filled, the state with J=L+S has lowest energy Quantum mechanics Periodic table 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... 2 S 1 LJ Quantum mechanics Quiz 31 What is the spectroscopic symbol for Silicon ? Si: (Ne)(3s)2(3p)2 A. 2 S1 3 P2 3 P0 4 S2 B. C. D. E. 4 D2 Quantum mechanics Periodic table Filling the shells s: “sharp” p: “principal” d: “diffuse” f: “fundamental” 2 2 6 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... Quantum mechanics Periodic table Filling the shells Quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics Periodic table Spectroscopic symbol 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... 2 S 1 LJ J LS J L S , L S 1,...., L S Quantum mechanics Periodic table 1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 4s ... 2 S 1 LJ Quantum mechanics 2 S 1 Periodic table LJ Hund’s rules • First rule: seek the state with highest possible spin S (lowest energy) • Second rule: for given spin S, the state with highest possible angular momentum L has lowest energy • Third rule: If shell no more than half filled, the state with J=L-S has lowest energy If shell more than half filled, the state with J=L+S has lowest energy Quantum mechanics Quiz 33 What is the spectroscopic symbol for Silicon ? Si: (Ne)(3s)2(3p)2 A. 2 S1 3 P2 3 P0 4 S2 B. C. D. E. 4 D2 Quantum mechanics Quiz 33 What is the spectroscopic symbol for Chlorine ? Cl: (Ne)(3s)2(3p)5 A. B. C. 2 S1 4 D2 3 P0 4 S2 D. E. 2 P3/ 2 Quantum mechanics Solids eWhat is the wave function of a valence electron in the solid? Quantum mechanics Solids e- Basic Models: • Free electron gas theory • Crystal Bloch’s theory Quantum mechanics Free electron gas lz e- e- ly lx Volume V lxl y lz Number of electrons: N .q Quantum mechanics Free electron gas e- (r , t ) H 2 2m 3D infinite square well 2 V (r ) V x, y, z 2 2m 0 2 E inside the cube outside Quantum mechanics Free electron gas 2 2m e- 2 E Separation of variables (r , t ) x ( x) y ( y ) z ( z ) 2 2m i 2 i Ei i n x x n y y n z z 8 (r , t ) sin sin sin lxl y lz l l l x y z Enx ny nz 2 nx 2 2 ny 2 2 2 2m l x ly 2 2 nz 2 k 2 lz 2m Quantum mechanics Free electron gas Enx ny nz Bravais k-space kz 2 nx 2 2 ny 2 2 2 2m l x ly 2 2 nz 2 k 2 lz 2m ky Volume of unit cell 3 lxl y lz kx 3 V Quantum mechanics Quiz 33c How many electrons can be contained in one unit cell in the Bravais k- lattice ? A. 1 B. 2 C. q D. Nq E. An infinity Quantum mechanics Free electron gas kz kF Fermi surface Bravais k-space ky Free electron density kx k F 3 2 1/3 Nq V Quantum mechanics Free electron gas kz kF Fermi surface ky 2 kx 2 kF 2 EF 3 2 2m 2m Bravais k-space Total energy contained inside the Fermi surface EF 2 5 F 2 kV Etot dE 10 m 0 2/3 Quantum mechanics Free electron gas kz kF Fermi surface ky kx Bravais k-space Solid Quantum pressure arises from Pauli exclusion principle Solid Quantum pressure 2 dV dEtot Etot 3 V 2 Etot P 3 V 3 2 2/3 5m 2 5/3 Quantum mechanics Solids e- Enx ny nz 2 nx 2 2 ny 2 2m lx 2 l y 2 2 2 nz 2 k 2 lz 2m kz kF Fermi surface ky kz Bravais k-space kx ky kx Number of unit cells N A 6.02 1023