Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Nov 26, 2012 Karine Chesnel Quantum mechanics Test 3: Tuesday Nov 27 – Fri Nov 30 Homework • HW 22 Thursday Nov 29 • HW 23 Monday Dec 3 • HW 24 Wednesday Dec 5 Quantum mechanics Two-particles systems (r1 , r2 , t ) H 2 2m1 2 1 2 2 V (r1 , r2 , t ) 2 2m2 Pb 5.1, 5.2 Time-independent potential (r1 , r2 , t ) (r1 , r2 )e iEt / Quantum mechanics Two-particles systems If we could distinguish two identical particles (r1 , r2 ) a (r1 ) b (r2 ) a b a (r1 ) b (r2 ) a b b (r1 ) a (r2 ) Quantum mechanics Two-particles systems In QM: we can not distinguish two identical particles a b (r1 , r2 ) a (r1 ) b (r2 ) b (r1 ) a (r2 ) Normalization Pb 5.4 Quantum mechanics Bosons and fermions Bosons: S = integer (r1 , r2 ) A a r1 b r2 b r1 a r2 Fermions: S = half-integer (r1 , r2 ) A a r1 b r2 b r1 a r2 Pauli exclusion principle: Two identical fermions can not occupy the same state Quantum mechanics Two-particles system Symmetrization requirement: Symmetric: Antisymmetric: (r1 , r2 ) (r2 , r1 ) (r1 , r2 ) (r2 , r1 ) Quantum mechanics Two particles system • For distinguishable particles ( x1 , x2 ) a ( x1 ) b ( x2 ) • For indistinguishable (identical) particles (r1 , r2 ) a (r1 ) b (r2 ) b (r1 ) a (r2 ) symmetrical (r1 , r2 ) a (r1 ) b (r2 ) b (r1 ) a (r2 ) antisymmetrical Example: 2 particles in infinite square well Quantum mechanics Separation distance • For distinguishable particles ( x1 , x2 ) a ( x1 ) b ( x2 ) x 2 d x1 x2 2 x2 d a x2 b 2 x x a • For indistinguishable particles (r1 , r2 ) a (r1 ) b (r2 ) b (r1 ) a (r2 ) x 2 x 2 a x 2 b 2 x a x b 2 x 2 ab b Quantum mechanics Exchange forces x 2 x 2 2 x d 2 ab Bosons are closer than if they were distinguishable x 2 x 2 2 x d 2 ab Fermions are farther apart than if they were distinguishable Quantum mechanics Exchange forces Attraction force Symmetrical state: x 2 x 2 2 x d 2 ab Covalent bound Repulsion force Antisymmetrical state x 2 x 2 2 x d 2 ab Quantum mechanics Two electrons Total state antisymmetrical tot r 1 , r 2 , Spin state: singulet antisymmetrical Spatial state symmetrical x 2 x 2 2 x d Attraction force 2 ab Covalent bound Pb 5.6 Quantum mechanics Quiz 29 If two electrons would occupy a triplet state (S=1) what can we say about their spatial wave function? A. It is antisymmetric (antibounding) B. It is symmetric (bounding) C. It could be both Quantum mechanics Homework Pb 5.1: Pb 5.2: Pb 5.6: Reduced coordinates Reduced coordinates x H 2 2M E me E me x 2 d R2 2 2 r 2 V x 2 f 2 b