2012-2013 strategic plan

Associated Students Strategic Plan
The Associated Students is the primary advocate for students at California State
University, Northridge and provides excellent and meaningful programs and
services designed to create and enhance a spirited, learning-focused campus
Priority 1 - Business, Operational Practices, and Facilities: Grounded in the
philosophy of continuous quality improvement and guided by assessment data
Student Affairs units will offer programs, services, and facilities that are
student/client centered, effective, efficient, sustainable, collaborative in nature,
and responsive to organizational and legal constraints.
Goal 1.1. Increase amount of material reduced, reused and recycled through various
Strategy 1.1.1. Become predominantly paperless through several web applications.
Strategy 1.1.2. A.S. will provide water refilling station for reusable containers at
events CS
Strategy 1.1.3. Develop and propose a test program for internal beverage container
recycling in academic/classroom buildings. CS
Methodology Put into action internal beverage container recycling in
Education building
Assessment Determine staff and equipment costs; increased amount of
material recycled; generate methods of enhancing program for use in other campus
campus buildings
Outcome Additional staff and equipment costs work out to approximately
X lbs of bottles and cans are recycled per week
Had two bins per floor, reduced to one bin per floor and added one bin on floors in
second wing without decrease in amount recycled
Methodology If Education experience so suggests, propose similar program
to PPM for Sierra Hall
Assessment Similar program is proposed
Strategy 1.1.4. Develop “green event” guidelines and procedures for special event
collections for event planners CS
Goal 1.2. Formally propose the design and construction of the A.S. Campus Recycling
and Resource Recovery Center
Strategy 1.2.1. Secure approval for design and constructions from Campus
Planning group DHC/CS
Goal 1.3. Educate more students about programs and services of A.S.
Strategy 1.3.1. Increase measurability of the impact of marketing efforts using
quantifiable market research methods at all AS events. KP
Strategy 1.3.2. Create updated, accessible electronic means of communicating A.S.
services, program and events to all students
Strategy 1.3.3. Increase in-person interaction between A.S. and all students LMV
Strategy 1.3.4. Offer video summaries of Senate meetings KM
Strategy 1.3.5. Post in-depth profiles of Senators on websites, Matador Reporter and
MIND screens. LMV/KM
Strategy 1.3.6. Explore enhancement of MIND screens and report to Senate and
include the following: additional locations and orientations, touchability, departmentspecific locale of and sound for MIND screens, and restructure of visual look of
MIND screens
Strategy 1.3.7. Submit open forum questions and announcements online
Strategy 1.3.8. Work with Campus Advancement to put AS on University campus
Strategy 1.3.9. Advertise staff-, faculty- and community-related AS meetings,
programs and services on KCSN
Strategy 13.10. Post user/friendly version of the agenda LMV/KM
Strategy 1.3.11. Create event calendar one year in advance LMV
Priority 2 - Enrollment Management, Retention, and Advocacy: Affirming our
belief that each student admitted to Cal State Northridge has the potential and the
full opportunity to succeed and guided by assessment data Student Affairs units
will offer programs, services, and facilities that build a relationship between the
student and the university, enhance student capacity for academic and personal
achievement, and assert student needs and expectations to others who
contribute to student persistence to graduation.
Goal 2.1. Maintain high quality, convenient and affordable early childhood education for
children of CSUN student parents, with strong academic/career-oriented student
Strategy 2.1.1 - Maintain high state program reviews and accreditation status. SA
Goal 2.2. A.S. will promote, facilitate and foster growth in CSUN Matador Pride.
Strategy 2.2.1. Refine Matador Camp design and develop financial support model
for its pilot. TS/TM/DHC
Strategy 2.2.2. Create and build on existing spirit efforts. LMV
Goal 2.3. Improve the health, safety, wellness and recreational life of the CSUN
community through Sport Clubs program.
Strategy 2.3.1. Support the expansion of the number of competitive sport clubs
served by A.S. TM/JP/HW
Strategy 2.3.2. Develop an athletic training program to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the sport clubs participants. TM/BB
Strategy 2.3.4. Participate meaningfully in design, construction and operation of
SRC Field HW
Strategy 2.3.5. Establish five-year plan for Sport Clubs program. DHC
Methodology Convene Strategic Planning Task Force
Assessment Task Force is convened
Methodology Write five-year plan document
Assessment Five-year plan document is written by March 1
Methodology Submit to Internal Affairs Committee
Assessment Plan is submitted to Internal Affairs by March 15
Goal 2.4. Improve the health, safety, wellness and recreational life of the CSUN
community through Outdoor Adventures
Strategy 2.4.1. Expand the number of outdoor adventure participants and trips
served by A.S. through market research. KP/TS
Strategy 2.4.2. Establish five-year plan for Outdoor Adventures program.
Goal 2.5. Increase the representativeness of the student government.
Strategy 2.5.1. Senators maintain contact with their constituents.
Club/org meetings; college or other councils, large lecture halls LMV
Strategy 2.5.2. Increase voter turnout to 15 - 20% LMV
Strategy 2.5.3. Encourage clubs to have an AS representative LMV
Strategy 2.5.4. Senators meet monthly with deans or other academic officers LMV
Strategy 2.5.6. Put up a comments/suggestion box (physical or virtual) LMV
Strategy 2.5.7. Learn of and address needs and interest of deaf/hard of hearing
students LMV
Goal 2.6. Increase the governmental advocacy of the student government
Strategy 2.6.1 Create an annual We the People or politically-focused event.LMV
Strategy 2.6.2 Encourage Lobby Corps to attend local and state legislators’ offices
and local governing boards. LMV
Strategy 2.6.3 Coordinate student participation in the CSSA March for Higher
Education. LMV
Strategy 2.6.4 Seek and encourage students to apply for the Student Trustee
position on the California State University Board of Trustees LMV
Strategy 2.6.5 Educating students on the effects of the passage CA Proposition 30.
Strategy 2.6.6 Facilitate student engagement in local, state, and federal elections via
voter registration year-round. LMV
Strategy 2.6.7 Inform students of legislation affecting higher education via
resolutions drafted and approved by the board. LMV
Goal 2.7. Advocate for and support initiatives designed to enhance the quality of
students’ academic experience.
Strategy 2.7.1. Legislative referrals to research and report on Library hours to
accommodate commuter students LMV
Strategy 2.7.2. Legislative referrals to research and report on extending writing
assignments into more courses LMV
Strategy 2.7.3. Legislative referrals to research and report to create articulation
agreements among the community colleges, CSU and the University of California to
smooth transfer experience among the institutions LMV
Strategy 2.7.4. Legislative referrals to research and report on postponing last day to
add classes to three days after last day to drop. LMV
Strategy 2.7.5. Legislative referrals to research and report to advocate for music
practice rooms for students in VPAC LMV
Goal 2.8. Advocate for and support initiatives designed to make students’ experience
more affordable and sustainable.
Strategy 2.8.1. Submit Legislative referral for increased power sources on campus
for recharging laptops and telephones. LMV
Strategy 2.8.2. Submit legislative referral to explore use of CSUN-only text books;
re-use of same editions of textbooks by faculty; publication of intent to re-use
textbooks and online book purchase options. LMV
Strategy 2.8.3. Promote incentives for utilizing pedestrian, bicycle, ride-sharing and
mass transit options.
Strategy 2.8.4. Support implementation of Smart Parking program DHC
Strategy 2.8.5. Support expansion of bicycle repair and secure campus storage
Goal 2.9. Expand VPAC Great Hall access to CSUN students
Strategy 2.9.1. Promote VPAC performances that are of interest to the majority of
CSUN students. DHC
Strategy 2.9.2. Host a student-produced event in Valley Performing Arts Center LMV
Goal 2.10. Provide more programs and services for commuter students
Strategy 2.10.1. Conduct market research specifically discriminating among residential
and commuter student needs and interests. LMV/KM
Goal 2.11. Provide and advocate for more internship experiences for students on
Strategy 2.11.1 Publicize all AS internship-type experiences on AS website DL/KM
Priority 3 - Maximizing Financial Resources: Student Affairs units will strive to
supplement their general fund budgets through participation in division-based
fundraising activity, solicitation of program sponsorships, implementation of fee
for service options, grants and contracts, foundations, and other means as may
become available.
Goal 3.1. Stabilize and increase diversified external funding for appropriate programs.
Strategy 3.1.1. Stabilize and increase diversified external funding for Children’s Center.
Strategy 3.1.2. Stabilize and increase diversified external funding for Matador Camp.
Strategy 3.1.3. Stabilize and increase diversified external funding for Recycling and
Resource Recovery Center DMC/CS/DHC
Goal 3.2. Continue to uphold highest standards for custodial responsibility of student
Strategy 3.2.1. Conduct PeopleSoft upgrade Fit Gap process DH/LL
Strategy 3.2.2. Update and expand the accounting operations manual to include
front desk manual. DH/LL
Strategy 3.2.3. Seek proposals, review and select a new bank relationship for A.S.
Strategy 3.2.4. Complete the Chancellor's Internal Compliance audit over the
summer, and implement corrections to observations made through this process. DH
Strategy 3.2.5. Improve asset tracking systems. DH/RR
Goal 3.3. Make access to, allocation of and use of the A.S. fee more equitable,
accountable and economical.
Strategy 3.3.1. Make all AS budget request forms able to be submitted on-line.
Strategy 3.3.2. Teach our funding process to requestors with contemporary media.
Strategy 3.3.3. Establish A.S. Accounting workshops and media-based training for
students to learn how to manage their agency/ budget accounts DH/SL
Strategy 3.3.4. Establish procedure for council annual budget requests and
allocations DHC/DH/SL
Strategy 3.3.5. Report to student and administrative constituents how student fees
support their interests. DH/KM/SL
Priority 4 - Staff Development and Well-being: Student Affairs is committed to
creating a work environment based upon clear and reasonable expectations, in
which performance evaluation is constructive and developmental, that provides
opportunity for continuing development of skills and abilities, that recognizes
and expresses appreciation for the contributions of individuals and groups, and
encourages and facilitates physical, emotional, interpersonal, career, and
spiritual well-being.
Goal 4.1. Enhance staff effectiveness and satisfaction through media, programming,
training, team building, leadership development, and other topics of interest.
Strategy 4.1.1. Complete a student employee handbook DL
Strategy 4.1.2. Establish a modified version of supervisor manual for student
supervisors. DL/CS/KP/TM/SA
Strategy 4.1.3. Develop and implement the outdoor adventures leadership training
program for graduate assistants.TM/TS
Goal 4.2. Increase and expand A.S. collaboration with other campus departments.
Strategy 4.2.1. Review all areas where there are commonalities of processes
between A.S. and other departments on campus (USU, SD&IP, TUC, Institute for
Sustainability, RTM). DHC/KP/CS/LMV/DH
Strategy 4.2.2. Establish calendar of student leadership development opportunities
among Student Life departments. LMV
Goal 4.3. Increase communication and interaction between A.S staff employees and
student leadership.
Strategy 4.3.1. Increase staff attendance at A.S. meetings and events DHC/DL
Strategy 4.3.2. Inform staff and student leadership of one another’s actions
strategically DHC/SL
Strategy 4.3.3. Host student-staff interactive meet-and-greets each semester LMV
Goal 4.4. Enhance human resource responsiveness and accountability.
Strategy 4.4.1. Affirm best practices related to proper use of overtime in recreation
sports DL/TM
Strategy 4.4.2. Research and implement E-Verify for Associated Students DH
Strategy 4.4.3. Designate a computer where Senators and Cabinet members whose
contribution to the workplace are tracked via “office hours” can clock-in online LMV
Strategy 4.4.4. Develop approach for accommodating student leadership who may
approach or become ineligible to hold office. LMV
Goal 4.5. Ensure a safe and secure human resource environment for staff and student
Strategy 4.5.1. Establish Injury and Workplace-related Illness prevention Program DMC
Priority 5 – Student Learning and Development: Student Affairs departments will
establish learning outcomes for their programs and services. These
outcomes will, when appropriate, complement the outcomes established
for General Education and contribute to student achievement of the
University outcomes desired for CSUN graduates. Assessment of learning
outcomes will occur and the results used to guide program and service
planning and budget decisions.
Common Learning Theme 5.2 – Achieving Capacity for Mutually Supportive
o Common Learning Outcome 5.2.2 – The student will use effective
interpersonal communication skills.
 STRATEGY Focus assessment efforts on interpersonal
communication skills for 2012-13 and include cross-department
o Outcome : Initial collection was held in Sept. 2012
and included all AS departments:
 Recycling
 Accounting and Financial Services
 Central Office
 AS Children’s Center
 Marketing
 Ticket Office
 Student Government
 STRATEGY Redesign assessment tool to focus on
interpersonal communication skills including: Understanding one’s
own communication strengths and challenges, Understanding
others communication strengths and challenges, Developing the
skills to effectively communicate while part of a group or team, and
Development and/or strengthening of negotiation, compromise, and
conflict resolution skills
o Outcome : Assessment tool was redesigned in
August. First collection was Sept 2012; second
collection will take place in Dec. 2012.
STRATEGY Create calendar of skill-focused trainings for
Fall 2012 semester and offer those workshops to students:
o Outcome : The following calendar and series of
classes was held for student leaders and employees
during the Fall 2012 semester:
 Sept. 28: Basic Communication Skills
 October 5: Colors Workshop – Basic
 October 12: Improving Interpersonal Skills
 October 26: Working with Groups and Teams
 November 9: Leadership Skills and
 November 30: Negotiating and conflict
STRAGEGY Collect data at the end of the Fall 2012
STRATEGY Design Interventions/challenges and
assessments for Spring 2013 based on data from Fall collections.
Priority 6 - Technology Advancement: Student Affairs will utilize technology to
improve access to information, facilitate access to business processes from any
where at any time, create opportunities for program and service delivery, and to
engage students in learning opportunities.
Goal 6.1. Maintain and enhance infrastructure specifically to enhance delivery of
programs and services to internal and external clients.
Strategy 6.1.1. Upgrade Children’s Center computer hardware and software to
current day needs and specifications and within available workspaceSA/KP/SD
Goal 6.2. Provide increased and enhanced web-based services to student clients and
Strategy 6.2.1. Utilize/implement web-based applications for all A.S. information and
services for ease of accessibility and participation.
Goal 6.3. Provide for safe, efficient and secure technology environment.
Strategy 6.3.1. Ensure compliance with business continuity and disaster recovery
standards KP/SD
Goal 6.4. Establish collaborative partnerships among auxiliaries and with the campus to
ensure cost-effective use of resources and the ability to respond in short-handed and
emergency situations.
Strategy 6.4.1 – Partner with the USU to share server resources
supporting the technology needs of both organizations and reducing
equipment costs and data-center footprint. KP/SD
Strategy 6.4.2 – Work with Campus IT to explore alternatives for
emergency data recovery and backup. KP/SD
Strategy 6.4.3 – Cross train AS and USU technology staff to assist each
other with system maintenance and desktop support. KP/SD
Strategy 6.4.4 – Continue to partner with campus and auxiliaries in the
expansion of the MIND screen program, saving costs for all entities by
utilizing the single server managed by AS. KP